// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.




 * A utility class that parses a connection string into sections. A Service Bus connection string is a set of key value
 * pairs separated by semi-colon. A typical example is
 * {@code "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=someKeyName;SharedAccessKey=someKeyValue"}.
 * <p>
 * A connection may have the following sections:
 * <ul>
 *     <li>Endpoint, which is mandatory. The hostname part of it is the "Fully qualified namespace".</li>
 *     <li>SharedAccessKeyName and SharedAccessKey, optional, used to authenticate the access to the ServiceBus.</li>
 *     <li>SharedAccessSignature, optional, an alternative way to authenticate the access to the ServiceBus.</li>
 *     <li>EntityPath, optional, the queue name or the topic name under the service namespace</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * When you have a ServiceBus connection string, you can use {@link ServiceBusClientBuilder#connectionString(String)}
 * to build a client. If you'd like to use a {@link TokenCredential} to access a Service Bus, you can use this utility
 * class to take the fully qualified namespace and optionally the entity path (queue/topic name) from the connection
 * string and then use {@link ServiceBusClientBuilder#credential(String, TokenCredential)}.
 * </p>
 * @see ServiceBusClientBuilder#connectionString(String)
public final class ServiceBusConnectionStringProperties {
    private final URI endpoint;
    private final String entityPath;
    private final String sharedAccessKeyName;
    private final String sharedAccessKey;
    private final String sharedAccessSignature;

    private ServiceBusConnectionStringProperties(ConnectionStringProperties properties) {
        this.endpoint = properties.getEndpoint();
        this.entityPath = properties.getEntityPath();
        this.sharedAccessKeyName = properties.getSharedAccessKeyName();
        this.sharedAccessKey = properties.getSharedAccessKey();
        this.sharedAccessSignature = properties.getSharedAccessSignature();

     * Parse a Service Bus connection string into an instance of this class.
     * @param connectionString The connection string to be parsed.
     * @return An instance of this class.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code connectionString} is null.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code connectionString} is empty or malformed.
    public static ServiceBusConnectionStringProperties parse(String connectionString) {
        return new ServiceBusConnectionStringProperties(new ConnectionStringProperties(connectionString));

     * Gets the "EntityPath" value of the connection string.
     * @return The entity path, or {@code null} if the connection string doesn't have an "EntityPath".
    public String getEntityPath() {
        return entityPath;

     * Gets the "Endpoint" value of the connection string.
     * @return The endpoint.
    public String getEndpoint() {
        return String.format("%s://%s", endpoint.getScheme(), endpoint.getHost());

     * Gets the fully qualified namespace, or hostname, from the connection string "Endpoint" section.
     * @return The fully qualified namespace.
    public String getFullyQualifiedNamespace() {
        return this.endpoint.getHost();

     * Gets the "SharedAccessKeyName" section of the connection string.
     * @return The shared access key name, or {@code null} if the connection string doesn't have a
     *     "SharedAccessKeyName".
    public String getSharedAccessKeyName() {
        return this.sharedAccessKeyName;

     * Gets the "SharedAccessSignature" section of the connection string.
     * @return The shared access key value, or {@code null} if the connection string doesn't have a
     *     "SharedAccessSignature".
    public String getSharedAccessKey() {
        return this.sharedAccessKey;

     * Gets the "SharedAccessSignature" section of the connection string.
     * @return The shared access signature, or {@code null} if the connection string doesn't have a
     *     "SharedAccessSignature".
    public String getSharedAccessSignature() {
        return this.sharedAccessSignature;