// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.


import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.annotation.JacksonXmlProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.annotation.JacksonXmlRootElement;

import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

/** The AuthorizationRule model. */
        localName = "AuthorizationRule",
        namespace = "")
public final class AuthorizationRuleImpl {
     * The authorization type.
    @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "type", namespace = "",
        isAttribute = true)
    private String type;

     * The claim type.
            localName = "ClaimType",
            namespace = "")
    private String claimType;

     * The claim value.
            localName = "ClaimValue",
            namespace = "")
    private String claimValue;

    private static final class RightsWrapper {
        @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "AccessRights",
            namespace = "")
        private final List<AccessRights> items;

        private RightsWrapper(@JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "AccessRights",
            namespace = "")
            List<AccessRights> items) {
            this.items = items;

     * Access rights of the entity. Values are 'Send', 'Listen', or 'Manage'
            localName = "Rights",
            namespace = "")
    private RightsWrapper rights;

     * The date and time when the authorization rule was created.
            localName = "CreatedTime",
            namespace = "")
    private OffsetDateTime createdTime;

     * The date and time when the authorization rule was modified.
            localName = "ModifiedTime",
            namespace = "")
    private OffsetDateTime modifiedTime;

     * The authorization rule key name
            localName = "KeyName",
            namespace = "")
    private String keyName;

     * The primary key of the authorization rule
            localName = "PrimaryKey",
            namespace = "")
    private String primaryKey;

     * The primary key of the authorization rule
            localName = "SecondaryKey",
            namespace = "")
    private String secondaryKey;

     * Get the type property: The authorization type.
     * @return the type value.
    public String getType() {
        return this.type;

     * Set the type property: The authorization type.
     * @param type the type value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;
        return this;

     * Get the claimType property: The claim type.
     * @return the claimType value.
    public String getClaimType() {
        return this.claimType;

     * Set the claimType property: The claim type.
     * @param claimType the claimType value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setClaimType(String claimType) {
        this.claimType = claimType;
        return this;

     * Get the claimValue property: The claim value.
     * @return the claimValue value.
    public String getClaimValue() {
        return this.claimValue;

     * Set the claimValue property: The claim value.
     * @param claimValue the claimValue value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setClaimValue(String claimValue) {
        this.claimValue = claimValue;
        return this;

     * Get the rights property: Access rights of the entity. Values are 'Send', 'Listen', or 'Manage'.
     * @return the rights value.
    public List<AccessRights> getRights() {
        if (this.rights == null) {
            this.rights = new RightsWrapper(new ArrayList<AccessRights>());
        return this.rights.items;

     * Set the rights property: Access rights of the entity. Values are 'Send', 'Listen', or 'Manage'.
     * @param rights the rights value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setRights(List<AccessRights> rights) {
        this.rights = new RightsWrapper(rights);
        return this;

     * Get the createdTime property: The date and time when the authorization rule was created.
     * @return the createdTime value.
    public OffsetDateTime getCreatedTime() {
        return this.createdTime;

     * Set the createdTime property: The date and time when the authorization rule was created.
     * @param createdTime the createdTime value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setCreatedTime(OffsetDateTime createdTime) {
        this.createdTime = createdTime;
        return this;

     * Get the modifiedTime property: The date and time when the authorization rule was modified.
     * @return the modifiedTime value.
    public OffsetDateTime getModifiedTime() {
        return this.modifiedTime;

     * Set the modifiedTime property: The date and time when the authorization rule was modified.
     * @param modifiedTime the modifiedTime value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setModifiedTime(OffsetDateTime modifiedTime) {
        this.modifiedTime = modifiedTime;
        return this;

     * Get the keyName property: The authorization rule key name.
     * @return the keyName value.
    public String getKeyName() {
        return this.keyName;

     * Set the keyName property: The authorization rule key name.
     * @param keyName the keyName value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setKeyName(String keyName) {
        this.keyName = keyName;
        return this;

     * Get the primaryKey property: The primary key of the authorization rule.
     * @return the primaryKey value.
    public String getPrimaryKey() {
        return this.primaryKey;

     * Set the primaryKey property: The primary key of the authorization rule.
     * @param primaryKey the primaryKey value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setPrimaryKey(String primaryKey) {
        this.primaryKey = primaryKey;
        return this;

     * Get the secondaryKey property: The primary key of the authorization rule.
     * @return the secondaryKey value.
    public String getSecondaryKey() {
        return this.secondaryKey;

     * Set the secondaryKey property: The primary key of the authorization rule.
     * @param secondaryKey the secondaryKey value to set.
     * @return the AuthorizationRule object itself.
    public AuthorizationRuleImpl setSecondaryKey(String secondaryKey) {
        this.secondaryKey = secondaryKey;
        return this;