Class BlobContainerProperties


public final class BlobContainerProperties extends Object
This class contains the response information returned from the service when getting container properties.
  • Constructor Details

    • BlobContainerProperties

      public BlobContainerProperties(Map<String,String> metadata, String eTag, OffsetDateTime lastModified, LeaseDurationType leaseDuration, LeaseStateType leaseState, LeaseStatusType leaseStatus, PublicAccessType blobPublicAccess, boolean hasImmutabilityPolicy, boolean hasLegalHold)
      metadata - Metadata associated with the container.
      eTag - ETag of the container.
      lastModified - Datetime when the container was last modified.
      leaseDuration - Type of the lease on the container.
      leaseState - State of the lease on the container.
      leaseStatus - Status of the lease on the container.
      blobPublicAccess - Public access status for the container.
      hasImmutabilityPolicy - Flag indicating if the container has an immutability policy set on it.
      hasLegalHold - Flag indicating if the container has a legal hold.
    • BlobContainerProperties

      public BlobContainerProperties(Map<String,String> metadata, String eTag, OffsetDateTime lastModified, LeaseDurationType leaseDuration, LeaseStateType leaseState, LeaseStatusType leaseStatus, PublicAccessType blobPublicAccess, boolean hasImmutabilityPolicy, boolean hasLegalHold, String defaultEncryptionScope, Boolean encryptionScopeOverridePrevented)
      metadata - Metadata associated with the container.
      eTag - ETag of the container.
      lastModified - Datetime when the container was last modified.
      leaseDuration - Type of the lease on the container.
      leaseState - State of the lease on the container.
      leaseStatus - Status of the lease on the container.
      blobPublicAccess - Public access status for the container.
      hasImmutabilityPolicy - Flag indicating if the container has an immutability policy set on it.
      hasLegalHold - Flag indicating if the container has a legal hold.
      defaultEncryptionScope - The container's default encryption scope to encrypt blobs with.
      encryptionScopeOverridePrevented - Whether or not a container's default encryption scope can be overriden
    • BlobContainerProperties

      public BlobContainerProperties(Map<String,String> metadata, String eTag, OffsetDateTime lastModified, LeaseDurationType leaseDuration, LeaseStateType leaseState, LeaseStatusType leaseStatus, PublicAccessType blobPublicAccess, boolean hasImmutabilityPolicy, boolean hasLegalHold, String defaultEncryptionScope, Boolean encryptionScopeOverridePrevented, Boolean isImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled)
      metadata - Metadata associated with the container.
      eTag - ETag of the container.
      lastModified - Datetime when the container was last modified.
      leaseDuration - Type of the lease on the container.
      leaseState - State of the lease on the container.
      leaseStatus - Status of the lease on the container.
      blobPublicAccess - Public access status for the container.
      hasImmutabilityPolicy - Flag indicating if the container has an immutability policy set on it.
      hasLegalHold - Flag indicating if the container has a legal hold.
      defaultEncryptionScope - The container's default encryption scope to encrypt blobs with.
      encryptionScopeOverridePrevented - Whether or not a container's default encryption scope can be overriden
      isImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled - Whether or not immutable storage with versioning is enabled on this container.
  • Method Details

    • getMetadata

      public Map<String,String> getMetadata()
      the metadata associated with the container
    • getETag

      public String getETag()
      the eTag of the container
    • getLastModified

      public OffsetDateTime getLastModified()
      the time the container was last modified
    • getLeaseDuration

      public LeaseDurationType getLeaseDuration()
      the type of lease on the container
    • getLeaseState

      public LeaseStateType getLeaseState()
      the lease state of the container
    • getLeaseStatus

      public LeaseStatusType getLeaseStatus()
      the lease status of the container
    • getBlobPublicAccess

      public PublicAccessType getBlobPublicAccess()
      the access type for the container
    • hasImmutabilityPolicy

      public boolean hasImmutabilityPolicy()
      the immutability status for the container
    • hasLegalHold

      public boolean hasLegalHold()
      the legal hold status for the container
    • getDefaultEncryptionScope

      public String getDefaultEncryptionScope()
      the container's default encryption scope
    • isEncryptionScopeOverridePrevented

      public Boolean isEncryptionScopeOverridePrevented()
      the container's deny encryption scope override property.
    • isImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled

      public Boolean isImmutableStorageWithVersioningEnabled()
      Whether or not immutable storage with versioning is enabled on this container.