// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.



import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;

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 * The data structure encapsulating the message received from Service Bus. The message structure is discussed in detail
 * in the <a href="">product
 * documentation</a>.
 * @see ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient#receiveMessages()
 * @see ServiceBusReceiverClient#receiveMessages(int)
 * @see <a href="">Service Bus
 *      message payloads</a>
 * @see <a href="">AMQP 1.0 specification
 *     </a>
public final class ServiceBusReceivedMessage {
    private final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(ServiceBusReceivedMessage.class);

    private final AmqpAnnotatedMessage amqpAnnotatedMessage;
    private UUID lockToken;
    private boolean isSettled = false;
    private Context context;

    ServiceBusReceivedMessage(BinaryData body) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(body, "'body' cannot be null.");
        amqpAnnotatedMessage = new AmqpAnnotatedMessage(AmqpMessageBody.fromData(body.toBytes()));
        context = Context.NONE;

    ServiceBusReceivedMessage(AmqpMessageBody body) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(body, "'body' cannot be null.");
        amqpAnnotatedMessage = new AmqpAnnotatedMessage(body);
        context = Context.NONE;

     * Gets the set of free-form {@link ServiceBusReceivedMessage} properties which may be used for passing metadata
     * associated with the {@link ServiceBusReceivedMessage} during Service Bus operations. A common use-case for
     * {@code properties()} is to associate serialization hints for the {@link #getBody()} as an aid to consumers
     * who wish to deserialize the binary data.
     * @return Application properties associated with this {@link ServiceBusReceivedMessage}.
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getApplicationProperties()
    public Map<String, Object> getApplicationProperties() {
        return amqpAnnotatedMessage.getApplicationProperties();

     * Gets the payload wrapped by the {@link ServiceBusReceivedMessage}.
     * <p>The {@link BinaryData} wraps byte array and is an abstraction over many different ways it can be represented.
     * It provides convenience APIs to serialize/deserialize the object.</p>
     * <p>
     * If the means for deserializing the raw data is not apparent to consumers, a common technique is to make use of
     * {@link #getApplicationProperties()} when creating the event, to associate serialization hints as an aid to
     * consumers who wish to deserialize the binary data.
     * </p>
     * @return Binary data representing the payload.
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getBody()
    public BinaryData getBody() {
        final AmqpMessageBodyType bodyType = amqpAnnotatedMessage.getBody().getBodyType();
        switch (bodyType) {
            case DATA:
                final byte[] payload = amqpAnnotatedMessage.getBody().getFirstData();
                return BinaryData.fromBytes(payload);
            case SEQUENCE:
            case VALUE:
                throw logger.logExceptionAsError(new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "This body type not is supported: " + bodyType));
                throw logger.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalStateException("Body type not valid: " + bodyType));

     * Gets the content type of the message.
     * <p>
     * Optionally describes the payload of the message, with a descriptor following the format of RFC2045, Section 5,
     * for example "application/json".
     * </p>
     * @return The contentType of the {@link ServiceBusReceivedMessage}.
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getContentType()
    public String getContentType() {
        return amqpAnnotatedMessage.getProperties().getContentType();

     * Gets a correlation identifier.
     * <p>
     * Allows an application to specify a context for the message for the purposes of correlation, for example
     * reflecting the MessageId of a message that is being replied to.
     * </p>
     * @return The correlation id of this message.
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getCorrelationId()
     * @see <a href="">Message
     *     Routing and Correlation</a>
    public String getCorrelationId() {
        String correlationId = null;
        AmqpMessageId amqpCorrelationId = amqpAnnotatedMessage.getProperties().getCorrelationId();
        if (amqpCorrelationId != null) {
            correlationId = amqpCorrelationId.toString();
        return correlationId;

     * Gets the description for a message that has been dead-lettered.
     * @return The description for a message that has been dead-lettered; {@code null} otherwise.
     * @see <a href="">
     *     Dead-letter queues</a>
    public String getDeadLetterErrorDescription() {
        return getStringValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getApplicationProperties(),

     * Gets the reason a message was dead-lettered.
     * @return The reason a message was dead-lettered; {@code null} otherwise.
     * @see <a href="">
     *     Dead-letter queues</a>
    public String getDeadLetterReason() {
        return getStringValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getApplicationProperties(),

     * Gets the name of the queue or subscription that this message was enqueued on, before it was dead-lettered.
     * <p>This value is only set in messages that have been dead-lettered and subsequently auto-forwarded from the
     * dead-letter queue to another entity.</p>
     * @return The entity in which the message was dead-lettered; {@code null} otherwise.
     * @see <a href="">
     *     Dead-letter queues</a>
    public String getDeadLetterSource() {
        return getStringValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(),

     * Gets the number of the times this message was delivered to clients.
     * <p>The count is incremented when a message lock expires, or the message is explicitly abandoned by the receiver.
     * </p>
     * @return delivery count of this message.
     * @see <a href="">Message
     *     transfers, locks, and settlement</a>
    public long getDeliveryCount() {
        return amqpAnnotatedMessage.getHeader().getDeliveryCount();

     * Gets the enqueued sequence number assigned to a message by Service Bus.
     * <p>
     * The sequence number is a unique 64-bit integer first assigned to a message as it is accepted at its original
     * point of submission.
     * </p>
     * @return The enqueued sequence number of this message
     * @see <a href="">Message Sequencing and
     *     Timestamps</a>
    public long getEnqueuedSequenceNumber() {
        return getLongValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(),

     * Gets the datetime at which this message was enqueued in Azure Service Bus.
     * <p>
     * The UTC datetime at which the message has been accepted and stored in the entity. For scheduled messages, this
     * reflects the time when the message was activated. This value can be used as an authoritative and neutral arrival
     * time indicator when the receiver does not want to trust the sender's clock.
     * </p>
     * @return The datetime at which the message was enqueued in Azure Service Bus.
     * @see <a href="">Message Sequencing and
     *     Timestamps</a>
    public OffsetDateTime getEnqueuedTime() {
        return getOffsetDateTimeValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(),

     * Gets the datetime at which this message will expire.
     * <p>
     * The value is the UTC datetime for when the message is scheduled for removal and will no longer available for
     * retrieval from the entity. Expiry is controlled by the {@link #getTimeToLive() time-to-live} property. This
     * property is computed from {@link #getEnqueuedTime() enqueued time} plus {@link #getTimeToLive() time-to-live}.
     * </p>
     * @return The {@link OffsetDateTime} at which this message expires.
     * @see <a href="">Message Expiration</a>
    public OffsetDateTime getExpiresAt() {
        final Duration timeToLive = getTimeToLive();
        final OffsetDateTime enqueuedTime = getEnqueuedTime();
        return enqueuedTime != null && timeToLive != null
            : null;

     * Gets the lock token for the current message.
     * <p>
     * The lock token is a reference to the lock that is being held by the broker in
     * {@link ServiceBusReceiveMode#PEEK_LOCK} mode. Locks are used to explicitly settle messages as explained in the
     * <a href="">product
     * documentation</a>. The token can also be used to pin the lock permanently through the
     * <a href="">Deferral API</a> and take the
     * message out of the regular delivery state flow. This property is read-only.
     * @return The lock-token for this message. {@code null} for messages retrieved via
     * {@link ServiceBusReceiveMode#RECEIVE_AND_DELETE} mode.
     * @see <a href="">Message
     * transfers, locks, and settlement</a>
    public String getLockToken() {
        return lockToken != null ? lockToken.toString() : null;

     * Gets the datetime at which the lock of this message expires.
     * <p>
     * For messages retrieved under a lock (peek-lock receive mode, not pre-settled) this property reflects the UTC
     * datetime until which the message is held locked in the queue/subscription. When the lock expires, the
     * {@link #getDeliveryCount() delivery count} is incremented and the message is again available for retrieval.
     * This property is read-only.
     * </p>
     * @return the datetime at which the lock of this message expires if the message is received using {@link
     *     ServiceBusReceiveMode#PEEK_LOCK} mode. Otherwise it returns null.
     * @see <a href="">Message
     *     transfers, locks, and settlement</a>
    public OffsetDateTime getLockedUntil() {
        return getOffsetDateTimeValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(),

     * Gets the identifier for the message.
     * <p>
     * The message identifier is an application-defined value that uniquely identifies the message and its payload. The
     * identifier is a free-form string and can reflect a GUID or an identifier derived from the application context. If
     * enabled, the
     * <a href="">duplicate detection</a>
     * feature identifies and removes second and further submissions of messages with the same {@code messageId}.
     * </p>
     * @return Id of the {@link ServiceBusReceivedMessage}.
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getMessageId()
    public String getMessageId() {
        String messageId = null;
        AmqpMessageId amqpMessageId = amqpAnnotatedMessage.getProperties().getMessageId();
        if (amqpMessageId != null) {
            messageId = amqpMessageId.toString();
        return messageId;

     * Gets the partition key for sending a message to a partitioned entity.
     * <p>
     * For <a href="">partitioned
     * entities</a>, setting this value enables assigning related messages to the same internal partition, so that
     * submission sequence order is correctly recorded. The partition is chosen by a hash function over this value and
     * cannot be chosen directly. For session-aware entities, the {@link #getSessionId() sessionId} property overrides
     * this value.
     * @return The partition key of this message.
     * @see <a href="">Partitioned
     *     entities</a>
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getPartitionKey()
    public String getPartitionKey() {
        return getStringValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(),

     * The representation of message as defined by AMQP protocol.
     * @see <a href="">
     *     Amqp Message Format.</a>
     * @return the {@link AmqpAnnotatedMessage} representing AMQP message.
    public AmqpAnnotatedMessage getRawAmqpMessage() {
        return amqpAnnotatedMessage;

     * Gets the address of an entity to send replies to.
     * <p>
     * This optional and application-defined value is a standard way to express a reply path to the receiver of the
     * message. When a sender expects a reply, it sets the value to the absolute or relative path of the queue or topic
     * it expects the reply to be sent to.
     * @return ReplyTo property value of this message
     * @see <a href="">Message
     *     Routing and Correlation</a>
    public String getReplyTo() {
        String replyTo = null;
        AmqpAddress amqpAddress = amqpAnnotatedMessage.getProperties().getReplyTo();
        if (amqpAddress != null) {
            replyTo = amqpAddress.toString();
        return replyTo;

     * Gets or sets a session identifier augmenting the {@link #getReplyTo() ReplyTo} address.
     * <p>
     * This value augments the ReplyTo information and specifies which SessionId should be set for the reply when sent
     * to the reply entity.
     * @return ReplyToSessionId property value of this message
     * @see <a href="">Message
     *     Routing and Correlation</a>
    public String getReplyToSessionId() {
        return amqpAnnotatedMessage.getProperties().getReplyToGroupId();

     * Gets the scheduled enqueue time of this message.
     * <p>
     * This value is used for delayed message availability. The message is safely added to the queue, but is not
     * considered active and therefore not retrievable until the scheduled enqueue time. Mind that the message may not
     * be activated (enqueued) at the exact given datetime; the actual activation time depends on the queue's workload
     * and its state.
     * </p>
     * @return the datetime at which the message will be enqueued in Azure Service Bus
     * @see <a href="">Message Sequencing and
     *     Timestamps</a>
    public OffsetDateTime getScheduledEnqueueTime() {
        return getOffsetDateTimeValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(),

     * Gets the unique number assigned to a message by Service Bus.
     * <p>
     * The sequence number is a unique 64-bit integer assigned to a message as it is accepted and stored by the broker
     * and functions as its true identifier. For partitioned entities, the topmost 16 bits reflect the partition
     * identifier. Sequence numbers monotonically increase and are gapless. They roll over to 0 when the 48-64 bit range
     * is exhausted. This property is read-only.
     * @return sequence number of this message
     * @see <a href="">Message Sequencing and
     *     Timestamps</a>
    public long getSequenceNumber() {
        return getLongValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(),

     * Gets the session id of the message.
     * <p>
     * For session-aware entities, this application-defined value specifies the session affiliation of the message.
     * Messages with the same session identifier are subject to summary locking and enable exact in-order processing and
     * demultiplexing. For session-unaware entities, this value is ignored. See <a
     * href="">Message Sessions</a>.
     * </p>
     * @return The session id of the {@link ServiceBusReceivedMessage}.
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getSessionId()
    public String getSessionId() {
        return getRawAmqpMessage().getProperties().getGroupId();

     * Gets the subject for the message.
     * <p>
     * This property enables the application to indicate the purpose of the message to the receiver in a standardized
     * fashion, similar to an email subject line. The mapped AMQP property is "subject".
     * </p>
     * @return The subject for the message.
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getSubject()
    public String getSubject() {
        return amqpAnnotatedMessage.getProperties().getSubject();

     * Gets the duration before this message expires.
     * <p>
     * This value is the relative duration after which the message expires, starting from the datetime the message has
     * been accepted and stored by the broker, as captured in {@link #getScheduledEnqueueTime()}. When not set
     * explicitly, the assumed value is the DefaultTimeToLive set for the respective queue or topic. A message-level
     * TimeToLive value cannot be longer than the entity's DefaultTimeToLive setting and it is silently adjusted if it
     * does.
     * @return Time to live duration of this message
     * @see <a href="">Message Expiration</a>
    public Duration getTimeToLive() {
        return amqpAnnotatedMessage.getHeader().getTimeToLive();

     * Gets the "to" address.

     * <p>
     * This property is reserved for future use in routing scenarios and presently ignored by the broker itself.
     * Applications can use this value in rule-driven
     * <a href="">auto-forward
     * chaining</a> scenarios to indicate the intended logical destination of the message.
     * </p>
     * @return "To" property value of this message
     * @see ServiceBusMessage#getTo()
    public String getTo() {
        String to = null;
        AmqpAddress amqpAddress = amqpAnnotatedMessage.getProperties().getTo();
        if (amqpAddress != null) {
            to = amqpAddress.toString();
        return to;

     * Adds a new key value pair to the existing context on Message.
     * @param key The key for this context object
     * @param value The value for this context object.
     * @return The updated {@link ServiceBusMessage}.
     * @throws NullPointerException if {@code key} or {@code value} is null.
    ServiceBusReceivedMessage addContext(String key, Object value) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(key, "The 'key' parameter cannot be null.");
        Objects.requireNonNull(value, "The 'value' parameter cannot be null.");
        this.context = context.addData(key, value);
        return this;

     * Gets whether the message has been settled.
     * @return True if the message has been settled, false otherwise.
    boolean isSettled() {
        return this.isSettled;

     * Sets a correlation identifier.
     * @param correlationId correlation id of this message
     * @see #getCorrelationId()
    void setCorrelationId(String correlationId) {
        AmqpMessageId id = null;
        if (correlationId != null) {
            id = new AmqpMessageId(correlationId);

     * Sets the content type of the {@link ServiceBusReceivedMessage}.
     * @param contentType of the message.
    void setContentType(String contentType) {

     * Sets the dead letter description.
     * @param deadLetterErrorDescription Dead letter description.
    void setDeadLetterErrorDescription(String deadLetterErrorDescription) {

     * Sets the dead letter reason.
     * @param deadLetterReason Dead letter reason.
    void setDeadLetterReason(String deadLetterReason) {

     * Sets the name of the queue or subscription that this message was enqueued on, before it was
     * deadlettered.
     * @param deadLetterSource the name of the queue or subscription that this message was enqueued on,
     * before it was deadlettered.
    void setDeadLetterSource(String deadLetterSource) {

     * Sets the number of the times this message was delivered to clients.
     * @param deliveryCount the number of the times this message was delivered to clients.
    void setDeliveryCount(long deliveryCount) {

     * Sets the message's sequence number.
     * @param enqueuedSequenceNumber The message's sequence number.
    void setEnqueuedSequenceNumber(long enqueuedSequenceNumber) {

     * Sets the datetime at which this message was enqueued in Azure Service Bus.
     * @param enqueuedTime the datetime at which this message was enqueued in Azure Service Bus.
    void setEnqueuedTime(OffsetDateTime enqueuedTime) {
        setValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(), ENQUEUED_TIME_UTC_ANNOTATION_NAME, enqueuedTime);

     * Sets whether the message has been settled.
    void setIsSettled() {
        this.isSettled = true;

     * Sets the lock token for the current message.
     * @param lockToken the lock token for the current message.
    void setLockToken(UUID lockToken) {
        this.lockToken = lockToken;

     * Sets the datetime at which the lock of this message expires.
     * @param lockedUntil the datetime at which the lock of this message expires.
    void setLockedUntil(OffsetDateTime lockedUntil) {
        setValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(), LOCKED_UNTIL_KEY_ANNOTATION_NAME, lockedUntil);

     * Sets the message id.
     * @param messageId to be set.
    void setMessageId(String messageId) {
        AmqpMessageId id = null;
        if (messageId != null) {
            id = new AmqpMessageId(messageId);

     * Sets a partition key for sending a message to a partitioned entity
     * @param partitionKey partition key of this message
     * @see #getPartitionKey()
    void setPartitionKey(String partitionKey) {
        amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations().put(PARTITION_KEY_ANNOTATION_NAME.getValue(), partitionKey);

     * Sets the scheduled enqueue time of this message.
     * @param scheduledEnqueueTime the datetime at which this message should be enqueued in Azure Service Bus.
     * @see #getScheduledEnqueueTime()
    void setScheduledEnqueueTime(OffsetDateTime scheduledEnqueueTime) {
        setValue(amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations(), SCHEDULED_ENQUEUE_UTC_TIME_NAME, scheduledEnqueueTime);

     * Sets the unique number assigned to a message by Service Bus.
     * @param sequenceNumber the unique number assigned to a message by Service Bus.
    void setSequenceNumber(long sequenceNumber) {
        amqpAnnotatedMessage.getMessageAnnotations().put(SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ANNOTATION_NAME.getValue(), sequenceNumber);

     * Sets the session id.
     * @param sessionId to be set.
    void setSessionId(String sessionId) {

     * Sets the subject for the message.
     * @param subject The subject to set.
    void setSubject(String subject) {

     * Sets the duration of time before this message expires.
     * @param timeToLive Time to Live duration of this message
     * @see #getTimeToLive()
    void setTimeToLive(Duration timeToLive) {

     * Sets the address of an entity to send replies to.
     * @param replyTo ReplyTo property value of this message
     * @see #getReplyTo()
    void setReplyTo(String replyTo) {
        AmqpAddress replyToAddress = null;
        if (replyTo != null) {
            replyToAddress = new AmqpAddress(replyTo);


     * Gets or sets a session identifier augmenting the {@link #getReplyTo() ReplyTo} address.
     * @param replyToSessionId ReplyToSessionId property value of this message
    void setReplyToSessionId(String replyToSessionId) {

     * Sets the "to" address.
     * <p>
     * This property is reserved for future use in routing scenarios and presently ignored by the broker itself.
     * Applications can use this value in rule-driven
     * <a href="">auto-forward
     * chaining</a> scenarios to indicate the intended logical destination of the message.
     * @param to To property value of this message
    void setTo(String to) {
        AmqpAddress toAddress = null;
        if (to != null) {
            toAddress = new AmqpAddress(to);

     * Gets String value from given map and null if key does not exists.
    private String getStringValue(Map<String, Object> dataMap, String key) {
        return (String) dataMap.get(key);

     * Gets long value from given map and 0 if key does not exists.
    private long getLongValue(Map<String, Object> dataMap, String key) {
        return dataMap.containsKey(key) ? (long) dataMap.get(key) : 0;

     * Gets OffsetDateTime value from given map and null if key does not exists.
    private OffsetDateTime getOffsetDateTimeValue(Map<String, Object> dataMap, String key) {
        return dataMap.containsKey(key) ? ((Date) dataMap.get(key)).toInstant().atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC) : null;

    private void setValue(Map<String, Object> dataMap, AmqpMessageConstant key, OffsetDateTime value) {
        if (value != null) {
                new Date(value.toInstant().toEpochMilli()));