Class ScenesBaseClient


public final class ScenesBaseClient extends Object
Initializes a new instance of the ScenesBaseClient type.
  • Method Details

    • list

      public DynamicRequest list(String provider, String farmerId, String boundaryId)
      Returns a paginated list of scene resources.

      Optional Query Parameters

      Optional Query Parameters
      sourceStringSource name of scene data, default value Sentinel_2_L2A (Sentinel 2 L2A).
      startDateTimeOffsetDateTimeScene start UTC datetime (inclusive), sample format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
      endDateTimeOffsetDateTimeScene end UTC datetime (inclusive), sample format: yyyy-MM-dThh:mm:ssZ.
      maxCloudCoveragePercentageDoubleFilter scenes with cloud coverage percentage less than max value. Range [0 to 100.0].
      maxDarkPixelCoveragePercentageDoubleFilter scenes with dark pixel coverage percentage less than max value. Range [0 to 100.0].
      imageNamesList<String>List of image names to be filtered.
      imageResolutionsList<Double>List of image resolutions in meters to be filtered.
      imageFormatsList<String>List of image formats to be filtered.
      maxPageSizeIntegerMaximum number of items needed (inclusive). Minimum = 10, Maximum = 1000, Default value = 50.
      skipTokenStringSkip token for getting next set of results.

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
                   sceneDateTime: OffsetDateTime
                   provider: String
                   source: String
                   imageFiles: [
                           fileLink: String
                           name: String
                           imageFormat: String(TIF)
                           resolution: Double
                   imageFormat: String(TIF)
                   cloudCoverPercentage: Double
                   darkPixelPercentage: Double
                   ndviMedianValue: Double
                   boundaryId: String
                   farmerId: String
                   id: String
                   eTag: String
           skipToken: String
           nextLink: String
      provider - Provider name of scene data.
      farmerId - FarmerId.
      boundaryId - BoundaryId.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • createSatelliteDataIngestionJob

      public DynamicRequest createSatelliteDataIngestionJob(String jobId)
      Create a satellite data ingestion job.

      Request Body Schema

           farmerId: String
           boundaryId: String
           startDateTime: OffsetDateTime
           endDateTime: OffsetDateTime
           provider: String(Microsoft)
           source: String(Sentinel_2_L2A)
           data: {
               imageNames: [
               imageFormats: [
               imageResolutions: [
           id: String
           status: String
           durationInSeconds: Double
           message: String
           createdDateTime: OffsetDateTime
           lastActionDateTime: OffsetDateTime
           startTime: OffsetDateTime
           endTime: OffsetDateTime
           name: String
           description: String
           properties: {
               String: Object

      Response Body Schema

       (recursive schema, see above)
      jobId - JobId provided by user.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • getSatelliteDataIngestionJobDetails

      public DynamicRequest getSatelliteDataIngestionJobDetails(String jobId)
      Get a satellite data ingestion job.

      Response Body Schema

           farmerId: String
           boundaryId: String
           startDateTime: OffsetDateTime
           endDateTime: OffsetDateTime
           provider: String(Microsoft)
           source: String(Sentinel_2_L2A)
           data: {
               imageNames: [
               imageFormats: [
               imageResolutions: [
           id: String
           status: String
           durationInSeconds: Double
           message: String
           createdDateTime: OffsetDateTime
           lastActionDateTime: OffsetDateTime
           startTime: OffsetDateTime
           endTime: OffsetDateTime
           name: String
           description: String
           properties: {
               String: Object
      jobId - ID of the job.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • download

      public DynamicRequest download(String filePath)
      Downloads and returns file stream as response for the given input filePath.
      filePath - cloud storage path of scene file.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • listNext

      public DynamicRequest listNext(String nextLink)
      Get the next page of items.

      Response Body Schema

           value: [
                   sceneDateTime: OffsetDateTime
                   provider: String
                   source: String
                   imageFiles: [
                           fileLink: String
                           name: String
                           imageFormat: String(TIF)
                           resolution: Double
                   imageFormat: String(TIF)
                   cloudCoverPercentage: Double
                   darkPixelPercentage: Double
                   ndviMedianValue: Double
                   boundaryId: String
                   farmerId: String
                   id: String
                   eTag: String
           skipToken: String
           nextLink: String
      nextLink - The nextLink parameter.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.
    • invoke

      public DynamicRequest invoke()
      Create an empty DynamicRequest with the serializer and pipeline initialized for this client.
      a DynamicRequest where customizations can be made before sent to the service.