Class SmartDetectionCondition


public final class SmartDetectionCondition extends Object
Type that describes smart-detection parameters. In smart-detection mode, metrics advisor uses multiple ML based algorithms to compute severity value of data points, detector detect anomalies by checking whether those values falls within or outside of the range derived from sensitivity parameter.
  • Constructor Details

    • SmartDetectionCondition

      public SmartDetectionCondition(double sensitivity, AnomalyDetectorDirection detectorDirection, SuppressCondition suppressCondition)
      Create an instance of SmartDetectionCondition describing how to identify anomalies using smart-detection mode.
      sensitivity - value that adjust the tolerance of anomalies, visually higher the value narrower the band (lower and upper bounds) around the time series.
      detectorDirection - a value AnomalyDetectorDirection.BOTH indicates that any data point with severity value not within the range derived from sensitivity should be considered as an anomaly. A value AnomalyDetectorDirection.UP means a data point severity value above the upper bound of the range is considered as an anomaly, a value AnomalyDetectorDirection.DOWN means a data point severity value below lower bound of the range is considered as an anomaly.
      suppressCondition - the condition to aggregate the anomaly detection reporting, suppressing the reporting of individual anomalies helps to avoid noises, especially if the metrics have fine granularity.
  • Method Details

    • getSensitivity

      public Double getSensitivity()
      Gets the sensitivity value.

      the sensitivity value adjust the tolerance of anomalies, visually higher the value narrower the band (lower and upper bounds) around the time series.

      the sensitivity value.
    • getAnomalyDetectorDirection

      public AnomalyDetectorDirection getAnomalyDetectorDirection()
      Gets the direction that detector should use when comparing data point value against range derived from sensitivity .
      the detector direction.
    • getSuppressCondition

      public SuppressCondition getSuppressCondition()
      Gets the suppress condition.
      the suppress condition value.
    • setSensitivity

      public SmartDetectionCondition setSensitivity(double sensitivity)
      Sets the sensitivity value, it should be in the range (0, 100].
      sensitivity - the sensitivity value to set.
      the SmartDetectionCondition object itself.
    • setAnomalyDetectorDirection

      public SmartDetectionCondition setAnomalyDetectorDirection(AnomalyDetectorDirection detectorDirection)
      Sets the direction that detector should use when comparing data point value against range derived from the sensitivity.
      detectorDirection - the detector direction
      the HardThresholdCondition object itself.
    • setSuppressCondition

      public SmartDetectionCondition setSuppressCondition(SuppressCondition suppressCondition)
      Sets the suppress condition.
      suppressCondition - the suppress condition
      the HardThresholdCondition object itself.