Class JedisRedisCheckpointStore

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JedisRedisCheckpointStore extends Object implements CheckpointStore
Implementation of CheckpointStore that uses Azure Redis Cache, specifically Jedis.
  • Method Details

    • claimOwnership

      public Flux<PartitionOwnership> claimOwnership(List<PartitionOwnership> requestedPartitionOwnerships)
      This method returns the list of partitions that were owned successfully.
      Specified by:
      claimOwnership in interface CheckpointStore
      requestedPartitionOwnerships - List of partition ownerships from the current instance
      Flux of PartitionOwnership objects
    • listCheckpoints

      public Flux<Checkpoint> listCheckpoints(String fullyQualifiedNamespace, String eventHubName, String consumerGroup)
      This method returns the list of checkpoints from the underlying data store, and if no checkpoints are available, then it returns empty results.
      Specified by:
      listCheckpoints in interface CheckpointStore
      fullyQualifiedNamespace - The fully qualified namespace of the current instance Event Hub
      eventHubName - The Event Hub name from which checkpoint information is acquired
      consumerGroup - The consumer group name associated with the checkpoint
      Flux of Checkpoint objects
    • listOwnership

      public Flux<PartitionOwnership> listOwnership(String fullyQualifiedNamespace, String eventHubName, String consumerGroup)
      This method returns the list of ownership records from the underlying data store, and if no ownership records are available, then it returns empty results.
      Specified by:
      listOwnership in interface CheckpointStore
      fullyQualifiedNamespace - The fully qualified namespace of the current instance of Event Hub
      eventHubName - The Event Hub name from which checkpoint information is acquired
      consumerGroup - The consumer group name associated with the checkpoint
      Flux of PartitionOwnership objects
    • updateCheckpoint

      public Mono<Void> updateCheckpoint(Checkpoint checkpoint)
      This method updates the checkpoint in the Jedis resource for a given partition.
      Specified by:
      updateCheckpoint in interface CheckpointStore
      checkpoint - Checkpoint information for this partition
      Mono that completes if no errors take place