Class EntityAsyncClient


public final class EntityAsyncClient extends Object
Initializes a new instance of the asynchronous PurviewCatalogClient type.
  • Method Details

    • createOrUpdateWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> createOrUpdateWithResponse(BinaryData entity, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Create or update an entity in Atlas. Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique attributes eg: qualifiedName. Map and array of collections are not well supported. E.g., array<array<int>>, array<map<string, int>>.

      Request Body Schema

           referredEntities: {
               String: {
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   businessAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   classifications: [
                           attributes: {
                               String: Object
                           typeName: String
                           lastModifiedTS: String
                           entityGuid: String
                           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                           validityPeriods: [
                                   endTime: String
                                   startTime: String
                                   timeZone: String
                           source: String
                           sourceDetails: {
                               String: Object
                   createTime: Float
                   createdBy: String
                   customAttributes: {
                       String: String
                   guid: String
                   homeId: String
                   isIncomplete: Boolean
                   labels: [
                   meanings: [
                           confidence: Integer
                           createdBy: String
                           description: String
                           displayText: String
                           expression: String
                           relationGuid: String
                           source: String
                           steward: String
                           termGuid: String
                   provenanceType: Float
                   proxy: Boolean
                   relationshipAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                   updateTime: Float
                   updatedBy: String
                   version: Float
                   source: String
                   sourceDetails: {
                       String: Object
                   contacts: {
                       String: [
                               id: String
                               info: String
           entity: (recursive schema, see entity above)

      Response Body Schema

           guidAssignments: {
               String: String
           mutatedEntities: {
               String: [
                       attributes: {
                           String: Object
                       typeName: String
                       lastModifiedTS: String
                       classificationNames: [
                       classifications: [
                               attributes: {
                                   String: Object
                               typeName: String
                               lastModifiedTS: String
                               entityGuid: String
                               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                               validityPeriods: [
                                       endTime: String
                                       startTime: String
                                       timeZone: String
                               source: String
                               sourceDetails: {
                                   String: Object
                       displayText: String
                       guid: String
                       isIncomplete: Boolean
                       labels: [
                       meaningNames: [
                       meanings: [
                               confidence: Integer
                               createdBy: String
                               description: String
                               displayText: String
                               expression: String
                               relationGuid: String
                               source: String
                               steward: String
                               termGuid: String
                       status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
           partialUpdatedEntities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      entity - Atlas entity with extended information.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      entityMutationResponse along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • listByGuidsWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> listByGuidsWithResponse(List<String> guids, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      List entities in bulk identified by its GUIDs.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      minExtInfoBooleanNoWhether to return minimal information for referred entities.
      ignoreRelationshipsBooleanNoWhether to ignore relationship attributes.
      excludeRelationshipTypesList<String>NoAn array of the relationship types need to be excluded from the response. Call RequestOptions.addQueryParam(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) to add string to array.

      Response Body Schema

           referredEntities: {
               String: {
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   businessAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   classifications: [
                           attributes: {
                               String: Object
                           typeName: String
                           lastModifiedTS: String
                           entityGuid: String
                           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                           validityPeriods: [
                                   endTime: String
                                   startTime: String
                                   timeZone: String
                           source: String
                           sourceDetails: {
                               String: Object
                   createTime: Float
                   createdBy: String
                   customAttributes: {
                       String: String
                   guid: String
                   homeId: String
                   isIncomplete: Boolean
                   labels: [
                   meanings: [
                           confidence: Integer
                           createdBy: String
                           description: String
                           displayText: String
                           expression: String
                           relationGuid: String
                           source: String
                           steward: String
                           termGuid: String
                   provenanceType: Float
                   proxy: Boolean
                   relationshipAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                   updateTime: Float
                   updatedBy: String
                   version: Float
                   source: String
                   sourceDetails: {
                       String: Object
                   contacts: {
                       String: [
                               id: String
                               info: String
           entities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      guids - An array of GUIDs of entities to list.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      atlasEntitiesWithExtInfo along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • createOrUpdateEntitiesWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> createOrUpdateEntitiesWithResponse(BinaryData entities, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Create or update entities in Atlas in bulk. Existing entity is matched using its unique guid if supplied or by its unique attributes eg: qualifiedName. Map and array of collections are not well supported. E.g., array<array<int>>, array<map<string, int>>.

      Request Body Schema

           referredEntities: {
               String: {
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   businessAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   classifications: [
                           attributes: {
                               String: Object
                           typeName: String
                           lastModifiedTS: String
                           entityGuid: String
                           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                           validityPeriods: [
                                   endTime: String
                                   startTime: String
                                   timeZone: String
                           source: String
                           sourceDetails: {
                               String: Object
                   createTime: Float
                   createdBy: String
                   customAttributes: {
                       String: String
                   guid: String
                   homeId: String
                   isIncomplete: Boolean
                   labels: [
                   meanings: [
                           confidence: Integer
                           createdBy: String
                           description: String
                           displayText: String
                           expression: String
                           relationGuid: String
                           source: String
                           steward: String
                           termGuid: String
                   provenanceType: Float
                   proxy: Boolean
                   relationshipAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                   updateTime: Float
                   updatedBy: String
                   version: Float
                   source: String
                   sourceDetails: {
                       String: Object
                   contacts: {
                       String: [
                               id: String
                               info: String
           entities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)

      Response Body Schema

           guidAssignments: {
               String: String
           mutatedEntities: {
               String: [
                       attributes: {
                           String: Object
                       typeName: String
                       lastModifiedTS: String
                       classificationNames: [
                       classifications: [
                               attributes: {
                                   String: Object
                               typeName: String
                               lastModifiedTS: String
                               entityGuid: String
                               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                               validityPeriods: [
                                       endTime: String
                                       startTime: String
                                       timeZone: String
                               source: String
                               sourceDetails: {
                                   String: Object
                       displayText: String
                       guid: String
                       isIncomplete: Boolean
                       labels: [
                       meaningNames: [
                       meanings: [
                               confidence: Integer
                               createdBy: String
                               description: String
                               displayText: String
                               expression: String
                               relationGuid: String
                               source: String
                               steward: String
                               termGuid: String
                       status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
           partialUpdatedEntities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      entities - An array of entities to create or update.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      entityMutationResponse along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteByGuidsWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> deleteByGuidsWithResponse(List<String> guids, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Delete a list of entities in bulk identified by their GUIDs or unique attributes.

      Response Body Schema

           guidAssignments: {
               String: String
           mutatedEntities: {
               String: [
                       attributes: {
                           String: Object
                       typeName: String
                       lastModifiedTS: String
                       classificationNames: [
                       classifications: [
                               attributes: {
                                   String: Object
                               typeName: String
                               lastModifiedTS: String
                               entityGuid: String
                               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                               validityPeriods: [
                                       endTime: String
                                       startTime: String
                                       timeZone: String
                               source: String
                               sourceDetails: {
                                   String: Object
                       displayText: String
                       guid: String
                       isIncomplete: Boolean
                       labels: [
                       meaningNames: [
                       meanings: [
                               confidence: Integer
                               createdBy: String
                               description: String
                               displayText: String
                               expression: String
                               relationGuid: String
                               source: String
                               steward: String
                               termGuid: String
                       status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
           partialUpdatedEntities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      guids - An array of GUIDs of entities to delete.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      entityMutationResponse along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • addClassificationWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> addClassificationWithResponse(BinaryData request, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Associate a classification to multiple entities in bulk.

      Request Body Schema

           classification: {
               attributes: {
                   String: Object
               typeName: String
               lastModifiedTS: String
               entityGuid: String
               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
               validityPeriods: [
                       endTime: String
                       startTime: String
                       timeZone: String
               source: String
               sourceDetails: {
                   String: Object
           entityGuids: [
      request - The request to associate a classification to multiple entities.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • getByGuidWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> getByGuidWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Get complete definition of an entity given its GUID.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      minExtInfoBooleanNoWhether to return minimal information for referred entities.
      ignoreRelationshipsBooleanNoWhether to ignore relationship attributes.

      Response Body Schema

           referredEntities: {
               String: {
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   businessAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   classifications: [
                           attributes: {
                               String: Object
                           typeName: String
                           lastModifiedTS: String
                           entityGuid: String
                           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                           validityPeriods: [
                                   endTime: String
                                   startTime: String
                                   timeZone: String
                           source: String
                           sourceDetails: {
                               String: Object
                   createTime: Float
                   createdBy: String
                   customAttributes: {
                       String: String
                   guid: String
                   homeId: String
                   isIncomplete: Boolean
                   labels: [
                   meanings: [
                           confidence: Integer
                           createdBy: String
                           description: String
                           displayText: String
                           expression: String
                           relationGuid: String
                           source: String
                           steward: String
                           termGuid: String
                   provenanceType: Float
                   proxy: Boolean
                   relationshipAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                   updateTime: Float
                   updatedBy: String
                   version: Float
                   source: String
                   sourceDetails: {
                       String: Object
                   contacts: {
                       String: [
                               id: String
                               info: String
           entity: (recursive schema, see entity above)
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      complete definition of an entity given its GUID along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • partialUpdateEntityAttributeByGuidWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> partialUpdateEntityAttributeByGuidWithResponse(String guid, String name, BinaryData body, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Update entity partially - create or update entity attribute identified by its GUID. Supports only primitive attribute type and entity references. It does not support updating complex types like arrays, and maps. Null updates are not possible.

      Request Body Schema


      Response Body Schema

           guidAssignments: {
               String: String
           mutatedEntities: {
               String: [
                       attributes: {
                           String: Object
                       typeName: String
                       lastModifiedTS: String
                       classificationNames: [
                       classifications: [
                               attributes: {
                                   String: Object
                               typeName: String
                               lastModifiedTS: String
                               entityGuid: String
                               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                               validityPeriods: [
                                       endTime: String
                                       startTime: String
                                       timeZone: String
                               source: String
                               sourceDetails: {
                                   String: Object
                       displayText: String
                       guid: String
                       isIncomplete: Boolean
                       labels: [
                       meaningNames: [
                       meanings: [
                               confidence: Integer
                               createdBy: String
                               description: String
                               displayText: String
                               expression: String
                               relationGuid: String
                               source: String
                               steward: String
                               termGuid: String
                       status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
           partialUpdatedEntities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      name - The name of the attribute.
      body - The value of the attribute.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      entityMutationResponse along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteByGuidWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> deleteByGuidWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Delete an entity identified by its GUID.

      Response Body Schema

           guidAssignments: {
               String: String
           mutatedEntities: {
               String: [
                       attributes: {
                           String: Object
                       typeName: String
                       lastModifiedTS: String
                       classificationNames: [
                       classifications: [
                               attributes: {
                                   String: Object
                               typeName: String
                               lastModifiedTS: String
                               entityGuid: String
                               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                               validityPeriods: [
                                       endTime: String
                                       startTime: String
                                       timeZone: String
                               source: String
                               sourceDetails: {
                                   String: Object
                       displayText: String
                       guid: String
                       isIncomplete: Boolean
                       labels: [
                       meaningNames: [
                       meanings: [
                               confidence: Integer
                               createdBy: String
                               description: String
                               displayText: String
                               expression: String
                               relationGuid: String
                               source: String
                               steward: String
                               termGuid: String
                       status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
           partialUpdatedEntities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      entityMutationResponse along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • getClassificationWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> getClassificationWithResponse(String guid, String classificationName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      List classifications for a given entity represented by a GUID.

      Response Body Schema

           attributes: {
               String: Object
           typeName: String
           lastModifiedTS: String
           entityGuid: String
           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
           validityPeriods: [
                   endTime: String
                   startTime: String
                   timeZone: String
           source: String
           sourceDetails: {
               String: Object
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      classificationName - The name of the classification.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      atlasClassification along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteClassificationWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> deleteClassificationWithResponse(String guid, String classificationName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Delete a given classification from an existing entity represented by a GUID.
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      classificationName - The name of the classification.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • getClassificationsWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> getClassificationsWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      List classifications for a given entity represented by a GUID.

      Response Body Schema

           list: [
           pageSize: Integer
           sortBy: String
           sortType: String(NONE/ASC/DESC)
           startIndex: Long
           totalCount: Long
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      atlasClassifications along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • addClassificationsWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> addClassificationsWithResponse(String guid, BinaryData classifications, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Add classifications to an existing entity represented by a GUID.

      Request Body Schema

               attributes: {
                   String: Object
               typeName: String
               lastModifiedTS: String
               entityGuid: String
               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
               validityPeriods: [
                       endTime: String
                       startTime: String
                       timeZone: String
               source: String
               sourceDetails: {
                   String: Object
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      classifications - An array of classifications to be added.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • updateClassificationsWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> updateClassificationsWithResponse(String guid, BinaryData classifications, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Update classifications to an existing entity represented by a guid.

      Request Body Schema

               attributes: {
                   String: Object
               typeName: String
               lastModifiedTS: String
               entityGuid: String
               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
               validityPeriods: [
                       endTime: String
                       startTime: String
                       timeZone: String
               source: String
               sourceDetails: {
                   String: Object
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      classifications - An array of classifications to be updated.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • getByUniqueAttributesWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> getByUniqueAttributesWithResponse(String typeName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Get complete definition of an entity given its type and unique attribute. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:\<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: GET /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      minExtInfoBooleanNoWhether to return minimal information for referred entities.
      ignoreRelationshipsBooleanNoWhether to ignore relationship attributes.
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity.

      Response Body Schema

           referredEntities: {
               String: {
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   businessAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   classifications: [
                           attributes: {
                               String: Object
                           typeName: String
                           lastModifiedTS: String
                           entityGuid: String
                           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                           validityPeriods: [
                                   endTime: String
                                   startTime: String
                                   timeZone: String
                           source: String
                           sourceDetails: {
                               String: Object
                   createTime: Float
                   createdBy: String
                   customAttributes: {
                       String: String
                   guid: String
                   homeId: String
                   isIncomplete: Boolean
                   labels: [
                   meanings: [
                           confidence: Integer
                           createdBy: String
                           description: String
                           displayText: String
                           expression: String
                           relationGuid: String
                           source: String
                           steward: String
                           termGuid: String
                   provenanceType: Float
                   proxy: Boolean
                   relationshipAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                   updateTime: Float
                   updatedBy: String
                   version: Float
                   source: String
                   sourceDetails: {
                       String: Object
                   contacts: {
                       String: [
                               id: String
                               info: String
           entity: (recursive schema, see entity above)
      typeName - The name of the type.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      complete definition of an entity given its type and unique attribute. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:\<attrName>=<attrValue> along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • partialUpdateEntityByUniqueAttributesWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> partialUpdateEntityByUniqueAttributesWithResponse(String typeName, BinaryData atlasEntityWithExtInfo, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Update entity partially - Allow a subset of attributes to be updated on an entity which is identified by its type and unique attribute eg: Referenceable.qualifiedName. Null updates are not possible. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: PUT /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity.

      Request Body Schema

           referredEntities: {
               String: {
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   businessAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   classifications: [
                           attributes: {
                               String: Object
                           typeName: String
                           lastModifiedTS: String
                           entityGuid: String
                           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                           validityPeriods: [
                                   endTime: String
                                   startTime: String
                                   timeZone: String
                           source: String
                           sourceDetails: {
                               String: Object
                   createTime: Float
                   createdBy: String
                   customAttributes: {
                       String: String
                   guid: String
                   homeId: String
                   isIncomplete: Boolean
                   labels: [
                   meanings: [
                           confidence: Integer
                           createdBy: String
                           description: String
                           displayText: String
                           expression: String
                           relationGuid: String
                           source: String
                           steward: String
                           termGuid: String
                   provenanceType: Float
                   proxy: Boolean
                   relationshipAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                   updateTime: Float
                   updatedBy: String
                   version: Float
                   source: String
                   sourceDetails: {
                       String: Object
                   contacts: {
                       String: [
                               id: String
                               info: String
           entity: (recursive schema, see entity above)

      Response Body Schema

           guidAssignments: {
               String: String
           mutatedEntities: {
               String: [
                       attributes: {
                           String: Object
                       typeName: String
                       lastModifiedTS: String
                       classificationNames: [
                       classifications: [
                               attributes: {
                                   String: Object
                               typeName: String
                               lastModifiedTS: String
                               entityGuid: String
                               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                               validityPeriods: [
                                       endTime: String
                                       startTime: String
                                       timeZone: String
                               source: String
                               sourceDetails: {
                                   String: Object
                       displayText: String
                       guid: String
                       isIncomplete: Boolean
                       labels: [
                       meaningNames: [
                       meanings: [
                               confidence: Integer
                               createdBy: String
                               description: String
                               displayText: String
                               expression: String
                               relationGuid: String
                               source: String
                               steward: String
                               termGuid: String
                       status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
           partialUpdatedEntities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      typeName - The name of the type.
      atlasEntityWithExtInfo - Atlas entity with extended information.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      entityMutationResponse along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteByUniqueAttributeWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> deleteByUniqueAttributeWithResponse(String typeName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Delete an entity identified by its type and unique attributes. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:\<attrName>=\<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: DELETE /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity.

      Response Body Schema

           guidAssignments: {
               String: String
           mutatedEntities: {
               String: [
                       attributes: {
                           String: Object
                       typeName: String
                       lastModifiedTS: String
                       classificationNames: [
                       classifications: [
                               attributes: {
                                   String: Object
                               typeName: String
                               lastModifiedTS: String
                               entityGuid: String
                               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                               validityPeriods: [
                                       endTime: String
                                       startTime: String
                                       timeZone: String
                               source: String
                               sourceDetails: {
                                   String: Object
                       displayText: String
                       guid: String
                       isIncomplete: Boolean
                       labels: [
                       meaningNames: [
                       meanings: [
                               confidence: Integer
                               createdBy: String
                               description: String
                               displayText: String
                               expression: String
                               relationGuid: String
                               source: String
                               steward: String
                               termGuid: String
                       status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
           partialUpdatedEntities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      typeName - The name of the type.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      entityMutationResponse along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteClassificationByUniqueAttributeWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> deleteClassificationByUniqueAttributeWithResponse(String typeName, String classificationName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Delete a given classification from an entity identified by its type and unique attributes.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity.
      typeName - The name of the type.
      classificationName - The name of the classification.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • addClassificationsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> addClassificationsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse(String typeName, BinaryData atlasClassificationArray, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Add classification to the entity identified by its type and unique attributes.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity.

      Request Body Schema

               attributes: {
                   String: Object
               typeName: String
               lastModifiedTS: String
               entityGuid: String
               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
               validityPeriods: [
                       endTime: String
                       startTime: String
                       timeZone: String
               source: String
               sourceDetails: {
                   String: Object
      typeName - The name of the type.
      atlasClassificationArray - An array of classification to be added.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • updateClassificationsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> updateClassificationsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse(String typeName, BinaryData atlasClassificationArray, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Update classification on an entity identified by its type and unique attributes.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity.

      Request Body Schema

               attributes: {
                   String: Object
               typeName: String
               lastModifiedTS: String
               entityGuid: String
               entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
               removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
               validityPeriods: [
                       endTime: String
                       startTime: String
                       timeZone: String
               source: String
               sourceDetails: {
                   String: Object
      typeName - The name of the type.
      atlasClassificationArray - An array of classification to be updated.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • setClassificationsWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> setClassificationsWithResponse(BinaryData entityHeaders, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Set classifications on entities in bulk.

      Request Body Schema

           guidHeaderMap: {
               String: {
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   classificationNames: [
                   classifications: [
                           attributes: {
                               String: Object
                           typeName: String
                           lastModifiedTS: String
                           entityGuid: String
                           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                           validityPeriods: [
                                   endTime: String
                                   startTime: String
                                   timeZone: String
                           source: String
                           sourceDetails: {
                               String: Object
                   displayText: String
                   guid: String
                   isIncomplete: Boolean
                   labels: [
                   meaningNames: [
                   meanings: [
                           confidence: Integer
                           createdBy: String
                           description: String
                           displayText: String
                           expression: String
                           relationGuid: String
                           source: String
                           steward: String
                           termGuid: String
                   status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)

      Response Body Schema

      entityHeaders - Atlas entity headers.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      response that indicates each classification mutation result along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • getEntitiesByUniqueAttributesWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> getEntitiesByUniqueAttributesWithResponse(String typeName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Bulk API to retrieve list of entities identified by its unique attributes.

      In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format


      NOTE: The attrName should be an unique attribute for the given entity-type

      The REST request would look something like this

      GET /v2/entity/bulk/uniqueAttribute/type/hive_db?attr_0:qualifiedName=db1@cl1&attr_2:qualifiedName=db2@cl1.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      minExtInfoBooleanNoWhether to return minimal information for referred entities.
      ignoreRelationshipsBooleanNoWhether to ignore relationship attributes.
      attr_N:qualifiedNameStringNoQualified name of an entity. E.g. to find 2 entities you can set attrs_0:qualifiedName=db1@cl1&attrs_2:qualifiedName=db2@cl1

      Response Body Schema

           referredEntities: {
               String: {
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   businessAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   classifications: [
                           attributes: {
                               String: Object
                           typeName: String
                           lastModifiedTS: String
                           entityGuid: String
                           entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                           removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                           validityPeriods: [
                                   endTime: String
                                   startTime: String
                                   timeZone: String
                           source: String
                           sourceDetails: {
                               String: Object
                   createTime: Float
                   createdBy: String
                   customAttributes: {
                       String: String
                   guid: String
                   homeId: String
                   isIncomplete: Boolean
                   labels: [
                   meanings: [
                           confidence: Integer
                           createdBy: String
                           description: String
                           displayText: String
                           expression: String
                           relationGuid: String
                           source: String
                           steward: String
                           termGuid: String
                   provenanceType: Float
                   proxy: Boolean
                   relationshipAttributes: {
                       String: Object
                   status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                   updateTime: Float
                   updatedBy: String
                   version: Float
                   source: String
                   sourceDetails: {
                       String: Object
                   contacts: {
                       String: [
                               id: String
                               info: String
           entities: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      typeName - The name of the type.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      atlasEntitiesWithExtInfo along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • getHeaderWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> getHeaderWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Get entity header given its GUID.

      Response Body Schema

           attributes: {
               String: Object
           typeName: String
           lastModifiedTS: String
           classificationNames: [
           classifications: [
                   attributes: {
                       String: Object
                   typeName: String
                   lastModifiedTS: String
                   entityGuid: String
                   entityStatus: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
                   removePropagationsOnEntityDelete: Boolean
                   validityPeriods: [
                           endTime: String
                           startTime: String
                           timeZone: String
                   source: String
                   sourceDetails: {
                       String: Object
           displayText: String
           guid: String
           isIncomplete: Boolean
           labels: [
           meaningNames: [
           meanings: [
                   confidence: Integer
                   createdBy: String
                   description: String
                   displayText: String
                   expression: String
                   relationGuid: String
                   source: String
                   steward: String
                   termGuid: String
           status: String(ACTIVE/DELETED)
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      entity header given its GUID along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteBusinessMetadataWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> deleteBusinessMetadataWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Remove business metadata from an entity.

      Request Body Schema

           String: Object
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • addOrUpdateBusinessMetadataWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> addOrUpdateBusinessMetadataWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Add business metadata to an entity.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      isOverwriteBooleanNoWhether to overwrite the existing business metadata on the entity or not, default is false.

      Request Body Schema

           String: Object
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteBusinessMetadataAttributesWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> deleteBusinessMetadataAttributesWithResponse(String bmName, String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Delete business metadata attributes from an entity.

      Request Body Schema

           String: Object
      bmName - BusinessMetadata name.
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • addOrUpdateBusinessMetadataAttributesWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> addOrUpdateBusinessMetadataAttributesWithResponse(String bmName, String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Add or update business metadata attributes.

      Request Body Schema

           String: Object
      bmName - BusinessMetadata name.
      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • getSampleBusinessMetadataTemplateWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> getSampleBusinessMetadataTemplateWithResponse(RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Get the sample Template for uploading/creating bulk BusinessMetaData.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the sample Template for uploading/creating bulk BusinessMetaData along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • importBusinessMetadataWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<BinaryData>> importBusinessMetadataWithResponse(RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Upload the file for creating Business Metadata in BULK.

      Request Body Schema


      Response Body Schema

           failedImportInfoList: [
                   childObjectName: String
                   importStatus: String(SUCCESS/FAILED)
                   parentObjectName: String
                   remarks: String
           successImportInfoList: [
               (recursive schema, see above)
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      bulkImportResponse along with Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteLabelsWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> deleteLabelsWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      delete given labels to a given entity.

      Request Body Schema

      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • setLabelsWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> setLabelsWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Set labels to a given entity.

      Request Body Schema

      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • addLabelWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> addLabelWithResponse(String guid, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      add given labels to a given entity.

      Request Body Schema

      guid - The globally unique identifier of the entity.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • deleteLabelsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> deleteLabelsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse(String typeName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Delete given labels to a given entity identified by its type and unique attributes, if labels is null/empty, no labels will be removed. If any labels in labels set are non-existing labels, they will be ignored, only existing labels will be removed. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: DELETE /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity

      Request Body Schema

      typeName - The name of the type.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • setLabelsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> setLabelsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse(String typeName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Set labels to a given entity identified by its type and unique attributes, if labels is null/empty, existing labels will all be removed. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: POST /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity

      Request Body Schema

      typeName - The name of the type.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.
    • addLabelsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse

      public Mono<Response<Void>> addLabelsByUniqueAttributeWithResponse(String typeName, RequestOptions requestOptions)
      Add given labels to a given entity identified by its type and unique attributes, if labels is null/empty, no labels will be added. In addition to the typeName path parameter, attribute key-value pair(s) can be provided in the following format: attr:<attrName>=<attrValue>. NOTE: The attrName and attrValue should be unique across entities, eg. qualifiedName. The REST request would look something like this: PUT /v2/entity/uniqueAttribute/type/aType?attr:aTypeAttribute=someValue.

      Query Parameters

      Query Parameters
      attr:qualifiedNameStringNoThe qualified name of the entity

      Request Body Schema

      typeName - The name of the type.
      requestOptions - The options to configure the HTTP request before HTTP client sends it.
      the Response on successful completion of Mono.
      HttpResponseException - thrown if the request is rejected by server.
      ClientAuthenticationException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 401.
      ResourceNotFoundException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 404.
      ResourceModifiedException - thrown if the request is rejected by server on status code 409.