All Classes and Interfaces

The base class for credential builders that allow specifying a client ID and tenant ID for an Azure Active Directory.
Options to specify while abandoning message.
To configure cosmos with client, cosmos factory and template
Abstract Event Listener.
Abstract class for cosmos query.
Base class for generating sql query
Abstract class for reactive cosmos query.
AccessControlChangeCounters contains counts of operations that change Access Control Lists recursively.
Represents an entry that failed to update Access Control List.
AccessControlChangeResult contains result of operations that change Access Control Lists recursively.
AccessControlChanges contains batch and cumulative counts of operations that change Access Control Lists recursively.
A builder for creating a new instance of the AccessControlClient type.
Defines values for AccessControlType.
Defines values for AccessRights.
Defines values for AccessTier.
Defines values for AccessTier.
Represents an immutable access token with a token string and an expiration time.
Defines values for AccountKind.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by an Account SAS.
Please use the generateSas method on the desired service client after initializing AccountSasSignatureValues.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the resources accessible by an AccountSAS.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the services accessible by an AccountSAS.
Used to initialize parameters for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Storage account.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewAccountClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewAccountClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the AccountsClient type.
Schema of common properties of all chat events.
Schema of common properties of all thread-level chat events.
The AcsChatMemberAddedToThreadWithUserEventData model.
The AcsChatMemberRemovedFromThreadWithUserEventData model.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageDeletedInThread event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEdited event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageEditedInThread event.
Schema of common properties of all chat message events.
Schema of common properties of all thread-level chat message events.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceivedInThread event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantAdded event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantAddedToThreadWithUser event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadParticipantRemoved event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatParticipantRemovedFromThreadWithUser event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadCreatedWithUser event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadDeleted event.
Schema of common properties of all chat thread events.
Schema of common properties of all chat thread events.
The AcsChatThreadMemberProperties model.
Schema of the chat thread participant.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadPropertiesUpdatedPerUser event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatThreadWithUserDeleted event.
Schema for all properties of Recording Chunk Information.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.RecordingFileStatusUpdated event.
Schema for all properties of Recording Storage Information.
Schema for details of a delivery attempt.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.SMSDeliveryReportReceived event.
Schema of common properties of all SMS events.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.SMSReceived event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Communication.UserDisconnected event.
A pipeline activity.
Activity dependency information.
Execution policy for an activity.
Information about an activity run in a pipeline.
A list activity runs.
Result of the add chat participants operation.
Response body structure for starting data flow debug session.
The pipeline policy that adds a "Date" header in RFC 1123 format when sending an HTTP request.
The pipeline policy that override or add HttpHeaders in HttpRequest by reading values from Context with key 'azure-http-headers-key'.
The pipeline policy that adds a particular set of headers to HTTP requests.
Specify the column name and value of additional columns.
An instance of this class provides additional information about a ManagementError.
The add participant result.
The add participant result event.
The address model.
Address field value.
Represents an administrator in CertificateIssuer
Spring Application Event that fires for all reads after a document is loaded and before it is serialized to a domain object Ported to cosmos from spring-data-mongo
Implementing classes are automatically added as policies after the retry policy.
Defines values for AggregationType.
Defines values for AlertQueryTimeMode.
Defines values for AlignMode.
The AlignPolicy model.
Amazon Marketplace Web Service linked service.
Amazon Marketplace Web Service dataset.
A copy activity Amazon Marketplace Web Service source.
AmazonRdsForOracle database.
Defines values for AmazonRdsForOraclePartitionOption.
The settings that will be leveraged for AmazonRdsForOracle source partitioning.
A copy activity AmazonRdsForOracle source.
The AmazonRdsForOracle database dataset.
Amazon RDS for SQL Server linked service.
A copy activity Amazon RDS for SQL Server source.
The Amazon RDS for SQL Server dataset.
Linked service for Amazon Redshift.
A copy activity source for Amazon Redshift Source.
The Amazon Redshift table dataset.
A single Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) object or a set of S3 objects.
Linked service for Amazon S3.
The location of amazon S3 dataset.
Azure data lake store read settings.
This represents amqp address information.
The representation of message as defined by AMQP protocol.
General configuration options for AMQP clients.
Represents a TCP connection between the client and a service that uses the AMQP protocol.
Represents a state for a connection, session, or link.
Contains constants common to the AMQP protocol and constants shared by Azure services.
Provides context for an AmqpException that occurs in an AmqpConnection, AmqpSession, or AmqpLink.
General exception for AMQP related failures.
Represents a unidirectional AMQP link.
An AMQP endpoint that allows users to perform management and metadata operations on it.
This class encapsulates the body of a message.
Represents all valid AmqpMessageBodyType for an AMQP Message.
Reserved well-known constants from AMQP protocol.
The representation of message header as defined by AMQP protocol.
This represents Message id.
The representation of message properties as defined by AMQP protocol.
Error response codes returned from AMQP.
The type of approach to apply when calculating the delay between retry attempts.
A set of options that can be specified to influence how retry attempts are made.
An abstract representation of a policy to govern retrying of messaging operations.
An AMQP session representing bidirectional communication that supports multiple AMQP links.
Represents a signal that caused the AMQP connection to shutdown.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for configuration of AMQP-specific settings.
Represents transaction in message broker.
Provides an API to manage AMQP transaction on the message broker.
All TransportType switches available for AMQP protocol.
An implementation of ContinuablePagedFluxCore that uses default PagedResponse.
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
An object describing the location and semantic content of a document.
Options that may be passed when using analyze document API on Document Analysis client.
Information about a token returned by an analyzer.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an healthcare analysis action in a set of documents.
An implementation of ContinuablePagedFluxCore that uses default PagedResponse.
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
Document analysis result.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an sentiment analysis action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of AnalyzeSentimentResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Specifies some text and analysis components used to break that text into tokens.
The AnomalyAlert model.
Defines anomaly alerting configuration.
Configuration to detect anomalies in metric time series.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous AnomalyDetectorClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous AnomalyDetectorClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the AnomalyDetectorClient type.
Defines values for AnomalyDetectorDirection.
Error information returned by the API.
Defines values for AnomalyDetectorErrorCodes.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with AnomalyDetectorError information.
Describes an incident detected in a time series or a time series group.
Defines values for AnomalyIncidentStatus.
The AnomalyInterpretation model.
Defines values for AnomalySeverity.
The AnomalyState model.
Defines values for AnomalyStatus.
The AnomalyValue model.
Defines values for AnomalyValue.
An answer is a text passage extracted from the contents of the most relevant documents that matched the query.
Apache Avro based implementation of the AvroSerializer interface.
Fluent builder class that configures and instantiates instances of ApacheAvroSerializer.
Implementation of AvroSerializerProvider.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiReleaseCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiReleaseDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiReleaseUpdated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ApiUpdated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.ProductUpdated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.SubscriptionUpdated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ApiManagement.UserUpdated event.
Defines values for AppAction.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.AppConfiguration.KeyValueModified event.
A sample to demonstrate setting and getting a config from Azure Application Configuration operations using GraalVM.
Extended options that may be passed when appending a block from a source URL.
Client to an append blob.
Client to an append blob.
Extended options that may be passed when creating an Append Blob.
This class contains the properties about an append blob.
This class contains values that restrict the successful completion of AppendBlock operations to certain conditions.
Extended options that may be passed when sealing an Append Blob.
Append value for a Variable of type Array.
Detail of action on the app.
Linked service for AppFigures.
Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationDataBaseClient type.
Defines values for AppServicePlanAction.
Detail of action on the app service plan.
Defines values for ArchiveStatus.
Defines values for ArchiveStatus.
The pipeline policy that applies a token credential to an HTTP request with "Bearer" scheme in ARM challenge based authentication scenarios.
Defines values for ArtifactArchitecture.
Defines values for ArtifactManifestOrder.
The artifact's platform, consisting of operating system and architecture.
Manifest attributes details.
Defines values for ArtifactOperatingSystem.
Request body structure for rename artifact.
A builder for creating a new instance of the ArtifactsClient type.
Defines values for ArtifactTagOrder.
Tag attributes.
Linked service for Asana.
Converts alphabetic, numeric, and symbolic Unicode characters which are not in the first 127 ASCII characters (the "Basic Latin" Unicode block) into their ASCII equivalents, if such equivalents exist.
Holds properties of a conversion.
Options for a conversion.
The status of a conversion.
Enables a pipeline topology to record media to an Azure Media Services asset for subsequent playback.
Interface for close operations that are asynchronous.
A key which is used to asynchronously encrypt, or wrap, another key.
An object capable of asynchronously retrieving key encryption keys from a provided key identifier.
AsyncPollResponse represents an event emitted by the PollerFlux that asynchronously polls a long-running operation (LRO).
Defines values for AsyncStatus.
Initializes a new instance of the AttachmentsBaseClient type.
The AttestationAdministrationAsyncClient provides access to the administrative policy APIs implemented by the Attestation Service.
The AttestationAdministrationClient provides access to the administrative policy APIs implemented by the Attestation Service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help add in the configuration and instantiation of the administrative APIs implemented by the Attestation Service: AttestationAdministrationClient and AttestationAdministrationAsyncClient classes calling the AttestationClientBuilder.buildClient() or AttestationClientBuilder.buildAsyncClient().
The AttestationAsyncClient implements the functionality required by the "Attest" family of APIs.
The AttestationClient implements the functionality required by the "Attest" family of APIs.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help add in the configuration and instantiation of the AttestationClient and AttestationAsyncClient classes calling the AttestationClientBuilder.buildClient() or AttestationClientBuilder.buildAsyncClient().
The AttestationData class represents data sent to the Attestation service as either InitTimeData or RunTimeData.
Defines values for AttestationDataInterpretation.
Represents the OpenId metadata discovery document for the attestation service instance.
The result of an attestation operation.
An AttestationResult contains the defined claims included in a Microsoft Azure Attestation Token.
Service version of AttestationClient.
An AttestationSigner object represents an entity which might sign a certificate from the attestation service.
An AttestationSignerCollection represents a collection of AttestationSigner objects.
Signing Key used to sign requests to the attestation service.
An AttestationToken represents an RFC 7515 JSON Web Signature or RFC 7519 JSON Web Token as returned from the attestation service.
Set the options used to validate an attestation token.
Defines values for AttestationType.
Represents the account information relating to an authentication request
The exception thrown to indicate that interactive authentication is required.
This class handles Basic and Digest authorization challenges, complying to RFC 2617 and RFC 7616.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with an Oauth 2.0 authorization code grant for an AAD application.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a AuthorizationCodeCredential.
Represents an authorization rule to access Service Bus entities.
The result of Autocomplete requests.
Defines values for AutocompleteMode.
Parameter group.
Implementation of PagedFluxBase where the element type is AutocompleteItem and the page type is AutocompletePagedResponse.
Implementation of PagedIterableBase where the element type is AutocompleteItem and the page type is AutocompletePagedResponse.
This class represents a response from the autocomplete API.
The result of Autocomplete query.
Spark pool auto-pausing properties Auto-pausing properties of a Big Data pool powered by Apache Spark.
Spark pool auto-scaling properties Auto-scaling properties of a Big Data pool powered by Apache Spark.
Defines values for AvroCompressionCodec.
Avro dataset.
The data stored in Avro format.
Generic interface covering basic Avro serialization and deserialization methods.
An interface to be implemented by any azure-core plugin that wishes to provide an Avro AvroSerializer implementation.
Service Provider Interface (SPI) proxy for AvroSerializerProvider.
A copy activity Avro sink.
A copy activity Avro source.
Avro write settings.
The AzureAppInsightsDataFeedSource model.
Defines fields exposing the well known authority hosts for the Azure Public Cloud and sovereign clouds.
Provides support for basic file attributes.
Provides support for basic file attributes.
Azure Batch linked service.
The AzureBlobDataFeedSource model.
The Azure Blob storage.
Provides support for attributes associated with a file stored as a blob in Azure Storage.
A file attribute view that provides a view of attributes specific to files stored as blobs in Azure Storage.
The Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage.
Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 linked service.
The location of azure blobFS dataset.
Azure blobFS read settings.
A copy activity Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 sink.
A copy activity Azure BlobFS source.
Azure blobFS write settings.
The azure blob storage linked service.
The location of azure blob dataset.
Azure blob read settings.
Azure blob write settings.
A credential provider that provides token credentials based on Azure CLI command.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a AzureCliCredential.
The AzureCosmosDbDataFeedSource model.
Azure Databricks Delta Lake dataset.
Azure Databricks Delta Lake export command settings.
Azure Databricks Delta Lake import command settings.
Azure Databricks Delta Lake linked service.
A copy activity Azure Databricks Delta Lake sink.
A copy activity Azure Databricks Delta Lake source.
Azure Databricks linked service.
Azure Data Explorer command activity.
The AzureDataExplorerDataFeedSource model.
Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) linked service.
A copy activity Azure Data Explorer sink.
A copy activity Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) source.
The Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) dataset.
Azure Data Lake Analytics linked service.
The AzureDataLakeStorageGen2DataFeedSource model.
Azure Data Lake Store dataset.
Azure Data Lake Store linked service.
The location of azure data lake store dataset.
Azure data lake store read settings.
A copy activity Azure Data Lake Store sink.
A copy activity Azure Data Lake source.
Azure data lake store write settings.
A type for iterating over the contents of a directory.
Entity Resource The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager resource with an etag.
An instance of this class describes an environment in Azure.
The enum representing available endpoints in an environment.
The AzureEventHubsDataFeedSource model.
The base Azure exception.
Azure File Storage linked service.
The location of file server dataset.
Azure File Storage read settings.
Azure File Storage write settings.
An AzureFileStore is a FileStore backed by an Azure Blob Storage container.
Implement's Java's FileSystem interface for Azure Blob Storage.
The AzureFileSystemProvider is Azure Storage's implementation of the nio interface on top of Azure Blob Storage.
Azure Function activity.
Defines values for AzureFunctionActivityMethod.
Azure Function linked service.
Represents a credential that uses a key to authenticate to an Azure Service.
Pipeline policy that uses an AzureKeyCredential to set the authorization key for a request.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting AzureKeyCredential.
Azure Key Vault linked service.
Azure Key Vault secret reference.
The AzureLogAnalyticsDataFeedSource model.
The AML skill allows you to extend AI enrichment with a custom Azure Machine Learning (AML) model.
Azure Database for MariaDB linked service.
A copy activity Azure MariaDB source.
Azure Database for MariaDB dataset.
Azure ML Batch Execution activity.
Azure ML Execute Pipeline activity.
Azure ML Studio Web Service linked service.
Azure ML Service linked service.
Azure ML Update Resource management activity.
Azure ML WebService Input/Output file.
This class provides a fluent builder API to instantiate AzureMonitorTraceExporter that implements SpanExporter interface defined by OpenTelemetry API specification.
The versions of Azure Monitor service supported by this client library.
A HttpPipeline policy that retries when a HTTP Redirect is received as response.
This class is an implementation of OpenTelemetry SpanExporter that allows different tracing services to export recorded data for sampled spans in their own format.
Azure MySQL database linked service.
A copy activity Azure MySql sink.
A copy activity Azure MySQL source.
The Azure MySQL database dataset.
Represents a credential bag containing the key and the name of the key.
Represents a credential with a key name and the key and uses the key to authenticate to an Azure Service.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting AzureNamedKeyCredential.
An object that may be used to locate a file in a file system.
Azure PostgreSQL linked service.
A copy activity Azure PostgreSQL sink.
A copy activity Azure PostgreSQL source.
Azure PostgreSQL dataset.
A credential provider that provides token credentials based on Azure PowerShell command.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a AzurePowerShellCredential.
Azure profile for client.
A copy activity Azure Queue sink.
Represents a credential that uses a shared access signature to authenticate to an Azure Service.
Pipeline policy that uses an AzureSasCredential to set the shared access signature for a request.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting AzureSasCredential.
The Azure Search Index.
A copy activity Azure Search Index sink.
Defines values for AzureSearchIndexWriteBehaviorType.
Linked service for Windows Azure Search Service.
A byte channel that maintains a current position.
Microsoft Azure SQL Database linked service.
Azure SQL Data Warehouse linked service.
The Azure SQL Data Warehouse dataset.
Azure SQL Managed Instance linked service.
The Azure SQL Managed Instance dataset.
A copy activity Azure SQL sink.
A copy activity Azure SQL source.
The Azure SQL Server database dataset.
The storage account linked service.
The AzureTableDataFeedSource model.
The Azure Table storage dataset.
A copy activity Azure Table sink.
A copy activity Azure Table source.
The azure table storage linked service.
JUnit 5 extension class which reports on testing running and simple metrics about the test such as run time.
Encodes and decodes using Base64 URL encoding.
Utility type exposing Base64 encoding and decoding methods.
Please use the generateSas method on the desired client after initializing the appropriate SasSignatureValues object.
Basic Auth credentials for use with a REST Service Client.
Simple value object to capture information of CosmosPersistentPropertys.
Special CosmosPersistentProperty that takes annotations at a property into account.
An optional, helper class for deserializing a digital twin.
Properties on a component that adhere to a specific model.
An optional, helper class for deserializing a digital twin.
Although relationships have a user-defined schema, these properties should exist on every instance.
A builder for creating a new instance of the BatchDocumentTranslationClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the BatchDocumentTranslationClient type.
The pipeline policy that applies a token credential to an HTTP request with "Bearer" scheme.
Implementing classes are automatically added as policies before the retry policy.
Options for a session to be created.
Indicates functionality that is in preview and as such is subject to change in non-backwards compatible ways in future releases, including removal, regardless of any compatibility expectations set by the containing library version.
Azure library version numbers
Big data pool reference type.
Big data pool reference.
Defines values for BigDataPoolReferenceType.
Big Data pool A Big Data pool.
Collection of Big Data pools Collection of Big Data pool information.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Defines values for BillingFrequency.
BinaryData is a convenient data interchange class for use throughout the Azure SDK for Java.
Binary dataset.
Binary read settings.
A copy activity Binary sink.
A copy activity Binary source.
An Access policy.
Extended options that may be passed when acquiring a lease to a blob or container.
Azure Analytics Logging settings.
This class provides a client that contains generic blob operations for Azure Storage Blobs.
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to any blob type.
This class allows for batching of multiple Azure Storage operations in a single request via BlobBatchClient.submitBatch(BlobBatch) or BlobBatchAsyncClient.submitBatch(BlobBatch).
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to Azure Storage Blob batching.
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to Azure Storage Blob batching.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of BlobBatchClients and BlobBatchAsyncClients when buildClient and buildAsyncClient as called respectively.
Extended options that may be passed when batch setting tier for blobs.
This exception class is an aggregate for BlobStorageExceptions.
Extended options that may be passed when beginning a copy operation.
This class contains values which will restrict the successful operation of a variety of blob requests to the conditions present on the source blob.
Extended options that may be passed when breaking a lease to a blob or container.
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to Azure Storage Blob changefeed.
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to Azure Storage Blob changefeed.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of BlobChangefeedClients and BlobChangefeedAsyncClients when buildClient and buildAsyncClient are called respectively.
This class contains properties of a BlobChangefeedEvent.
This class contains properties of a BlobChangefeedEventData.
This class represents the different BlobChangefeedEventTypes.
Implementation of ContinuablePagedFlux for Changefeed where the continuation token type is String, the element type is BlobChangefeedEvent, and the page type is BlobChangefeedPagedResponse.
Implementation of ContinuablePagedIterable for Changefeed where the continuation token type is String, the element type is BlobChangefeedEvent, and the page type is BlobChangefeedPagedResponse.
Represents a page returned in BlobChangefeed.
Extended options that may be passed when changing a lease to a blob or container.
Implementation of CheckpointStore that uses Storage Blobs for persisting partition ownership and checkpoint information.
This class provides a client that contains generic blob operations for Azure Storage Blobs.
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to any blob type.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of BlobClients and BlobAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
This class contains values which correlate to the access polices set on a specific container.
Client to a container.
Client to a container.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of BlobContainerClients and BlobContainerAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
Extended options that may be passed when creating a Blob Container.
Parameter group.
An Azure Storage container.
Properties of a container.
This type allows users to specify additional information the service should return with each container when listing containers in an account (via a BlobServiceClient object).
This class contains the response information returned from the service when getting container properties.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a container.
Extended options that may be passed when copying a blob.
The status of a long running Azure Blob copy operation.
Defines values for BlobCopySourceTags.
CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain.
This is a decryption policy in an HttpPipeline to decrypt data in an EncryptedBlobAsyncClient or EncryptedBlobClient download request.
Blob details.
This class contains the response information returned from the server when downloading a blob.
This class contains the response information returned from the server when downloading a blob.
This class contains the response information return from the server when downloading a blob.
Defines headers for Download operation.
This class contains the response information return from the server when downloading a blob.
Extended options that may be passed when downloading a blob to a file.
Defines values for BlobErrorCode.
Trigger that runs every time a Blob event occurs.
Defines values for BlobEventType.
Extended options that may be passed when getting tags for a blob.
Parameter group.
Optional parameters for setting the immutability policy of a blob, blob snapshot or blob version.
Defines values for BlobImmutabilityPolicyMode.
Defines values for BlobIndexerDataToExtract.
Defines values for BlobIndexerImageAction.
Defines values for BlobIndexerParsingMode.
Defines values for BlobIndexerPdfTextRotationAlgorithm.
Provides an input stream to read a given blob resource.
Extended options that may be passed when opening a blob input stream.
An Azure Storage blob.
Properties of a blob.
This class provides a client that contains all the leasing operations for containers and blobs.
This class provides a client that contains all the leasing operations for containers and blobs.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of Storage Lease clients.
This class contains values which will restrict the successful operation of a variety of lease requests to the conditions present.
The blob legal hold result.
This type allows users to specify additional information the service should return with each blob when listing blobs in a container (via a BlobContainerClient object).
a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for blobs.
BlobOutputStream allows for the uploading of data to a blob using a stream-like approach.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a Block Blob in parallel.
The BlobPrefix model.
This class contains the response information returned from the service when getting blob properties.
Defines an arrow field for a blob quick query request.
Defines values for BlobQueryArrowFieldType.
Defines the output arrow serialization for a blob quick query request.
This class contains the response information returned from the server when querying a blob.
Defines the input or output delimited (CSV) serialization for a blob quick query request.
Defines a blob query error that can be returned on parsing a blob query request.
Defines headers for Query operation.
Defines the input or output JSON serialization for a blob quick query request.
Optional parameters for Blob Query.
Defines the input parquet serialization for a blob quick query request.
Defines a blob query error that can be returned on parsing a blob query request.
This class contains the response information return from the server when querying a blob.
Defines the input and output serialization for a blob quick query request.
This is a representation of a range of bytes on a blob, typically used during a download operation.
Extended options that may be passed when releasing a lease to a blob or container.
Extended options that may be passed when renewing a lease to a blob or container.
This class contains values which will restrict the successful operation of a variety of requests to the conditions present.
the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a blob.
The version is set to the latest version of sas.
Client to a storage account.
Client to a storage account.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of BlobServiceClients and BlobServiceAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
Storage Service Properties.
Please use the generateSas method on the desired blob/container client after initializing BlobServiceSasSignatureValues.
Used to initialize parameters for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Blob Storage service.
Stats for the storage service.
The versions of Azure Storage Blob supported by this client library.
Extended options that may be passed when setting tier for a blob.
Extended options that may be passed when setting tags for a blob.
signed identifier.
A copy activity Azure Blob sink.
A copy activity Azure Blob source.
A BlobStorageException is thrown whenever Azure Storage successfully returns an error code that is not 200-level.
Trigger that runs every time the selected Blob container changes.
Defines values for BlobType.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a blob from a file.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a Block Blob from URL.
This class represents the components that make up an Azure Storage Container/Blob URL.
Represents a single block in a block blob.
Client to a block blob.
Client to a block blob.
Extended options that may be passed when committing a block list.
This class contains the properties about a block blob.
Extended options that may be passed when listing blocks for a block blob.
Extended options that may be passed when opening an output stream to a Block Blob.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a Block Blob in a single request.
Extended options that may be passed when staging a block from a source URL.
Extended options that may be passed when staging a block.
The BlockList model.
Defines values for BlockListType.
The BlockLookupList model.
Ranking function based on the Okapi BM25 similarity algorithm.
Annotation to annotate a parameter to send to a REST endpoint as HTTP Request content.
Initializes a new instance of the BoundariesBaseClient type.
Describes the direction of boundary used in anomaly boundary conditions.
The measure type that detector should use for measuring data-points when detecting anomalies using MetricBoundaryCondition.
Bounding polygon on a specific page of the input.
Options that may be passed using build model APIs on Document Administration client.
Synchronous Client that supports call connection operations.
Asynchronous client that supports call connection operations.
Defines values for CallConnectionState.
The call connection state changed event.
Asynchronous client that supports calling server operations.
Synchronous client that supports calling server operations.
Client builder that creates CallingServerAsyncClient and CallingServerClient.
The Calling Server error.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with CallingServerError information.
Base type for all calling events.
Defines values for CallingServerEventType.
Versions of CallingServer service supported by this client library.
The participant in a call.
The result payload of get call recording state operation.
Defines values for CallRecordingState.
The call recording state change event.
The response payload of the cancel all media operations.
Captions are the most representative passages from the document relatively to the search query.
Linked service for Cassandra data source.
A copy activity source for a Cassandra database.
Defines values for CassandraSourceReadConsistencyLevels.
The Cassandra database dataset.
An enumeration of supported authorization methods with the ClaimsBasedSecurityNode.
Defines values for CellOutputType.
The CertificateAsyncClient provides asynchronous methods to manage certifcates in the Azure Key Vault.
The CertificateClient provides synchronous methods to manage certifcates in the Azure Key Vault.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the certificate async client and certificate sync client, by calling buildAsyncClient and buildClient respectively It constructs an instance of the desired client.
The contact information for the vault certificates.
Defines values for CertificateContentType.
Represents certificate Issuer with all of its properties.
Defines values for CertificateKeyCurveName.
Defines values for CertificateKeyType.
Defines values for CertificateKeyUsage.
Defines values for CertificateModification.
A certificate operation is returned in case of long running service requests.
Represents the error in CertificateOperation.
The Certificate Management policy for the certificate.
Defines action values for type of LifetimeAction in CertificatePolicy.
Represents base properties of a certificate.
The versions of Azure Key Vault Certificate supported by this client library.
Base class for certificate sources.
A polling strategy that chains multiple polling strategies, finds the first strategy that can poll the current long-running operation, and polls with that strategy.
A token credential provider that can provide a credential from a list of providers.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ChainedTokenCredential.
Trigger that allows the referenced pipeline to depend on other pipeline runs based on runDimension Name/Value pairs.
Helper class to build a ChangeFeedProcessor instance for encryption feed container.
Represents the change feed policy configuration for the container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Simple host for distributing change feed events across observers, simplifying the process of reading the change feeds and distributing the processing events across multiple consumers effectively.
Helper class to build a ChangeFeedProcessor instance.
Specifies the options associated with ChangeFeedProcessor.
Specifies the ChangeFeedProcessor state for a particular lease/worker.
The request of change point detection.
The response of change point detection.
Defines values for ChangePointValue.
Type that describes change-threshold parameters.
Base type for character filters.
Defines values for CharFilterName.
Async Client that supports chat operations.
Sync Client that supports chat operations.
Builder for creating clients of Azure Communication Service Chat
The Chat Services error.
Exception thrown on chat specific errors
The ChatMessage model.
Content of a chat message.
The ChatMessageReadReceipt model.
Defines values for ChatMessageType.
The ChatParticipant model.
The versions of Chat Service supported by this client library.
Async Client that supports chat thread operations.
Sync Client that supports chat thread operations.
Builder for creating clients of Azure Communication Service Chat Threads
Summary information of a chat thread.
The ChatThread model.
Check access response details.
A model class to hold checkpoint data.
An interface that defines the operations for storing and retrieving partition ownership information and checkpoint details for each partition.
Check access request details.
Check access response details.
The child model.
Forms bigrams of CJK terms that are generated from the standard tokenizer.
Defines values for CjkBigramTokenFilterScripts.
Claims-based security (CBS) node that authorizes connections with AMQP services.
Legacy similarity algorithm which uses the Lucene TFIDFSimilarity implementation of TF-IDF.
Grammar-based tokenizer that is suitable for processing most European-language documents.
The document classification result which contains the classified category and the confidence score on it.
The ClassificationCategoryCollection includes a list of ClassificationCategory classifications and the TextAnalyticsWarning warnings if exist.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
The ClearRange model.
The ClearRange model.
Authenticates a service principal with AAD using a client assertion.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ClientAssertionCredential.
The exception thrown when failed to authenticate the client request with status code of 4XX, typically 401 unauthorized.
This class contains utility methods useful for client builders.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a client certificate for an AAD application.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ClientCertificateCredential.
Path that needs encryption and the associated settings within ClientEncryptionPolicy.
Client encryption policy.
This is a fluent logger helper class that wraps a pluggable Logger.
General configuration options for clients.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a client secret for an AAD application.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ClientSecretCredential.
This class contains information about a partition for which this EventProcessorClient stopped processing.
Contains close handles information from the storage File service.
Enumeration of all possible reasons a PartitionProcessor may be closed.
The object that defines the structure of an Azure Synapse error response.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with CloudError information.
Represents the CloudEvent conforming to the 1.0 schema defined by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
Representation of the data format for a CloudEvent.
Base type for describing any cognitive service resource attached to a skillset.
A cognitive service resource provisioned with a key that is attached to a skillset.
A processor that allows the pipeline topology to send video frames to a Cognitive Services Vision extension.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the CollectionClient type.
Swagger collection format to use for joining List parameters in paths, queries, and headers.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewAccountClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewAccountClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the CollectionsClient type.
The Common Data Service for Apps entity dataset.
Common Data Service for Apps linked service.
A copy activity Common Data Service for Apps sink.
A copy activity Common Data Service for Apps source.
Construct bigrams for frequently occurring terms while indexing.
Represents the components that make up an Azure Storage SAS' query parameters.
The cloud that the identifier belongs to.
Defines values for CommunicationCloudEnvironmentModel.
An instance of a STUN/TURN server with credentials to be used for ICE negotiation.
Common communication identifier for Communication Services
Identifies a participant in Azure Communication services.
Asynchronous client interface for Azure Communication Services Identity operations
Synchronous client interface for Azure Communication Service Identity operations
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of CommunicationIdentityClients and CommunicationIdentityAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
The versions of Communication Identity Service supported by this client library.
Asynchronous client interface for Azure Communication Network Traversal operations
Synchronous client interface for Communication Service NetworkTraversal operations
CommunicationRelayClientBuilder that creates CommunicationRelayAsyncClient and CommunicationRelayClient.
A relay configuration containing the STUN/TURN URLs and credentials.
The versions of Communication Relay Service supported by this client library.
Provide user credential for Communication service user
Options for refreshing CommunicationTokenCredential
Defines values for CommunicationTokenScope.
Communication identifier for Communication Services Users
The CommunicationUserIdentifierWithAccessTokenResult model.
A user that got created with an Azure Communication Services resource.
Options to specify while completing message.
The configurable options to pass when creating a composed model.
Annotation for specifying a composite index on CosmosIndexPolicy
Annotation for specifying a composite index path
Represents a composite path of the IndexingPolicy in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Represents the sorting order for a path in a composite index, for a container in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Defines values for CompressionCodec.
Compression read settings.
Concur Service linked service.
Concur Service dataset.
A copy activity Concur Service source.
A skill that enables scenarios that require a Boolean operation to determine the data to assign to an output.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ConfidentialLedgerClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ConfidentialLedgerCertificateClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ConfidentialLedgerCertificateClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the ConfidentialLedgerCertificateClient type.
Service version of ConfidentialLedgerCertificateClient.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ConfidentialLedgerClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the ConfidentialLedgerClient type.
Service version of ConfidentialLedgerClient.
Contains configuration information that is used during construction of client libraries.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for ConfigurationSettings in Azure App Configuration Store.
Builds Configuration with external source.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for ConfigurationSettings in Azure App Configuration Store.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of ConfigurationClients and ConfigurationAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
General exception for illegal configuration of cosmosdb
Represents configuration property.
Builds configuration property.
The versions of Azure App Configuration supported by this client library.
ConfigurationSetting is a resource identified by unique combination of key and label.
Configuration property source which provides configuration values from a specific place.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting Configuration.
The enum Conflict resolution mode.
Represents the conflict resolution policy configuration for specifying how to resolve conflicts in case writes from different regions result in conflicts on items in the container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Represents the connection mode to be used by the client in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting connection strings.
Represents the consistency levels supported for Azure Cosmos DB client operations in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Defines values to indicate what strategy the SDK should use when reading from a blob to ensure the view of the data is consistent and not changed during the read.
Defines values to indicate what strategy the SDK should use when reading from a blob to ensure the view of the data is consistent and not changed during the read.
Constants class of CosmosDB properties
Annotation for Cosmos Container
Specifies the kind of resource that has a Cosmos container as parent resource.
The content of the event request message.
The target of the event.
This class provides a client that exposes operations to managing container images and artifacts.
Defines values for ContainerRegistryAudience.
This class provides a client that exposes operations to push and pull images into container registry.
This class provides a client that exposes operations to push and pull images into container registry.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of ContainerRegistryBlobClients and ContainerRegistryBlobAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ChartPushed event.
This class provides a client that exposes operations to managing container images and artifacts.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of ContainerRegistryClients and ContainerRegistryAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
The agent that initiated the event.
The connected registry information if the event is generated by a connected registry.
The content of the event request message.
The request that generated the event.
The registry node that generated the event.
The target of the event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImageDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerRegistry.ImagePushed event.
The versions of Azure Container Registry supported by this client library.
This class provides a helper type that contains all the operations for repositories in Azure Container Registry.
This class provides helper methods for operations on a given repository in Azure Container Registry.
Properties of this repository.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ContainerService.NewKubernetesVersionAvailable event.
The different values that commonly used for Content-Type header.
Context offers a means of passing arbitrary data (key-value pairs) to pipeline policies.
A utility type that can be used to add and retrieve instances commonly used in Context.
Represents a page returned, this page may contain a reference to additional pages known as a continuation token.
This class is a Flux implementation that provides the ability to operate on pages of type ContinuablePage and individual items in such pages.
The default implementation of ContinuablePagedFlux.
This class provides utility to iterate over ContinuablePage using Stream Iterable interfaces.
Base class for all control activities like IfCondition, ForEach , Until.
The pipeline policy that which stores cookies based on the response "Set-Cookie" header and adds cookies to requests.
SMB Properties to copy from the source file.
This type allows users to specify optional smb properties to be copied from the source file.
Copy activity.
Settings for copy activity log.
Authorization to copy a model to the specified target resource and modelId.
Options that may be passed when copying models into the target Form Recognizer resource.
Defines values for CopyBehaviorType.
A copy activity sink.
A copy activity source.
Defines values for CopyStatusType.
Defines values for CopyStatusType.
Defines values for CopyStatusType.
A copy activity translator.
This class contains utility methods useful for building client libraries.
The CorrelationChanges model.
Represents the correlation rule filter expression.
Defines options to control Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for an index.
Public class extending DataAccessException, exposes innerException.
Provides a client-side logical representation of the Azure Cosmos DB service.
The type Cosmos async clientEncryptionKey.
Read and delete conflicts
Provides methods for reading, deleting, and replacing existing Containers.
Perform read and delete databases, update database throughput, and perform operations on child resources
Has methods to operate on a per-User Permission to access a specific resource
The type Cosmos async scripts.
The type Cosmos async stored procedure.
The type Cosmos async trigger.
The type Cosmos async user.
The type Cosmos async user defined function.
This interface is for client side implementation, which can be used for initializing CosmosAsyncClient without passing master key, resource token and permission feed.

Each time the SDK create request for CosmosDB, authorization token is generated based on that request at client side which enables creation of one CosmosAsyncClient per application shared across various users with different resource permissions.
Represents a batch of operations against items with the same PartitionKey in a container that will be performed in a Cosmos manner at the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for an operation within a CosmosBatch.
Represents a result for a specific operation that was part of a CosmosBatch request.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for an operation within a CosmosBatch.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for a CosmosBatch.
Response of a CosmosBatch request.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for operations used in Bulk execution.
Encapsulates internal state used to dynamically determine max micro batch size for bulk operations.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for an operation used in Bulk execution.
Request, response and the exception(if any) for a CosmosItemOperation request when processed using Bulk by calling CosmosAsyncContainer.executeBulkOperations(Flux, CosmosBulkExecutionOptions).
Utility for creating bulk operations which can be executed by calling CosmosAsyncContainer.executeBulkOperations(Flux, CosmosBulkExecutionOptions) .
Encapsulates options that can be specified for an patch operation used in Bulk execution.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for an operation within a change feed request.
Provides a client-side logical representation of the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Helper class to build CosmosAsyncClient CosmosAsyncClient and CosmosClient CosmosClient instances as logical representation of the Azure Cosmos database service.
The type Cosmos clientEncryptionKey.
Details of an encryption key for use with the Azure Cosmos DB service.
The type Cosmos client encryption key response.
Config properties of CosmosDB
Builder class for cosmos config
A support class for cosmos configuration to scan beans and get initial entities
The type Cosmos conflict properties.
The type Cosmos conflict request options.
The type Cosmos conflict response.
Provides synchronous methods for reading, deleting, and replacing existing Containers Provides methods for interacting with child resources (Items, Scripts, Conflicts)
Represents a container in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for a request issued to Cosmos container.
The type Cosmos container response.
Perform read and delete databases, update database throughput, and perform operations on child resources in a synchronous way
Represents a CosmosAsyncDatabase in the Azure Cosmos database service.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for a request issued to cosmos database.
The type Cosmos database response.
Microsoft Azure Cosmos Database (CosmosDB) linked service.
The CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database dataset.
Linked service for CosmosDB (MongoDB API) data source.
A copy activity sink for a CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database.
A copy activity source for a CosmosDB (MongoDB API) database.
Microsoft Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection dataset.
A copy activity Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection sink.
A copy activity Azure CosmosDB (SQL API) Collection source.
This class represents response diagnostic statistics associated with a request to Azure Cosmos DB
Algorithms for use with client-side encryption support in Azure Cosmos DB.
Provides a client-side logical representation of the Azure Cosmos DB service.
CosmosAsyncContainer with encryption capabilities.
CosmosEncryptionAsyncDatabase with encryption capabilities.
Provides a client-side logical representation of the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Helper class to build CosmosEncryptionAsyncClient and CosmosEncryptionClient instances as logical representation of the Azure Cosmos database service.
CosmosContainer with encryption capabilities.
CosmosEncryptionDatabase with encryption capabilities.
Algorithms for use with client-side encryption support in Azure Cosmos DB.
Class to describe cosmosDb entity
Metadata class to describe cosmos entity includes domain type and container information
This class defines a custom exception type for all operations on CosmosClient in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
To handle and throw a cosmos db exception when access the database
Factory class for CosmosDb to create client
Annotation for cosmos indexing policy
Encapsulates the PartitionKey/id tuple that uniquely identifies a CosmosItem
Encapsulates Cosmos Item Operation
Depicts type of Cosmos Item Operation
Encapsulates options that can be specified for a request issued to cosmos Item.
The type Cosmos item response.
Class to build mapping metadata and thus create instances of BasicCosmosPersistentEntity and CosmosPersistentProperty.
Base Class that all cosmos related spring application events extend Ported to cosmos from spring-data-mongo
Interface for cosmosDB operations
Cosmos implementation of ContinuablePagedFlux.
Cosmos implementation of ContinuablePagedIterable.
CosmosPageImpl implementation.
CosmosPageRequest representing page request during pagination query, field FeedResponse.getContinuationToken() response continuation token} is saved to help query next page.
A single cosmos parameter of a query method.
Interface to access method parameters.
ParametersParameterAccessor implementation and store all special parameters in a List.
Method parameters that have to be bound to query parameters or applied to the query independently.
Encapsulates options for CosmosPatchOperations
Grammar is a super set of this RFC: Contains a list of Patch operations to be applied on an item.
The type Cosmos permission properties.
Contains the request options of CosmosAsyncPermission
The type Cosmos permission response.
Represents a cosmos persistent entity.
Interface for cosmos persistent property
Class for cosmos query
TODO: String based query, based on how cosmosDB provides.
Interface to execute cosmos query operations
Container operation implementation to execute a container name query
count operation implementation to execute a count query
delete operation implementation to execute a delete query
exist operation implementation to execute a exists query
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for multiple items
paginationQuery operation implementation to execute a paginationQuery query
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for a single item
sliceQuery operation implementation to execute a sliceQuery query
Inherit QueryMethod class to generate a method that is designated to execute a finder query.
Specifies the options associated with query methods (enumeration operations) in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Inherit RepositoryBeanDefinitionRegistrarSupport class to enable repository and get extension
Extension of PagingAndSortingRepository to provide additional methods to retrieve entities using the pagination and sorting abstraction.
Configuration extension class based on RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport provide options to set repository support.
Factory class for cosmos repository contains application context and operations information
CosmosRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,ID>,S,ID extends Serializable>
Adapter for Springs FactoryBean interface to allow easy setup of cosmos repository factories via Spring configuration.
The cosmos response
A sample to demonstrate creating containers, databases and items in Cosmos DB using GraalVM.
The type Cosmos sync scripts.
CosmosSliceImpl implementation.
The type Cosmos sync stored procedure.
Represents a stored procedure in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Encapsulates options that can be specified for a request issued to cosmos stored procedure.
The type Cosmos stored procedure response.
Template class for cosmos db
The type Cosmos sync trigger.
The type Cosmos trigger properties.
The type Cosmos trigger response.
Represents a unique key on that enforces uniqueness constraint on items in the container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Represents the unique key policy configuration for specifying uniqueness constraints on items in the container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
The type Cosmos sync user.
The type Cosmos sync user defined function.
The type Cosmos user defined function properties.
The type Cosmos user defined function response.
The Cosmos user properties.
The type Cosmos user response.
Util class to fill and process response diagnostics
Couchbase server linked service.
A copy activity Couchbase server source.
Couchbase server dataset.
Generate count query
Parameter group.
The set of options that can be specified when creating an EventDataBatch.
The options for creating a call.
The CreateChatThreadOptions model.
The CreateChatThreadResult model.
Request body structure for creating data flow debug session.
Response body structure for creating data flow debug session.
Represents the configurable options to create an EC key.
Represents the configurable options to create a key.
The set of options that can be specified when creating an batch of messages.
Defines values for CreateMode.
Represents the configurable options to create a symmetric key.
This model represents a property bag containing all options for creating or updating a data source connection.
This model represents a property bag containing all options for creating or updating an indexer.
This model represents a property bag containing all options for creating or updating a skillset.
Represents the set of options that can be specified for the creation of a queue.
Represents the configurable options to create an RSA key.
A set of options for creating a rule.
Response body with a run identifier.
Options to set when creating a subscription.
Represents the set of options that can be specified for the creation of a topic.
The base class for all the credential builders.
Base class for credential objects.
The exception thrown when a TokenCredential did not attempt to authenticate and retrieve AccessToken, as its prerequisite information or state was not available.
Class of criteria
Enum of criteria type
Initializes a new instance of the CropsBaseClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the CropVarietiesBaseClient type.
The CryptographyAsyncClient provides asynchronous methods to perform cryptographic operations using asymmetric and symmetric keys.
The CryptographyClient provides synchronous methods to perform cryptographic operations using asymmetric and symmetric keys.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the CryptographyAsyncClient and CryptographyClient, by calling CryptographyClientBuilder.buildAsyncClient() and CryptographyClientBuilder.buildClient() respectively It constructs an instance of the desired client.
The versions of Azure Key Vault Cryptography supported by this client library.
Currency field value.
Custom activity type.
Reference objects for custom activity.
Allows you to take control over the process of converting text into indexable/searchable tokens.
The custom dataset.
Custom linked service.
An object that contains information about the matches that were found, and related metadata.
A complex object that can be used to specify alternative spellings or synonyms to the root entity name.
A skill looks for text from a custom, user-defined list of words and phrases.
Defines values for CustomEntityLookupSkillLanguage.
Details of the customer managed key associated with the workspace.
Contains the customer provided key information used to encrypt a blob's content on the server.
Contains the customer provided key information used to encrypt a file's content on the server.
Trigger that runs every time a custom event is received.
Allows you to configure normalization for filterable, sortable, and facetable fields, which by default operate with strict matching.
The base definition of the custom setup.
General exception for illegal creation of cosmos db
Throughput config for database creation
DatabricksNotebook activity.
DatabricksSparkJar activity.
DatabricksSparkPython activity.
Base type for data change detection policies.
Base type for data deletion detection policies.
The Data feed metadata model.
Defines values for DataFeedAccessMode.
Defines values for DataFeedAutoRollUpMethod.
Type describing a dimension of a DataFeed.
The DataFeedGranularity model.
The DataFeedGranularityType model
The DataFeedIngestionProgress model.
The data feed ingestion settings model.
The DataFeedIngestionStatus model.
Type describing a metric of a DataFeed.
The DataFeedMissingDataPointFillSettings model.
Defines values for DataFeedMissingDataPointFillType.
The DataFeedOptions model.
The rollup settings for the data feed.
Defines values for DataFeedRollupType.
The DataFeedSchema model.
The DataFeedSource represents the base type for different types of data sources that service can ingest data and perform anomaly detection.
Defines values for all supported data sources types.
Defines values for DataFeedStatus.
Azure Synapse nested object which contains a flow with data movements and transformations.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Defines values for DataFlowComputeType.
Structure of command payload.
Request body structure for data flow expression preview.
Response body structure of data flow result for data preview, statistics or expression preview.
Defines values for DataFlowDebugCommandType.
Request body structure for starting data flow debug session.
Data flow debug settings.
Request body structure for data flow preview data.
Response body structure of data flow query for data preview, statistics or expression preview.
Data flow debug resource.
Response body structure of data flow result for data preview, statistics or expression preview.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Data flow debug session info.
The DataFlowDebugSessionsCreateDataFlowDebugSessionHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the createDataFlowDebugSession operation.
The DataFlowDebugSessionsExecuteCommandHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the executeCommand operation.
Request body structure for data flow statistics.
The folder that this data flow is in.
A list of data flow resources.
Data flow reference type.
Defines values for DataFlowReferenceType.
Data flow resource type.
Transformation for data flow sink.
Transformation for data flow source.
Definition of data flow source setting for debug.
Staging info for execute data flow activity.
An Access policy.
An exception thrown when an operation is interrupted and can be continued later on.
Azure Analytics Logging settings.
Data Lake Analytics U-SQL activity.
CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain.
This class provides a client that contains directory operations for Azure Storage Data Lake.
This class provides a client that contains directory operations for Azure Storage Data Lake.
This class provides a client that contains file operations for Azure Storage Data Lake.
This class provides a client that contains file operations for Azure Storage Data Lake.
Extended options that may be passed when opening a blob input stream.
Result of opening an InputStream to a datalake file.
Client to a file system.
Client to a file system.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of FileSystemClients and FileSystemAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
This class provides a client that contains all the leasing operations for file systems, files and directories.
This class provides a client that contains all the leasing operations for file systems and files and directories.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of Storage Lease clients.
a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for datalake.
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to any path object.
This class provides a client that contains all operations that apply to any path object.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of FileClients, FileAsyncClients, DirectoryClients and DirectoryAsyncClients, call buildFileClient, buildFileAsyncClient, buildDirectoryClient and buildDirectoryAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
Extended options that may be passed when creating a datalake resource.
Extended options that may be passed when deleting a datalake resource.
Extended access options that may be passed to set when scheduling deletion for a path.
This class contains values which will restrict the successful operation of a variety of requests to the conditions present.
the retention policy which determines how long the associated data should persist.
Client to a storage account.
Client to a storage account.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of DataLakeServiceClients and DataLakeServiceAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
Storage Service Properties.
Used to initialize parameters for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Data Lake Storage service.
The versions of Azure Storage Data Lake supported by this client library.
signed identifier.
The properties that enable an account to host a static website.
Details of the data lake storage account associated with the workspace.
A DataLakeStorageException is thrown whenever Azure Storage successfully returns an error code that is not 200-level.
Describes an anomaly detected in a metric series.
The Azure Data Factory nested object which identifies data within different data stores, such as tables, files, folders, and documents.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The compression method used on a dataset.
Defines values for DatasetCompressionLevel.
Columns that define the structure of the dataset.
Dataset debug resource.
The folder that this Dataset is in.
A list of dataset resources.
Dataset location.
Dataset reference type.
Defines values for DatasetReferenceType.
Dataset resource type.
Columns that define the physical type schema of the dataset.
The format definition of a storage.
Defines values for DataSourceAuthenticationType.
The base credential type for different types of authentication that service uses to access the data sources DataFeedSource.
The shared key credential entity for DataLakeGen2.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
The service principal credential entity for data source..
The service principal stored in a key vault representing the credential entity for a data source.
The connection credential entity for SQLServer.
Linked service for Dataworld.
Wrapper over java.time.OffsetDateTime used for specifying RFC1123 format during serialization and deserialization.
Defines values for DayOfWeek.
Defines values for Db2AuthenticationType.
Linked service for DB2 data source.
A copy activity source for Db2 databases.
The Db2 table dataset.
Options to specify while putting message in dead-letter queue.
Error raised during response deserialization.
A class containing various configuration parameters that can be applied when performing decryption operations.
Represents the details of decrypt operation result.
Dedicated Gateway Request Options
Creates a credential using environment variables or the shared token cache.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a DefaultAzureCredential.
An empty object that represents the default cognitive service resource for a skillset.
Default JsonReader implementation.
Default JsonWriter implementation.
The default polling strategy to use with Azure data plane services.
A default implementation of RedirectStrategy that uses the provided maximum retry attempts, header name to look up redirect url value for, http methods and a known set of redirect status response codes (301, 302, 307, 308) to determine if request should be redirected.
Options to specify while deferring message.
The DelayProvider to help thread sleep.
HTTP DELETE method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource deletion.
Delete activity.
Request body structure for deleting data flow debug session.
Deleted Certificate is the resource consisting of name, recovery id, deleted date, scheduled purge date and its attributes inherited from KeyVaultCertificate.
Deleted Key is the resource consisting of name, recovery id, deleted date, scheduled purge date and its attributes inherited from KeyVaultKey.
Deleted Secret is the resource consisting of name, recovery id, deleted date, scheduled purge date and its attributes inherited from KeyVaultSecret.
Defines values for DeleteSnapshotsOptionType.
Delimited text dataset.
Delimited text read settings.
A copy activity DelimitedText sink.
A copy activity DelimitedText source.
Delimited text write settings.
Outcomes accepted by the AMQP protocol layer.
States for a message delivery.
Defines values for DependencyCondition.
Referenced dependency.
The DetectAnomalyHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the detectAnomaly operation.
The DetectedLanguage model.
The logical operator to apply across anomaly detection conditions.
Detection request.
Response of the given resultId.
The DetectionResultSummary model.
Defines values for DetectionStatus.
A collection model that contains a list of DetectLanguageResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
The request of entire or last anomaly detection.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a device code for an AAD application.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a DeviceCodeCredential.
Response returned from the STS device code endpoint containing information necessary for device code flow.
Information about the device connection state event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a device connection state event (DeviceConnected, DeviceDisconnected).
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a device life cycle event (DeviceCreated, DeviceDeleted).
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous DeviceUpdateClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous DeviceUpdateClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the DeviceManagementClient type.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a device telemetry event (DeviceTelemetry).
Information about the device twin, which is the cloud representation of application device metadata.
Properties JSON element.
The thumbprint is a unique value for the x509 certificate, commonly used to find a particular certificate in a certificate store.
Metadata information for the properties JSON document.
A portion of the properties that can be written only by the application back-end, and read by the device.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous DeviceUpdateClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous DeviceUpdateClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the DeviceUpdateClient type.
Service version of DeviceUpdate.
The DiagnosticsInfo model.
Decomposes compound words found in many Germanic languages.
Contains metadata about changes on properties on a digital twin or component.
This class provides a client for interacting asynchronously with an Azure Digital Twins instance.
This class provides a client for interacting synchronously with an Azure Digital Twins instance.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of DigitalTwinsClients and DigitalTwinsAsyncClients, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
The EventRoute model.
String constants for use in JSON de/serialization for digital twins, digital twin relationships, and digital twin components.
The DigitalTwinsModelData representing the model and its corresponding metadata.
A helper class to represent the HTTP response returned by the service.
A helper class to represent the HTTP response headers returned by the service.
The service API versions of Azure Digital Twins that are supported by this client.
Describes a Data Feed Metric dimension name-value pairs.
Defines values for DimensionScope.
Represents the connection config with ConnectionMode.DIRECT associated with Cosmos Client in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
The discovered properties of the ONVIF device that are returned during the discovery.
A list of ONVIF devices that were discovered in the same subnet as the IoT Edge device.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the DiscoveryClient type.
Defines a function that boosts scores based on distance from a geographic location.
Provides parameter values to a distance scoring function.
Distcp settings.
The DocTypeInfo model.
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains the operations that apply to Azure Form Recognizer.
Defines values for DocumentAnalysisAudience.
This class provides a synchronous client that contains the operations that apply to Azure Form Recognizer.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help instantiation of DocumentAnalysisClients and DocumentAnalysisAsyncClients, call DocumentAnalysisClientBuilder.buildClient() buildClient} and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
The versions of Azure Form Recognizer supported by this client library.
An object representing the location and content of a table caption.
Microsoft Azure Document Database Collection dataset.
A copy activity Document Database Collection sink.
A copy activity Document Database Collection source.
An object representing various categories of entities.
A skill that extracts content from a file within the enrichment pipeline.
An object representing the content and location of a field value.
Description of the field semantic schema using a JSON Schema style syntax.
Defines values for DocumentFieldType.
An object representing the location and content of a table footnote.
An object representing the field key or value in a key-value pair.
An object representing a form field with distinct field label (key) and field value (may be empty).
An object representing the detected language for a given text span.
A content line object consisting of an adjacent sequence of content elements, such as words and selection marks.
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains model management operations that apply to Azure Form Recognizer.
This class provides a synchronous client that contains model management the operations that apply to Azure Form Recognizer.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help instantiation of FormRecognizerAdminClient and DocumentTrainingAsyncClient, call DocumentModelAdministrationClientBuilder.buildClient() buildClient} and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
Defines values for DocumentModelBuildMode.
Information about the document model.
The Error information related to the document model creation or analysis operation.
Exception for failures related to errors encountered during document analysis, or creation operation.
Detailed error.
Model summary for the built and prebuilt models.
The DocumentOperationResult model.
Content and layout elements extracted from a page from the input.
Defines values for DocumentPageKind.
A paragraph object consisting with contiguous lines generally with common alignment and spacing.
A selection mark object representing check boxes, radio buttons, and other elements indicating a selection.
The DocumentSentiment model that contains sentiment label of a document, confidence score of the sentiment label, and a list of SentenceSentiment.
Defines values for DocumentSignatureType.
Contiguous region of the concatenated content property, specified as an offset and length.
An object representing observed text styles.
A table object consisting table cells arranged in a rectangular layout.
An object representing the location and content of a table cell.
Defines values for DocumentTableCellKind.
A word object consisting of a contiguous sequence of characters.
A histogram instrument that records long values.
The object returned by the downloadBlob operation containing the blob contents and its digest.
Options for configuring the download manifest operation.
The result from downloading an OCI manifest from the registry.
This class contains the configuration options used to download from the blob service using smart retries, starting from a checkpoint, rather than starting over from the beginning.
This class contains the configuration options used to download from the blob service using smart retries, starting from a checkpoint, rather than starting over from the beginning.
This class contains the configuration options used to download from the file share service using smart retries, starting from a checkpoint, rather than starting over from the beginning.
Drill server linked service.
A copy activity Drill server source.
Drill server dataset.
DtmiConventions implements the core aspects of the IoT model repo conventions which includes DTMI validation and calculating a URI path from a DTMI.
Default value.
DW Copy Command settings.
Dynamic Executor Allocation Properties.
This class facilitates constructing and sending a HTTP request.
A response received from sending a DynamicRequest.
Defines values for DynamicsAuthenticationType.
Dynamics AX linked service.
The path of the Dynamics AX OData entity.
A copy activity Dynamics AX source.
The Dynamics CRM entity dataset.
Dynamics CRM linked service.
A copy activity Dynamics CRM sink.
A copy activity Dynamics CRM source.
Defines values for DynamicsDeploymentType.
The Dynamics entity dataset.
Dynamics linked service.
Defines values for DynamicsServicePrincipalCredentialType.
A copy activity Dynamics sink.
Defines values for DynamicsSinkWriteBehavior.
A copy activity Dynamics source.
Generates n-grams of the given size(s) starting from the front or the back of an input token.
Defines values for EdgeNGramTokenFilterSide.
Tokenizes the input from an edge into n-grams of the given size(s).
The EditTablesRequest model.
Removes elisions.
Eloqua server linked service.
Eloqua server dataset.
A copy activity Eloqua server source.
An object representing the email address and its display name.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous EmailAsyncClient type.
Attachment to the email.
Defines values for EmailAttachmentType.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous EmailClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the EmailServicesClient type.
Content of the email.
Custom header for email.
Defines values for EmailImportance.
Message payload for sending an email.
A hook that describes email based incident alerts notification.
Recipients of the email.
Service version of AzureCommunicationServicesClient.
Represents a rule action that does nothing.
Adapted from spring-data-mongodb
Interface to enable cosmos repository
Interface to enable reactive cosmos repository
This class provides a client side encryption client that contains generic blob operations for Azure Storage Blobs.
This class provides a client side encryption client that contains generic blob operations for Azure Storage Blobs.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of Storage Blob clients.
Defines values for EncryptionAlgorithm.
Defines values for EncryptionAlgorithmType.
Defines values for EncryptionAlgorithmType.
Details of the encryption associated with the workspace.
Metadata that can be used to wrap/unwrap a Data Encryption Key using a Customer Managed Key.
Specifies the version of the client side encryption protocol to use.
A class containing various configuration parameters that can be applied when performing encryption operations.
Represents the details of encrypt operation result.
Base class for endpoints.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting service endpoints.
The EnrichmentStatus model.
The response of entire anomaly detection.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
Gets the entity category inferred by the text analytics service's named entity recognition model.
Defines values for EntityCategory.
The EntityCertainty model.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the EntityClient type.
The EntityDataSource model.
Using the Text Analytics API, extracts linked entities from text.
Text analytics entity recognition.
Defines values for EntityRecognitionSkillLanguage.
Represents the version of EntityRecognitionSkill.
The entity reference.
Defines values for EntityStatus.
A credential provider that provides token credentials based on environment variables.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a EnvironmentCredential.
The resource management error additional info.
The resource management error additional info.
This class contains information about an error that occurred while processing events.
Contains details when the response code indicates an error.
Error details.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorContract information.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorContract information.
An error response from Azure.
The ErrorDetail model.
The ErrorResponse model.
Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations.
Error Response Common error response for all Azure Resource Manager APIs to return error details for failed operations.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
This class represents an HTTP ETag.
Request body structure for data flow expression preview.
A class that contains a batch of EventData and the partition information the event batch belongs to.
A class that contains EventData and the partition information the event belongs to.
The data structure encapsulating the event being sent-to and received-from Event Hubs.
A class for aggregating EventData into a single, size-limited, batch.
EventGrid cloud native event publisher sends the Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF) CloudEvents by using Azure EventGrid publisher client, see EventGridPublisherClient.
Represents the EventGrid event conforming to the EventGrid event schema.
A service client that publishes events to an EventGrid topic or domain asynchronously.
A service client that publishes events to an EventGrid topic or domain.
A Builder class to create service clients that can publish events to EventGrid.
An enum defining the available service versions for the Event Grid service.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.EventHub.CaptureFileCreated event.
This class provides a fluent builder API to aid the instantiation of EventHubProducerAsyncClient, EventHubProducerClient, EventHubConsumerAsyncClient, and EventHubConsumerClient.
A utility class that parses a connection string into sections.
An asynchronous consumer responsible for reading EventData from either a specific Event Hub partition or all partitions in the context of a specific consumer group.
A synchronous consumer responsible for reading EventData from an Event Hub partition in the context of a specific consumer group.
An asynchronous producer responsible for transmitting EventData to a specific Event Hub, grouped together in batches.
A synchronous producer responsible for transmitting EventData to a specific Event Hub, grouped together in batches.
Holds information about an Event Hub which can come handy while performing operations like receiving events from a specific partition.
An Event Hubs sample to demonstrate sending events to Event Hubs using GraalVM.
Defines a position of an EventData in the Event Hub partition.
EventProcessorClient provides a convenient mechanism to consume events from all partitions of an Event Hub in the context of a consumer group.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the EventProcessorClient.
Defines values for EventSubscriptionStatus.
Defines values for EventSubscriptionType.
Excel dataset.
A copy activity excel source.
Represents an excluded path of the IndexingPolicy in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Execute data flow activity.
Compute properties for data flow activity.
Execute pipeline activity.
Execute SSIS package activity.
Base class for all execution activities.
Base implementation for expandable, single string enums.
Annotation to annotate list of HTTP status codes that are expected in response from a REST endpoint.
A policy to govern retrying of messaging operations in which the delay between retries will grow in an exponential manner, allowing more time to recover as the number of retries increases.
A truncated exponential backoff implementation of RetryStrategy that has a delay duration that exponentially increases with each retry attempt until an upper bound is reached after which every retry attempt is delayed by the provided max delay duration.
The configuration for exponential backoff that has a delay duration that exponentially increases with each retry attempt until an upper bound is reached after which every retry attempt is delayed by the provided max delay duration.
Export command settings.
The exposure control request.
The exposure control response.
Azure Synapse expression definition.
Defines values for ExpressionType.
Base class for pipeline extension processors.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a key phrases extraction action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of ExtractKeyPhraseResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an extractive summarization action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of ExtractSummaryResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
A single bucket of a facet query result.
Matches none the messages arriving to be selected for the subscription.
Helper class to get family details.
The family model.
A builder for creating a new instance of the FarmBeatsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the FarmersBaseClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the FarmOperationsBaseClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the FarmsBaseClient type.
FeatureFlagConfigurationSetting allows you to customize your own feature flags to dynamically administer a feature's lifecycle.
Filters in FeatureFlagConfigurationSetting that can be returned from GET queries.
Defines values for FeedbackQueryTimeMode.
Defines values for FeedbackType.
Represents a feed range.
The type Feed response.
Defines values for FhirVersion.
Marker annotation that indicates the field or method is to be ignored by converting to SearchField.
Additional parameters to build SearchField.
Defines a mapping between a field in a data source and a target field in an index.
Represents a function that transforms a value from a data source before indexing.
Initializes a new instance of the FieldsBaseClient type.
Holds the Constants used for the File Service.
Enum to specify when a file's expiration time should be relative to.
Defines values for FileLastWrittenMode.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a file in parallel.
Defines an arrow field for a file quick query request.
Defines values for FileQueryArrowFieldType.
Defines the output arrow serialization for a file quick query request.
This class contains the response information returned from the server when running a query on a file.
Defines the input or output delimited (CSV) serialization for a blob quick query request.
Defines a file query error that can be returned on parsing a file query request.
Defines headers for Read operation.
Defines the input or output JSON serialization for a file query request.
Optional parameters for File Query.
Defines the input parquet serialization for a file quick query request.
Defines a file query error that can be returned on parsing a file query request.
This class contains the response information return from the server when querying a file.
Defines the input and output serialization for a file quick query request.
This is a representation of a range of bytes on a file, typically used during a download operation.
An Azure Storage file range.
This class contains the response information returned from the server when reading a file.
Defines headers for Read operation.
This class contains the response information return from the server when reading a file.
Parameters for Schedule Deletion.
File system linked service.
The location of file server dataset.
File server read settings.
File server write settings.
An on-premises file system dataset.
File sink allows for video and audio content to be recorded on the file system on the edge device.
A class used to represent the SMB properties of a file.
This class contains values which correlate to the access polices set on a specific file system.
An Azure Storage file system.
Properties of a file system.
This type allows users to specify additional information the service should return with each file system when listing file systems in an account (via a DataLakeServiceAsyncClient object).
Properties of a file system.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a file system.
A copy activity file system sink.
A copy activity file system source.
Extended options that may be passed when restoring a file system.
Defines values for FillNaMethod.
Filter and return results from input array based on the conditions.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Generate sql find query
A policy to govern retrying of messaging operations in which the base delay between retries remains the same.
A fixed-delay implementation of RetryStrategy that has a fixed delay duration between each retry attempt.
The configuration for a fixed-delay retry that has a fixed delay duration between each retry attempt.
Data flow flowlet.
Annotation given to all classes that are expected to provide a fluent API to end users.
Utility type exposing methods to deal with Flux.
This activity is used for iterating over a collection and execute given activities.
Format read settings.
Format write settings.
Annotation for form parameters to be sent to a REST API Request URI.
A sample to demonstrate Form Recognizer's functionality to recognize receipts using GraalVM.
Defines a function that boosts scores based on the value of a date-time field.
Provides parameter values to a freshness scoring function.
Defines values for FtpAuthenticationType.
Ftp read settings.
A FTP server Linked Service.
The location of ftp server dataset.
Represents the connection config with ConnectionMode.GATEWAY associated with Cosmos Client in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Annotation given to all methods that are generated by AutoRest.
Used to specify that an entities id field should generate a value
Represents a geometric bounding box.
Represents a heterogeneous collection of GeoObjects.
Represents a linear ring that is part of a GeoPolygon.
Represents a geometric line.
Represents a collection of GeoLines.
An abstract geo object.
Represents the type of a GeoJSON object.
Represents a geometric point.
Represents a collection of GeoPoints.
Represents a geometric polygon.
Represents a collection of GeoPolygons.
Represents a geo position.
Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service.
The GeoReplication model.
Defines values for GeoReplicationStatus.
Defines values for GeoReplicationStatus.
HTTP GET method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource retrieval.
Activity to get metadata of dataset.
Additional options for getting a relay configuration.
The request payload of get SSIS object metadata.
The GitHubAccessTokenRequest model.
The GitHubAccessTokenResponse model.
Client secret information for factory's bring your own app repository configuration.
This configuration is used for throughput global control mode.
Throughput global control config builder.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the GlossaryClient type.
Defines values for GoogleAdWordsAuthenticationType.
Google AdWords service linked service.
Google AdWords service dataset.
A copy activity Google AdWords service source.
Defines values for GoogleBigQueryAuthenticationType.
Google BigQuery service linked service.
Google BigQuery service dataset.
A copy activity Google BigQuery service source.
Linked service for Google Cloud Storage.
The location of Google Cloud Storage dataset.
Google Cloud Storage read settings.
Greenplum Database linked service.
A copy activity Greenplum Database source.
Greenplum Database dataset.
GRPC extension processor allows pipeline extension plugins to be connected to the pipeline through over a gRPC channel.
Describes how media is transferred to the extension plugin.
Defines values for GrpcExtensionDataTransferMode.
GSON-based implementation of JsonReader
GSON based implementation of the JsonSerializer and MemberNameConverter interfaces.
Fluent builder class that configures and instantiates instances of GsonJsonSerializer.
Implementation of JsonSerializerProvider.
GSON-based implementation of JsonWriter.
Class representing the H264 Configuration.
Defines values for H264Profile.
A listed Azure Storage handle item.
Type that describes hard-threshold parameters.
Initializes a new instance of the HarvestDataBaseClient type.
Defines values for HBaseAuthenticationType.
HBase server linked service.
HBase server dataset.
A copy activity HBase server source.
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) linked service.
The location of HDFS.
HDFS read settings.
A copy activity HDFS source.
Defines values for HdiNodeTypes.
Defines values for HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption.
HDInsight Hive activity type.
HDInsight linked service.
HDInsight MapReduce activity type.
HDInsight ondemand linked service.
HDInsight Pig activity type.
HDInsight Spark activity.
HDInsight streaming activity type.
HTTP HEAD method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint.
Represents a single header to be set on a request.
Annotation on a deserialized header type that indicates that the property should be treated as a header collection with the provided prefix.
Replaces the header with the value of its target.
Annotation to annotate list of static headers sent to a REST endpoint.
The HealthcareEntity model.
Gets the healthcare entity category inferred by the text analytics service's healthcare entity recognition model.
The HealthcareEntityRelation Every relation is an entity graph of a certain relationType, where all entities are connected and have specific roles within the relation context.
Defines values for HealthcareEntityRelationType.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceDeleted event.
Defines values for HealthcareFhirResourceType.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.HealthcareApis.FhirResourceUpdated event.
Defines a data change detection policy that captures changes based on the value of a high water mark column.
Defines values for HiveAuthenticationType.
Hive Server linked service.
Hive Server dataset.
Defines values for HiveServerType.
A copy activity Hive Server source.
Defines values for HiveThriftTransportProtocol.
Annotation for parameterized host name targeting a REST service.
Annotation to annotate replacement of parameterized segments in a dynamic Host.
The pipeline policy that adds the given host to each HttpRequest.
Defines values for HttpAuthenticationType.
Represents the value of an HTTP Authorization header.
A generic interface for sending HTTP requests and getting responses.
General configuration options for HttpClients.
An interface to be implemented by any azure-core plugin that wishes to provide an alternate HttpClient implementation.
A file in an HTTP web server.
HTTP extension processor allows pipeline extension plugins to be connected to the pipeline through over the HTTP protocol.
HttpGetterInfo is a passed to the getter function of a reliable download to specify parameters needed for the GET request.
A single header within an HTTP request or response.
HTTP header credentials.
A collection of headers on an HTTP request or response.
Linked service for an HTTP source.
The level of detail to log on HTTP messages.
The pipeline policy that handles logging of HTTP requests and responses.
The log configurations for HTTP messages.
The HTTP request methods.
The HTTP pipeline that HTTP requests and responses will flow through.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the HttpPipeline, calling build constructs an instance of the pipeline.
Represents the information used to make a single HTTP request.
A type that invokes next policy in the pipeline.
A type that invokes next policy in the pipeline.
A policy within the HttpPipeline.
Indicates the position in an HttpPipeline to place an HttpPipelinePolicy.
Represents a HttpPipelinePolicy that doesn't do any asynchronous or synchronously blocking operations.
Implementing classes automatically provide policies.
This class handles adding SPI plug-able policies to a pipeline automatically.
Represents a range of bytes within an HTTP resource.
Sftp read settings.
The outgoing Http request.
The exception when an HTTP request fails.
Manages logging HTTP requests in HttpLoggingPolicy.
Options class containing information available during HTTP request logging.
The response of an HttpRequest.
The exception thrown when an unsuccessful response is received with http status code (e.g.
Manages logging HTTP responses in HttpLoggingPolicy.
Options class containing information available during HTTP response logging.
The location of http server.
A copy activity source for an HTTP file.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for configuration of HTTP-specific settings.
Hubspot Service linked service.
Hubspot Service dataset.
A copy activity Hubspot Service source.
The IdentifierProvider to help generate distinct values.
The Phone Number Services error.
Exception thrown on phone number specific errors
This activity evaluates a boolean expression and executes either the activities under the ifTrueActivities property or the ifFalseActivities property depending on the result of the expression.
General exception for illegal collection of cosmos db
General exception for illegal query of cosmos db
A skill that analyzes image files.
Defines values for ImageAnalysisSkillLanguage.
Defines values for ImageDetail.
BMP image encoding.
JPEG image encoding.
PNG image encoding.
Base class for image formatting properties.
Raw image formatting.
Defines values for ImageFormatRawPixelFormat.
Initializes a new instance of the ImageProcessingBaseClient type.
Image transformations and formatting options to be applied to the video frame(s).
Image scaling mode.
Defines values for ImageScaleMode.
Annotation given to all immutable classes.
Defines values for ImpalaAuthenticationType.
Impala server linked service.
Impala server dataset.
A copy activity Impala server source.
Represents the configuration used to import a certificate in the key vault.
Represents the configurable options to import a key.
Import command settings.
Defines values for ImputeMode.
The IncidentRootCause model
Represents an included path of the IndexingPolicy in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Defines an incoming relationship on a digital twin.
Represents an index action that operates on a document.
Defines values for IndexActionType.
Contains a batch of document write actions to send to the index.
An IndexBatchException is thrown whenever Azure Cognitive Search index call was only partially successful.
Contains a batch of document write actions to send to the index.
Options for document index operations.
Response containing the status of operations for all documents in the indexing request.
Represents all of the state that defines and dictates the indexer's current execution.
Defines values for IndexerExecutionEnvironment.
Represents the result of an individual indexer execution.
Defines values for IndexerExecutionStatus.
Defines values for IndexerExecutionStatusDetail.
Defines values for IndexerStatus.
Specifies whether or not the resource is to be indexed in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Specifies the supported indexing modes in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Defines values for IndexingMode.
Represents parameters for indexer execution.
A dictionary of indexer-specific configuration properties.
Represents the indexing policy configuration for a container in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Status of an indexing operation for a single document.
Represents a schedule for indexer execution.
Class for determining if the index policy currently applied to the container matches the index policy that is specified on an entities' @CosmosIndexingPolicy annotation
The InfluxDbDataFeedSource model.
Informix linked service.
A copy activity Informix sink.
A copy activity source for Informix.
The Informix table dataset.
Defines values for IngestionStatusType.
The initialization context that is supplied to EventProcessorClientBuilder.processPartitionInitialization(Consumer) before the EventProcessorClient instance begins processing events from a partition.
Input field mapping for a skill.
Azure Synapse nested object which serves as a compute resource for activities.
The compute resource properties for managed integration runtime.
Custom setup script properties for a managed dedicated integration runtime.
Data flow properties for managed integration runtime.
Data proxy properties for a managed dedicated integration runtime.
Integration runtime debug resource.
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeEdition.
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeEntityReferenceType.
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeLicenseType.
A list of integration runtime resources.
Integration runtime reference type.
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeReferenceType.
Integration runtime resource type.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Catalog information for managed dedicated integration runtime.
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeSsisCatalogPricingTier.
SSIS properties for managed integration runtime.
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeState.
Defines values for IntegrationRuntimeType.
VNet properties for managed integration runtime.
A credential provider that provides token credentials from Azure Tools for IntelliJ plugin credential cache.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a IntelliJCredential.
An AAD credential that acquires a token for an AAD application by prompting the login in the default browser.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a InteractiveBrowserCredential.
A class that keeps track of network calls by either reading the data from an existing test session record or recording the network calls in memory.
Exception when a participant cannot be added to a chat thread
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceConnected event.
Information that enables communication between the IoT Hub and the IoT device - allowing this edge module to act as a transparent gateway between the two.
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceCreated event.
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDeleted event.
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceDisconnected event.
Event data for Microsoft.Devices.DeviceTelemetry event.
IoT Hub Message sink allows for pipeline messages to published into the IoT Edge Hub.
IoT Hub Message source allows for the pipeline to consume messages from the IoT Edge Hub.
Utilities related to IO operations that involve channels, streams, byte transfers.
Represents base properties of an CertificateIssuer.
The ItemNonSetRequestBase model.
This class provides utility to iterate over values using standard 'for-each' style loops or to convert them into a Stream and operate in that fashion.
Implementation of SerializerAdapter for Jackson.
Jackson Avro based implementation of the AvroSerializer interface.
Fluent builder class that configures and instantiates instances of JacksonAvroSerializer.
Implementation of AvroSerializerProvider.
Jackson based implementation of the JsonSerializer and MemberNameConverter interfaces.
Fluent builder class that configures and instantiates instances of JacksonJsonSerializer.
Builder to configure and build an instance of the azure-core HttpClient type using the JDK HttpClient APIs, first introduced as preview in JDK 9, but made generally available from JDK 11 onwards.
An HttpClientProvider that provides an implementation of HttpClient based on native JDK HttpClient.
Implementation of CheckpointStore that uses Azure Redis Cache, specifically Jedis.
Jira Service linked service.
Jira Service dataset.
A copy activity Jira Service source.
Job details.
List of job details.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous QuantumClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous QuantumClient type.
Defines values for JobStatus.
The options for join call.
Interface that represents a JSON array.
Json dataset.
Annotation used for flattening properties separated by '.'.
The data stored in JSON format.
Defines values for JsonFormatFilePattern.
Interfaces that represents a JSON node.
Interface to be implemented by an azure-core plugin that wishes to provide a JsonNode implementation.
Interface that represents a JSON null.
Interface that represents a JSON object.
Represents a JSON Patch document.
Interface that represents a JSON value.
Reads a JSON encoded value as a stream of tokens.
Json read settings.
Indicates that the implementing class can be serialized to and deserialized from JSON.
Generic interface covering basic JSON serialization and deserialization methods.
Generic interface covering basic JSON serialization and deserialization methods.
Interface to be implemented by an azure-core plugin that wishes to provide a JsonSerializer implementation.
This class is a proxy for using a JsonSerializerProvider loaded from the classpath.
A copy activity Json sink.
A copy activity Json source.
Token types used when reading JSON content.
As of
Context of JSON handling.
Defines values for JsonWriteFilePattern.
Writes a JSON encoded value to a stream.
Json write settings.
Writing context of the JSON stream.
A token filter that only keeps tokens with text contained in a specified list of words.
The KeyAsyncClient provides asynchronous methods to manage keys in the Azure Key Vault.
The KeyClient provides synchronous methods to manage keys in the Azure Key Vault.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the secret async client and secret sync client, by calling buildAsyncClient and buildClient respectively.
Defines values for KeyCurveName.
A key which is used to synchronously encrypt, or wrap, another key.
A key client which is used to asynchronously wrap or unwrap another key.
A key client which is used to synchronously wrap or unwrap another key.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the KeyEncryptionKey async client and KeyEncryptionKey sync client, by calling KeyEncryptionKeyClientBuilder.buildAsyncKeyEncryptionKey(String) and KeyEncryptionKeyClientBuilder.buildKeyEncryptionKey(String) respectively.
An object capable of synchronously retrieving key encryption keys from a provided key identifier.
Defines values for KeyExportEncryptionAlgorithm.
Key information.
Defines values for KeyOperation.
A skill that uses text analytics for key phrase extraction.
Defines values for KeyPhraseExtractionSkillLanguage.
KeyProperties is the resource containing all the properties of the key except its JsonWebKey material.
A model that represents the policy rules under which the key can be exported.
Represents an action that will be performed by Key Vault over the lifetime of a key.
The complete key rotation policy that belongs to a key.
Defines the types of key rotation policy actions that can be executed.
The versions of Azure Key Vault Key supported by this client library.
Defines values for KeyType.
The KeyVaultAccessControlAsyncClient provides asynchronous methods to view and manage Role Based Access for the Azure Key Vault.
The KeyVaultAccessControlClient provides synchronous methods to view and manage Role Based Access for the Azure Key Vault.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the KeyVaultAccessControlAsyncClient and KeyVaultAccessControlClient, by calling KeyVaultAccessControlClientBuilder.buildAsyncClient() and KeyVaultAccessControlClientBuilder.buildClient() respectively.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.VaultAccessPolicyChanged event.
A class that represents an error occurred in a Key Vault operation.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with KeyVaultAdministrationError information.
The versions of Azure Key Vault Administration service supported by this client library.
The KeyVaultBackupAsyncClient provides asynchronous methods to perform full backup and restore of an Azure Key Vault.
The KeyVaultBackupClient provides synchronous methods to perform backup and restore operations of an Azure Key Vault.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the KeyVaultBackupAsyncClient and KeyVaultBackupClient, by calling KeyVaultBackupClientBuilder.buildAsyncClient() and KeyVaultBackupClientBuilder.buildClient() respectively.
A class that contains the details of a backup operation.
Represents a certificate with all of its properties.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateExpired event.
Information about a KeyVaultCertificate parsed from the certificate URL.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNearExpiry event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.CertificateNewVersionCreated event.
A Key Vault Certificate sample to demonstrate CRUD operations using GraalVM.
Represents a certificate with all of its properties including CertificatePolicy.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Defines values for KeyVaultDataAction.
encode signature
The Azure Key Vault security provider.
Key is the resource consisting of name, JsonWebKey and its attributes specified in KeyProperties.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyExpired event.
Information about a KeyVaultKey parsed from the key URL.
The Azure Key Vault variant of the X509ExtendedKeyManager.
The Azure Key Vault variant of the KeyManagerFactory.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNearExpiry event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.KeyNewVersionCreated event.
A sample to demonstrate getting a key from Azure Key Vault using GraalVM.
The Azure Key Vault implementation of the KeyStoreSpi.
The Azure Key Vault LoadStoreParameter of the KeyStoreSpi.
A class that contains the details of a long running operation.
A class describing allowed and forbidden actions and data actions of a KeyVaultRoleDefinition.
Should not use this class outside of azure-security-keyvault-jca.jar.
A class that contains the details of a restore operation.
A class that represents the result of a Restore operation.
A class that defines a role assignment.
A class that defines a role assignment's properties.
A class that defines a role.
Defines values for KeyVaultRoleDefinitionType.
A class that defines the scope of a role.
Defines values for KeyVaultRoleType.
Secret is the resource consisting of name, value and its attributes specified in SecretProperties.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretExpired event.
Information about a KeyVaultSecret parsed from the secret URL.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNearExpiry event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.KeyVault.SecretNewVersionCreated event.
A sample to demonstrate CRUD operations for Azure Key Vault secrets using GraalVM.
A class that contains the details of a selective key restore operation.
A class that represents the result of a SelectiveKeyRestore operation.
The Azure Key Vault variant of the X509TrustManager.
The Azure Key Vault variant of the TrustManagerFactory.
The Azure Key Vault TrustManagerFactory provider.
Marks terms as keywords.
Emits the entire input as a single token.
Defines values for KeyWrapAlgorithm.
The KqlScript model.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The KqlScriptContent model.
The KqlScriptContentCurrentConnection model.
The KqlScriptContentMetadata model.
The KqlScriptResource model.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The KqlScriptsResourceCollectionResponse model.
A skill that detects the language of input text and reports a single language code for every document submitted on the request.
The LastDetectionRequest model.
The LastDetectionResult model.
The response of last anomaly detection.
A set of information about the enqueued state of a partition, as observed by the consumer.
Defines values for LeaseDurationType.
Defines values for LeaseDurationType.
Defines values for LeaseDurationType.
Defines values for LeaseStateType.
Defines values for LeaseStateType.
Defines values for LeaseStateType.
Defines values for LeaseStatusType.
Defines values for LeaseStatusType.
Defines values for LeaseStatusType.
Removes words that are too long or too short.
Defines values for LengthUnit.
Base type for analyzers.
Defines values for LexicalAnalyzerName.
Base type for normalizers.
Defines values for LexicalNormalizerName.
Base type for tokenizers.
Defines values for LexicalTokenizerName.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Information about a library/package created at the workspace level.
A list of Library resources.
Spark pool library version requirements Library requirements for a Big Data pool powered by Apache Spark.
Library response details.
Library resource info.
Library/package properties.
Represents a LifeTimeAction in CertificatePolicy
Limits the number of tokens while indexing.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the LineageClient type.
Line crossing processor allows for the detection of tracked objects moving across one or more predefined lines.
Defines values for LineEnding.
The LinkConnection model.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The LinkConnectionCompute model.
The LinkConnectionDetailedStatus model.
The LinkConnectionLandingZone model.
The LinkConnectionListResponse model.
The LinkConnectionQueryTableStatus model.
The LinkConnectionResource model.
The LinkConnectionSourceDatabase model.
The LinkConnectionSourceDatabaseTypeProperties model.
The LinkConnectionTargetDatabase model.
The LinkedEntity model.
The key authorization type integration runtime.
The role based access control (RBAC) authorization type integration runtime.
The base definition of a linked integration runtime.
The Azure Synapse nested object which contains the information and credential which can be used to connect with related store or compute resource.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Linked service debug resource.
A list of linked service resources.
Linked service reference type.
Linked service resource type.
Represents the context for an AMQP link when an AmqpException occurs.
The LinkTableListResponse model.
The LinkTableRequest model.
The LinkTableRequestSource model.
The LinkTableRequestTarget model.
The LinkTableRequestTargetDistributionOptions model.
The LinkTableResource model.
The LinkTableStatus model.
Describes the additional parameters for the API to list the alerts triggered.
Describes the additional parameters for the API to list anomalies in an alert.
Describes additional conditions to filter the anomalies while listing.
Describes the additional parameters for the API to list anomalies detected.
Additional parameters to set when listing anomaly alerting configurations.
Describes the additional parameters for the API to list values of a dimension that have anomalies.
Defines values for ListBlobContainersIncludeType.
Defines options available to configure the behavior of a call to listContainersSegment on a BlobServiceClient object.
Defines values for ListBlobsIncludeItem.
Defines options available to configure the behavior of a call to listBlobsFlatSegment on a BlobContainerClient object.
Additional parameters for chat messages operation.
Additional parameters for chat threads operation.
Additional properties for filtering results on the listCredentialEntities operation.
Additional properties to filter result for data feed list operations.
Describes the additional parameters for the API to list data feed ingestion status.
Additional properties for filtering results on the listDataFeeds operation.
Additional parameters to set when listing anomaly detection configurations.
Options to modify the data returned from the listEntities family of methods.
Defines values for ListFileSystemsIncludeType.
Defines options available to configure the behavior of a call to listFileSystemsSegment on a DataLakeServiceAsyncClient object.
Describes the additional parameters for the API to list hooks.
Describes the additional parameters for the API to list incidents in an alert.
Describes the additional parameters for the API to list incidents detected.
Additional properties to set when using the API to list dimension values for a metric.
Additional parameters to set when listing enrichment status for a metric.
Additional properties to filter result for metric feedback list operations.
Additional properties for filtering results on the lisMetricFeedbacks operation.
Additional parameters for the API to list metric series definition information for a metric.
Extended options that may be passed when getting the page ranges diff of a page blob.
Extended options that may be passed when getting the page ranges of a page blob.
Additional parameters for list participants operation.
Defines options available to configure the behavior of a call to listContainersSegment on a DataLakeFileSystemClient or a DataLakeFileSystemAsyncClient object.
Additional parameters for list read receipts operation.
A set of options for selecting shares from Storage File service.
Options to modify the data returned from the listTables family of methods.
Live Pipeline represents an unique instance of a pipeline topology which is used for real-time content ingestion and analysis.
Activates an existing live pipeline.
A collection of live pipelines.
Deactivates an existing live pipeline.
Deletes an existing live pipeline.
Retrieves an existing live pipeline.
List all existing live pipelines.
Live pipeline properties.
Creates a new live pipeline or updates an existing one.
Live Pipeline represents an unique instance of a pipeline topology which is used for real-time content ingestion and analysis.
Defines values for LivePipelineState.
Defines values for LivyStatementStates.
Defines values for LivyStates.
Defines values for LivyStates.
The strategy used by event processor for load balancing the partition ownership to distribute the event processing work with other processor instances.
Implements a Location polling strategy.
This class provides fluent API to write logs using ClientLogger and enrich them with additional context.
Enum which represent logging levels used in Azure SDKs.
Log location settings.
A fluent class to create a batch of logs queries.
Class containing the result of a single logs query in a batch.
The collection wrapper to hold all results of a batch of logs queries.
Defines values for LogsColumnType.
Log settings.
The asynchronous client for uploading logs to Azure Monitor.
The synchronous client for uploading logs to Azure Monitor.
Fluent builder for creating instances of LogsIngestionClient and LogsIngestionAsyncClient.
The service version of the Azure Monitor service to upload logs.
The asynchronous client for querying Azure Monitor logs.
The synchronous client for querying Azure Monitor logs.
Fluent builder for creating instances of LogsQueryClient and LogsQueryAsyncClient.
The options type to configure the logs query
The result of a logs query.
Enum to indicate the status of a logs query result.
The service version of the Logs service that can be queried to retrieved Azure Monitor logs.
Represents a table of results for a logs query.
Represents a single value of a specific row and column in LogsTable.
Represents a column in LogsTable.
Represents a row in a LogsTable of a logs query.
A counter instrument that records long values.
An enum to represent all possible states that a long-running operation may find itself in.
Lookup activity.
Standard Apache Lucene analyzer; Composed of the standard tokenizer, lowercase filter and stop filter.
Breaks text following the Unicode Text Segmentation rules.
Mac address class to transfer mac address to hash mac address.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.DatasetDriftDetected event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelDeployed event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.ModelRegistered event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunCompleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.MachineLearningServices.RunStatusChanged event.
Magento server linked service.
Magento server dataset.
A copy activity Magento server source.
Defines a function that boosts scores based on the magnitude of a numeric field.
Provides parameter values to a magnitude scoring function.
The workspace managed identity.
The base class for Managed Service Identity token based credentials.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a ManagedIdentityCredential.
Managed integration runtime, including managed elastic and managed dedicated integration runtimes.
Managed private endpoint.
The connection state of a managed private endpoint.
A list of managed private endpoints.
Properties of a managed private endpoint.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the ManagedPrivateEndpointsClient type.
Managed Virtual Network reference type.
Managed Virtual Network Settings.
An instance of this class provides additional information about an http error response.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with custom error information.
A character filter that applies mappings defined with the mappings option.
A converter class between common types and cosmosItemProperties
Mapping data flow.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceEntered event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Geofence event (GeofenceEntered, GeofenceExited, GeofenceResult).
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceExited event.
The geofence geometry.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Maps.GeofenceResult event.
MariaDB server linked service.
A copy activity MariaDB server source.
MariaDB server dataset.
Marketo server linked service.
Marketo server dataset.
A copy activity Marketo server source.
Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests.
Job canceled event data.
Job canceling event data.
Details of JobOutput errors.
Defines values for MediaJobErrorCategory.
Defines values for MediaJobErrorCode.
Details of JobOutput errors.
Job error state event data.
Job finished event data.
The event data for a Job output.
The event data for a Job output asset.
Job output canceled event data.
Job output canceling event data.
Job output error event data.
Job output finished event data.
Job output processing event data.
Job Output Progress Event Data.
Job output scheduled event data.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobOutputStateChange event.
Job processing event data.
Defines values for MediaJobRetry.
Job scheduled event data.
Defines values for MediaJobState.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Media.JobStateChange event.
Channel Archive heartbeat event data.
Encoder connection rejected event data.
Encoder connect event data.
Encoder disconnected event data.
Ingest fragment dropped event data.
Encoder connect event data.
Incoming streams out of sync event data.
Incoming video stream out of sync event data.
Ingest heartbeat event data.
Ingest track discontinuity detected event data.
Class representing the ONVIF MediaProfiles.
Defines values for MediaType.
Object representing the URI that will be used to request for media streaming.
Generic interface that attempts to retrieve the JSON serialized property name from Member.
Interface to be implemented by an azure-core plugin that wishes to provide a MemberNameConverter implementation.
This class is a proxy for using a MemberNameConverterProvider loaded from the classpath.
Memoize function computation results
Represents Merge Certificate Configuration to merge certificates in key vault.
A skill for merging two or more strings into a single unified string, with an optional user-defined delimiter separating each component part.
An abstraction for a message containing a content type along with its data.
I18n messages loaded from the file located within the same package.
I18n messages loaded from the file located within the same package.
Defines values for MessagingSku.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewMetadataClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewMetadataClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the MetadataPolicyClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewMetadataClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewMetadataClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the MetadataRolesClient type.
This is a request policy in an HttpPipeline to validate that metadata does not contain leading or trailing whitespace characters.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The MetastoreRegisterObject model.
The MetastoreRegistrationResponse model.
The MetastoreRequestSuccessResponse model.
The MetastoreUpdateObject model.
The MetastoreUpdationResponse model.
Meter is generally associated with Azure Service Client instance and allows creating instruments that represent individual metrics such as number of active connections or HTTP call latency.
Defines values for MeterPeriod.
Resolves and provides Meter implementation.
Base class for direct method calls.
The MethodRequestEmptyBodyBase model.
Defines alerting settings for anomalies detected by a detection configuration.
The logical operator to apply across multiple MetricAlertConfiguration.
Defines conditions to decide whether the detected anomalies should be included in an alert or not.
Defines scope for anomaly alert.
Defines the supported alert scopes.
Type that describes configuration for snoozing anomaly alerts.
A feedback to indicate a set of data points as Anomaly or NotAnomaly.
Metric availability specifies the granularity and the retention period for that granularity.
Defines the boundary conditions for the anomaly (abnormal data points) to be included in the alert.
The Feedback that allows the user to mark the exact change point when the time series has a trend change.
Defines values for MetricClass.
The feedback that allows adding comments in plain text providing more context about the data.
Metric definition class specifies the metadata for a metric.
Enriched time series data which includes additional service computed values for the time series data points.
Users can submit various feedback for the anomaly detection that the service performed.
Metric namespace class specifies the metadata for a metric namespace.
The Feedback that helps the service in estimating period(seasonality) of the time series.
The metrics result of a query.
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains all the operations that apply to Azure Metrics Advisor.
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains all the operations that apply to Azure Metrics Advisor.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help instantiation of MetricsAdvisorAdministrationClients and MetricsAdvisorAdministrationAsyncClient, call MetricsAdvisorAdministrationClientBuilder.buildClient() buildClient} and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains all the operations that apply to Azure Metrics Advisor.
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains all the operations that apply to Azure Metrics Advisor.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help instantiation of MetricsAdvisorClients and MetricsAdvisorAsyncClients, call MetricsAdvisorClientBuilder.buildClient() buildClient} and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
The MetricsAdvisorError model.
The MetricsAdvisorKeyCredential class.
Represents a credential bag containing the subscription key and api key.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorCode information.
The versions of Azure Metrics Advisor supported by this client library.
The MetricSeriesData model.
The MetricSeriesDefinition model.
Conditions to detect anomalies in a group of time series.
Conditions to detect anomalies in a specific time series.
Metrics configuration options for clients.
The asynchronous client for querying Azure Monitor metrics.
The synchronous client for querying Azure Monitor metrics.
Fluent builder for creating instances of MetricsQueryClient and MetricsQueryAsyncClient.
The model class to configure the metrics query options.
The response to a metrics query.
The service version of the Metrics service that can be queried to retrieved Azure Monitor metrics.
Defines values for MetricUnit.
Represents a metric value.
Conditions to detect anomalies in all time series of a metric.
Microsoft Access linked service.
A copy activity Microsoft Access sink.
A copy activity source for Microsoft Access.
The Microsoft Access table dataset.
Divides text using language-specific rules and reduces words to their base forms.
Divides text using language-specific rules.
Defines values for MicrosoftStemmingTokenizerLanguage.
Communication identifier for Microsoft Teams User
A Microsoft Teams user.
Defines values for MicrosoftTokenizerLanguage.
Represents the Mixed Reality STS client for retrieving STS tokens used to access Mixed Reality services.
Represents the Mixed Reality STS client for retrieving STS tokens used to access Mixed Reality services.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of MixedRealityStsClients and MixedRealityStsAsyncClient, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
The versions of the Azure Mixed Reality STS supported by this client library.
Response of getting a model.
The model dependency resolution options.
Train result of a model including status, errors and diagnose info for model and variables.
Response of listing models.
The ModelOperationDetails model.
Defines values for ModelOperationKind.
Defines values for ModelOperationStatus.
The ModelSnapshot model.
This class provides a client for interacting asynchronously with a ModelsRepository instance.
This class provides a client for interacting synchronously with a ModelsRepository instance.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of ModelsRepositoryClient and ModelsRepositoryAsyncClient, call buildClient and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
The service API versions of Azure Models Repository that are supported by this client.
The ModelState model.
Defines values for ModelStatus.
The modified outcome.
The MongoDB Atlas database dataset.
Linked service for MongoDB Atlas data source.
A copy activity source for a MongoDB Atlas database.
Defines values for MongoDbAuthenticationType.
The MongoDB database dataset.
Cursor methods for Mongodb query.
The MongoDbDataFeedSource model.
Linked service for MongoDb data source.
A copy activity source for a MongoDB database.
The MongoDB database dataset.
Linked service for MongoDB data source.
A copy activity source for a MongoDB database.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous MonitoringClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous MonitoringClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the MonitoringClient type.
Motion detection processor allows for motion detection on the video stream.
Defines values for MotionDetectionSensitivity.
Class representing the MPEG4 Configuration.
Defines values for Mpeg4Profile.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a multi-label classification action in a set of documents.
The MultiCategoryClassifyActionResult is the result for multi-category classify action analysis.
A collection model that contains a list of MultiCategoryClassifyResult along with project name, deployment name and batch's statistics.
Base class for all triggers that support one to many model for trigger to pipeline.
A test exception.
A test exception.
The MySqlDataFeedSource model.
Linked service for MySQL data source.
A copy activity source for MySQL databases.
The MySQL table dataset.
Base class for named lines.
Describes a line configuration.
Describes the named polygon.
Describes a closed polygon configuration.
Defines values for NamespaceClassification.
The NamespaceProperties model.
Defines values for NamespaceType.
Augment custom queries sourced from @Query annotations
Netezza linked service.
Defines values for NetezzaPartitionOption.
The settings that will be leveraged for Netezza source partitioning.
A copy activity Netezza source.
Netezza dataset.
Builder class responsible for creating instances of HttpClient backed by Reactor Netty.
An HttpClientProvider that provides an implementation of HttpClient based on Netty.
Generates n-grams of the given size(s).
Tokenizes the input into n-grams of the given size(s).
Provides an InputStream to read a file stored as an Azure Blob.
Provides an OutputStream to write to a file stored as an Azure Blob.
Describes an input signal to be used on a pipeline node.
Defines values for NodeSize.
Defines values for NodeSizeFamily.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Notebook cell.
An item of the notebook cell execution output.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The folder that this notebook is in.
Kernel information.
Language info.
A list of Notebook resources.
Notebook root-level metadata.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Notebook parameter.
Defines values for NotebookParameterType.
Defines values for NotebookReferenceType.
Notebook resource type.
Session properties.
Describes a hook that receives anomaly incident alerts.
Specifies options for NTFS File Attributes.
Initializes a new instance of the OAuthProvidersBaseClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the OAuthTokensBaseClient type.
Factory class for object mapper
A type that contains information about an object replication policy on a source blob.
A type that contains information about an object replication rule on a source blob.
Defines values for ObjectReplicationStatus.
Generic interface covering serializing and deserialization objects.
Defines values for ObjectTrackingAccuracy.
Object tracker processor allows for continuous tracking of one of more objects over a finite sequence of video frames.
Additional information provided through arbitrary metadata.
Docker V2 image layer descriptor including config and layers.
Returns the requested OCI Manifest file.
A skill that extracts text from image files.
Defines values for OcrSkillLanguage.
Defines values for ODataAadServicePrincipalCredentialType.
Defines values for ODataAuthenticationType.
Open Data Protocol (OData) linked service.
The Open Data Protocol (OData) resource dataset.
A copy activity source for OData source.
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) linked service.
A copy activity ODBC sink.
A copy activity source for ODBC databases.
The ODBC table dataset.
The Office365 account.
Office365 linked service.
A copy activity source for an Office 365 service.
An HttpClientProvider that provides an implementation of HttpClient based on OkHttp.
Builder class responsible for creating instances of HttpClient backed by OkHttp.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a client secret and user assertion for an AAD application on behalf of a user principal.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a OnBehalfOfCredential.
The ONVIF device properties.
Lists all the discoverable ONVIF devices on the same subnet as the Edge Module.
Retrieves properties and media profiles of an ONVIF device.
The ONVIF device DNS properties.
The ONVIF device DNS properties.
The ONVIF device DNS properties.
Defines values for OnvifSystemDateTimeType.
Pipeline policy that creates an OpenTelemetry span which traces the service request.
OpenTelemetry-specific Azure SDK metrics options.
Basic tracing implementation class for use with REST and AMQP Service Clients to create Span and in-process context propagation.
This exception is thrown when the underlying AMQP layer encounters an abnormal link abort or the connection is disconnected in an unexpected fashion.
Implements a operation resource polling strategy, typically from Operation-Location.
Operation status for the operation.
Defines values for OperationStatus.
HTTP OPTIONS method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for retrieving options.
Oracle database.
Defines values for OraclePartitionOption.
The settings that will be leveraged for Oracle source partitioning.
Oracle Service Cloud linked service.
Oracle Service Cloud dataset.
A copy activity Oracle Service Cloud source.
A copy activity Oracle sink.
A copy activity Oracle source.
The on-premises Oracle database dataset.
Defines values for OrcCompressionCodec.
ORC dataset.
The data stored in Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) format.
A copy activity ORC sink.
A copy activity ORC source.
Orc write settings.
Output field mapping for a skill.
Allows for the selection of particular streams from another node.
Defines values for OutputSelectorOperator.
Defines values for OutputSelectorProperty.
Represents a paginated REST response from the service.
Client to a page blob.
Client to a page blob.
Extended options that may be passed when incrementally copying a Page Blob.
This class contains values which will restrict the successful operation of a variety of blob requests to the conditions present on the destination blob.
Extended options that may be passed when creating a Page Blob.
This class contains the properties about a page blob.
This class contains values that restrict the successful completion of PageBlob operations to certain conditions.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a page range from a source URL.
PagedFlux is a Flux that provides the ability to operate on paginated REST responses of type PagedResponse and individual items in such pages.
This class provides utility to iterate over PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
This class provides utility to iterate over responses that extend PagedResponse using Stream and Iterable interfaces.
Response of a REST API that returns page.
Represents an HTTP response that contains a list of items deserialized into a Page.
the list of pages.
The PageRange model.
Represents a page range on a page blob returned by PageBlobClient.listPageRanges(BlobRange).
This class handles retrieving pages.
Defines values for ParagraphRole.
This class contains configuration used to parallelize data transfer operations.
This class contains configuration used to parallelize data transfer operations.
This class contains configuration used to parallelize data transfer operations.
Single topology parameter declaration.
Defines the parameter value of an specific pipeline topology parameter.
Definition of a single parameter for an entity.
Defines values for ParameterType.
Defines values for ParameterType.
The parent model.
Defines values for ParquetCompressionCodecEnum.
Parquet dataset.
The data stored in Parquet format.
A copy activity Parquet sink.
A copy activity Parquet source.
Parquet write settings.
The participants updated event.
A model class to contain partition information of an Event Hub.
A container for EventData along with the partition information for this event data.
Represents a partition key value in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Interface for type partition key
Builder for partition keys.
Represents a partition key definition in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Partitioning version.
Specifies the partition scheme for a multiple-partitioned container in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
A model class to hold partition ownership information.
A set of information for a single partition of an Event Hub.
Cosmos query class with PartTree to parse a String into a tree or PartTree.OrParts consisting of simple Part instances in turn.
Reactive cosmos query class with PartTree to parse a String into a tree or PartTree.OrParts consisting of simple Part instances in turn.
HTTP PATCH method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource update.
This class contains properties that are gettable and settable for path access control.
POSIX access control rights on files and directories.
A path that has been soft deleted.
Tokenizer for path-like hierarchies.
Parameter group.
PathInfo contains basic information about a path that is returned by the service after certain operations.
PathItem contains basic information about a path item that is returned by the service after certain operations.
Annotation to annotate replacement for a named path segment in REST endpoint URL.
Represents POSIX-style permissions on a given resource.
This class contains the response information returned from the service when getting path properties.
Represents an access control in a file access control list for removal.
Optional parameters for Remove Access Control Recursive.
Defines values for PathRenameMode.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a path.
Optional parameters for Set Access Control Recursive.
Optional parameters for Update Access Control Recursive.
Flexibly separates text into terms via a regular expression pattern.
Uses Java regexes to emit multiple tokens - one for each capture group in one or more patterns.
A character filter that replaces characters in the input string.
A character filter that replaces characters in the input string.
Tokenizer that uses regex pattern matching to construct distinct tokens.
Paypal Service linked service.
Paypal Service dataset.
A copy activity Paypal Service source.
The object returned in the QueueMessageList array when calling Peek Messages on a Queue.
A list of PEM formatted certificates.
Defines values for PeriodType.
Defines values for PermissionCopyModeType.
Enumeration specifying applicability of permission in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
The pet model.
Defines values for PhoenixAuthenticationType.
Phoenix server linked service.
Phoenix server dataset.
A copy activity Phoenix server source.
Defines values for PhoneNumberAssignmentType.
The PhoneNumberCapabilities model.
Defines values for PhoneNumberCapabilityType.
The PhoneNumberCost model.
The Phone Number Services error.
Exception thrown on phone number specific errors
Communication identifier for Communication Services Phone Numbers
A phone number.
The PhoneNumberOperation model.
Defines values for PhoneNumberOperationStatus.
Defines values for PhoneNumberOperationType.
Asynchronous client for Communication service phone number operations.
Synchronous client for Communication service phone number operations
Builder for creating clients of Communication Service phone number configuration
The PhoneNumberSearchOptions model.
The PhoneNumberSearchResult model.
The versions of Phone Number Admin Service supported by this client library.
Defines values for PhoneNumberType.
Defines values for PhoneticEncoder.
Create tokens for phonetic matches.
Using the Text Analytics API, extracts personal information from an input text and gives you the option of masking it.
Defines values for PiiDetectionSkillMaskingMode.
The PiiEntity model.
Gets the PII entity category inferred by the text analytics service's PII entity recognition model.
Defines values for PiiEntityDomain.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The folder that this Pipeline is in.
A list of pipeline resources.
Pipeline reference type.
Defines values for PipelineReferenceType.
Pipeline resource type.
Information about a pipeline run.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Provides entity name and id that started the pipeline run.
A list pipeline runs.
Pipeline topology describes the processing steps to be applied when processing media for a particular outcome.
A collection of pipeline topologies.
Deletes an existing pipeline topology.
Retrieves an existing pipeline topology.
List all existing pipeline topologies.
Pipeline topology properties.
Creates a new pipeline topology or updates an existing one.
Pipeline topology describes the processing steps to be applied when processing media for a particular outcome.
Initializes a new instance of the PlantingDataBaseClient type.
The request payload for playing audio.
The response payload for play audio operation.
The play audio result event.
Defines values for PluginCurrentState.
Defines values for PluginCurrentState.
Represents the x and y coordinates of a vertex.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateChanged event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.PolicyInsights.PolicyStateDeleted event.
Defines values for PolicyModification.
Represents the result of a policy modification operation (setAttestationPolicy/resetAttestationPolicy).
Factory to create PollerFlux for Azure resource manager (ARM) long-running-operation (LRO).
A Flux that simplifies the task of executing long running operations against an Azure service.
A key/value store that is propagated between various poll related operations associated with PollerFlux and SyncPoller poller.
Represents a known strategy for polling a long-running operation in Azure.
PollResponse represents a single response from a service for a long-running polling operation.
Type representing result (succeeded or failed result) of a long-running-poll operation.
Type represents the error that poll-operation received from the service.
PolyBase settings.
Defines values for PolybaseSettingsRejectType.
The pipeline policy that adds a given port to each HttpRequest.
HTTP POST method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for an action.
The PostgreSqlDataFeedSource model.
Linked service for PostgreSQL data source.
A copy activity source for PostgreSQL databases.
The PostgreSQL table dataset.
Defines values for PrestoAuthenticationType.
Presto server linked service.
Presto server dataset.
A copy activity Presto server source.
Describes the title, content, and keywords fields to be used for semantic ranking, captions, highlights, and answers.
Private endpoint details.
A private endpoint connection.
Connection state details of the private endpoint.
Contains constants common AMQP protocol process calls.
Base class for topology processor nodes.
A ProgressListener is an interface that can be used to listen to the progress of the I/O transfers.
ProgressReporter offers a convenient way to add progress tracking to I/O operations.
Load properties from files
The pipeline policy that adds a given protocol to each HttpRequest.
Defines values for ProviderAvailability.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous QuantumClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous QuantumClient type.
Providers status.
Providers status.
Supported methods of proxy authentication.
Properties for configuring proxies with Event Hubs.
This represents proxy configuration to be used in http clients..
The type of the proxy.
Proxy Resource The resource model definition for a Azure Resource Manager proxy resource.
The Proxy Resource model.
Defines values for PublicAccessType.
Defines values for PublicAccessType.
The PurchasedPhoneNumber model.
The PurchasePhoneNumbersResult model.
Service version of PurviewAccount.
Service version of PurviewCatalog.
Purview Configuration.
Service version of PurviewMetadata.
A builder for creating a new instance of the PurviewScanningClient type.
Service version of PurviewScanning.
HTTP PUT method annotation describing the parameterized relative path to a REST endpoint for resource creation or update.
A builder for creating a new instance of the QuantumClient type.
Annotation to declare finder queries directly on repository methods.
Defines values for QueryAnswerType.
Defines values for QueryCaptionType.
A helper to extract the query charge from the query response.
A list of active debug sessions.
Defines values for QueryLanguage.
Parameter group.
Annotation for query parameters to be appended to a REST API Request URI.
Interface of generating SqlQuerySpec
Defines values for QuerySpellerType.
The QueryTableStatusRequest model.
Class to represent a time interval.
Defines values for QueryType.
An Access policy.
Azure Analytics Logging settings.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with a queue in Azure Storage Queue.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with a queue in Azure Storage Queue.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the QueueClients and QueueAsyncClients, calling buildClient constructs an instance of QueueClient and calling buildAsyncClient constructs an instance of QueueAsyncClient.
CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain.
Defines values for QueueErrorCode.
An Azure Storage Queue.
Contains information about message that could not be decoded.
Determines how queue message body is represented in HTTP requests and responses.
The object returned in the QueueMessageList array when calling Get Messages on a Queue.
a summary of request statistics grouped by API in hour or minute aggregates for queues.
Properties on a queue.
Model class containing properties of a specific queue in the storage Queue service.
the retention policy.
Runtime properties about the queue.
Constructs a string representing the permissions granted by an Azure Service SAS to a queue.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with a queue account in Azure Storage.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with a queue account in Azure Storage.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the queueServiceClients and queueServiceAsyncClients, calling buildClient constructs an instance of QueueServiceClient and calling buildAsyncClient constructs an instance of QueueServiceAsyncClient.
Storage Service Properties.
Please use the generateSas method on the desired queue client after initializing QueueServiceSasSignatureValues.
Used to initialize parameters for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Queue Storage service.
Stats for the storage service.
The versions of Azure Storage Queue supported by this client library.
signed identifier.
A set of options for selecting queues from Storage Queue service.
A StorageException is thrown whenever Azure Storage successfully returns an error code that is not 200-level.
Linked service for Quickbase.
QuickBooks server linked service.
QuickBooks server dataset.
A copy activity QuickBooks server source.
Quota information.
List of quotas.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous QuantumClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous QuantumClient type.
An Azure Storage file range.
A single bucket of a range facet query result that reports the number of documents with a field value falling within a particular range.
Class representing the video's rate control.
Metadata class to describe reactive cosmos entity includes domain type and container information
Operation class of reactive cosmos
Interface to access method parameters.
ReactiveCosmosParameterParameterAccessor implementation using a ParametersParameterAccessor instance to find special parameters.
Class for reactive cosmos query creators that create criteria based queries from a PartTree.
Interface to execute reactive cosmos query operations
Container operation implementation to execute a container name query
Count operation implementation to execute a count query
Delete operation implementation to execute a delete query
Exist operation implementation to execute a exist query
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for multiple items
Find operation implementation to execute a find query for a single item
Inherit from QueryMethod class to execute a finder query.
Inherit RepositoryBeanDefinitionRegistrarSupport class to enable repository and get extension
Repository interface with search and delete operation
Configuration extension class based on RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport provide options to set reactive repository support.
Factory class for reactive cosmos repository contains application context and operations information
ReactiveCosmosRepositoryFactoryBean<T extends<S,K>,S,K extends Serializable>
Adapter for Springs FactoryBean interface to allow easy setup of reactive cosmos repository factories via Spring configuration.
Template class of reactive cosmos
Represents a partial message that was received.
Set of options that can be specified when receiving events from an EventHubConsumerAsyncClient or EventHubConsumerClient.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a custom entities recognition action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of RecognizeEntitiesResult along with project name, deployment name and batch's statistics.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute an entities recognition action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of RecognizeEntitiesResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a linked entities recognition action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of RecognizeLinkedEntitiesResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a Personally Identifiable Information(PII) entities recognition action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of RecognizePiiEntitiesResult along with model version and batch's statistics.
Defines values for RecordingChannel.
Defines values for RecordingChannelType.
Defines values for RecordingContent.
Defines values for RecordingContentType.
Defines values for RecordingFormat.
Defines values for RecordingFormatType.
Defines values for RecurrenceFrequency.
The recurrence schedule.
The recurrence schedule occurrence.
Redirect incompatible row settings.
A HttpPipelinePolicy that redirects a HttpRequest when an HTTP Redirect is received as response.
The interface for determining the redirect strategy used in RedirectPolicy.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Cache.ExportRDBCompleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Cache.ImportRDBCompleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Cache.PatchingCompleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Cache.ScalingCompleted event.
The Amazon S3 settings needed for the interim Amazon S3 when copying from Amazon Redshift with unload.
This interface represents managing references to Objects and providing the ability to run a cleaning operation once the object is no longer able to be reference.
Defines values for RegexFlags.
Enumeration of the Azure datacenter regions.
This class provides a helper type that contains all the operations for artifacts in a given repository.
This class provides a helper type that contains all the operations for artifacts in a given repository.
Defines values for RehydratePriority.
The rejected delivery outcome.
A copy activity source for various relational databases.
The relational table dataset.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the RelationshipClient type.
Represents the configurable options to release a key.
The release result, containing the released key.
The ReleasePhoneNumberResult model.
The Video Analyzer edge module can act as a transparent gateway for video, enabling IoT devices to send video to the cloud from behind a firewall.
A list of remote device adapters.
Deletes an existing remote device adapter.
Retrieves an existing remote device adapter.
List all existing remote device adapters.
Remote device adapter properties.
Creates a new remote device adapter or updates an existing one.
The Video Analyzer edge module can act as a transparent gateway for video, enabling IoT devices to send video to the cloud from behind a firewall.
Properties of the remote device adapter target.
A builder for creating a new instance of the MixedRealityRemoteRendering type.
Client to communicate with remote rendering service.
A builder for creating instances of RemoteRenderingClient and RemoteRenderingAsyncClient.
Represents an error in the service.
The versions of the RemoteRenderingService supported by this client library.
Holds the properties of a rendering session.
The size of a rendering session.
The status of a rendering session.
Specifies HTTP options for conditional requests based on modification time.
The pipeline policy that puts a UUID in the request header.
This class contains the options to customize an HTTP request.
Configuration options for RequestRetryPolicy.
This is a request policy in an HttpPipeline for retrying a given HTTP request.
Defines values for RequestStatus.
Action Info.
A list of rerun triggers.
RerunTrigger resource type.
Trigger that schedules pipeline reruns for all fixed time interval windows from a requested start time to requested end time.
Rerun tumbling window trigger Parameters.
Defines values for ReservationStatus.
Resource Common fields that are returned in the response for all Azure Resource Manager resources.
The Resource model.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionCancel event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionFailure event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceActionSuccess event.
Defines values for identity type of resource author.
The details of the authorization for the resource.
Represents a resource's usage and quota.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteCancel event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteFailure event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceDeleteSuccess event.
The ResourceDetails model.
The exception thrown when HTTP request tried to create an already existing resource with status code of 4XX, typically 412 conflict.
The details of the HTTP request.
Defines values for ResourceIdentityType.
The exception thrown for invalid resource modification with status code of 4XX, typically 409 Conflict.
An error response, typically triggered by a 412 response (for update) or 404 (for get/post)
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewAccountClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewAccountClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the ResourceSetRulesClient type.
Defines values for ResourceStatus.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteCancel event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteFailure event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Resources.ResourceWriteSuccess event.
REST response with a strongly-typed content specified.
The response of a REST request.
Diagnostics class of cosmos and feed response
Generates statistics from cosmos response
Interface for processing cosmosDB response
This class represents the error details of an HTTP response.
Builder for a policy to do validation of general response behavior.
Immutable policy for asserting validations on general responses.
Responsys linked service.
Responsys dataset.
A copy activity Responsys source.
Error information returned by the API.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with RestError information.
Type to create a proxy implementation for an interface describing REST API methods.
A Rest service dataset.
Defines values for RestServiceAuthenticationType.
Rest Service linked service.
A copy activity Rest service Sink.
A copy activity Rest service source.
Result info class to be used to report result status for actions/operations.
This interface is no longer used, or respected, in code.
The configuration for retries.
Execution policy for an activity.
A pipeline policy that retries when a recoverable HTTP error or exception occurs.
This type holds possible options for retry backoff algorithms.
The interface for determining the retry strategy used in RetryPolicy.
Enumeration of return types used with ServiceMethod annotation to indicate if a method is expected to return a single item or a collection
Annotation for the type that will be used to deserialize the return value of a REST API response.
Role Assignment response details.
Role Assignment response details.
Role Assignment request details.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous AccessControlClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous AccessControlClient type.
The RoleAssignmentsListRoleAssignmentsHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the listRoleAssignments operation.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous AccessControlClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous AccessControlClient type.
Represents the POSIX-style permissions on given resource for an arbitrary role.
Defines values for RouteType.
RTSP source allows for media from an RTSP camera or generic RTSP server to be ingested into a live pipeline.
Defines values for RtspTransport.
Represents the filter actions which are allowed for the transformation of a message that have been matched by a filter expression.
Describes a filter expression that is evaluated against a ServiceBusMessage.
Properties on a rule.
Query parameters for listing runs.
Query filter option for listing runs.
Defines values for RunQueryFilterOperand.
Defines values for RunQueryFilterOperator.
Defines values for RunQueryOrder.
An object to provide order by options for listing runs.
Defines values for RunQueryOrderByField.
Linked service for Salesforce.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud linked service.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud dataset.
A copy activity Salesforce Marketing Cloud source.
The Salesforce object dataset.
Linked service for Salesforce Service Cloud.
The Salesforce Service Cloud object dataset.
A copy activity Salesforce Service Cloud sink.
A copy activity Salesforce Service Cloud source.
A copy activity Salesforce sink.
Defines values for SalesforceSinkWriteBehavior.
A copy activity Salesforce source.
Defines values for SalesforceSourceReadBehavior.
Defines how often media is submitted to the extension plugin.
The SAP BW cube dataset.
SAP Business Warehouse Linked Service.
A copy activity source for SapBW server via MDX.
Linked service for SAP Cloud for Customer.
The path of the SAP Cloud for Customer OData entity.
A copy activity SAP Cloud for Customer sink.
Defines values for SapCloudForCustomerSinkWriteBehavior.
A copy activity source for SAP Cloud for Customer source.
Linked service for SAP ERP Central Component(SAP ECC).
The path of the SAP ECC OData entity.
A copy activity source for SAP ECC source.
Defines values for SapHanaAuthenticationType.
SAP HANA Linked Service.
Defines values for SapHanaPartitionOption.
The settings that will be leveraged for SAP HANA source partitioning.
A copy activity source for SAP HANA source.
SAP HANA Table properties.
SAP Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination Linked Service.
A copy activity source for SAP Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination source.
Sap Business Warehouse Open Hub Destination Table properties.
SAP Table Linked Service.
Defines values for SapTablePartitionOption.
The settings that will be leveraged for SAP table source partitioning.
SAP Table Resource properties.
A copy activity source for SAP Table source.
This type specifies a continuous range of IP addresses.
Specifies the set of possible permissions for a shared access signature protocol.
Get SAS URL operation response.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the ScenesBaseClient type.
Defines values for SchedulerCurrentState.
Defines values for SchedulerCurrentState.
Trigger that creates pipeline runs periodically, on schedule.
The workflow trigger recurrence.
The list of all formats supported by Schema Registry.
Stores properties of a schema stored in Schema Registry.
Represents an exception that is thrown when Avro serialization or deserialization fails.
Schema Registry-based serializer implementation for Avro data format using Apache Avro.
The builder for instantiating a SchemaRegistryApacheAvroSerializer.
HTTP-based client that interacts with Azure Schema Registry service to store and retrieve schemas on demand.
HTTP-based client that interacts with Azure Schema Registry service to store and retrieve schemas on demand.
Fluent builder for interacting with the Schema Registry service via SchemaRegistryAsyncClient and SchemaRegistryClient.
Represents a schema in Schema Registry.
Schema registry service version.
Base type for functions that can modify document scores during ranking.
Defines values for ScoringFunctionAggregation.
Defines values for ScoringFunctionInterpolation.
Represents a parameter value to be used in scoring functions (for example, referencePointParameter).
Defines parameters for a search index that influence scoring in search queries.
Defines values for ScoringStatistics.
Custom script action to run on HDI ondemand cluster once it's up.
Script activity type.
Defines values for ScriptActivityLogDestination.
Parameters of a script block.
Defines values for ScriptActivityParameterDirection.
Defines values for ScriptActivityParameterType.
Script block of scripts.
Log settings of script activity.
Defines values for ScriptType.
Wraps any potential error responses from the service and applies post-processing of the response's eTag header to standardize the value.
An annotation that directs SearchIndexAsyncClient.buildSearchFields(Class, FieldBuilderOptions) to turn the field or method into a searchable field.
Represents an index alias, which describes a mapping from the alias name to an index.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for querying an index and uploading, merging, or deleting documents in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for querying an index and uploading, merging, or deleting documents in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of SearchClients and SearchAsyncClients.
Represents an untyped document returned from a search or document lookup.
Represents a field in an index definition, which describes the name, data type, and search behavior of a field.
Defines values for SearchFieldDataType.
This class is used to help construct valid OData filter expressions by automatically replacing, quoting, and escaping string parameters.
Represents a search index definition, which describes the fields and search behavior of an index.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting indexes or synonym map and analyzing text in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting indexes or synonym map and analyzing text in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of SearchIndexClients and SearchIndexAsyncClients.
Represents an indexer.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting data source connections, indexers, or skillsets and running or resetting indexers in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
The SearchIndexerCache model.
This class provides a client that contains the operations for creating, getting, listing, updating, or deleting data source connections, indexers, or skillsets and running or resetting indexers in an Azure Cognitive Search service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of SearchIndexerClients and SearchIndexerAsyncClients.
Represents information about the entity (such as Azure SQL table or CosmosDB collection) that will be indexed.
Abstract base type for data identities.
Clears the identity property of a datasource.
Represents a datasource definition, which can be used to configure an indexer.
Utility class that aids in the creation of SearchIndexerDataSourceConnections.
Defines values for SearchIndexerDataSourceType.
Specifies the identity for a datasource to use.
Represents an item- or document-level indexing error.
Definition of additional projections to azure blob, table, or files, of enriched data.
Abstract class to share properties between concrete selectors.
Projection definition for what data to store in Azure Files.
Projection definition for what data to store in Azure Blob.
Container object for various projection selectors.
Abstract class to share properties between concrete selectors.
Description for what data to store in Azure Tables.
The SearchIndexerLimits model.
Base type for skills.
A list of skills.
Represents the current status and execution history of an indexer.
Represents an item-level warning.
This class provides a buffered sender that contains operations for conveniently indexing documents to an Azure Search index.
This class provides a buffered sender that contains operations for conveniently indexing documents to an Azure Search index.
Statistics for a given index.
Defines values for SearchMode.
Additional parameters for searchGet operation.
Implementation of ContinuablePagedFlux where the continuation token type is SearchRequest, the element type is SearchResult, and the page type is SearchPagedResponse.
Implementation of ContinuablePagedIterable where the continuation token type is SearchRequest, the element type is SearchResult, and the page type is SearchPagedResponse.
Represents an HTTP response from the search API request that contains a list of items deserialized into a Page.
A customer-managed encryption key in Azure Key Vault.
Contains a document found by a search query, plus associated metadata.
Represents service-level resource counters and quotas.
Represents various service level limits.
Response from a get service statistics request.
The versions of Azure Cognitive Search supported by this client library.
Defines how the Suggest API should apply to a group of fields in the index.
Initializes a new instance of the SeasonalFieldsBaseClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the SeasonsBaseClient type.
The SecretAsyncClient provides asynchronous methods to manage secrets in the Azure Key Vault.
The base definition of a secret type.
The SecretClient provides synchronous methods to manage secrets in the Azure Key Vault.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the secret async client and secret client, by calling buildAsyncClient and buildClient respectively.
SecretProperties is the resource containing all the properties of the secret except its value.
The versions of Azure Key Vault Secret supported by this client library.
Azure Synapse secure string definition.
Defines values for SelectionMarkState.
Self referenced tumbling window trigger dependency.
Self-hosted integration runtime.
Defines a specific configuration to be used in the context of semantic capabilities.
A field that is used as part of the semantic configuration.
Defines parameters for a search index that influence semantic capabilities.
Details of the message to send.
Result of the send message operation.
Status of an email message that was sent previously.
The object returned in the QueueMessageList array when calling Put Message on a Queue.
The set of options that can be specified when sending a set of events to influence the way in which events are sent to the Event Hubs service.
Defines values for SendStatus.
Status of an email message that was sent previously.
The SentenceOpinion model.
The SentenceSentiment model that contains a sentiment label of a sentence, confidence scores of the sentiment label, sentence opinions, and offset of sentence within a document.
Text analytics positive-negative sentiment analysis, scored as a floating point value in a range of zero to 1.
Defines values for SentimentSkillLanguage.
Represents the version of SentimentSkill.
Defines values for SequenceNumberActionType.
An interface defining the behaviors of a serializer.
Supported serialization encoding formats.
Factory to create SerializerAdapter for Azure resource manager (ARM).
Synchronous Client that supports server call operations.
Asynchronous client that supports server call operations.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotifications event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ServiceBus.ActiveMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners event.
An asynchronous client for managing a Service Bus namespace.
A synchronous client for managing a Service Bus namespace.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of ServiceBusAdministrationClient and ServiceBusAdministrationAsyncClient.
The builder to create Service Bus clients:
A utility class that parses a connection string into sections.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailablePeriodicNotifications event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.ServiceBus.DeadletterMessagesAvailableWithNoListeners event.
Context for errors handled by the Service Bus processor.
Represents the operation a Service Bus client was performing when the error happened.
Exception containing additional information about the operation that caused the error.
The set of well-known reasons for an Service Bus operation failure that was the cause of an exception.
The data structure encapsulating the message being sent to Service Bus.
A class for aggregating messages into a single, size-limited, batch.
Represents the message state of the ServiceBusReceivedMessage.
The processor client for processing Service Bus messages.
The data structure encapsulating the message received from Service Bus.
The Service Bus processor message context that holds a received message and additional methods to settle the message.
Defines the modes for receiving messages.
An asynchronous receiver responsible for receiving messages from a specific queue or topic subscription.
A synchronous receiver responsible for receiving ServiceBusReceivedMessage from a specific queue or topic on Azure Service Bus.
An asynchronous client to send messages to a Service Bus resource.
A synchronous sender responsible for sending ServiceBusMessage to specific queue or topic on Azure Service Bus.
The versions of Azure Service Bus supported by this client library.
This asynchronous session receiver client is used to acquire session locks from a queue or topic and create ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient instances that are tied to the locked sessions.
This synchronous session receiver client is used to acquire session locks from a queue or topic and create ServiceBusReceiverClient instances that are tied to the locked sessions.
Authentication policy to add necessary supplementary auth headers when forwarding is set.
Represents transaction in service.
Annotation given to all service client classes.
Annotation given to all service client builder classes.
Enumeration of protocols available for setting the protocol property of ServiceClientBuilder annotation.
Annotation to give the service interfaces a name that correlates to the service that is usable in a programmatic way.
Annotation given to all service client methods that perform network operations.
Defines values for ServiceNowAuthenticationType.
ServiceNow server linked service.
ServiceNow server dataset.
A copy activity ServiceNow server source.
A runtime exception indicating service response failure caused by one of the following scenarios: The request was sent, but the client failed to understand the response.
A generic interface for sending HTTP requests using the provided service version.
Context for an error that occurs in an AMQP session when an AmqpException occurs.
Represents the configurable options to create or update a role definition.
Fields in ConfigurationSetting that can be returned from GET queries.
A set of options for selecting configuration settings from App Configuration service.
Set value for a Variable.
Type that describes severity range.
Defines values for SftpAuthenticationType.
The location of SFTP dataset.
Sftp read settings.
A linked service for an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server.
Sftp write settings.
A skill for reshaping the outputs.
An Access policy.
Defines values for ShareAccessTier.
Extended options that may be passed when acquiring a lease to a file or share.
This class provides a azureFileStorageClient that contains all the operations for interacting with a share in Azure Storage Share.
Extended options that may be passed when breaking a lease to a file or share.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with a share in Azure Storage Share.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the ShareClients and ShareAsyncClients, calling buildClient constructs an instance of ShareClient and calling buildAsyncClient constructs an instance of ShareAsyncClient.
CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain.
Extended options that may be passed when creating a share.
A shared access key for accessing Service Bus entities.
Extended options that may be passed when deleting a share.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with directory in Azure Storage File Service.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with directory in Azure Storage File Service.
Extended options that may be passed when creating a share directory.
Contains information about a Directory in the storage File service.
Contains properties information about a Directory in the storage File service.
Contains metadata information about a Directory in the storage File service.
A credential provider that provides token credentials from the MSAL shared token cache.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a SharedTokenCacheCredential.
Defines values for ShareErrorCode.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting with file in Azure Storage File Service.
This class provides a client that contains all the operations for interacting files under Azure Storage File Service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the FileClients, FileAsyncClients, DirectoryClients, and DirectoryAsyncClients.
Contains copy information about a File in the storage File service.
Extended options that may be passed when copying a share.
Extended options that may be passed when creating a share.
This class contains the response information returned from the server when downloading a file.
Defines headers for Download operation.
Extended options that may be passed when downloading a File.
This class contains the response information returned from the server when downloading a file.
Parameter group.
Contains information about a File in the storage File service.
Contains file or directory reference information in the storage File service.
Share item properties for items on a listing operation.
Extended options that may be passed when listing ranges for a File.
This class contains the response information returned from the service when metadata is set on a file.
Contains property information about a File in the storage File service.
The range of a file in the storage file service.
The list of file ranges.
Extended options that may be passed when renaming a file or directory.
Constructs a string representing the permissions granted by a Service SAS to a file.
This class contains the response information returned from the service when the file is uploaded.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a file range.
Response from uploading a range from a URL source.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a range from a source URL.
Extended options that may be passed when uploading a file range.
Extended options that may be passed when getting access policy from a share.
Extended options that may be passed when getting properties from a share.
Extended options that may be passed when getting statistics for a share.
Contains information about a Share in the storage File service.
A listed Azure Storage share item.
This class provides a client that contains all the leasing operations for files.
This class provides a client that contains all the leasing operations for files.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of Storage Lease clients.
Extended options for a directory listing operation.
Storage Analytics metrics for file service.
SharePoint Online List linked service.
The sharepoint online list resource dataset.
A copy activity source for sharePoint online list source.
Properties of a share.
Represents protocols that can be set on a share.
Protocol settings.
This class contains values which will restrict the successful operation of a variety of requests to the conditions present.
The retention policy.
Defines values for ShareRootSquash.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by a ServiceSAS to a share.
This class provides a azureFileStorageClient that contains all the operations for interacting with a file account in Azure Storage.
This class provides a shareServiceAsyncClient that contains all the operations for interacting with a file account in Azure Storage.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the FileServiceClients and FileServiceAsyncClients, calling buildClient constructs an instance of ShareServiceClient and calling buildFileAsyncClient constructs an instance of ShareServiceAsyncClient.
Storage service properties.
Please use the generateSas method on the desired file/share client after initializing ShareServiceSasSignatureValues.
Used to initialize parameters for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure File Storage service.
The versions of Azure Storage File supported by this client library.
Extended options that may be passed when setting access policy on a share.
Extended options that may be passed when setting metadata on a share.
Extended options that may be passed when setting properties on a share.
Signed identifier.
Settings for SMB protocol.
Contains information about a snapshot of a Share in the storage File service.
Defines values for ShareSnapshotsDeleteOptionType.
Contains statistics about a Share in the storage File service.
A StorageException is thrown whenever Azure Storage successfully returns an error code that is not 200-level.
Creates combinations of tokens as a single token.
Shopify Service linked service.
Shopify Service dataset.
A copy activity Shopify Service source.
A signal gate determines when to block (gate) incoming media, and when to allow it through.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.SignalRService.ClientConnectionConnected event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.SignalRService.ClientConnectionDisconnected event.
Defines values for SignatureAlgorithm.
Represents the details of sign operation result.
Base type for similarity algorithms.
Metadata class to describe simple cosmos entity includes domain type and cosmos entity information
Repository class for simple Cosmos operation
An annotation that directs SearchIndexAsyncClient.buildSearchFields(Class, FieldBuilderOptions) to turn the field or method into a non-searchable field.
Metadata class to describe simple reactive cosmos entity includes domain type and cosmos entity information
Repository class for simple reactive Cosmos operation
REST response with a strongly-typed content specified.
A token cache that supports caching a token and refreshing it.
Configurations that allow callers to specify details about how to execute a single-label classification action in a set of documents.
A collection model that contains a list of SingleCategoryClassifyResult along with project name, deployment name and batch's statistics.
Base class for topology sink nodes.
Skip error file.
Sku SQL pool SKU.
Defines values for SkuName.
Type that describes smart-detection parameters.
Linked service for Smartsheet.
Settings for SMB multichannel.
Async client for sending SMS messages with Azure Communication SMS Service.
Client for sending SMS messages with Azure Communication SMS Services.
SmsClientBuilder that creates SmsAsyncClient and SmsClient.
The SmsSendOptions model.
The SmsSendResult model.
The versions of Communication Identity Service supported by this client library.
Defines values for SnoozeScope.
A filter that stems words using a Snowball-generated stemmer.
Defines values for SnowballTokenFilterLanguage.
The snowflake dataset.
Snowflake export command settings.
Snowflake import command settings.
Snowflake linked service.
A copy activity snowflake sink.
A copy activity snowflake source.
Defines a data deletion detection policy that implements a soft-deletion strategy.
Parameter group.
Base class for topology source nodes.
Represents the tracing span type.
Defines values for SparkAuthenticationType.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous SparkClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous SparkClient type.
The SparkBatchJob model.
The SparkBatchJob model.
Response for batch list operation.
The SparkBatchJobOptions model.
Defines values for SparkBatchJobResultType.
Defines values for SparkBatchJobResultType.
The SparkBatchJobState model.
The SparkBatchJobState model.
A builder for creating a new instance of the SparkClient type.
Information about a SparkConfiguration created at the workspace level.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
A list of sparkconfiguration resources.
Spark Configuration resource type.
Defines values for SparkErrorSource.
Defines values for SparkErrorSource.
The SparkJob model.
Spark job definition.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The folder that this Spark job definition is in.
Spark job definition resource type.
A list of spark job definitions resources.
The SparkJobListViewResponse model.
The properties of the Spark job.
Defines values for SparkJobReferenceType.
Defines values for SparkJobType.
Defines values for SparkJobType.
Spark Server linked service.
Spark Server dataset.
The SparkRequest model.
The SparkRequest model.
The SparkScheduler model.
The SparkScheduler model.
Defines values for SparkServerType.
The SparkServiceError model.
The SparkServiceError model.
The SparkServicePlugin model.
The SparkServicePlugin model.
The SparkSession model.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous SparkClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous SparkClient type.
The SparkSessionCollection model.
The SparkSessionOptions model.
Defines values for SparkSessionResultType.
The SparkSessionState model.
A copy activity Spark Server source.
The SparkStatement model.
The SparkStatementCancellationResult model.
The SparkStatementCollection model.
Defines values for SparkStatementLanguageType.
The SparkStatementOptions model.
The SparkStatementOutput model.
Defines values for SparkThriftTransportProtocol.
Defines a Spatial Analysis custom operation.
Base class for Azure Cognitive Services Spatial Analysis operations.
Defines the Azure Cognitive Services Spatial Analysis operation eventing configuration.
Defines values for SpatialAnalysisOperationFocus.
Defines a Spatial Analysis person count operation eventing configuration.
Defines values for SpatialAnalysisPersonCountEventTrigger.
Defines a Spatial Analysis person count operation.
The SpatialAnalysisPersonCountZoneEvents model.
Defines a Spatial Analysis person distance operation eventing configuration.
Defines values for SpatialAnalysisPersonDistanceEventTrigger.
Defines a Spatial Analysis person distance operation.
The SpatialAnalysisPersonDistanceZoneEvents model.
Defines a Spatial Analysis person line crossing operation eventing configuration.
The SpatialAnalysisPersonLineCrossingLineEvents model.
Defines a Spatial Analysis person line crossing operation.
Defines a Spatial Analysis person crossing zone operation eventing configuration.
Defines values for SpatialAnalysisPersonZoneCrossingEventType.
Defines a Spatial Analysis person zone crossing operation.
The SpatialAnalysisPersonZoneCrossingZoneEvents model.
Base class for Azure Cognitive Services Spatial Analysis typed operations.
The type Spatial spec.
Defines the target data type of an index path specification in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of specialized Storage Blob clients, AppendBlobClient, AppendBlobAsyncClient, BlockBlobClient, BlockBlobAsyncClient, PageBlobClient, and PageBlobAsyncClient.
A skill to split a string into chunks of text.
Defines values for SplitSkillLanguage.
The connection used to execute the SQL script.
Defines values for SqlConnectionType.
A copy activity SQL Data Warehouse sink.
A copy activity SQL Data Warehouse source.
Defines a data change detection policy that captures changes using the Integrated Change Tracking feature of Azure SQL Database.
A copy activity Azure SQL Managed Instance sink.
A copy activity Azure SQL Managed Instance source.
Represents a SQL parameter in the SqlQuerySpec used for queries in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Defines values for SqlPartitionOption.
The settings that will be leveraged for Sql source partitioning.
SQL pool A SQL Analytics pool.
SQL pool collection List of SQL pools.
SQL pool reference type.
Defines values for SqlPoolReferenceType.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Execute SQL pool stored procedure activity.
Represents a SQL query in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Represents a SQL query with encryption parameters in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
The SqlQueryStringDataModel model.
Represents set of actions written in SQL language-based syntax that is performed against a ServiceBusMessage.
Represents a filter which is a composition of an expression and an action that is executed in the pub/sub pipeline.
SQL script.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
The content of the SQL script.
The folder that this SQL script is in.
The metadata of the SQL script.
Sql Script resource type.
A list of sql scripts resources.
Defines values for SqlScriptType.
The SQLServerDataFeedSource model.
SQL Server linked service.
A copy activity SQL server sink.
A copy activity SQL server source.
SQL stored procedure activity type.
The on-premises SQL Server dataset.
A copy activity SQL sink.
A copy activity SQL source.
Square Service linked service.
Square Service dataset.
A copy activity Square Service source.
SSIS access credential.
SSIS embedded child package.
SSIS package execution credential.
SSIS execution parameter.
SSIS package execution log location.
Defines values for SsisLogLocationType.
The status of the operation.
SSIS package location.
Defines values for SsisPackageLocationType.
SSIS property override.
Staging settings.
Defines values for StampKind.
The response payload of start call recording operation.
Request body structure for starting data flow debug session.
Response body structure for starting data flow debug session.
Defines values for RecordingFormatType.
Represents span options that are available before span starts and describe it.
The properties that enable an account to host a static website.
Fallback polling strategy that doesn't poll but exits successfully if no other polling strategies are detected and status code is 2xx.
Provides the ability to override other stemming filters with custom dictionary-based stemming.
Language specific stemming filter.
Defines values for StemmerTokenFilterLanguage.
Divides text at non-letters; Applies the lowercase and stopword token filters.
Defines values for StopwordsList.
Removes stop words from a token stream.
This class contains information about the storage account.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous QuantumClient type.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.AsyncOperationInitiated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.BlobCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.BlobDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for an Microsoft.Storage.BlobInventoryPolicyCompleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.BlobRenamed event.
A sample to demonstrate uploading a blob to Azure Blob Storage using GraalVM.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.BlobTierChanged event.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous QuantumClient type.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryCreated event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryDeleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.DirectoryRenamed event.
Provides an input stream to read a given storage file resource.
Provides an output stream to write a given storage file resource.
Provides an input stream to read a given storage resource.
Execution statistics of a specific policy action in a Blob Management cycle.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Storage.LifecyclePolicyCompleted event.
StorageOutputStream allows for uploading data to an Azure Storage service using stream concepts.
SharedKey credential policy that is put into a header to authorize requests.
Policy that adds the SharedKey into the request's Authorization header.
SQL stored procedure parameter.
Defines values for StoredProcedureParameterType.
Connector read setting.
Connector write settings.
REST response with a streaming content.
Cosmos query class to handle the annotated queries.
Cosmos query class to handle the annotated queries.
Stub class so the package isn't empty.
The subject alternate names of Certificate Policy.
Subject details.
Azure Service Bus queues and subscriptions provide a secondary sub-queue, called a dead-letter queue (DLQ).
Azure Synapse nested resource, which belongs to a workspace.
The SubResource model.
Azure Synapse nested debug resource.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionDeletedEvent event.
Properties on a subscription.
Runtime properties about a subscription.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent event.
To complete an event subscription validation handshake, a subscriber can use either the validationCode or the validationUrl received in a SubscriptionValidationEvent.
Parameter group.
Implementation of PagedFluxBase where the element type is SuggestResult and the page type is SuggestPagedResponse.
Implementation of PagedIterableBase where the element type is SuggestResult and the page type is SuggestPagedResponse.
Represents an HTTP response from the suggest API request that contains a list of items deserialized into a Page.
A result containing a document found by a suggestion query, plus associated metadata.
The SummarySentence model.
Defines values for SummarySentencesOrder.
Type that describes suppress condition for anomalies.
This activity evaluates an expression and executes activities under the cases property that correspond to the expression evaluation expected in the equals property.
Switch cases with have a value and corresponding activities.
Defines values for SybaseAuthenticationType.
Linked service for Sybase data source.
A copy activity source for Sybase databases.
The Sybase table dataset.
Symmetric key credential.
Execute Synapse notebook activity.
Synapse notebook reference type.
Synapse role definition details.
Synapse role definition details.
Execute spark job activity.
Synapse spark job reference type.
An test template extension that helps to branch out a single test into sync and async invocation.
Defines values for SyncCopyStatusType.
A type that offers API that simplifies the task of executing long-running operations against an Azure service.
Represents a synonym map definition.
Matches single or multi-word synonyms in a token stream.
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
Read-only system metadata associated with a resource.
This class contains a number of constants that correspond to the value of eventType of EventGridEvents and type of CloudEvents, when the event originated from an Azure service.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
This class contains values which correlate to the access polices set for a specific table.
A table's access policy.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the permissions granted by an Account SAS.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the resources accessible by an Account SAS.
This is a helper class to construct a string representing the services accessible by an Account SAS.
Used to initialize parameters for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for an Azure Storage account.
Provides an asynchronous service client for accessing a table in the Azure Tables service.
Policy that adds the SharedKey into the request's Authorization header.
Provides a synchronous service client for accessing a table in the Azure Tables service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of TableClient and TableAsyncClient objects.
An entity within a table.
The type of update operation to perform on an existing entity within a table.
Defines values for error codes returned from the Tables service.
A table within a storage or CosmosDB table API account.
This type specifies a continuous range of IP addresses.
Constructs a string representing the permissions granted by an Azure Service SAS to a table.
Specifies the set of possible permissions for Shared Access Signature protocol.
Used to initialize parameters for a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for the Azure Table Storage service.
Wraps any potential error responses from the service and applies post processing of the response's eTag header to standardize the value.
Provides an asynchronous service client for accessing the Azure Tables service.
Provides a synchronous service client for accessing the Azure Tables service.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of TableServiceClient and TableServiceAsyncClient objects.
CORS is an HTTP feature that enables a web application running under one domain to access resources in another domain.
A class that represents an error occurred in a Tables operation.
Exception thrown for an invalid response with TableServiceError information.
Geo-Replication information for the Secondary Storage Service.
A model representing configurable Azure Analytics Logging settings of the Table service.
A model representing configurable metrics settings of the Table service.
A model representing configurable settings of the Table service.
The Table service retention policy.
A model representing Table service statistics.
The versions of Tables REST API supported by this client library.
A signed identifier.
Defines an action to be included as part of a transactional operation.
The response of a REST sub-request contained within the response of a transaction request.
The type of action to be executed on a TableEntity in a transactional operation.
Exception thrown for an invalid response on a transactional operation with TableServiceError information.
Copy activity sources of tabular type.
A copy activity tabular translator.
Blob info from a Filter Blobs API call.
Defines a function that boosts scores of documents with string values matching a given list of tags.
Provides parameter values to a tag scoring function.
Defines values for TargetAvailability.
The TargetSentiment model.
Target status.
The TarGZip compression read settings.
The Tar compression read settings.
Defines values for TeamDeskAuthenticationType.
Linked service for TeamDesk.
Generic attribute collection applicable to metrics, tracing and logging implementations.
Defines values for TeradataAuthenticationType.
Linked service for Teradata data source.
Defines values for TeradataPartitionOption.
The settings that will be leveraged for teradata source partitioning.
A copy activity Teradata source.
The Teradata database dataset.
Base class for running live and playback tests using InterceptorManager.
This class handles managing context about a test, such as custom testing annotations and verifying whether the test is capable of running.
The possible testing modes.
This class provides an asynchronous client that contains all the operations that apply to Azure Text Analytics.
This class provides a synchronous client that contains all the operations that apply to Azure Text Analytics.
This class provides a fluent builder API to help instantiation of TextAnalyticsClients and TextAnalyticsAsyncClients, call TextAnalyticsClientBuilder.buildClient() buildClient} and buildAsyncClient respectively to construct an instance of the desired client.
Defines values for TextAnalyticsErrorCode.
General exception for Text Analytics related failures.
A GraalVM sample to demonstrate analyzing sentiment of a sentence using Azure Text Analytics.
The versions of Azure Text Analytics supported by this client library.
If TextAnalyticsRequestOptions.isIncludeStatistics() is set to true this class will will contain information about the request payload.
Contains an input document to be analyzed by the service.
If TextAnalyticsRequestOptions.isIncludeStatistics() is set to true this class will will contain information about the document payload.
The data stored in text format.
Defines values for TextSentiment.
Defines values for TextSplitMode.
A skill to translate text from one language to another.
Defines values for TextTranslationSkillLanguage.
Defines weights on index fields for which matches should boost scoring in search queries.
A utility and extension to dump threads after 30 minutes from starting tests.
Encapsulates retry options in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Throughput control group configuration.
The throughput control group config builder.
Represents throughput of the resources in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
The cosmos throughput response.
Initializes a new instance of the TillageDataBaseClient type.
Defines values for TimeGranularity.
Consider configuring timeouts with HttpClientOptions.
A time series result type.
The definition of input timeseries points.
TLS endpoint describes an endpoint that the pipeline can connect to over TLS transport (data is encrypted in transit).
Options for controlling the validation of TLS endpoints.
Represents the Persistence Token Cache options used to setup the persistent access token cache.
Defines values for TokenCharacterKind.
The interface for credentials that can provide a token.
An Azure SDK for Java trait providing a consistent interface for setting TokenCredential.
Base type for token filters.
Defines values for TokenFilterName.
Contains details of a request to get a token.
The class to represent Tone info detail.
The subscribe to tone event.
Defines values for ToneValue.
This exception is thrown when an HTTP request has reached the maximum number of redirect attempts with HTTP status code of 3XX.
Represents the static properties of the topic.
Runtime properties about the topic.
The type TopNGroupScope represents the parameters that defines TopN anomaly scope.
Contract that all tracers must implement to be pluggable into the SDK.
This class provides a means for all client libraries to augment the context information they have received from an end user with additional distributed tracing information, that may then be passed on to a backend for analysis.
Tracked Resource The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager tracked top level resource which has 'tags' and a 'location'.
The TrainMultivariateModelHeaders model.
Contains all response data for the trainMultivariateModel operation.
A transaction delivery outcome.
A data flow transformation.
Azure Synapse nested object which contains information about creating pipeline run.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Defines the response of a provision trigger dependency operation.
Trigger referenced dependency.
A list of trigger resources.
Specifies the operations on which a trigger should be executed in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Pipeline that needs to be triggered with the given parameters.
Trigger reference type.
Defines values for TriggerReferenceType.
Trigger resource type.
Trigger runs.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
A list of trigger runs.
Defines values for TriggerRunStatus.
Defines values for TriggerRuntimeState.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewScanningClient type.
Defines the response of a trigger subscription operation.
The trigger type in the Azure Cosmos DB database service.
Matches all the messages arriving to be selected for the subscription.
Truncates the terms to a specific length.
Defines values for TumblingWindowFrequency.
Trigger that schedules pipeline runs for all fixed time interval windows from a start time without gaps and also supports backfill scenarios (when start time is in the past).
Referenced tumbling window trigger dependency.
Linked service for Twilio.
Defines values for Type.
Type conversion settings.
This class represents a generic Java type, retaining information about generics.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
A builder for creating a new instance of the TypesClient type.
Request payload for typing notifications.
Tokenizes urls and emails as one token.
Extended options that may be passed when restoring a blob container.
This exception class represents an error when the specified input length doesn't match the data length.
The exception type that is thrown or returned when one of the status codes is returned from a REST API.
The Repeatable container annotation for UnexpectedResponseExceptionType.
Represents a unique key on that enforces uniqueness constraint on items in the container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Represents the unique key policy configuration for specifying uniqueness constraints on items in the container in the Azure Cosmos DB service.
Filters out tokens with same text as the previous token.
Catch-all for all other Communication identifiers for Communication Services
Unsecured endpoint describes an endpoint that the pipeline can connect to over clear transport (no encryption in transit).
This activity executes inner activities until the specified boolean expression results to true or timeout is reached, whichever is earlier.
Represents the details of key unwrap operation result.
Request payload for updating a chat message.
Request payload for updating a chat thread.
The UpdateLandingZoneCredential model.
Response from the service when updating a message.
Options for updating an existing rendering session.
The result from uploading the blob.
The model representing the error and the associated logs that failed when uploading a subset of logs to Azure Monitor.
The options model to configure the request to upload logs to Azure Monitor.
The model class containing the result of a logs upload operation.
Enum to indicate the status of a logs upload operation.
Options for configuring the upload manifest operation.
The result from uploading a manifest.
A builder class that is used to create URLs.
Pipeline policy that adds "User-Agent" header to a request.
Class to hold the properties used in user agent strings.
Utility for building user agent string for Azure client libraries as specified in the design guidelines.
A user delegation key.
A user delegation key.
An AAD credential that acquires a token with a username and a password.
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a UsernamePasswordCredential.
Username and password credentials.
User property.
Utility methods for storage client libraries.
This activity verifies that an external resource exists.
A single bucket of a simple or interval facet query result that reports the number of documents with a field falling within a particular interval or having a specific value.
Definition of a single variable for a Pipeline.
The VariableState model.
Defines values for VariableType.
The VariableValues model.
Represents the details of verify operation result.
Vertica linked service.
A copy activity Vertica source.
Vertica dataset.
Builds a VertxAsyncHttpClient.
HttpClientProvider backed by the Vert.x HttpClient
Service provider interface providing platforms and applications the means to have their own managed Vertx be resolved by the VertxAsyncHttpClientBuilder.
Optional video properties to be used in case a new video resource needs to be created on the service.
Class representing the MPEG4 Configuration.
Defines values for VideoEncoding.
Options for changing video publishing behavior on the video sink and output video.
The Video resolution.
Video sink allows for video and audio to be recorded to the Video Analyzer service.
Virtual Network Profile.
Defines values for VisualFeature.
Enables authentication to Azure Active Directory using data from Visual Studio Code
Fluent credential builder for instantiating a VisualStudioCodeCredential.
This activity suspends pipeline execution for the specified interval.
Defines values for WarningCode.
Initializes a new instance of the WeatherBaseClient type.
Web activity.
Web activity authentication properties.
Defines values for WebActivityMethod.
A WebLinkedService that uses anonymous authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint.
A skill that can call a Web API endpoint, allowing you to extend a skillset by having it call your custom code.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.AppServicePlanUpdated event.
sku of app service plan.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.AppUpdated event.
Defines values for WebAuthenticationType.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationCompleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationFailed event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.BackupOperationStarted event.
A WebLinkedService that uses basic authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint.
A WebLinkedService that uses client certificate based authentication to communicate with an HTTP endpoint.
WebHook activity.
Defines values for WebHookActivityMethod.
Web linked service.
Base definition of WebLinkedServiceTypeProperties, this typeProperties is polymorphic based on authenticationType, so not flattened in SDK models.
A hook that describes web-hook based incident alerts notification.
An HttpPipelinePolicy for authenticating against the Azure Web Pub Sub service.
A wrapper class for results of the getClientAccessToken APIs on WebPubSubServiceAsyncClient and WebPubSubServiceClient.
Defines values for ContentType.
Defines values for WebPubSubPermission.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous AzureWebPubSubServiceRestAPI type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous AzureWebPubSubServiceRestAPI type.
This class provides a fluent builder API to aid the configuration and instantiation of sync and async Azure Web Pub Sub clients, using the buildClient and buildAsyncClient methods respectively.
Service version of WebPubSubService.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationCompleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationFailed event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.RestoreOperationStarted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapCompleted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapFailed event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapStarted event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewCancelled event.
Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Web.SlotSwapWithPreviewStarted event.
A copy activity source for web page table.
The dataset points to a HTML table in the web page.
Represents well known issuer names to refer in CertificatePolicy
Splits words into subwords and performs optional transformations on subword groups.
A workspace.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Initializes a new instance of the synchronous ArtifactsClient type.
Identity properties of the workspace resource.
Details of the customer managed key associated with the workspace.
Git integration settings.
Parameters for updating a workspace resource.
Represents the details of wrap operation result.
Xero Service linked service.
Xero Service dataset.
A copy activity Xero Service source.
Xml dataset.
Xml read settings.
A copy activity Xml source.
Defines values for ZendeskAuthenticationType.
Linked service for Zendesk.
The ZipDeflate compression read settings.
Zoho server linked service.
Zoho server dataset.
A copy activity Zoho server source.