// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.


import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static;
import static;
import static;

 * The SecretAsyncClient provides asynchronous methods to manage {@link KeyVaultSecret secrets} in the Azure Key Vault. The
 * client supports creating, retrieving, updating, deleting, purging, backing up, restoring, and listing the {@link
 * KeyVaultSecret secrets}. The client also supports listing {@link DeletedSecret deleted secrets} for a soft-delete enabled
 * Azure Key Vault.
 * <p><strong>Construct the async client</strong></p>
 * <!-- src_embed -->
 * <pre>
 * SecretAsyncClient secretAsyncClient = new SecretClientBuilder&#40;&#41;
 *     .credential&#40;new DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder&#40;&#41;.build&#40;&#41;&#41;
 *     .vaultUrl&#40;&quot;https:&#47;&#47;;&quot;&#41;
 *     .httpLogOptions&#40;new HttpLogOptions&#40;&#41;.setLogLevel&#40;HttpLogDetailLevel.BODY_AND_HEADERS&#41;&#41;
 *     .buildAsyncClient&#40;&#41;;
 * </pre>
 * <!-- end -->
 * @see SecretClientBuilder
 * @see PagedFlux
@ServiceClient(builder = SecretClientBuilder.class, isAsync = true, serviceInterfaces = SecretService.class)
public final class SecretAsyncClient {
    private final String apiVersion;
    static final String ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = "en-US";
    static final int DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE_RESULTS = 25;
    static final String CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE = "application/json";
    // Please see <a href=>here</a>
    // for more information on Azure resource provider namespaces.
    private static final String KEYVAULT_TRACING_NAMESPACE_VALUE = "Microsoft.KeyVault";

    private static final Duration DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL = Duration.ofSeconds(1);

    private final String vaultUrl;
    private final SecretService service;
    private final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(SecretAsyncClient.class);
    private final HttpPipeline pipeline;

     * Creates a SecretAsyncClient that uses {@code pipeline} to service requests
     * @param vaultUrl URL for the Azure KeyVault service.
     * @param pipeline HttpPipeline that the HTTP requests and responses flow through.
     * @param version {@link SecretServiceVersion} of the service to be used when making requests.
    SecretAsyncClient(URL vaultUrl, HttpPipeline pipeline, SecretServiceVersion version) {
        this.vaultUrl = vaultUrl.toString();
        this.service = RestProxy.create(SecretService.class, pipeline);
        this.pipeline = pipeline;
        apiVersion = version.getVersion();

     * Gets the vault endpoint url to which service requests are sent to.
     * @return the vault endpoint url.
    public String getVaultUrl() {
        return vaultUrl;

     * Gets the {@link HttpPipeline} powering this client.
     * @return The pipeline.
    HttpPipeline getHttpPipeline() {
        return this.pipeline;

    Duration getDefaultPollingInterval() {

     * Adds a secret to the key vault if it does not exist. If the named secret exists, a new version of the secret is
     * created. This operation requires the {@code secrets/set} permission.
     * <p>The {@link SecretProperties#getExpiresOn() expires}, {@link SecretProperties#getContentType() contentType},
     * and {@link SecretProperties#getNotBefore() notBefore} values in {@code secret} are optional.
     * If not specified, {@link SecretProperties#isEnabled() enabled} is set to true by key vault.</p>
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Creates a new secret which activates in one day and expires in one year. Subscribes to the call asynchronously
     * and prints out the newly created secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * SecretProperties properties = new SecretProperties&#40;&#41;
     *     .setExpiresOn&#40;;&#41;.plusDays&#40;60&#41;&#41;;
     * KeyVaultSecret newSecret = new KeyVaultSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;, &quot;secretValue&quot;&#41;
     *     .setProperties&#40;properties&#41;;
     * secretAsyncClient.setSecret&#40;newSecret&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretResponse -&gt;
     *     System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret is created with name %s and value %s %n&quot;,
     *         secretResponse.getName&#40;&#41;, secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param secret The Secret object containing information about the secret and its properties. The properties
     *     {@link KeyVaultSecret#getName()} and {@link KeyVaultSecret#getValue() secret.value} cannot be
     *     null.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing the {@link KeyVaultSecret created secret}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code secret} is {@code null}.
     * @throws ResourceModifiedException if {@code secret} is malformed.
     * @throws HttpResponseException if {@link KeyVaultSecret#getName()  name} or {@link KeyVaultSecret#getValue() value}
     *      is an empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<KeyVaultSecret> setSecret(KeyVaultSecret secret) {
        try {
            return setSecretWithResponse(secret).flatMap(FluxUtil::toMono);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Adds a secret to the key vault if it does not exist. If the named secret exists, a new version of the secret is
     * created. This operation requires the {@code secrets/set} permission.
     * <p>The {@link SecretProperties#getExpiresOn() expires}, {@link SecretProperties#getContentType() contentType},
     * and {@link SecretProperties#getNotBefore() notBefore} values in {@code secret} are optional.
     * If not specified, {@link SecretProperties#isEnabled() enabled} is set to true by key vault.</p>
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Creates a new secret which activates in one day and expires in one year. Subscribes to the call asynchronously
     * and prints out the newly created secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * KeyVaultSecret newSecret = new KeyVaultSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;, &quot;secretValue&quot;&#41;.
     *     setProperties&#40;new SecretProperties&#40;&#41;.setExpiresOn&#40;;&#41;.plusDays&#40;60&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * secretAsyncClient.setSecretWithResponse&#40;newSecret&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretResponse -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret is created with name %s and value %s %n&quot;,
     *             secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getName&#40;&#41;, secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param secret The Secret object containing information about the secret and its properties. The properties
     *     {@link KeyVaultSecret#getName()} and {@link KeyVaultSecret#getValue() secret.value} cannot be
     *     null.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing a {@link Response} whose {@link Response#getValue() value} contains the {@link
     *     KeyVaultSecret created secret}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code secret} is {@code null}.
     * @throws ResourceModifiedException if {@code secret} is malformed.
     * @throws HttpResponseException if {@link KeyVaultSecret#getName() name} or {@link KeyVaultSecret#getValue() value}
     *      is an empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<Response<KeyVaultSecret>> setSecretWithResponse(KeyVaultSecret secret) {
        try {
            return withContext(context -> setSecretWithResponse(secret, context));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

    Mono<Response<KeyVaultSecret>> setSecretWithResponse(KeyVaultSecret secret, Context context) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(secret, "The Secret input parameter cannot be null.");
        context = context == null ? Context.NONE : context;
        SecretRequestParameters parameters = new SecretRequestParameters()
            .setSecretAttributes(new SecretRequestAttributes(secret.getProperties()));

        return service.setSecret(vaultUrl, secret.getName(), apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, parameters,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Setting secret - {}", secret.getName()))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Set secret - {}", response.getValue().getName()))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to set secret - {}", secret.getName(), error));

     * Adds a secret to the key vault if it does not exist. If the named secret exists, a new version of the secret is
     * created. This operation requires the {@code secrets/set} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Creates a new secret in the key vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out
     * the newly created secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.setSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;, &quot;secretValue&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretResponse -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret is created with name %s and value %s%n&quot;,
     *             secretResponse.getName&#40;&#41;, secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret. It is required and cannot be null.
     * @param value The value of the secret. It is required and cannot be null.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing the {@link KeyVaultSecret created secret}.
     * @throws ResourceModifiedException if invalid {@code name} or {@code value} are specified.
     * @throws HttpResponseException if {@code name} or {@code value} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<KeyVaultSecret> setSecret(String name, String value) {
        try {
            return withContext(context -> setSecretWithResponse(name, value, context))
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

    Mono<Response<KeyVaultSecret>> setSecretWithResponse(String name, String value, Context context) {
        SecretRequestParameters parameters = new SecretRequestParameters().setValue(value);
        return service.setSecret(vaultUrl, name, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, parameters, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Setting secret - {}", name))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Set secret - {}", response.getValue().getName()))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to set secret - {}", name, error));

     * Gets the specified secret with specified version from the key vault. This operation requires the
     * {@code secrets/get} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Gets a specific version of the secret in the key vault. Subscribes to the call
     * asynchronously and prints out the returned secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * String secretVersion = &quot;6A385B124DEF4096AF1361A85B16C204&quot;;
     * secretAsyncClient.getSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;, secretVersion&#41;
     *     &#47;&#47; Passing a Context is optional and useful if you want a set of data to flow through the request.
     *     &#47;&#47; Otherwise, the line below can be removed.
     *     .subscriberContext&#40;Context.of&#40;key1, value1, key2, value2&#41;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretWithVersion -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret is returned with name %s and value %s %n&quot;,
     *             secretWithVersion.getName&#40;&#41;, secretWithVersion.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret, cannot be null.
     * @param version The version of the secret to retrieve. If this is an empty string or null, this
     *     call is equivalent to calling {@link #getSecret(String)}, with the latest version being
     *     retrieved.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing a {@link Response} whose {@link Response#getValue() value}
     *     contains the requested {@link KeyVaultSecret secret}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} and {@code version} doesn't
     *     exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException if {@code name}  name} or {@code version} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<KeyVaultSecret> getSecret(String name, String version) {
        try {
            return getSecretWithResponse(name, version).flatMap(FluxUtil::toMono);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Gets the specified secret with specified version from the key vault. This operation requires the
     * {@code secrets/get} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Gets a specific version of the secret in the key vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out
     * the returned secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * String secretVersion = &quot;6A385B124DEF4096AF1361A85B16C204&quot;;
     * secretAsyncClient.getSecretWithResponse&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;, secretVersion&#41;
     *     &#47;&#47; Passing a Context is optional and useful if you want a set of data to flow through the request.
     *     &#47;&#47; Otherwise, the line below can be removed.
     *     .subscriberContext&#40;Context.of&#40;key1, value1, key2, value2&#41;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretWithVersion -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret is returned with name %s and value %s %n&quot;,
     *             secretWithVersion.getValue&#40;&#41;.getName&#40;&#41;, secretWithVersion.getValue&#40;&#41;.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret, cannot be null.
     * @param version The version of the secret to retrieve. If this is an empty string or null, this call is equivalent
     *     to calling {@link #getSecret(String)}, with the latest version being retrieved.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing a {@link Response} whose {@link Response#getValue() value} contains the
     *     requested {@link KeyVaultSecret secret}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} and {@code version} doesn't exist in the key
     *     vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException if {@code name}  name} or {@code version} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<Response<KeyVaultSecret>> getSecretWithResponse(String name, String version) {
        try {
            return withContext(context -> getSecretWithResponse(name, version, context));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

    Mono<Response<KeyVaultSecret>> getSecretWithResponse(String name, String version, Context context) {
        context = context == null ? Context.NONE : context;
        return service.getSecret(vaultUrl, name, version == null ? "" : version, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
            .doOnRequest(ignoredValue -> logger.verbose("Retrieving secret - {}", name))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Retrieved secret - {}", response.getValue().getName()))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to get secret - {}", name, error));

     * Gets the latest version of the specified secret from the key vault. This operation requires the
     * {@code secrets/get} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Gets latest version of the secret in the key vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out the
     * returned secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.getSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretWithVersion -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret is returned with name %s and value %s %n&quot;,
     *             secretWithVersion.getName&#40;&#41;, secretWithVersion.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing the requested {@link KeyVaultSecret secret}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException if {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<KeyVaultSecret> getSecret(String name) {
        try {
            return getSecretWithResponse(name, "").flatMap(FluxUtil::toMono);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Updates the attributes associated with the secret. The value of the secret in the key vault cannot be changed.
     * Only attributes populated in {@code secretProperties} are changed. Attributes not specified in the request are
     * not changed. This operation requires the {@code secrets/set} permission.
     * <p>The {@code secret} is required and its fields {@link SecretProperties#getName() name} and
     * {@link SecretProperties#getVersion() version} cannot be null.</p>
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Gets latest version of the secret, changes its {@link SecretProperties#setNotBefore(OffsetDateTime) notBefore}
     * time, and then updates it in the Azure Key Vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out the
     * returned secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.getSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretResponseValue -&gt; &#123;
     *         SecretProperties secretProperties = secretResponseValue.getProperties&#40;&#41;;
     *         &#47;&#47;Update the not before time of the secret.
     *         secretProperties.setNotBefore&#40;;&#41;.plusDays&#40;50&#41;&#41;;
     *         secretAsyncClient.updateSecretProperties&#40;secretProperties&#41;
     *             .subscribe&#40;secretResponse -&gt;
     *                 System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret's updated not before time %s %n&quot;,
     *                     secretResponse.getNotBefore&#40;&#41;.toString&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     *     &#125;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param secretProperties The {@link SecretProperties secret properties} object with updated properties.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing the {@link SecretProperties updated secret}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code secret} is {@code null}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@link SecretProperties#getName() name} and {@link
     *     SecretProperties#getVersion() version} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException if {@link SecretProperties#getName() name} or
     *     {@link SecretProperties#getVersion() version} is an empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<SecretProperties> updateSecretProperties(SecretProperties secretProperties) {
        try {
            return updateSecretPropertiesWithResponse(secretProperties).flatMap(FluxUtil::toMono);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Updates the attributes associated with the secret. The value of the secret in the key vault cannot be changed.
     * Only attributes populated in {@code secretProperties} are changed. Attributes not specified in the request are
     * not changed. This operation requires the {@code secrets/set} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Gets latest version of the secret, changes its {@link SecretProperties#setNotBefore(OffsetDateTime) notBefore}
     * time, and then updates it in the Azure Key Vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out the
     * returned secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.getSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretResponseValue -&gt; &#123;
     *         SecretProperties secretProperties = secretResponseValue.getProperties&#40;&#41;;
     *         &#47;&#47;Update the not before time of the secret.
     *         secretProperties.setNotBefore&#40;;&#41;.plusDays&#40;50&#41;&#41;;
     *         secretAsyncClient.updateSecretPropertiesWithResponse&#40;secretProperties&#41;
     *             .subscribe&#40;secretResponse -&gt;
     *                 System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret's updated not before time %s %n&quot;,
     *                     secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getNotBefore&#40;&#41;.toString&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     *     &#125;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * <p>The {@code secret} is required and its fields {@link SecretProperties#getName() name} and
     * {@link SecretProperties#getVersion() version} cannot be null.</p>
     * @param secretProperties The {@link SecretProperties secret properties} object with updated properties.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing a {@link Response} whose {@link Response#getValue() value} contains the {@link
     *     SecretProperties updated secret}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code secret} is {@code null}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@link SecretProperties#getName() name} and {@link
     *     SecretProperties#getVersion() version} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException if {@link SecretProperties#getName() name} or
     *     {@link SecretProperties#getVersion() version} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<Response<SecretProperties>> updateSecretPropertiesWithResponse(SecretProperties secretProperties) {
        try {
            return withContext(context -> updateSecretPropertiesWithResponse(secretProperties, context));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

    Mono<Response<SecretProperties>> updateSecretPropertiesWithResponse(SecretProperties secretProperties, Context context) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(secretProperties, "The secret properties input parameter cannot be null.");
        context = context == null ? Context.NONE : context;
        SecretRequestParameters parameters = new SecretRequestParameters()
            .setSecretAttributes(new SecretRequestAttributes(secretProperties));

        return service.updateSecret(vaultUrl, secretProperties.getName(), secretProperties.getVersion(), apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Updating secret - {}", secretProperties.getName()))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Updated secret - {}", response.getValue().getName()))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to update secret - {}", secretProperties.getName(), error));

     * Deletes a secret from the key vault. If soft-delete is enabled on the key vault then the secret is placed in the
     * deleted state and for permanent deletion, needs to be purged. Otherwise, the secret is permanently deleted.
     * All versions of a secret are deleted. This cannot be applied to individual versions of a secret.
     * This operation requires the {@code secrets/delete} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Deletes the secret in the Azure Key Vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out the deleted
     * secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.beginDeleteSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;pollResponse -&gt; &#123;
     *         System.out.println&#40;&quot;Delete Status: &quot; + pollResponse.getStatus&#40;&#41;.toString&#40;&#41;&#41;;
     *         System.out.println&#40;&quot;Deleted Secret Name: &quot; + pollResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getName&#40;&#41;&#41;;
     *         System.out.println&#40;&quot;Deleted Secret Value: &quot; + pollResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;;
     *     &#125;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret to be deleted.
     * @return A {@link PollerFlux} to poll on and retrieve {@link DeletedSecret deleted secret}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
    public PollerFlux<DeletedSecret, Void> beginDeleteSecret(String name) {
        return new PollerFlux<>(getDefaultPollingInterval(),
            (pollingContext, firstResponse) -> Mono.empty(),
            (pollingContext) -> Mono.empty());

    private Function<PollingContext<DeletedSecret>, Mono<DeletedSecret>> activationOperation(String name) {
        return (pollingContext) -> withContext(context -> deleteSecretWithResponse(name, context)).flatMap(deletedSecretResponse -> Mono.just(deletedSecretResponse.getValue()));

    Polling operation to poll on create delete key operation status.
    private Function<PollingContext<DeletedSecret>, Mono<PollResponse<DeletedSecret>>> createPollOperation(String keyName) {
        return pollingContext ->
            withContext(context -> service.getDeletedSecretPoller(vaultUrl, keyName, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
                .flatMap(deletedSecretResponse -> {
                    if (deletedSecretResponse.getStatusCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) {
                        return Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just(new PollResponse<DeletedSecret>(LongRunningOperationStatus.IN_PROGRESS,
                    return Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just(new PollResponse<>(LongRunningOperationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED,
                // This means either vault has soft-delete disabled or permission is not granted for the get deleted key operation.
                // In both cases deletion operation was successful when activation operation succeeded before reaching here.
                .onErrorReturn(new PollResponse<>(LongRunningOperationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED,

    Mono<Response<DeletedSecret>> deleteSecretWithResponse(String name, Context context) {
        return service.deleteSecret(vaultUrl, name, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Deleting secret - {}", name))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Deleted secret - {}", response.getValue().getName()))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to delete secret - {}", name, error));

     * Gets a secret that has been deleted for a soft-delete enabled key vault. This operation requires the
     * {@code secrets/list} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Gets the deleted secret from the key vault <b>enabled for soft-delete</b>. Subscribes to the call
     * asynchronously and prints out the deleted secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.getDeletedSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;deletedSecretResponse -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Deleted Secret's Recovery Id %s %n&quot;, deletedSecretResponse.getRecoveryId&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the deleted secret.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing the {@link DeletedSecret deleted secret}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<DeletedSecret> getDeletedSecret(String name) {
        try {
            return getDeletedSecretWithResponse(name).flatMap(FluxUtil::toMono);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Gets a secret that has been deleted for a soft-delete enabled key vault. This operation requires the
     * {@code secrets/list} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Gets the deleted secret from the key vault <b>enabled for soft-delete</b>. Subscribes to the call
     * asynchronously and prints out the deleted secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.getDeletedSecretWithResponse&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;deletedSecretResponse -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Deleted Secret's Recovery Id %s %n&quot;,
     *             deletedSecretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getRecoveryId&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the deleted secret.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing a {@link Response} whose {@link Response#getValue() value} contains the
     *     {@link DeletedSecret deleted secret}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<Response<DeletedSecret>> getDeletedSecretWithResponse(String name) {
        try {
            return withContext(context -> getDeletedSecretWithResponse(name, context));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

    Mono<Response<DeletedSecret>> getDeletedSecretWithResponse(String name, Context context) {
        context = context == null ? Context.NONE : context;
        return service.getDeletedSecret(vaultUrl, name, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Retrieving deleted secret - {}", name))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Retrieved deleted secret - {}", response.getValue().getName()))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to retrieve deleted secret - {}", name, error));

     * Permanently removes a deleted secret, without the possibility of recovery. This operation can only be performed
     * on a <b>soft-delete enabled</b>. This operation requires the {@code secrets/purge} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Purges the deleted secret from the key vault enabled for <b>soft-delete</b>. Subscribes to the call
     * asynchronously and prints out the status code from the server response when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.purgeDeletedSecret&#40;&quot;deletedSecretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .doOnSuccess&#40;purgeResponse -&gt;
     *         System.out.println&#40;&quot;Successfully Purged deleted Secret&quot;&#41;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret.
     * @return An empty {@link Mono}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<Void> purgeDeletedSecret(String name) {
        try {
            return purgeDeletedSecretWithResponse(name).flatMap(FluxUtil::toMono);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Permanently removes a deleted secret, without the possibility of recovery. This operation can only be enabled on
     * a soft-delete enabled vault. This operation requires the {@code secrets/purge} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Purges the deleted secret from the key vault enabled for soft-delete. Subscribes to the call
     * asynchronously and prints out the status code from the server response when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.purgeDeletedSecretWithResponse&#40;&quot;deletedSecretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;purgeResponse -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Purge Status response %d %n&quot;, purgeResponse.getStatusCode&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing a Response containing status code and HTTP headers.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<Response<Void>> purgeDeletedSecretWithResponse(String name) {
        try {
            return withContext(context -> purgeDeletedSecretWithResponse(name, context));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

    Mono<Response<Void>> purgeDeletedSecretWithResponse(String name, Context context) {
        context = context == null ? Context.NONE : context;
        return service.purgeDeletedSecret(vaultUrl, name, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Purging deleted secret - {}", name))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Purged deleted secret - {}", name))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to purge deleted secret - {}", name, error));

     * Recovers the deleted secret in the key vault to its latest version. Can only be performed on a <b>soft-delete
     * enabled</b> vault. This operation requires the {@code secrets/recover} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Recovers the deleted secret from the key vault enabled for <b>soft-delete</b>. Subscribes to the call
     * asynchronously and prints out the recovered secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.beginRecoverDeletedSecret&#40;&quot;deletedSecretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;pollResponse -&gt; &#123;
     *         System.out.println&#40;&quot;Recovery Status: &quot; + pollResponse.getStatus&#40;&#41;.toString&#40;&#41;&#41;;
     *         System.out.println&#40;&quot;Recovered Secret Name: &quot; + pollResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getName&#40;&#41;&#41;;
     *         System.out.println&#40;&quot;Recovered Secret Value: &quot; + pollResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;;
     *     &#125;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the deleted secret to be recovered.
     * @return A {@link PollerFlux} to poll on and retrieve the {@link KeyVaultSecret recovered secret}.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
    public PollerFlux<KeyVaultSecret, Void> beginRecoverDeletedSecret(String name) {
        return new PollerFlux<>(getDefaultPollingInterval(),
            (pollerContext, firstResponse) -> Mono.empty(),
            (pollingContext) -> Mono.empty());

    private Function<PollingContext<KeyVaultSecret>, Mono<KeyVaultSecret>> recoverActivationOperation(String name) {
        return (pollingContext) -> withContext(context -> recoverDeletedSecretWithResponse(name,
            context)).flatMap(keyResponse -> Mono.just(keyResponse.getValue()));

    Polling operation to poll on create delete key operation status.
    private Function<PollingContext<KeyVaultSecret>, Mono<PollResponse<KeyVaultSecret>>> createRecoverPollOperation(String secretName) {
        return pollingContext ->
            withContext(context -> service.getSecretPoller(vaultUrl, secretName, "", apiVersion,
                .flatMap(secretResponse -> {
                    PollResponse<KeyVaultSecret> prePollResponse = pollingContext.getLatestResponse();
                    if (secretResponse.getStatusCode() == 404) {
                        return Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just(new PollResponse<>(LongRunningOperationStatus.IN_PROGRESS, prePollResponse.getValue())));
                    return Mono.defer(() -> Mono.just(new PollResponse<>(LongRunningOperationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED, secretResponse.getValue())));
                // This means permission is not granted for the get deleted key operation.
                // In both cases deletion operation was successful when activation operation succeeded before reaching here.
                .onErrorReturn(new PollResponse<>(LongRunningOperationStatus.SUCCESSFULLY_COMPLETED, pollingContext.getLatestResponse().getValue()));

    Mono<Response<KeyVaultSecret>> recoverDeletedSecretWithResponse(String name, Context context) {
        return service.recoverDeletedSecret(vaultUrl, name, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Recovering deleted secret - {}", name))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Recovered deleted secret - {}", response.getValue().getName()))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to recover deleted secret - {}", name, error));

     * Requests a backup of the secret be downloaded to the client. All versions of the secret will be downloaded. This
     * operation requires the {@code secrets/backup} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Backs up the secret from the key vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out
     * the length of the secret's backup byte array returned in the response.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.backupSecret&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretBackupResponse -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret's Backup Byte array's length %s%n&quot;, secretBackupResponse.length&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing the backed up secret blob.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<byte[]> backupSecret(String name) {
        try {
            return backupSecretWithResponse(name).flatMap(FluxUtil::toMono);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Requests a backup of the secret be downloaded to the client. All versions of the secret will be downloaded. This
     * operation requires the {@code secrets/backup} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Backs up the secret from the key vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out
     * the length of the secret's backup byte array returned in the response.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.backupSecretWithResponse&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretBackupResponse -&gt;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Secret's Backup Byte array's length %s%n&quot;, secretBackupResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.length&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing a {@link Response} whose {@link Response#getValue() value}
     *     contains the backed up secret blob.
     * @throws ResourceNotFoundException when a secret with {@code name} doesn't exist in the key
     *     vault.
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<Response<byte[]>> backupSecretWithResponse(String name) {
        try {
            return withContext(context -> backupSecretWithResponse(name, context));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

    Mono<Response<byte[]>> backupSecretWithResponse(String name, Context context) {
        context = context == null ? Context.NONE : context;
        return service.backupSecret(vaultUrl, name, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Backing up secret - {}", name))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Backed up secret - {}", name))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to back up secret - {}", name, error))
            .flatMap(base64URLResponse -> Mono.just(new SimpleResponse<byte[]>(base64URLResponse.getRequest(),
                base64URLResponse.getStatusCode(), base64URLResponse.getHeaders(), base64URLResponse.getValue().getValue())));

     * Restores a backed up secret, and all its versions, to a vault. This operation requires the
     * {@code secrets/restore} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Restores the secret in the key vault from its backup. Subscribes to the call asynchronously
     * and prints out the restored secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * &#47;&#47; Pass the secret backup byte array to the restore operation.
     * byte[] secretBackupByteArray = &#123;&#125;;
     * secretAsyncClient.restoreSecretBackup&#40;secretBackupByteArray&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretResponse -&gt; System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Restored Secret with name %s and value %s %n&quot;,
     *         secretResponse.getName&#40;&#41;, secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param backup The backup blob associated with the secret.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing the {@link KeyVaultSecret restored secret}.
     * @throws ResourceModifiedException when {@code backup} blob is malformed.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<KeyVaultSecret> restoreSecretBackup(byte[] backup) {
        try {
            return restoreSecretBackupWithResponse(backup).flatMap(FluxUtil::toMono);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Restores a backed up secret, and all its versions, to a vault. This operation requires the
     * {@code secrets/restore} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Restores the secret in the key vault from its backup. Subscribes to the call asynchronously
     * and prints out the restored secret details when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * &#47;&#47; Pass the secret backup byte array to the restore operation.
     * byte[] secretBackupByteArray = &#123;&#125;;
     * secretAsyncClient.restoreSecretBackupWithResponse&#40;secretBackupByteArray&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretResponse -&gt; System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Restored Secret with name %s and value %s %n&quot;,
     *         secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getName&#40;&#41;, secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param backup The backup blob associated with the secret.
     * @return A {@link Mono} containing a {@link Response} whose {@link Response#getValue() value}
     *     contains the {@link KeyVaultSecret restored secret}.
     * @throws ResourceModifiedException when {@code backup} blob is malformed.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Mono<Response<KeyVaultSecret>> restoreSecretBackupWithResponse(byte[] backup) {
        try {
            return withContext(context -> restoreSecretBackupWithResponse(backup, context));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

    Mono<Response<KeyVaultSecret>> restoreSecretBackupWithResponse(byte[] backup, Context context) {
        context = context == null ? Context.NONE : context;
        SecretRestoreRequestParameters parameters = new SecretRestoreRequestParameters().setSecretBackup(backup);
        return service.restoreSecret(vaultUrl, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, parameters, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
            .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Attempting to restore secret"))
            .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Restored secret - {}", response.getValue().getName()))
            .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to restore secret", error));

     * Lists secrets in the key vault. Each {@link SecretProperties secret} returned only has its identifier and
     * attributes populated. The secret values and their versions are not listed in the response.
     * This operation requires the {@code secrets/list} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>The sample below fetches the all the secret properties in the vault. For each secret retrieved, makes a call
     * to {@link #getSecret(String, String) getSecret(String, String)} to get its value, and then prints it out.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.listPropertiesOfSecrets&#40;&#41;
     *     .flatMap&#40;secretProperties -&gt; &#123;
     *         String name = secretProperties.getName&#40;&#41;;
     *         String version = secretProperties.getVersion&#40;&#41;;
     *         System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Getting secret name: '%s', version: %s%n&quot;, name, version&#41;;
     *         return secretAsyncClient.getSecret&#40;name, version&#41;;
     *     &#125;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secretResponse -&gt; System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Received secret with name %s and type %s&quot;,
     *         secretResponse.getName&#40;&#41;, secretResponse.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @return A {@link PagedFlux} containing {@link SecretProperties properties} of all the secrets in the vault.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
    public PagedFlux<SecretProperties> listPropertiesOfSecrets() {
        try {
            return new PagedFlux<>(
                () -> withContext(context -> listSecretsFirstPage(context)),
                continuationToken -> withContext(context -> listSecretsNextPage(continuationToken, context)));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return new PagedFlux<>(() -> monoError(logger, ex));

    PagedFlux<SecretProperties> listPropertiesOfSecrets(Context context) {
        return new PagedFlux<>(
            () -> listSecretsFirstPage(context),
            continuationToken -> listSecretsNextPage(continuationToken, context));

     * Gets attributes of all the secrets given by the {@code nextPageLink} that was retrieved from a call to
     * {@link SecretAsyncClient#listSecrets()}.
     * @param continuationToken The {@link PagedResponse#nextLink()} from a previous, successful call to one of the
     * list operations.
     * @return A {@link Mono} of {@link PagedResponse<SecretProperties>} from the next page of results.
    private Mono<PagedResponse<SecretProperties>> listSecretsNextPage(String continuationToken, Context context) {
        try {
            return service.getSecrets(vaultUrl, continuationToken, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
                .doOnRequest(ignoredValue -> logger.verbose("Retrieving the next secrets page - Page {}", continuationToken))
                .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Retrieved the next secrets page - Page {}", continuationToken))
                .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to retrieve the next secrets page - Page {}",
                    continuationToken, error));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Calls the service and retrieve first page result. It makes one call and retrieve {@code
    private Mono<PagedResponse<SecretProperties>> listSecretsFirstPage(Context context) {
        try {
            return service.getSecrets(vaultUrl, DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE_RESULTS, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
                .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Listing secrets"))
                .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Listed secrets"))
                .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to list secrets", error));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Lists {@link DeletedSecret deleted secrets} of the key vault if it has enabled soft-delete. This operation
     * requires the {@code secrets/list} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>Lists the deleted secrets in the key vault. Subscribes to the call asynchronously and prints out the
     * recovery id of each deleted secret when a response is received.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.listDeletedSecrets&#40;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;deletedSecretResponse -&gt;  System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Deleted Secret's Recovery Id %s %n&quot;,
     *         deletedSecretResponse.getRecoveryId&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @return A {@link Flux} containing all of the {@link DeletedSecret deleted secrets} in the vault.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
    public PagedFlux<DeletedSecret> listDeletedSecrets() {
        try {
            return new PagedFlux<>(
                () -> withContext(context -> listDeletedSecretsFirstPage(context)),
                continuationToken -> withContext(context -> listDeletedSecretsNextPage(continuationToken, context)));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return new PagedFlux<>(() -> monoError(logger, ex));

    PagedFlux<DeletedSecret> listDeletedSecrets(Context context) {
        return new PagedFlux<>(
            () -> listDeletedSecretsFirstPage(context),
            continuationToken -> listDeletedSecretsNextPage(continuationToken, context));

     * Gets attributes of all the secrets given by the {@code nextPageLink} that was retrieved from a call to
     * {@link SecretAsyncClient#listDeletedSecrets()}.
     * @param continuationToken The {@link Page#getContinuationToken()} from a previous, successful call to one of the
     *     list operations.
     * @return A {@link Mono} of {@link PagedResponse} that contains {@link DeletedSecret} from the next page of
     * results.
    private Mono<PagedResponse<DeletedSecret>> listDeletedSecretsNextPage(String continuationToken, Context context) {
        try {
            return service.getDeletedSecrets(vaultUrl, continuationToken, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
                .doOnRequest(ignoredValue -> logger.verbose("Retrieving the next deleted secrets page - Page {}",
                .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Retrieved the next deleted secrets page - Page {}",
                .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to retrieve the next deleted secrets page - Page {}",
                    continuationToken, error));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Calls the service and retrieve first page result. It makes one call and retrieve {@code
    private Mono<PagedResponse<DeletedSecret>> listDeletedSecretsFirstPage(Context context) {
        try {
            return service.getDeletedSecrets(vaultUrl, DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE_RESULTS, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
                .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Listing deleted secrets"))
                .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Listed deleted secrets"))
                .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to list deleted secrets", error));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Lists all versions of the specified secret. Each {@link SecretProperties secret} returned only has its identifier
     * and attributes populated. The secret values and secret versions are not listed in the response.
     * This operation requires the {@code secrets/list} permission.
     * <p><strong>Code sample</strong></p>
     * <p>The sample below fetches the all the versions of the given secret. For each version retrieved, makes a call
     * to {@link #getSecret(String, String) getSecret(String, String)} to get the version's value, and then prints it out.</p>
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * secretAsyncClient.listPropertiesOfSecretVersions&#40;&quot;secretName&quot;&#41;
     *     .flatMap&#40;secretProperties -&gt; &#123;
     *         System.out.println&#40;&quot;Get secret value for version: &quot; + secretProperties.getVersion&#40;&#41;&#41;;
     *         return secretAsyncClient.getSecret&#40;secretProperties.getName&#40;&#41;, secretProperties.getVersion&#40;&#41;&#41;;
     *     &#125;&#41;
     *     .subscribe&#40;secret -&gt; System.out.printf&#40;&quot;Received secret with name %s and type %s%n&quot;,
     *         secret.getName&#40;&#41;, secret.getValue&#40;&#41;&#41;&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
     * @param name The name of the secret.
     * @return A {@link PagedFlux} containing {@link SecretProperties properties} of all the versions of the specified
     *     secret in the vault. Flux is empty if secret with {@code name} does not exist in key vault
     * @throws HttpResponseException when a secret with {@code name} is empty string.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
    public PagedFlux<SecretProperties> listPropertiesOfSecretVersions(String name) {
        try {
            return new PagedFlux<>(
                () -> withContext(context -> listSecretVersionsFirstPage(name, context)),
                continuationToken -> withContext(context -> listSecretVersionsNextPage(continuationToken, context)));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return new PagedFlux<>(() -> monoError(logger, ex));

    PagedFlux<SecretProperties> listPropertiesOfSecretVersions(String name, Context context) {
        return new PagedFlux<>(
            () -> listSecretVersionsFirstPage(name, context),
            continuationToken -> listSecretVersionsNextPage(continuationToken, context));

     * Gets attributes of all the secrets versions given by the {@code nextPageLink} that was retrieved from a call to
     * {@link SecretAsyncClient#listSecretVersions()}.
     * @param continuationToken The {@link PagedResponse#nextLink()} from a previous, successful call to one of the
     * list operations.
     * @return A {@link Mono} of {@link PagedResponse<SecretProperties>} from the next page of results.
    private Mono<PagedResponse<SecretProperties>> listSecretVersionsNextPage(String continuationToken, Context context) {
        try {
            return service.getSecrets(vaultUrl, continuationToken, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER_VALUE,
                .doOnRequest(ignoredValue -> logger.verbose("Retrieving the next secrets versions page - Page {}",
                .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Retrieved the next secrets versions page - Page {}",
                .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to retrieve the next secrets versions page - Page {}",
                    continuationToken, error));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);

     * Calls the service and retrieve first page result. It makes one call and retrieve {@code
    private Mono<PagedResponse<SecretProperties>> listSecretVersionsFirstPage(String name, Context context) {
        try {
            return service.getSecretVersions(vaultUrl, name, DEFAULT_MAX_PAGE_RESULTS, apiVersion, ACCEPT_LANGUAGE,
                .doOnRequest(ignored -> logger.verbose("Listing secret versions - {}", name))
                .doOnSuccess(response -> logger.verbose("Listed secret versions - {}", name))
                .doOnError(error -> logger.warning("Failed to list secret versions - {}", name, error));
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            return monoError(logger, ex);