// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.


import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.util.Map;

 * Deleted Key is the resource consisting of name, recovery id, deleted date, scheduled purge date and its attributes
 * inherited from {@link KeyVaultKey}.
 * It is managed by Key Service.
 * @see KeyClient
 * @see KeyAsyncClient
public final class DeletedKey extends KeyVaultKey {

     * The url of the recovery object, used to identify and recover the deleted
     * key.
    @JsonProperty(value = "recoveryId")
    private String recoveryId;

     * The Json Web Key
    @JsonProperty(value = "key")
    private JsonWebKey keyMaterial;

     * The time when the key is scheduled to be purged, in UTC.
    private OffsetDateTime scheduledPurgeDate;

     * The time when the key was deleted, in UTC.
    private OffsetDateTime deletedOn;

     * Get the recoveryId identifier.
     * @return the recoveryId identifier.
    public String getRecoveryId() {
        return this.recoveryId;

     * Get the scheduled purge UTC time.
     * @return the scheduledPurgeDate UTC time.
    public OffsetDateTime getScheduledPurgeDate() {
        return scheduledPurgeDate;

     * Get the deleted UTC time.
     * @return the deletedDate UTC time.
    public OffsetDateTime getDeletedOn() {
        return this.deletedOn;

     * Unpacks the scheduledPurageDate json response. Converts the {@link Long scheduledPurgeDate} epoch second value to
     * OffsetDateTime and updates the value of class variable scheduledPurgeDate.
    private void unpackScheduledPurgeDate(Long scheduledPurgeDate) {
        this.scheduledPurgeDate =
            OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(scheduledPurgeDate * 1000L), ZoneOffset.UTC);

     * Unpacks the deletedDate json response. Converts the {@link Long deletedDate} epoch second value to OffsetDateTime
     * and updates the value of class variable deletedDate.
    private void unpackDeletedDate(Long deletedDate) {
        this.deletedOn = OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(deletedDate * 1000L), ZoneOffset.UTC);

     * Unpacks the key material json response and updates the variables in the Key Base object.
     * @param key The key value mapping of the key material
    private void unpackKeyMaterial(Map<String, Object> key) {
        keyMaterial = properties.createKeyMaterialFromJson(key);

     * Get the key value.
     * @return the key value
    public JsonWebKey getKey() {
        return this.keyMaterial;
