Class BatchDocumentTranslationRestClient


public final class BatchDocumentTranslationRestClient extends Object
Initializes a new instance of the BatchDocumentTranslationClient type.
  • Method Details

    • startTranslation

      public DynamicRequest startTranslation()
      Use this API to submit a bulk (batch) translation request to the Document Translation service. Each request can contain multiple documents and must contain a source and destination container for each document.

      The prefix and suffix filter (if supplied) are used to filter folders. The prefix is applied to the subpath after the container name.

      Glossaries / Translation memory can be included in the request and are applied by the service when the document is translated.

      If the glossary is invalid or unreachable during translation, an error is indicated in the document status. If a file with the same name already exists at the destination, it will be overwritten. The targetUrl for each target language must be unique.

      Request Body Schema

           inputs: [
                   source: {
                       sourceUrl: String
                       filter: {
                           prefix: String
                           suffix: String
                       language: String
                       storageSource: String(AzureBlob)
                   targets: [
                           targetUrl: String
                           category: String
                           language: String
                           glossaries: [
                                   glossaryUrl: String
                                   format: String
                                   version: String
                                   storageSource: String(AzureBlob)
                           storageSource: String(AzureBlob)
                   storageType: String(Folder/File)
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getTranslationsStatus

      public DynamicRequest getTranslationsStatus()
      Returns a list of batch requests submitted and the status for each request. This list only contains batch requests submitted by the user (based on the resource).

      If the number of requests exceeds our paging limit, server-side paging is used. Paginated responses indicate a partial result and include a continuation token in the response. The absence of a continuation token means that no additional pages are available.

      $top, $skip and $maxpagesize query parameters can be used to specify a number of results to return and an offset for the collection.

      $top indicates the total number of records the user wants to be returned across all pages. $skip indicates the number of records to skip from the list of batches based on the sorting method specified. By default, we sort by descending start time. $maxpagesize is the maximum items returned in a page. If more items are requested via $top (or $top is not specified and there are more items to be returned), @nextLink will contain the link to the next page.

      $orderBy query parameter can be used to sort the returned list (ex "$orderBy=createdDateTimeUtc asc" or "$orderBy=createdDateTimeUtc desc"). The default sorting is descending by createdDateTimeUtc. Some query parameters can be used to filter the returned list (ex: "status=Succeeded,Cancelled") will only return succeeded and cancelled operations. createdDateTimeUtcStart and createdDateTimeUtcEnd can be used combined or separately to specify a range of datetime to filter the returned list by. The supported filtering query parameters are (status, ids, createdDateTimeUtcStart, createdDateTimeUtcEnd).

      The server honors the values specified by the client. However, clients must be prepared to handle responses that contain a different page size or contain a continuation token.

      When both $top and $skip are included, the server should first apply $skip and then $top on the collection. Note: If the server can't honor $top and/or $skip, the server must return an error to the client informing about it instead of just ignoring the query options. This reduces the risk of the client making assumptions about the data returned.

      Optional Query Parameters

      Optional Query Parameters
      topInteger$top indicates the total number of records the user wants to be returned across all pages. Clients MAY use $top and $skip query parameters to specify a number of results to return and an offset into the collection. When both $top and $skip are given by a client, the server SHOULD first apply $skip and then $top on the collection. Note: If the server can't honor $top and/or $skip, the server MUST return an error to the client informing about it instead of just ignoring the query options.
      skipInteger$skip indicates the number of records to skip from the list of records held by the server based on the sorting method specified. By default, we sort by descending start time. Clients MAY use $top and $skip query parameters to specify a number of results to return and an offset into the collection. When both $top and $skip are given by a client, the server SHOULD first apply $skip and then $top on the collection. Note: If the server can't honor $top and/or $skip, the server MUST return an error to the client informing about it instead of just ignoring the query options.
      maxpagesizeInteger$maxpagesize is the maximum items returned in a page. If more items are requested via $top (or $top is not specified and there are more items to be returned), @nextLink will contain the link to the next page. Clients MAY request server-driven paging with a specific page size by specifying a $maxpagesize preference. The server SHOULD honor this preference if the specified page size is smaller than the server's default page size.
      idsList<UUID>Ids to use in filtering
      statusesList<String>Statuses to use in filtering
      createdDateTimeUtcStartOffsetDateTimethe start datetime to get items after
      createdDateTimeUtcEndOffsetDateTimethe end datetime to get items before
      orderByList<String>the sorting query for the collection (ex: 'CreatedDateTimeUtc asc', 'CreatedDateTimeUtc desc')

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
                   id: UUID
                   createdDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
                   lastActionDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
                   status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed/Cancelled/Cancelling/ValidationFailed)
                   error: {
                       code: String(InvalidRequest/InvalidArgument/InternalServerError/ServiceUnavailable/ResourceNotFound/Unauthorized/RequestRateTooHigh)
                       message: String
                       target: String
                       innerError: {
                           code: String
                           message: String
                           target: String
                           innerError: (recursive schema, see innerError above)
                   summary: {
                       total: int
                       failed: int
                       success: int
                       inProgress: int
                       notYetStarted: int
                       cancelled: int
                       totalCharacterCharged: long
           nextLink: String
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getDocumentStatus

      public DynamicRequest getDocumentStatus(String id, String documentId)
      Returns the translation status for a specific document based on the request Id and document Id.

      Response Body Schema

           path: String
           sourcePath: String
           createdDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
           lastActionDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
           status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed/Cancelled/Cancelling/ValidationFailed)
           to: String
           error: {
               code: String(InvalidRequest/InvalidArgument/InternalServerError/ServiceUnavailable/ResourceNotFound/Unauthorized/RequestRateTooHigh)
               message: String
               target: String
               innerError: {
                   code: String
                   message: String
                   target: String
                   innerError: (recursive schema, see innerError above)
           progress: float
           id: UUID
           characterCharged: Long
      id - Format - uuid. The batch id.
      documentId - Format - uuid. The document id.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getTranslationStatus

      public DynamicRequest getTranslationStatus(String id)
      Returns the status for a document translation request. The status includes the overall request status, as well as the status for documents that are being translated as part of that request.

      Response Body Schema

           id: UUID
           createdDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
           lastActionDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
           status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed/Cancelled/Cancelling/ValidationFailed)
           error: {
               code: String(InvalidRequest/InvalidArgument/InternalServerError/ServiceUnavailable/ResourceNotFound/Unauthorized/RequestRateTooHigh)
               message: String
               target: String
               innerError: {
                   code: String
                   message: String
                   target: String
                   innerError: (recursive schema, see innerError above)
           summary: {
               total: int
               failed: int
               success: int
               inProgress: int
               notYetStarted: int
               cancelled: int
               totalCharacterCharged: long
      id - Format - uuid. The operation id.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • cancelTranslation

      public DynamicRequest cancelTranslation(String id)
      Cancel a currently processing or queued translation. Cancel a currently processing or queued translation. A translation will not be cancelled if it is already completed or failed or cancelling. A bad request will be returned. All documents that have completed translation will not be cancelled and will be charged. All pending documents will be cancelled if possible.

      Response Body Schema

           id: UUID
           createdDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
           lastActionDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
           status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed/Cancelled/Cancelling/ValidationFailed)
           error: {
               code: String(InvalidRequest/InvalidArgument/InternalServerError/ServiceUnavailable/ResourceNotFound/Unauthorized/RequestRateTooHigh)
               message: String
               target: String
               innerError: {
                   code: String
                   message: String
                   target: String
                   innerError: (recursive schema, see innerError above)
           summary: {
               total: int
               failed: int
               success: int
               inProgress: int
               notYetStarted: int
               cancelled: int
               totalCharacterCharged: long
      id - Format - uuid. The operation-id.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getDocumentsStatus

      public DynamicRequest getDocumentsStatus(String id)
      Returns the status for all documents in a batch document translation request.

      If the number of documents in the response exceeds our paging limit, server-side paging is used. Paginated responses indicate a partial result and include a continuation token in the response. The absence of a continuation token means that no additional pages are available.

      $top, $skip and $maxpagesize query parameters can be used to specify a number of results to return and an offset for the collection.

      $top indicates the total number of records the user wants to be returned across all pages. $skip indicates the number of records to skip from the list of document status held by the server based on the sorting method specified. By default, we sort by descending start time. $maxpagesize is the maximum items returned in a page. If more items are requested via $top (or $top is not specified and there are more items to be returned), @nextLink will contain the link to the next page.

      $orderBy query parameter can be used to sort the returned list (ex "$orderBy=createdDateTimeUtc asc" or "$orderBy=createdDateTimeUtc desc"). The default sorting is descending by createdDateTimeUtc. Some query parameters can be used to filter the returned list (ex: "status=Succeeded,Cancelled") will only return succeeded and cancelled documents. createdDateTimeUtcStart and createdDateTimeUtcEnd can be used combined or separately to specify a range of datetime to filter the returned list by. The supported filtering query parameters are (status, ids, createdDateTimeUtcStart, createdDateTimeUtcEnd).

      When both $top and $skip are included, the server should first apply $skip and then $top on the collection. Note: If the server can't honor $top and/or $skip, the server must return an error to the client informing about it instead of just ignoring the query options. This reduces the risk of the client making assumptions about the data returned.

      Optional Query Parameters

      Optional Query Parameters
      topInteger$top indicates the total number of records the user wants to be returned across all pages. Clients MAY use $top and $skip query parameters to specify a number of results to return and an offset into the collection. When both $top and $skip are given by a client, the server SHOULD first apply $skip and then $top on the collection. Note: If the server can't honor $top and/or $skip, the server MUST return an error to the client informing about it instead of just ignoring the query options.
      skipInteger$skip indicates the number of records to skip from the list of records held by the server based on the sorting method specified. By default, we sort by descending start time. Clients MAY use $top and $skip query parameters to specify a number of results to return and an offset into the collection. When both $top and $skip are given by a client, the server SHOULD first apply $skip and then $top on the collection. Note: If the server can't honor $top and/or $skip, the server MUST return an error to the client informing about it instead of just ignoring the query options.
      maxpagesizeInteger$maxpagesize is the maximum items returned in a page. If more items are requested via $top (or $top is not specified and there are more items to be returned), @nextLink will contain the link to the next page. Clients MAY request server-driven paging with a specific page size by specifying a $maxpagesize preference. The server SHOULD honor this preference if the specified page size is smaller than the server's default page size.
      idsList<UUID>Ids to use in filtering
      statusesList<String>Statuses to use in filtering
      createdDateTimeUtcStartOffsetDateTimethe start datetime to get items after
      createdDateTimeUtcEndOffsetDateTimethe end datetime to get items before
      orderByList<String>the sorting query for the collection (ex: 'CreatedDateTimeUtc asc', 'CreatedDateTimeUtc desc')

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
                   path: String
                   sourcePath: String
                   createdDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
                   lastActionDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
                   status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed/Cancelled/Cancelling/ValidationFailed)
                   to: String
                   error: {
                       code: String(InvalidRequest/InvalidArgument/InternalServerError/ServiceUnavailable/ResourceNotFound/Unauthorized/RequestRateTooHigh)
                       message: String
                       target: String
                       innerError: {
                           code: String
                           message: String
                           target: String
                           innerError: (recursive schema, see innerError above)
                   progress: float
                   id: UUID
                   characterCharged: Long
           nextLink: String
      id - Format - uuid. The operation id.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getSupportedDocumentFormats

      public DynamicRequest getSupportedDocumentFormats()
      The list of supported document formats supported by the Document Translation service. The list includes the common file extension, as well as the content-type if using the upload API.

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
                   format: String
                   fileExtensions: [
                   contentTypes: [
                   defaultVersion: String
                   versions: [
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getSupportedGlossaryFormats

      public DynamicRequest getSupportedGlossaryFormats()
      The list of supported glossary formats supported by the Document Translation service. The list includes the common file extension used.

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
                   format: String
                   fileExtensions: [
                   contentTypes: [
                   defaultVersion: String
                   versions: [
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getSupportedStorageSources

      public DynamicRequest getSupportedStorageSources()
      Returns a list of storage sources/options supported by the Document Translation service.

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getTranslationsStatusNext

      public DynamicRequest getTranslationsStatusNext(String nextLink)
      Get the next page of items.

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
                   id: UUID
                   createdDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
                   lastActionDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
                   status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed/Cancelled/Cancelling/ValidationFailed)
                   error: {
                       code: String(InvalidRequest/InvalidArgument/InternalServerError/ServiceUnavailable/ResourceNotFound/Unauthorized/RequestRateTooHigh)
                       message: String
                       target: String
                       innerError: {
                           code: String
                           message: String
                           target: String
                           innerError: (recursive schema, see innerError above)
                   summary: {
                       total: int
                       failed: int
                       success: int
                       inProgress: int
                       notYetStarted: int
                       cancelled: int
                       totalCharacterCharged: long
           nextLink: String
      nextLink - The nextLink parameter.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getDocumentsStatusNext

      public DynamicRequest getDocumentsStatusNext(String nextLink)
      Get the next page of items.

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
                   path: String
                   sourcePath: String
                   createdDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
                   lastActionDateTimeUtc: OffsetDateTime
                   status: String(NotStarted/Running/Succeeded/Failed/Cancelled/Cancelling/ValidationFailed)
                   to: String
                   error: {
                       code: String(InvalidRequest/InvalidArgument/InternalServerError/ServiceUnavailable/ResourceNotFound/Unauthorized/RequestRateTooHigh)
                       message: String
                       target: String
                       innerError: {
                           code: String
                           message: String
                           target: String
                           innerError: (recursive schema, see innerError above)
                   progress: float
                   id: UUID
                   characterCharged: Long
           nextLink: String
      nextLink - The nextLink parameter.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • invoke

      public DynamicRequest invoke()
      Create an empty DynamicRequest with the serializer and pipeline initialized for this client.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.