Class SqlServerDataFeedSource


public final class SqlServerDataFeedSource extends DataFeedSource
The SQLServerDataFeedSource model.
  • Method Details

    • fromBasicCredential

      public static SqlServerDataFeedSource fromBasicCredential(String connectionString, String query)
      Create a SQLServerDataFeedSource with credential included in the connectionString as plain text.
      connectionString - The SQL server connection string.
      query - The query that retrieves the values to be analyzed for anomalies.
      The SQLServerDataFeedSource.
    • fromManagedIdentityCredential

      public static SqlServerDataFeedSource fromManagedIdentityCredential(String connectionString, String query)
      Create a SQLServerDataFeedSource with the connectionString containing the resource id of the SQL server on which metrics advisor has MSI access.
      connectionString - The SQL server connection string.
      query - The query that retrieves the values to be analyzed for anomalies.
      The SQLServerDataFeedSource.
    • fromConnectionStringCredential

      public static SqlServerDataFeedSource fromConnectionStringCredential(String query, String credentialId)
      Create a SQLServerDataFeedSource with the credentialId identifying a credential entity of type DataSourceSqlServerConnectionString that contains the SQL connection string.
      query - The query that retrieves the values to be analyzed for anomalies.
      credentialId - The unique id of a credential entity of type DataSourceSqlServerConnectionString.
      The SQLServerDataFeedSource.
    • fromServicePrincipalCredential

      public static SqlServerDataFeedSource fromServicePrincipalCredential(String connectionString, String query, String credentialId)
      Create a SQLServerDataFeedSource with the credentialId identifying a credential entity of type DataSourceServicePrincipal, the entity contains Service Principal to access the SQL Server.
      connectionString - The SQL server connection string.
      query - The query that retrieves the values to be analyzed for anomalies.
      credentialId - The unique id of a credential entity of type DataSourceServicePrincipal.
      The SQLServerDataFeedSource.
    • fromServicePrincipalInKeyVaultCredential

      public static SqlServerDataFeedSource fromServicePrincipalInKeyVaultCredential(String connectionString, String query, String credentialId)
      Create a SQLServerDataFeedSource with the credentialId identifying a credential entity of type DataSourceServicePrincipalInKeyVault, the entity contains details of the KeyVault holding the Service Principal to access the SQL Server.
      connectionString - The SQL server connection string.
      query - The query that retrieves the values to be analyzed for anomalies.
      credentialId - The unique id of a credential entity of type DataSourceServicePrincipalInKeyVault.
      The SQLServerDataFeedSource.
    • getQuery

      public String getQuery()
      Get the query that retrieves the values to be analyzed for anomalies.
      the query.
    • getCredentialId

      public String getCredentialId()
      Gets the id of the credential resource to authenticate the data source.
      The credential resource id.
    • getAuthenticationType

      public DataSourceAuthenticationType getAuthenticationType()
      Gets the authentication type to access the data source.
      The authentication type.