Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConnectionStringTrait
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationCallingServer.
Package containing the classes for Azure Communication Email Service.
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationIdentity.
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationNetworkTraversal.
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationPhoneNumbers.
This package contains the classes for AzureCommunicationSMSService.
This package contains interfaces that represent common cross-cutting aspects of functionality offered by libraries in the Azure SDK for Java.
Package containing classes for creating a ConfigurationAsyncClient to perform operations on Azure App Configuration service.
Package containing the classes for Tables Clients.
Package containing classes for creating EventHubProducerAsyncClient, EventHubProducerClient, EventHubConsumerAsyncClient, EventHubConsumerClient, or EventProcessorClient to perform operations on Azure Event Hubs.
Package containing classes for creating ServiceBusSenderAsyncClient, ServiceBusProcessorClient, and ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient to perform operations on Azure Service Bus.
Package containing classes managing resources in Azure Service Bus.
Package containing classes for creating clients to perform operations on the Azure Web Pub Sub Service.
Package containing the classes for BlobServiceClient.
Package containing specialized clients for Azure Storage Blobs.
Package containing the classes for performing client-side encryption of blob contents.
This package contains the classes to perform actions on Azure Storage File.
This package contains the classes to perform actions on Azure Storage Queue.