// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
package com.azure.mixedreality.remoterendering.models;
import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
import java.time.Duration;
/** Options for updating an existing rendering session. */
public final class UpdateSessionOptions {
* Update to the time the session will run after it reached the 'Ready'
* state. It has to be bigger than the current value of
* maxLeaseTimeMinutes.
private Duration maxLeaseTime = Duration.ofMinutes(10);
* Set the maxLeaseTime property: Update to the time the session will run after it reached the 'Ready' state.
* It has to be bigger than the current value of maxLeaseTime.
* @param maxLeaseTime the maxLeaseTime value
* @return this UpdateSessionOptions object.
public UpdateSessionOptions maxLeaseTime(Duration maxLeaseTime) {
this.maxLeaseTime = maxLeaseTime;
return this;
* Get the maxLeaseTimeMinutes property: Update to the time the session will run after it reached the 'Ready' state.
* It has to be bigger than the current value of maxLeaseTime.
* @return the maxLeaseTimeMinutes value.
public Duration getMaxLeaseTime() {
return this.maxLeaseTime;