Interface AvroSerializer

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ApacheAvroSerializer, JacksonAvroSerializer

public interface AvroSerializer extends ObjectSerializer
Generic interface covering basic Avro serialization and deserialization methods.
  • Method Details

    • deserializeFromBytes

      default <T> T deserializeFromBytes(byte[] data, TypeReference<T> typeReference)
      Reads an Avro byte array into its object representation.
      Specified by:
      deserializeFromBytes in interface ObjectSerializer
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the object.
      data - Avro byte array.
      typeReference - TypeReference representing the object.
      The object represented by the deserialized Avro byte array.
    • deserialize

      <T> T deserialize(InputStream stream, TypeReference<T> typeReference)
      Reads an Avro stream into its object representation.
      Specified by:
      deserialize in interface ObjectSerializer
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the object.
      stream - Avro stream.
      typeReference - TypeReference representing the object.
      The object represented by the deserialized Avro stream.
    • deserializeFromBytesAsync

      default <T> Mono<T> deserializeFromBytesAsync(byte[] data, TypeReference<T> typeReference)
      Reads an Avro byte array into its object representation.
      Specified by:
      deserializeFromBytesAsync in interface ObjectSerializer
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the object.
      data - Avro byte array.
      typeReference - TypeReference representing the object.
      Reactive stream that emits the object represented by the deserialized Avro byte array.
    • deserializeAsync

      <T> Mono<T> deserializeAsync(InputStream stream, TypeReference<T> typeReference)
      Reads an Avro stream into its object representation.
      Specified by:
      deserializeAsync in interface ObjectSerializer
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of the object.
      stream - Avro stream.
      typeReference - TypeReference representing the object.
      Reactive stream that emits the object represented by the deserialized Avro stream.
    • serializeToBytes

      default byte[] serializeToBytes(Object value)
      Converts the object into an Avro byte array.
      Specified by:
      serializeToBytes in interface ObjectSerializer
      value - The object.
      The Avro binary representation of the serialized object.
    • serialize

      void serialize(OutputStream stream, Object value)
      Writes an object's Avro representation into a stream.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface ObjectSerializer
      stream - OutputStream where the object's Avro representation will be written.
      value - The object.
    • serializeToBytesAsync

      default Mono<byte[]> serializeToBytesAsync(Object value)
      Converts the object into a Avro byte array.
      Specified by:
      serializeToBytesAsync in interface ObjectSerializer
      value - The object.
      Reactive stream that emits the Avro binary representation of the serialized object.
    • serializeAsync

      Mono<Void> serializeAsync(OutputStream stream, Object value)
      Writes an object's Avro representation into a stream.
      Specified by:
      serializeAsync in interface ObjectSerializer
      stream - OutputStream where the object's Avro representation will be written.
      value - The object.
      Reactive stream that will indicate operation completion.