// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
* This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of {@link SearchIndexClient
* SearchIndexClients} and {@link SearchIndexAsyncClient SearchIndexAsyncClients}. Call {@link #buildClient()
* buildClient} and {@link #buildAsyncClient() buildAsyncClient} respectively to construct an instance of the desired
* client.
* <p>
* The following must be provided to construct a client instance.
* <ul>
* <li>The Azure Cognitive Search service URL.</li>
* <li>An {@link AzureKeyCredential} that grants access to the Azure Cognitive Search service.</li>
* </ul>
* <p><strong>Instantiating an asynchronous Search Index Client</strong></p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* SearchIndexAsyncClient searchIndexAsyncClient = new SearchIndexClientBuilder()
* .credential(new AzureKeyCredential("{key}"))
* .endpoint("{endpoint}")
* .buildAsyncClient();
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* <p><strong>Instantiating a synchronous Search Index Client</strong></p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* SearchIndexClient searchIndexClient = new SearchIndexClientBuilder()
* .credential(new AzureKeyCredential("{key}"))
* .endpoint("{endpoint}")
* .buildClient();
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @see SearchIndexClient
* @see SearchIndexAsyncClient
@ServiceClientBuilder(serviceClients = {SearchIndexClient.class, SearchIndexAsyncClient.class})
public final class SearchIndexClientBuilder {
private final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(SearchIndexClientBuilder.class);
private final List<HttpPipelinePolicy> perCallPolicies = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<HttpPipelinePolicy> perRetryPolicies = new ArrayList<>();
private AzureKeyCredential azureKeyCredential;
private TokenCredential tokenCredential;
private SearchServiceVersion serviceVersion;
private String endpoint;
private HttpClient httpClient;
private HttpPipeline httpPipeline;
private HttpLogOptions httpLogOptions;
private ClientOptions clientOptions;
private Configuration configuration;
private RetryPolicy retryPolicy;
private JsonSerializer jsonSerializer;
* Creates a builder instance that is able to configure and construct {@link SearchIndexClient SearchIndexClients}
* and {@link SearchIndexAsyncClient SearchIndexAsyncClients}.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder() {
* Creates a {@link SearchIndexClient} based on options set in the Builder. Every time {@code buildClient()} is
* called a new instance of {@link SearchIndexClient} is created.
* <p>
* If {@link #pipeline(HttpPipeline) pipeline} is set, then only the {@code pipeline} and {@link #endpoint(String)
* endpoint} are used to create the {@link SearchIndexClient client}. All other builder settings are ignored.
* @return A SearchIndexClient with the options set from the builder.
* @throws NullPointerException If {@code endpoint} are {@code null}.
public SearchIndexClient buildClient() {
return new SearchIndexClient(buildAsyncClient());
* Creates a {@link SearchIndexAsyncClient} based on options set in the Builder. Every time {@code
* buildAsyncClient()} is called a new instance of {@link SearchIndexAsyncClient} is created.
* <p>
* If {@link #pipeline(HttpPipeline) pipeline} is set, then only the {@code pipeline} and {@link #endpoint(String)
* endpoint} are used to create the {@link SearchIndexAsyncClient client}. All other builder settings are ignored.
* @return A SearchIndexAsyncClient with the options set from the builder.
* @throws NullPointerException If {@code endpoint} are {@code null}.
public SearchIndexAsyncClient buildAsyncClient() {
Objects.requireNonNull(endpoint, "'endpoint' cannot be null.");
SearchServiceVersion buildVersion = (serviceVersion == null)
? SearchServiceVersion.getLatest()
: serviceVersion;
if (httpPipeline != null) {
return new SearchIndexAsyncClient(endpoint, buildVersion, httpPipeline, jsonSerializer);
HttpPipeline pipeline = Utility.buildHttpPipeline(clientOptions, httpLogOptions, configuration, retryPolicy,
azureKeyCredential, tokenCredential, perCallPolicies, perRetryPolicies, httpClient, logger);
return new SearchIndexAsyncClient(endpoint, buildVersion, pipeline, jsonSerializer);
* Sets the service endpoint for the Azure Cognitive Search instance.
* @param endpoint The URL of the Azure Cognitive Search instance.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code endpoint} is null or it cannot be parsed into a valid URL.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder endpoint(String endpoint) {
try {
new URL(endpoint);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw logger.logExceptionAsWarning(new IllegalArgumentException("'endpoint' must be a valid URL"));
this.endpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Sets the {@link AzureKeyCredential} used to authenticate HTTP requests.
* @param credential The {@link AzureKeyCredential} used to authenticate HTTP requests.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder credential(AzureKeyCredential credential) {
this.azureKeyCredential = credential;
return this;
* Sets the {@link TokenCredential} used to authenticate HTTP requests.
* @param credential The {@link TokenCredential} used to authenticate HTTP requests.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder credential(TokenCredential credential) {
this.tokenCredential = credential;
return this;
* Sets the logging configuration for HTTP requests and responses.
* <p>
* If logging configurations aren't provided HTTP requests and responses won't be logged.
* @param logOptions The logging configuration for HTTP requests and responses.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder httpLogOptions(HttpLogOptions logOptions) {
httpLogOptions = logOptions;
return this;
* Gets the default Azure Search headers and query parameters allow list.
* @return The default {@link HttpLogOptions} allow list.
public static HttpLogOptions getDefaultLogOptions() {
return Constants.DEFAULT_LOG_OPTIONS_SUPPLIER.get();
* Sets the client options such as application ID and custom headers to set on a request.
* @param clientOptions The client options.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder clientOptions(ClientOptions clientOptions) {
this.clientOptions = clientOptions;
return this;
* Adds a pipeline policy to apply to each request sent.
* <p>
* This method may be called multiple times, each time it is called the policy will be added to the end of added
* policy list. All policies will be added after the retry policy.
* @param policy The pipeline policies to added to the policy list.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
* @throws NullPointerException If {@code policy} is {@code null}.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder addPolicy(HttpPipelinePolicy policy) {
Objects.requireNonNull(policy, "'policy' cannot be null.");
if (policy.getPipelinePosition() == HttpPipelinePosition.PER_CALL) {
} else {
return this;
* Custom JSON serializer that is used to handle model types that are not contained in the Azure Search Documents
* library.
* @param jsonSerializer The serializer to serialize user defined models.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder serializer(JsonSerializer jsonSerializer) {
this.jsonSerializer = jsonSerializer;
return this;
* Sets the HTTP client to use for sending requests and receiving responses.
* @param client The HTTP client that will handle sending requests and receiving responses.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder httpClient(HttpClient client) {
if (this.httpClient != null && client == null) {"HttpClient is being set to 'null' when it was previously configured.");
this.httpClient = client;
return this;
* Sets the HTTP pipeline to use for the service client.
* <p>
* If {@code pipeline} is set, all other settings are ignored, aside from {@link #endpoint(String) endpoint} when
* building a {@link SearchIndexClient} or {@link SearchIndexAsyncClient}.
* @param httpPipeline The HTTP pipeline to use for sending service requests and receiving responses.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder pipeline(HttpPipeline httpPipeline) {
if (this.httpPipeline != null && httpPipeline == null) {"HttpPipeline is being set to 'null' when it was previously configured.");
this.httpPipeline = httpPipeline;
return this;
* Sets the configuration store that is used during construction of the service client.
* <p>
* The default configuration store is a clone of the {@link Configuration#getGlobalConfiguration() global
* configuration store}, use {@link Configuration#NONE} to bypass using configuration settings during construction.
* @param configuration The configuration store that will be used.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder configuration(Configuration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
return this;
* Sets the {@link HttpPipelinePolicy} that will attempt to retry requests when needed.
* <p>
* A default retry policy will be supplied if one isn't provided.
* @param retryPolicy The {@link RetryPolicy} that will attempt to retry requests when needed.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder retryPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
this.retryPolicy = retryPolicy;
return this;
* Sets the {@link SearchServiceVersion} that is used when making API requests.
* <p>
* If a service version is not provided, {@link SearchServiceVersion#getLatest()} will be used as a default. When
* this default is used updating to a newer client library may result in a newer version of the service being used.
* @param serviceVersion The version of the service to be used when making requests.
* @return The updated SearchIndexClientBuilder object.
public SearchIndexClientBuilder serviceVersion(SearchServiceVersion serviceVersion) {
this.serviceVersion = serviceVersion;
return this;