| | 1 | | // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. |
| | 2 | | // Licensed under the MIT License. |
| | 3 | |
| | 4 | | // <auto-generated/> |
| | 5 | |
| | 6 | | #nullable disable |
| | 7 | |
| | 8 | | using System; |
| | 9 | | using System.ComponentModel; |
| | 10 | |
| | 11 | | namespace Azure.Iot.Hub.Service.Models |
| | 12 | | { |
| | 13 | | /// <summary> The error code. </summary> |
| | 14 | | public readonly partial struct DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode : IEquatable<DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode> |
| | 15 | | { |
| | 16 | | private readonly string _value; |
| | 17 | |
| | 18 | | /// <summary> Determines if two <see cref="DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode"/> values are the same. </summary> |
| | 19 | | /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> <paramref name="value"/> is null. </exception> |
| | 20 | | public DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(string value) |
| | 21 | | { |
| 0 | 22 | | _value = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); |
| 0 | 23 | | } |
| | 24 | |
| | 25 | | private const string InvalidErrorCodeValue = "InvalidErrorCode"; |
| | 26 | | private const string GenericBadRequestValue = "GenericBadRequest"; |
| | 27 | | private const string InvalidProtocolVersionValue = "InvalidProtocolVersion"; |
| | 28 | | private const string DeviceInvalidResultCountValue = "DeviceInvalidResultCount"; |
| | 29 | | private const string InvalidOperationValue = "InvalidOperation"; |
| | 30 | | private const string ArgumentInvalidValue = "ArgumentInvalid"; |
| | 31 | | private const string ArgumentNullValue = "ArgumentNull"; |
| | 32 | | private const string IotHubFormatErrorValue = "IotHubFormatError"; |
| | 33 | | private const string DeviceStorageEntitySerializationErrorValue = "DeviceStorageEntitySerializationError"; |
| | 34 | | private const string BlobContainerValidationErrorValue = "BlobContainerValidationError"; |
| | 35 | | private const string ImportWarningExistsErrorValue = "ImportWarningExistsError"; |
| | 36 | | private const string InvalidSchemaVersionValue = "InvalidSchemaVersion"; |
| | 37 | | private const string DeviceDefinedMultipleTimesValue = "DeviceDefinedMultipleTimes"; |
| | 38 | | private const string DeserializationErrorValue = "DeserializationError"; |
| | 39 | | private const string BulkRegistryOperationFailureValue = "BulkRegistryOperationFailure"; |
| | 40 | | private const string DefaultStorageEndpointNotConfiguredValue = "DefaultStorageEndpointNotConfigured"; |
| | 41 | | private const string InvalidFileUploadCorrelationIdValue = "InvalidFileUploadCorrelationId"; |
| | 42 | | private const string ExpiredFileUploadCorrelationIdValue = "ExpiredFileUploadCorrelationId"; |
| | 43 | | private const string InvalidStorageEndpointValue = "InvalidStorageEndpoint"; |
| | 44 | | private const string InvalidMessagingEndpointValue = "InvalidMessagingEndpoint"; |
| | 45 | | private const string InvalidFileUploadCompletionStatusValue = "InvalidFileUploadCompletionStatus"; |
| | 46 | | private const string InvalidStorageEndpointOrBlobValue = "InvalidStorageEndpointOrBlob"; |
| | 47 | | private const string RequestCanceledValue = "RequestCanceled"; |
| | 48 | | private const string InvalidStorageEndpointPropertyValue = "InvalidStorageEndpointProperty"; |
| | 49 | | private const string EtagDoesNotMatchValue = "EtagDoesNotMatch"; |
| | 50 | | private const string RequestTimedOutValue = "RequestTimedOut"; |
| | 51 | | private const string UnsupportedOperationOnReplicaValue = "UnsupportedOperationOnReplica"; |
| | 52 | | private const string NullMessageValue = "NullMessage"; |
| | 53 | | private const string ConnectionForcefullyClosedOnNewConnectionValue = "ConnectionForcefullyClosedOnNewConnection |
| | 54 | | private const string InvalidDeviceScopeValue = "InvalidDeviceScope"; |
| | 55 | | private const string ConnectionForcefullyClosedOnFaultInjectionValue = "ConnectionForcefullyClosedOnFaultInjecti |
| | 56 | | private const string ConnectionRejectedOnFaultInjectionValue = "ConnectionRejectedOnFaultInjection"; |
| | 57 | | private const string InvalidEndpointAuthenticationTypeValue = "InvalidEndpointAuthenticationType"; |
| | 58 | | private const string ManagedIdentityNotEnabledValue = "ManagedIdentityNotEnabled"; |
| | 59 | | private const string InvalidRouteTestInputValue = "InvalidRouteTestInput"; |
| | 60 | | private const string InvalidSourceOnRouteValue = "InvalidSourceOnRoute"; |
| | 61 | | private const string RoutingNotEnabledValue = "RoutingNotEnabled"; |
| | 62 | | private const string InvalidContentEncodingOrTypeValue = "InvalidContentEncodingOrType"; |
| | 63 | | private const string InvalidEndorsementKeyValue = "InvalidEndorsementKey"; |
| | 64 | | private const string InvalidRegistrationIdValue = "InvalidRegistrationId"; |
| | 65 | | private const string InvalidStorageRootKeyValue = "InvalidStorageRootKey"; |
| | 66 | | private const string InvalidEnrollmentGroupIdValue = "InvalidEnrollmentGroupId"; |
| | 67 | | private const string TooManyEnrollmentsValue = "TooManyEnrollments"; |
| | 68 | | private const string RegistrationIdDefinedMultipleTimesValue = "RegistrationIdDefinedMultipleTimes"; |
| | 69 | | private const string CustomAllocationFailedValue = "CustomAllocationFailed"; |
| | 70 | | private const string CustomAllocationIotHubNotSpecifiedValue = "CustomAllocationIotHubNotSpecified"; |
| | 71 | | private const string CustomAllocationUnauthorizedAccessValue = "CustomAllocationUnauthorizedAccess"; |
| | 72 | | private const string CannotRegisterModuleToModuleValue = "CannotRegisterModuleToModule"; |
| | 73 | | private const string TenantHubRoutingNotEnabledValue = "TenantHubRoutingNotEnabled"; |
| | 74 | | private const string InvalidConfigurationTargetConditionValue = "InvalidConfigurationTargetCondition"; |
| | 75 | | private const string InvalidConfigurationContentValue = "InvalidConfigurationContent"; |
| | 76 | | private const string CannotModifyImmutableConfigurationContentValue = "CannotModifyImmutableConfigurationContent |
| | 77 | | private const string InvalidConfigurationCustomMetricsQueryValue = "InvalidConfigurationCustomMetricsQuery"; |
| | 78 | | private const string InvalidPnPInterfaceDefinitionValue = "InvalidPnPInterfaceDefinition"; |
| | 79 | | private const string InvalidPnPDesiredPropertiesValue = "InvalidPnPDesiredProperties"; |
| | 80 | | private const string InvalidPnPReportedPropertiesValue = "InvalidPnPReportedProperties"; |
| | 81 | | private const string InvalidPnPWritableReportedPropertiesValue = "InvalidPnPWritableReportedProperties"; |
| | 82 | | private const string InvalidDigitalTwinJsonPatchValue = "InvalidDigitalTwinJsonPatch"; |
| | 83 | | private const string InvalidDigitalTwinPayloadValue = "InvalidDigitalTwinPayload"; |
| | 84 | | private const string InvalidDigitalTwinPatchValue = "InvalidDigitalTwinPatch"; |
| | 85 | | private const string InvalidDigitalTwinPatchPathValue = "InvalidDigitalTwinPatchPath"; |
| | 86 | | private const string GenericUnauthorizedValue = "GenericUnauthorized"; |
| | 87 | | private const string IotHubNotFoundValue = "IotHubNotFound"; |
| | 88 | | private const string IotHubUnauthorizedAccessValue = "IotHubUnauthorizedAccess"; |
| | 89 | | private const string IotHubUnauthorizedValue = "IotHubUnauthorized"; |
| | 90 | | private const string ElasticPoolNotFoundValue = "ElasticPoolNotFound"; |
| | 91 | | private const string SystemModuleModifyUnauthorizedAccessValue = "SystemModuleModifyUnauthorizedAccess"; |
| | 92 | | private const string GenericForbiddenValue = "GenericForbidden"; |
| | 93 | | private const string IotHubSuspendedValue = "IotHubSuspended"; |
| | 94 | | private const string IotHubQuotaExceededValue = "IotHubQuotaExceeded"; |
| | 95 | | private const string JobQuotaExceededValue = "JobQuotaExceeded"; |
| | 96 | | private const string DeviceMaximumQueueDepthExceededValue = "DeviceMaximumQueueDepthExceeded"; |
| | 97 | | private const string IotHubMaxCbsTokenExceededValue = "IotHubMaxCbsTokenExceeded"; |
| | 98 | | private const string DeviceMaximumActiveFileUploadLimitExceededValue = "DeviceMaximumActiveFileUploadLimitExceed |
| | 99 | | private const string DeviceMaximumQueueSizeExceededValue = "DeviceMaximumQueueSizeExceeded"; |
| | 100 | | private const string RoutingEndpointResponseForbiddenValue = "RoutingEndpointResponseForbidden"; |
| | 101 | | private const string InvalidMessageExpiryTimeValue = "InvalidMessageExpiryTime"; |
| | 102 | | private const string OperationNotAvailableInCurrentTierValue = "OperationNotAvailableInCurrentTier"; |
| | 103 | | private const string KeyEncryptionKeyRevokedValue = "KeyEncryptionKeyRevoked"; |
| | 104 | | private const string DeviceModelMaxPropertiesExceededValue = "DeviceModelMaxPropertiesExceeded"; |
| | 105 | | private const string DeviceModelMaxIndexablePropertiesExceededValue = "DeviceModelMaxIndexablePropertiesExceeded |
| | 106 | | private const string IotDpsSuspendedValue = "IotDpsSuspended"; |
| | 107 | | private const string IotDpsSuspendingValue = "IotDpsSuspending"; |
| | 108 | | private const string GenericNotFoundValue = "GenericNotFound"; |
| | 109 | | private const string DeviceNotFoundValue = "DeviceNotFound"; |
| | 110 | | private const string JobNotFoundValue = "JobNotFound"; |
| | 111 | | private const string QuotaMetricNotFoundValue = "QuotaMetricNotFound"; |
| | 112 | | private const string SystemPropertyNotFoundValue = "SystemPropertyNotFound"; |
| | 113 | | private const string AmqpAddressNotFoundValue = "AmqpAddressNotFound"; |
| | 114 | | private const string RoutingEndpointResponseNotFoundValue = "RoutingEndpointResponseNotFound"; |
| | 115 | | private const string CertificateNotFoundValue = "CertificateNotFound"; |
| | 116 | | private const string ElasticPoolTenantHubNotFoundValue = "ElasticPoolTenantHubNotFound"; |
| | 117 | | private const string ModuleNotFoundValue = "ModuleNotFound"; |
| | 118 | | private const string AzureTableStoreNotFoundValue = "AzureTableStoreNotFound"; |
| | 119 | | private const string IotHubFailingOverValue = "IotHubFailingOver"; |
| | 120 | | private const string FeatureNotSupportedValue = "FeatureNotSupported"; |
| | 121 | | private const string DigitalTwinInterfaceNotFoundValue = "DigitalTwinInterfaceNotFound"; |
| | 122 | | private const string QueryStoreClusterNotFoundValue = "QueryStoreClusterNotFound"; |
| | 123 | | private const string DeviceNotOnlineValue = "DeviceNotOnline"; |
| | 124 | | private const string DeviceConnectionClosedRemotelyValue = "DeviceConnectionClosedRemotely"; |
| | 125 | | private const string EnrollmentNotFoundValue = "EnrollmentNotFound"; |
| | 126 | | private const string DeviceRegistrationNotFoundValue = "DeviceRegistrationNotFound"; |
| | 127 | | private const string AsyncOperationNotFoundValue = "AsyncOperationNotFound"; |
| | 128 | | private const string EnrollmentGroupNotFoundValue = "EnrollmentGroupNotFound"; |
| | 129 | | private const string DeviceRecordNotFoundValue = "DeviceRecordNotFound"; |
| | 130 | | private const string GroupRecordNotFoundValue = "GroupRecordNotFound"; |
| | 131 | | private const string DeviceGroupNotFoundValue = "DeviceGroupNotFound"; |
| | 132 | | private const string ProvisioningSettingsNotFoundValue = "ProvisioningSettingsNotFound"; |
| | 133 | | private const string ProvisioningRecordNotFoundValue = "ProvisioningRecordNotFound"; |
| | 134 | | private const string LinkedHubNotFoundValue = "LinkedHubNotFound"; |
| | 135 | | private const string CertificateAuthorityNotFoundValue = "CertificateAuthorityNotFound"; |
| | 136 | | private const string ConfigurationNotFoundValue = "ConfigurationNotFound"; |
| | 137 | | private const string GroupNotFoundValue = "GroupNotFound"; |
| | 138 | | private const string DigitalTwinModelNotFoundValue = "DigitalTwinModelNotFound"; |
| | 139 | | private const string InterfaceNameModelNotFoundValue = "InterfaceNameModelNotFound"; |
| | 140 | | private const string GenericMethodNotAllowedValue = "GenericMethodNotAllowed"; |
| | 141 | | private const string OperationNotAllowedInCurrentStateValue = "OperationNotAllowedInCurrentState"; |
| | 142 | | private const string ImportDevicesNotSupportedValue = "ImportDevicesNotSupported"; |
| | 143 | | private const string BulkAddDevicesNotSupportedValue = "BulkAddDevicesNotSupported"; |
| | 144 | | private const string GenericConflictValue = "GenericConflict"; |
| | 145 | | private const string DeviceAlreadyExistsValue = "DeviceAlreadyExists"; |
| | 146 | | private const string LinkCreationConflictValue = "LinkCreationConflict"; |
| | 147 | | private const string CallbackSubscriptionConflictValue = "CallbackSubscriptionConflict"; |
| | 148 | | private const string ModelAlreadyExistsValue = "ModelAlreadyExists"; |
| | 149 | | private const string DeviceLockedValue = "DeviceLocked"; |
| | 150 | | private const string DeviceJobAlreadyExistsValue = "DeviceJobAlreadyExists"; |
| | 151 | | private const string JobAlreadyExistsValue = "JobAlreadyExists"; |
| | 152 | | private const string EnrollmentConflictValue = "EnrollmentConflict"; |
| | 153 | | private const string EnrollmentGroupConflictValue = "EnrollmentGroupConflict"; |
| | 154 | | private const string RegistrationStatusConflictValue = "RegistrationStatusConflict"; |
| | 155 | | private const string DeviceRecordConflictValue = "DeviceRecordConflict"; |
| | 156 | | private const string GroupRecordConflictValue = "GroupRecordConflict"; |
| | 157 | | private const string DeviceGroupConflictValue = "DeviceGroupConflict"; |
| | 158 | | private const string ProvisioningSettingsConflictValue = "ProvisioningSettingsConflict"; |
| | 159 | | private const string ProvisioningRecordConflictValue = "ProvisioningRecordConflict"; |
| | 160 | | private const string LinkedHubConflictValue = "LinkedHubConflict"; |
| | 161 | | private const string CertificateAuthorityConflictValue = "CertificateAuthorityConflict"; |
| | 162 | | private const string ModuleAlreadyExistsOnDeviceValue = "ModuleAlreadyExistsOnDevice"; |
| | 163 | | private const string ConfigurationAlreadyExistsValue = "ConfigurationAlreadyExists"; |
| | 164 | | private const string ApplyConfigurationAlreadyInProgressOnDeviceValue = "ApplyConfigurationAlreadyInProgressOnDe |
| | 165 | | private const string DigitalTwinModelAlreadyExistsValue = "DigitalTwinModelAlreadyExists"; |
| | 166 | | private const string DigitalTwinModelExistsWithOtherModelTypeValue = "DigitalTwinModelExistsWithOtherModelType"; |
| | 167 | | private const string InterfaceNameModelAlreadyExistsValue = "InterfaceNameModelAlreadyExists"; |
| | 168 | | private const string GenericPreconditionFailedValue = "GenericPreconditionFailed"; |
| | 169 | | private const string PreconditionFailedValue = "PreconditionFailed"; |
| | 170 | | private const string DeviceMessageLockLostValue = "DeviceMessageLockLost"; |
| | 171 | | private const string JobRunPreconditionFailedValue = "JobRunPreconditionFailed"; |
| | 172 | | private const string InflightMessagesInLinkValue = "InflightMessagesInLink"; |
| | 173 | | private const string GenericRequestEntityTooLargeValue = "GenericRequestEntityTooLarge"; |
| | 174 | | private const string MessageTooLargeValue = "MessageTooLarge"; |
| | 175 | | private const string TooManyDevicesValue = "TooManyDevices"; |
| | 176 | | private const string TooManyModulesOnDeviceValue = "TooManyModulesOnDevice"; |
| | 177 | | private const string ConfigurationCountLimitExceededValue = "ConfigurationCountLimitExceeded"; |
| | 178 | | private const string DigitalTwinModelCountLimitExceededValue = "DigitalTwinModelCountLimitExceeded"; |
| | 179 | | private const string InterfaceNameCompressionModelCountLimitExceededValue = "InterfaceNameCompressionModelCountL |
| | 180 | | private const string GenericUnsupportedMediaTypeValue = "GenericUnsupportedMediaType"; |
| | 181 | | private const string IncompatibleDataTypeValue = "IncompatibleDataType"; |
| | 182 | | private const string GenericTooManyRequestsValue = "GenericTooManyRequests"; |
| | 183 | | private const string ThrottlingExceptionValue = "ThrottlingException"; |
| | 184 | | private const string ThrottleBacklogLimitExceededValue = "ThrottleBacklogLimitExceeded"; |
| | 185 | | private const string ThrottlingBacklogTimeoutValue = "ThrottlingBacklogTimeout"; |
| | 186 | | private const string ThrottlingMaxActiveJobCountExceededValue = "ThrottlingMaxActiveJobCountExceeded"; |
| | 187 | | private const string DeviceThrottlingLimitExceededValue = "DeviceThrottlingLimitExceeded"; |
| | 188 | | private const string ClientClosedRequestValue = "ClientClosedRequest"; |
| | 189 | | private const string GenericServerErrorValue = "GenericServerError"; |
| | 190 | | private const string ServerErrorValue = "ServerError"; |
| | 191 | | private const string JobCancelledValue = "JobCancelled"; |
| | 192 | | private const string StatisticsRetrievalErrorValue = "StatisticsRetrievalError"; |
| | 193 | | private const string ConnectionForcefullyClosedValue = "ConnectionForcefullyClosed"; |
| | 194 | | private const string InvalidBlobStateValue = "InvalidBlobState"; |
| | 195 | | private const string BackupTimedOutValue = "BackupTimedOut"; |
| | 196 | | private const string AzureStorageTimeoutValue = "AzureStorageTimeout"; |
| | 197 | | private const string GenericTimeoutValue = "GenericTimeout"; |
| | 198 | | private const string InvalidThrottleParameterValue = "InvalidThrottleParameter"; |
| | 199 | | private const string EventHubLinkAlreadyClosedValue = "EventHubLinkAlreadyClosed"; |
| | 200 | | private const string ReliableBlobStoreErrorValue = "ReliableBlobStoreError"; |
| | 201 | | private const string RetryAttemptsExhaustedValue = "RetryAttemptsExhausted"; |
| | 202 | | private const string AzureTableStoreErrorValue = "AzureTableStoreError"; |
| | 203 | | private const string CheckpointStoreNotFoundValue = "CheckpointStoreNotFound"; |
| | 204 | | private const string DocumentDbInvalidReturnValueValue = "DocumentDbInvalidReturnValue"; |
| | 205 | | private const string ReliableDocDbStoreStoreErrorValue = "ReliableDocDbStoreStoreError"; |
| | 206 | | private const string ReliableBlobStoreTimeoutErrorValue = "ReliableBlobStoreTimeoutError"; |
| | 207 | | private const string ConfigReadFailedValue = "ConfigReadFailed"; |
| | 208 | | private const string InvalidContainerReceiveLinkValue = "InvalidContainerReceiveLink"; |
| | 209 | | private const string InvalidPartitionEpochValue = "InvalidPartitionEpoch"; |
| | 210 | | private const string RestoreTimedOutValue = "RestoreTimedOut"; |
| | 211 | | private const string StreamReservationFailureValue = "StreamReservationFailure"; |
| | 212 | | private const string SerializationErrorValue = "SerializationError"; |
| | 213 | | private const string UnexpectedPropertyValueValue = "UnexpectedPropertyValue"; |
| | 214 | | private const string OrchestrationOperationFailedValue = "OrchestrationOperationFailed"; |
| | 215 | | private const string ModelRepoEndpointErrorValue = "ModelRepoEndpointError"; |
| | 216 | | private const string ResolutionErrorValue = "ResolutionError"; |
| | 217 | | private const string UnableToFetchCredentialsValue = "UnableToFetchCredentials"; |
| | 218 | | private const string UnableToFetchTenantInfoValue = "UnableToFetchTenantInfo"; |
| | 219 | | private const string UnableToShareIdentityValue = "UnableToShareIdentity"; |
| | 220 | | private const string UnableToExpandDiscoveryInfoValue = "UnableToExpandDiscoveryInfo"; |
| | 221 | | private const string UnableToExpandComponentInfoValue = "UnableToExpandComponentInfo"; |
| | 222 | | private const string UnableToCompressComponentInfoValue = "UnableToCompressComponentInfo"; |
| | 223 | | private const string UnableToCompressDiscoveryInfoValue = "UnableToCompressDiscoveryInfo"; |
| | 224 | | private const string OrphanDiscoveryDocumentValue = "OrphanDiscoveryDocument"; |
| | 225 | | private const string GenericBadGatewayValue = "GenericBadGateway"; |
| | 226 | | private const string InvalidResponseWhileProxyingValue = "InvalidResponseWhileProxying"; |
| | 227 | | private const string GenericServiceUnavailableValue = "GenericServiceUnavailable"; |
| | 228 | | private const string ServiceUnavailableValue = "ServiceUnavailable"; |
| | 229 | | private const string PartitionNotFoundValue = "PartitionNotFound"; |
| | 230 | | private const string IotHubActivationFailedValue = "IotHubActivationFailed"; |
| | 231 | | private const string ServerBusyValue = "ServerBusy"; |
| | 232 | | private const string IotHubRestoringValue = "IotHubRestoring"; |
| | 233 | | private const string ReceiveLinkOpensThrottledValue = "ReceiveLinkOpensThrottled"; |
| | 234 | | private const string ConnectionUnavailableValue = "ConnectionUnavailable"; |
| | 235 | | private const string DeviceUnavailableValue = "DeviceUnavailable"; |
| | 236 | | private const string ConfigurationNotAvailableValue = "ConfigurationNotAvailable"; |
| | 237 | | private const string GroupNotAvailableValue = "GroupNotAvailable"; |
| | 238 | | private const string HostingServiceNotAvailableValue = "HostingServiceNotAvailable"; |
| | 239 | | private const string GenericGatewayTimeoutValue = "GenericGatewayTimeout"; |
| | 240 | | private const string GatewayTimeoutValue = "GatewayTimeout"; |
| | 241 | |
| | 242 | | /// <summary> InvalidErrorCode. </summary> |
| 0 | 243 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidErrorCode { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 244 | | /// <summary> GenericBadRequest. </summary> |
| 0 | 245 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericBadRequest { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 246 | | /// <summary> InvalidProtocolVersion. </summary> |
| 0 | 247 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidProtocolVersion { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 248 | | /// <summary> DeviceInvalidResultCount. </summary> |
| 0 | 249 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceInvalidResultCount { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 250 | | /// <summary> InvalidOperation. </summary> |
| 0 | 251 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidOperation { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 252 | | /// <summary> ArgumentInvalid. </summary> |
| 0 | 253 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ArgumentInvalid { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(A |
| | 254 | | /// <summary> ArgumentNull. </summary> |
| 0 | 255 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ArgumentNull { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Argu |
| | 256 | | /// <summary> IotHubFormatError. </summary> |
| 0 | 257 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubFormatError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 258 | | /// <summary> DeviceStorageEntitySerializationError. </summary> |
| 0 | 259 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceStorageEntitySerializationError { get; } = new DeviceRegist |
| | 260 | | /// <summary> BlobContainerValidationError. </summary> |
| 0 | 261 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode BlobContainerValidationError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 262 | | /// <summary> ImportWarningExistsError. </summary> |
| 0 | 263 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ImportWarningExistsError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 264 | | /// <summary> InvalidSchemaVersion. </summary> |
| 0 | 265 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidSchemaVersion { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorC |
| | 266 | | /// <summary> DeviceDefinedMultipleTimes. </summary> |
| 0 | 267 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceDefinedMultipleTimes { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 268 | | /// <summary> DeserializationError. </summary> |
| 0 | 269 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeserializationError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorC |
| | 270 | | /// <summary> BulkRegistryOperationFailure. </summary> |
| 0 | 271 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode BulkRegistryOperationFailure { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 272 | | /// <summary> DefaultStorageEndpointNotConfigured. </summary> |
| 0 | 273 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DefaultStorageEndpointNotConfigured { get; } = new DeviceRegistry |
| | 274 | | /// <summary> InvalidFileUploadCorrelationId. </summary> |
| 0 | 275 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidFileUploadCorrelationId { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOpera |
| | 276 | | /// <summary> ExpiredFileUploadCorrelationId. </summary> |
| 0 | 277 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ExpiredFileUploadCorrelationId { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOpera |
| | 278 | | /// <summary> InvalidStorageEndpoint. </summary> |
| 0 | 279 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidStorageEndpoint { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 280 | | /// <summary> InvalidMessagingEndpoint. </summary> |
| 0 | 281 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidMessagingEndpoint { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 282 | | /// <summary> InvalidFileUploadCompletionStatus. </summary> |
| 0 | 283 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidFileUploadCompletionStatus { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOp |
| | 284 | | /// <summary> InvalidStorageEndpointOrBlob. </summary> |
| 0 | 285 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidStorageEndpointOrBlob { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 286 | | /// <summary> RequestCanceled. </summary> |
| 0 | 287 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RequestCanceled { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(R |
| | 288 | | /// <summary> InvalidStorageEndpointProperty. </summary> |
| 0 | 289 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidStorageEndpointProperty { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOpera |
| | 290 | | /// <summary> EtagDoesNotMatch. </summary> |
| 0 | 291 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode EtagDoesNotMatch { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 292 | | /// <summary> RequestTimedOut. </summary> |
| 0 | 293 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RequestTimedOut { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(R |
| | 294 | | /// <summary> UnsupportedOperationOnReplica. </summary> |
| 0 | 295 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnsupportedOperationOnReplica { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperat |
| | 296 | | /// <summary> NullMessage. </summary> |
| 0 | 297 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode NullMessage { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(NullM |
| | 298 | | /// <summary> ConnectionForcefullyClosedOnNewConnection. </summary> |
| 0 | 299 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConnectionForcefullyClosedOnNewConnection { get; } = new DeviceRe |
| | 300 | | /// <summary> InvalidDeviceScope. </summary> |
| 0 | 301 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidDeviceScope { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 302 | | /// <summary> ConnectionForcefullyClosedOnFaultInjection. </summary> |
| 0 | 303 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConnectionForcefullyClosedOnFaultInjection { get; } = new DeviceR |
| | 304 | | /// <summary> ConnectionRejectedOnFaultInjection. </summary> |
| 0 | 305 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConnectionRejectedOnFaultInjection { get; } = new DeviceRegistryO |
| | 306 | | /// <summary> InvalidEndpointAuthenticationType. </summary> |
| 0 | 307 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidEndpointAuthenticationType { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOp |
| | 308 | | /// <summary> ManagedIdentityNotEnabled. </summary> |
| 0 | 309 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ManagedIdentityNotEnabled { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 310 | | /// <summary> InvalidRouteTestInput. </summary> |
| 0 | 311 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidRouteTestInput { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 312 | | /// <summary> InvalidSourceOnRoute. </summary> |
| 0 | 313 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidSourceOnRoute { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorC |
| | 314 | | /// <summary> RoutingNotEnabled. </summary> |
| 0 | 315 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RoutingNotEnabled { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 316 | | /// <summary> InvalidContentEncodingOrType. </summary> |
| 0 | 317 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidContentEncodingOrType { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 318 | | /// <summary> InvalidEndorsementKey. </summary> |
| 0 | 319 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidEndorsementKey { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 320 | | /// <summary> InvalidRegistrationId. </summary> |
| 0 | 321 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidRegistrationId { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 322 | | /// <summary> InvalidStorageRootKey. </summary> |
| 0 | 323 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidStorageRootKey { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 324 | | /// <summary> InvalidEnrollmentGroupId. </summary> |
| 0 | 325 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidEnrollmentGroupId { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 326 | | /// <summary> TooManyEnrollments. </summary> |
| 0 | 327 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode TooManyEnrollments { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 328 | | /// <summary> RegistrationIdDefinedMultipleTimes. </summary> |
| 0 | 329 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RegistrationIdDefinedMultipleTimes { get; } = new DeviceRegistryO |
| | 330 | | /// <summary> CustomAllocationFailed. </summary> |
| 0 | 331 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CustomAllocationFailed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 332 | | /// <summary> CustomAllocationIotHubNotSpecified. </summary> |
| 0 | 333 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CustomAllocationIotHubNotSpecified { get; } = new DeviceRegistryO |
| | 334 | | /// <summary> CustomAllocationUnauthorizedAccess. </summary> |
| 0 | 335 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CustomAllocationUnauthorizedAccess { get; } = new DeviceRegistryO |
| | 336 | | /// <summary> CannotRegisterModuleToModule. </summary> |
| 0 | 337 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CannotRegisterModuleToModule { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 338 | | /// <summary> TenantHubRoutingNotEnabled. </summary> |
| 0 | 339 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode TenantHubRoutingNotEnabled { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 340 | | /// <summary> InvalidConfigurationTargetCondition. </summary> |
| 0 | 341 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidConfigurationTargetCondition { get; } = new DeviceRegistry |
| | 342 | | /// <summary> InvalidConfigurationContent. </summary> |
| 0 | 343 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidConfigurationContent { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 344 | | /// <summary> CannotModifyImmutableConfigurationContent. </summary> |
| 0 | 345 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CannotModifyImmutableConfigurationContent { get; } = new DeviceRe |
| | 346 | | /// <summary> InvalidConfigurationCustomMetricsQuery. </summary> |
| 0 | 347 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidConfigurationCustomMetricsQuery { get; } = new DeviceRegis |
| | 348 | | /// <summary> InvalidPnPInterfaceDefinition. </summary> |
| 0 | 349 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidPnPInterfaceDefinition { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperat |
| | 350 | | /// <summary> InvalidPnPDesiredProperties. </summary> |
| 0 | 351 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidPnPDesiredProperties { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 352 | | /// <summary> InvalidPnPReportedProperties. </summary> |
| 0 | 353 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidPnPReportedProperties { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 354 | | /// <summary> InvalidPnPWritableReportedProperties. </summary> |
| 0 | 355 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidPnPWritableReportedProperties { get; } = new DeviceRegistr |
| | 356 | | /// <summary> InvalidDigitalTwinJsonPatch. </summary> |
| 0 | 357 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidDigitalTwinJsonPatch { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 358 | | /// <summary> InvalidDigitalTwinPayload. </summary> |
| 0 | 359 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidDigitalTwinPayload { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 360 | | /// <summary> InvalidDigitalTwinPatch. </summary> |
| 0 | 361 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidDigitalTwinPatch { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 362 | | /// <summary> InvalidDigitalTwinPatchPath. </summary> |
| 0 | 363 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidDigitalTwinPatchPath { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 364 | | /// <summary> GenericUnauthorized. </summary> |
| 0 | 365 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericUnauthorized { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 366 | | /// <summary> IotHubNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 367 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Io |
| | 368 | | /// <summary> IotHubUnauthorizedAccess. </summary> |
| 0 | 369 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubUnauthorizedAccess { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 370 | | /// <summary> IotHubUnauthorized. </summary> |
| 0 | 371 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubUnauthorized { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 372 | | /// <summary> ElasticPoolNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 373 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ElasticPoolNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 374 | | /// <summary> SystemModuleModifyUnauthorizedAccess. </summary> |
| 0 | 375 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode SystemModuleModifyUnauthorizedAccess { get; } = new DeviceRegistr |
| | 376 | | /// <summary> GenericForbidden. </summary> |
| 0 | 377 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericForbidden { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 378 | | /// <summary> IotHubSuspended. </summary> |
| 0 | 379 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubSuspended { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(I |
| | 380 | | /// <summary> IotHubQuotaExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 381 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubQuotaExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 382 | | /// <summary> JobQuotaExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 383 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode JobQuotaExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 384 | | /// <summary> DeviceMaximumQueueDepthExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 385 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceMaximumQueueDepthExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOper |
| | 386 | | /// <summary> IotHubMaxCbsTokenExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 387 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubMaxCbsTokenExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 388 | | /// <summary> DeviceMaximumActiveFileUploadLimitExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 389 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceMaximumActiveFileUploadLimitExceeded { get; } = new DeviceR |
| | 390 | | /// <summary> DeviceMaximumQueueSizeExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 391 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceMaximumQueueSizeExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOpera |
| | 392 | | /// <summary> RoutingEndpointResponseForbidden. </summary> |
| 0 | 393 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RoutingEndpointResponseForbidden { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOpe |
| | 394 | | /// <summary> InvalidMessageExpiryTime. </summary> |
| 0 | 395 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidMessageExpiryTime { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 396 | | /// <summary> OperationNotAvailableInCurrentTier. </summary> |
| 0 | 397 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode OperationNotAvailableInCurrentTier { get; } = new DeviceRegistryO |
| | 398 | | /// <summary> KeyEncryptionKeyRevoked. </summary> |
| 0 | 399 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode KeyEncryptionKeyRevoked { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 400 | | /// <summary> DeviceModelMaxPropertiesExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 401 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceModelMaxPropertiesExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOpe |
| | 402 | | /// <summary> DeviceModelMaxIndexablePropertiesExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 403 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceModelMaxIndexablePropertiesExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRe |
| | 404 | | /// <summary> IotDpsSuspended. </summary> |
| 0 | 405 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotDpsSuspended { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(I |
| | 406 | | /// <summary> IotDpsSuspending. </summary> |
| 0 | 407 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotDpsSuspending { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 408 | | /// <summary> GenericNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 409 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(G |
| | 410 | | /// <summary> DeviceNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 411 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(De |
| | 412 | | /// <summary> JobNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 413 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode JobNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(JobNo |
| | 414 | | /// <summary> QuotaMetricNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 415 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode QuotaMetricNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 416 | | /// <summary> SystemPropertyNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 417 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode SystemPropertyNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 418 | | /// <summary> AmqpAddressNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 419 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode AmqpAddressNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 420 | | /// <summary> RoutingEndpointResponseNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 421 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RoutingEndpointResponseNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOper |
| | 422 | | /// <summary> CertificateNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 423 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CertificateNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 424 | | /// <summary> ElasticPoolTenantHubNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 425 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ElasticPoolTenantHubNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 426 | | /// <summary> ModuleNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 427 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ModuleNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Mo |
| | 428 | | /// <summary> AzureTableStoreNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 429 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode AzureTableStoreNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 430 | | /// <summary> IotHubFailingOver. </summary> |
| 0 | 431 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubFailingOver { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 432 | | /// <summary> FeatureNotSupported. </summary> |
| 0 | 433 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode FeatureNotSupported { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 434 | | /// <summary> DigitalTwinInterfaceNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 435 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DigitalTwinInterfaceNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 436 | | /// <summary> QueryStoreClusterNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 437 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode QueryStoreClusterNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 438 | | /// <summary> DeviceNotOnline. </summary> |
| 0 | 439 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceNotOnline { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(D |
| | 440 | | /// <summary> DeviceConnectionClosedRemotely. </summary> |
| 0 | 441 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceConnectionClosedRemotely { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOpera |
| | 442 | | /// <summary> EnrollmentNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 443 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode EnrollmentNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 444 | | /// <summary> DeviceRegistrationNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 445 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceRegistrationNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 446 | | /// <summary> AsyncOperationNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 447 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode AsyncOperationNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 448 | | /// <summary> EnrollmentGroupNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 449 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode EnrollmentGroupNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 450 | | /// <summary> DeviceRecordNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 451 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceRecordNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorC |
| | 452 | | /// <summary> GroupRecordNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 453 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GroupRecordNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 454 | | /// <summary> DeviceGroupNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 455 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceGroupNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 456 | | /// <summary> ProvisioningSettingsNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 457 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ProvisioningSettingsNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 458 | | /// <summary> ProvisioningRecordNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 459 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ProvisioningRecordNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 460 | | /// <summary> LinkedHubNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 461 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode LinkedHubNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 462 | | /// <summary> CertificateAuthorityNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 463 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CertificateAuthorityNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 464 | | /// <summary> ConfigurationNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 465 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConfigurationNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 466 | | /// <summary> GroupNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 467 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GroupNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Gro |
| | 468 | | /// <summary> DigitalTwinModelNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 469 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DigitalTwinModelNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 470 | | /// <summary> InterfaceNameModelNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 471 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InterfaceNameModelNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 472 | | /// <summary> GenericMethodNotAllowed. </summary> |
| 0 | 473 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericMethodNotAllowed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 474 | | /// <summary> OperationNotAllowedInCurrentState. </summary> |
| 0 | 475 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode OperationNotAllowedInCurrentState { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOp |
| | 476 | | /// <summary> ImportDevicesNotSupported. </summary> |
| 0 | 477 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ImportDevicesNotSupported { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 478 | | /// <summary> BulkAddDevicesNotSupported. </summary> |
| 0 | 479 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode BulkAddDevicesNotSupported { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 480 | | /// <summary> GenericConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 481 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(G |
| | 482 | | /// <summary> DeviceAlreadyExists. </summary> |
| 0 | 483 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceAlreadyExists { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 484 | | /// <summary> LinkCreationConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 485 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode LinkCreationConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorC |
| | 486 | | /// <summary> CallbackSubscriptionConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 487 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CallbackSubscriptionConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 488 | | /// <summary> ModelAlreadyExists. </summary> |
| 0 | 489 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ModelAlreadyExists { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 490 | | /// <summary> DeviceLocked. </summary> |
| 0 | 491 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceLocked { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Devi |
| | 492 | | /// <summary> DeviceJobAlreadyExists. </summary> |
| 0 | 493 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceJobAlreadyExists { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 494 | | /// <summary> JobAlreadyExists. </summary> |
| 0 | 495 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode JobAlreadyExists { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 496 | | /// <summary> EnrollmentConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 497 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode EnrollmentConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 498 | | /// <summary> EnrollmentGroupConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 499 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode EnrollmentGroupConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 500 | | /// <summary> RegistrationStatusConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 501 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RegistrationStatusConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 502 | | /// <summary> DeviceRecordConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 503 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceRecordConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorC |
| | 504 | | /// <summary> GroupRecordConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 505 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GroupRecordConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 506 | | /// <summary> DeviceGroupConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 507 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceGroupConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 508 | | /// <summary> ProvisioningSettingsConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 509 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ProvisioningSettingsConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 510 | | /// <summary> ProvisioningRecordConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 511 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ProvisioningRecordConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 512 | | /// <summary> LinkedHubConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 513 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode LinkedHubConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 514 | | /// <summary> CertificateAuthorityConflict. </summary> |
| 0 | 515 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CertificateAuthorityConflict { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 516 | | /// <summary> ModuleAlreadyExistsOnDevice. </summary> |
| 0 | 517 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ModuleAlreadyExistsOnDevice { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 518 | | /// <summary> ConfigurationAlreadyExists. </summary> |
| 0 | 519 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConfigurationAlreadyExists { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 520 | | /// <summary> ApplyConfigurationAlreadyInProgressOnDevice. </summary> |
| 0 | 521 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ApplyConfigurationAlreadyInProgressOnDevice { get; } = new Device |
| | 522 | | /// <summary> DigitalTwinModelAlreadyExists. </summary> |
| 0 | 523 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DigitalTwinModelAlreadyExists { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperat |
| | 524 | | /// <summary> DigitalTwinModelExistsWithOtherModelType. </summary> |
| 0 | 525 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DigitalTwinModelExistsWithOtherModelType { get; } = new DeviceReg |
| | 526 | | /// <summary> InterfaceNameModelAlreadyExists. </summary> |
| 0 | 527 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InterfaceNameModelAlreadyExists { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOper |
| | 528 | | /// <summary> GenericPreconditionFailed. </summary> |
| 0 | 529 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericPreconditionFailed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 530 | | /// <summary> PreconditionFailed. </summary> |
| 0 | 531 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode PreconditionFailed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 532 | | /// <summary> DeviceMessageLockLost. </summary> |
| 0 | 533 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceMessageLockLost { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 534 | | /// <summary> JobRunPreconditionFailed. </summary> |
| 0 | 535 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode JobRunPreconditionFailed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 536 | | /// <summary> InflightMessagesInLink. </summary> |
| 0 | 537 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InflightMessagesInLink { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 538 | | /// <summary> GenericRequestEntityTooLarge. </summary> |
| 0 | 539 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericRequestEntityTooLarge { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 540 | | /// <summary> MessageTooLarge. </summary> |
| 0 | 541 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode MessageTooLarge { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(M |
| | 542 | | /// <summary> TooManyDevices. </summary> |
| 0 | 543 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode TooManyDevices { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(To |
| | 544 | | /// <summary> TooManyModulesOnDevice. </summary> |
| 0 | 545 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode TooManyModulesOnDevice { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 546 | | /// <summary> ConfigurationCountLimitExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 547 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConfigurationCountLimitExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOper |
| | 548 | | /// <summary> DigitalTwinModelCountLimitExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 549 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DigitalTwinModelCountLimitExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryO |
| | 550 | | /// <summary> InterfaceNameCompressionModelCountLimitExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 551 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InterfaceNameCompressionModelCountLimitExceeded { get; } = new De |
| | 552 | | /// <summary> GenericUnsupportedMediaType. </summary> |
| 0 | 553 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericUnsupportedMediaType { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 554 | | /// <summary> IncompatibleDataType. </summary> |
| 0 | 555 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IncompatibleDataType { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorC |
| | 556 | | /// <summary> GenericTooManyRequests. </summary> |
| 0 | 557 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericTooManyRequests { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 558 | | /// <summary> ThrottlingException. </summary> |
| 0 | 559 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ThrottlingException { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 560 | | /// <summary> ThrottleBacklogLimitExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 561 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ThrottleBacklogLimitExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 562 | | /// <summary> ThrottlingBacklogTimeout. </summary> |
| 0 | 563 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ThrottlingBacklogTimeout { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 564 | | /// <summary> ThrottlingMaxActiveJobCountExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 565 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ThrottlingMaxActiveJobCountExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistry |
| | 566 | | /// <summary> DeviceThrottlingLimitExceeded. </summary> |
| 0 | 567 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceThrottlingLimitExceeded { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperat |
| | 568 | | /// <summary> ClientClosedRequest. </summary> |
| 0 | 569 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ClientClosedRequest { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 570 | | /// <summary> GenericServerError. </summary> |
| 0 | 571 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericServerError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 572 | | /// <summary> ServerError. </summary> |
| 0 | 573 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ServerError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Serve |
| | 574 | | /// <summary> JobCancelled. </summary> |
| 0 | 575 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode JobCancelled { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(JobC |
| | 576 | | /// <summary> StatisticsRetrievalError. </summary> |
| 0 | 577 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode StatisticsRetrievalError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 578 | | /// <summary> ConnectionForcefullyClosed. </summary> |
| 0 | 579 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConnectionForcefullyClosed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 580 | | /// <summary> InvalidBlobState. </summary> |
| 0 | 581 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidBlobState { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 582 | | /// <summary> BackupTimedOut. </summary> |
| 0 | 583 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode BackupTimedOut { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Ba |
| | 584 | | /// <summary> AzureStorageTimeout. </summary> |
| 0 | 585 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode AzureStorageTimeout { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCo |
| | 586 | | /// <summary> GenericTimeout. </summary> |
| 0 | 587 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericTimeout { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Ge |
| | 588 | | /// <summary> InvalidThrottleParameter. </summary> |
| 0 | 589 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidThrottleParameter { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 590 | | /// <summary> EventHubLinkAlreadyClosed. </summary> |
| 0 | 591 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode EventHubLinkAlreadyClosed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 592 | | /// <summary> ReliableBlobStoreError. </summary> |
| 0 | 593 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ReliableBlobStoreError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 594 | | /// <summary> RetryAttemptsExhausted. </summary> |
| 0 | 595 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RetryAttemptsExhausted { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 596 | | /// <summary> AzureTableStoreError. </summary> |
| 0 | 597 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode AzureTableStoreError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorC |
| | 598 | | /// <summary> CheckpointStoreNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 599 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode CheckpointStoreNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 600 | | /// <summary> DocumentDbInvalidReturnValue. </summary> |
| 0 | 601 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DocumentDbInvalidReturnValue { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 602 | | /// <summary> ReliableDocDbStoreStoreError. </summary> |
| 0 | 603 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ReliableDocDbStoreStoreError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 604 | | /// <summary> ReliableBlobStoreTimeoutError. </summary> |
| 0 | 605 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ReliableBlobStoreTimeoutError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperat |
| | 606 | | /// <summary> ConfigReadFailed. </summary> |
| 0 | 607 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConfigReadFailed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode( |
| | 608 | | /// <summary> InvalidContainerReceiveLink. </summary> |
| 0 | 609 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidContainerReceiveLink { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 610 | | /// <summary> InvalidPartitionEpoch. </summary> |
| 0 | 611 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidPartitionEpoch { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 612 | | /// <summary> RestoreTimedOut. </summary> |
| 0 | 613 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode RestoreTimedOut { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(R |
| | 614 | | /// <summary> StreamReservationFailure. </summary> |
| 0 | 615 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode StreamReservationFailure { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 616 | | /// <summary> SerializationError. </summary> |
| 0 | 617 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode SerializationError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 618 | | /// <summary> UnexpectedPropertyValue. </summary> |
| 0 | 619 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnexpectedPropertyValue { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 620 | | /// <summary> OrchestrationOperationFailed. </summary> |
| 0 | 621 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode OrchestrationOperationFailed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 622 | | /// <summary> ModelRepoEndpointError. </summary> |
| 0 | 623 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ModelRepoEndpointError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 624 | | /// <summary> ResolutionError. </summary> |
| 0 | 625 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ResolutionError { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(R |
| | 626 | | /// <summary> UnableToFetchCredentials. </summary> |
| 0 | 627 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnableToFetchCredentials { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationEr |
| | 628 | | /// <summary> UnableToFetchTenantInfo. </summary> |
| 0 | 629 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnableToFetchTenantInfo { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 630 | | /// <summary> UnableToShareIdentity. </summary> |
| 0 | 631 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnableToShareIdentity { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 632 | | /// <summary> UnableToExpandDiscoveryInfo. </summary> |
| 0 | 633 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnableToExpandDiscoveryInfo { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 634 | | /// <summary> UnableToExpandComponentInfo. </summary> |
| 0 | 635 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnableToExpandComponentInfo { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperatio |
| | 636 | | /// <summary> UnableToCompressComponentInfo. </summary> |
| 0 | 637 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnableToCompressComponentInfo { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperat |
| | 638 | | /// <summary> UnableToCompressDiscoveryInfo. </summary> |
| 0 | 639 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode UnableToCompressDiscoveryInfo { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperat |
| | 640 | | /// <summary> OrphanDiscoveryDocument. </summary> |
| 0 | 641 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode OrphanDiscoveryDocument { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 642 | | /// <summary> GenericBadGateway. </summary> |
| 0 | 643 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericBadGateway { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 644 | | /// <summary> InvalidResponseWhileProxying. </summary> |
| 0 | 645 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode InvalidResponseWhileProxying { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperati |
| | 646 | | /// <summary> GenericServiceUnavailable. </summary> |
| 0 | 647 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericServiceUnavailable { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 648 | | /// <summary> ServiceUnavailable. </summary> |
| 0 | 649 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ServiceUnavailable { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCod |
| | 650 | | /// <summary> PartitionNotFound. </summary> |
| 0 | 651 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode PartitionNotFound { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 652 | | /// <summary> IotHubActivationFailed. </summary> |
| 0 | 653 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubActivationFailed { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErro |
| | 654 | | /// <summary> ServerBusy. </summary> |
| 0 | 655 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ServerBusy { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Server |
| | 656 | | /// <summary> IotHubRestoring. </summary> |
| 0 | 657 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode IotHubRestoring { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(I |
| | 658 | | /// <summary> ReceiveLinkOpensThrottled. </summary> |
| 0 | 659 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ReceiveLinkOpensThrottled { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 660 | | /// <summary> ConnectionUnavailable. </summary> |
| 0 | 661 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConnectionUnavailable { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 662 | | /// <summary> DeviceUnavailable. </summary> |
| 0 | 663 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode DeviceUnavailable { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 664 | | /// <summary> ConfigurationNotAvailable. </summary> |
| 0 | 665 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode ConfigurationNotAvailable { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationE |
| | 666 | | /// <summary> GroupNotAvailable. </summary> |
| 0 | 667 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GroupNotAvailable { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode |
| | 668 | | /// <summary> HostingServiceNotAvailable. </summary> |
| 0 | 669 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode HostingServiceNotAvailable { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperation |
| | 670 | | /// <summary> GenericGatewayTimeout. </summary> |
| 0 | 671 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GenericGatewayTimeout { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationError |
| | 672 | | /// <summary> GatewayTimeout. </summary> |
| 0 | 673 | | public static DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode GatewayTimeout { get; } = new DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(Ga |
| | 674 | | /// <summary> Determines if two <see cref="DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode"/> values are the same. </summary> |
| 0 | 675 | | public static bool operator ==(DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode left, DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode right) => |
| | 676 | | /// <summary> Determines if two <see cref="DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode"/> values are not the same. </summar |
| 0 | 677 | | public static bool operator !=(DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode left, DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode right) => |
| | 678 | | /// <summary> Converts a string to a <see cref="DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode"/>. </summary> |
| 0 | 679 | | public static implicit operator DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode(string value) => new DeviceRegistryOperationErr |
| | 680 | |
| | 681 | | /// <inheritdoc /> |
| | 682 | | [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] |
| 0 | 683 | | public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode other && Equals(other); |
| | 684 | | /// <inheritdoc /> |
| 0 | 685 | | public bool Equals(DeviceRegistryOperationErrorCode other) => string.Equals(_value, other._value, StringComparis |
| | 686 | |
| | 687 | | /// <inheritdoc /> |
| | 688 | | [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] |
| 0 | 689 | | public override int GetHashCode() => _value?.GetHashCode() ?? 0; |
| | 690 | | /// <inheritdoc /> |
| 0 | 691 | | public override string ToString() => _value; |
| | 692 | | } |
| | 693 | | } |