// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import reactor.core.Exceptions;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.util.function.Tuple2;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* This class is responsible for balancing the load of processing events from all partitions of an Event Hub by
* distributing the number of partitions uniformly among all the active {@link EventProcessorClient EventProcessors}.
* <p>
* This load balancer will retrieve partition ownership details from the {@link CheckpointStore} to find the number of
* active {@link EventProcessorClient EventProcessorCients}. It uses the last modified time to decide if an
* EventProcessor is active. If a partition ownership entry has not be updated for a specified duration of time, the
* owner of that partition is considered inactive and the partition is available for other EventProcessors to own.
* </p>
final class PartitionBasedLoadBalancer {
private static final Random RANDOM = new Random();
private final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(PartitionBasedLoadBalancer.class);
private final String eventHubName;
private final String consumerGroupName;
private final CheckpointStore checkpointStore;
private final EventHubAsyncClient eventHubAsyncClient;
private final String ownerId;
private final long inactiveTimeLimitInSeconds;
private final PartitionPumpManager partitionPumpManager;
private final String fullyQualifiedNamespace;
private final Consumer<ErrorContext> processError;
private final PartitionContext partitionAgnosticContext;
private final AtomicBoolean isLoadBalancerRunning = new AtomicBoolean();
private final LoadBalancingStrategy loadBalancingStrategy;
private final AtomicBoolean morePartitionsToClaim = new AtomicBoolean();
private final AtomicReference<List<String>> partitionsCache = new AtomicReference<>(new ArrayList<>());
* Creates an instance of PartitionBasedLoadBalancer for the given Event Hub name and consumer group.
* @param checkpointStore The partition manager that this load balancer will use to read/update ownership details.
* @param eventHubAsyncClient The asynchronous Event Hub client used to consume events.
* @param eventHubName The Event Hub name the {@link EventProcessorClient} is associated with.
* @param consumerGroupName The consumer group name the {@link EventProcessorClient} is associated with.
* @param ownerId The identifier of the {@link EventProcessorClient} that owns this load balancer.
* @param inactiveTimeLimitInSeconds The time in seconds to wait for an update on an ownership record before
* assuming the owner of the partition is inactive.
* @param partitionPumpManager The partition pump manager that keeps track of all EventHubConsumers and partitions
* that this {@link EventProcessorClient} is processing.
* @param processError The callback that will be called when an error occurs while running the load balancer.
* @param loadBalancingStrategy The load balancing strategy to use.
PartitionBasedLoadBalancer(final CheckpointStore checkpointStore,
final EventHubAsyncClient eventHubAsyncClient, final String fullyQualifiedNamespace,
final String eventHubName, final String consumerGroupName, final String ownerId,
final long inactiveTimeLimitInSeconds, final PartitionPumpManager partitionPumpManager,
final Consumer<ErrorContext> processError, LoadBalancingStrategy loadBalancingStrategy) {
this.checkpointStore = checkpointStore;
this.eventHubAsyncClient = eventHubAsyncClient;
this.fullyQualifiedNamespace = fullyQualifiedNamespace;
this.eventHubName = eventHubName;
this.consumerGroupName = consumerGroupName;
this.ownerId = ownerId;
this.inactiveTimeLimitInSeconds = inactiveTimeLimitInSeconds;
this.partitionPumpManager = partitionPumpManager;
this.processError = processError;
this.partitionAgnosticContext = new PartitionContext(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName,
consumerGroupName, "NONE");
this.loadBalancingStrategy = loadBalancingStrategy;
* This is the main method responsible for load balancing. This method is expected to be invoked by the {@link
* EventProcessorClient} periodically. Every call to this method will result in this {@link EventProcessorClient}
* owning <b>at most one</b> new partition.
* <p>
* The load is considered balanced when no active EventProcessor owns 2 partitions more than any other active
* EventProcessor. Given that each invocation to this method results in ownership claim of at most one partition,
* this algorithm converges gradually towards a steady state.
* </p>
* When a new partition is claimed, this method is also responsible for starting a partition pump that creates an
* {@link EventHubConsumerAsyncClient} for processing events from that partition.
void loadBalance() {
if (!isLoadBalancerRunning.compareAndSet(false, true)) {"Load balancer already running");
.addKeyValue(OWNER_ID_KEY, this.ownerId)
.log("Starting load balancer.");
* Retrieve current partition ownership details from the datastore.
final Mono<Map<String, PartitionOwnership>> partitionOwnershipMono = checkpointStore
.listOwnership(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, consumerGroupName)
.collectMap(PartitionOwnership::getPartitionId, Function.identity());
* Retrieve the list of partition ids from the Event Hub.
Mono<List<String>> partitionsMono;
if (CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionsCache.get())) {
// Call Event Hubs service to get the partition ids if the cache is empty
.addKeyValue(ENTITY_PATH_KEY, eventHubName)
.log("Getting partitions from Event Hubs service.");
partitionsMono = eventHubAsyncClient
} else {
partitionsMono = Mono.just(partitionsCache.get());
// we have the partitions, the client can be closed now
}, partitionsMono)
.repeat(() -> LoadBalancingStrategy.GREEDY == loadBalancingStrategy && morePartitionsToClaim.get())
.subscribe(ignored -> { },
ex -> {
logger.warning(Messages.LOAD_BALANCING_FAILED, ex);
ErrorContext errorContext = new ErrorContext(partitionAgnosticContext, ex);
() ->"Load balancing completed successfully"));
* This method works with the given partition ownership details and Event Hub partitions to evaluate whether the
* current Event Processor should take on the responsibility of processing more partitions.
private Mono<Void> loadBalance(final Tuple2<Map<String, PartitionOwnership>, List<String>> tuple) {
return Mono.fromRunnable(() -> {"Starting next iteration of load balancer");
Map<String, PartitionOwnership> partitionOwnershipMap = tuple.getT1();
List<String> partitionIds = tuple.getT2();
if (CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionIds)) {
// This may be due to an error when getting Event Hub metadata.
throw logger.logExceptionAsError(Exceptions.propagate(
new IllegalStateException("There are no partitions in Event Hub " + eventHubName)));
int numberOfPartitions = partitionIds.size();"Number of ownership records {}, number of partitions {}", partitionOwnershipMap.size(),
if (!isValid(partitionOwnershipMap)) {
// User data is corrupt.
throw logger.logExceptionAsError(Exceptions.propagate(
new IllegalStateException("Invalid partitionOwnership data from CheckpointStore")));
* Remove all partitions' ownership that have not been modified for a configuration period of time. This
* means that the previous EventProcessor that owned the partition is probably down and the partition is now
* eligible to be claimed by other EventProcessors.
Map<String, PartitionOwnership> activePartitionOwnershipMap = removeInactivePartitionOwnerships(
partitionOwnershipMap);"Number of active ownership records {}", activePartitionOwnershipMap.size());
* Create a map of owner id and a list of partitions it owns
Map<String, List<PartitionOwnership>> ownerPartitionMap = activePartitionOwnershipMap.values()
Collectors.groupingBy(PartitionOwnership::getOwnerId, mapping(Function.identity(), toList())));
// add the current event processor to the map if it doesn't exist
ownerPartitionMap.putIfAbsent(this.ownerId, new ArrayList<>());
if (logger.canLogAtLevel(LogLevel.VERBOSE)) {
logger.verbose("Current partition distribution {}", format(ownerPartitionMap));
if (CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(activePartitionOwnershipMap)) {
* If the active partition ownership map is empty, this is the first time an event processor is
* running or all Event Processors are down for this Event Hub, consumer group combination. All
* partitions in this Event Hub are available to claim. Choose a random partition to claim ownership.
claimOwnership(partitionOwnershipMap, ownerPartitionMap,
* Find the minimum number of partitions every event processor should own when the load is
* evenly distributed.
int numberOfActiveEventProcessors = ownerPartitionMap.size();"Number of active event processors {}", ownerPartitionMap.size());
int minPartitionsPerEventProcessor = numberOfPartitions / numberOfActiveEventProcessors;
* If the number of partitions in Event Hub is not evenly divisible by number of active event processors,
* a few Event Processors may own 1 additional partition than the minimum when the load is balanced.
* Calculate the number of event processors that can own additional partition.
int numberOfEventProcessorsWithAdditionalPartition = numberOfPartitions % numberOfActiveEventProcessors;"Expected min partitions per event processor = {}, expected number of event "
+ "processors with additional partition = {}", minPartitionsPerEventProcessor,
if (isLoadBalanced(minPartitionsPerEventProcessor, numberOfEventProcessorsWithAdditionalPartition,
ownerPartitionMap)) {
// If the partitions are evenly distributed among all active event processors, no change required."Load is balanced with this event processor owning {} partitions",
if (!shouldOwnMorePartitions(minPartitionsPerEventProcessor, ownerPartitionMap)) {
// This event processor already has enough partitions and shouldn't own more."This event processor owns {} partitions and shouldn't own more",
// If we have reached this stage, this event processor has to claim/steal ownership of at least 1
// more partition
"Load is unbalanced and this event processor owns {} partitions and should own more partitions",
* If some partitions are unclaimed, this could be because an event processor is down and
* it's partitions are now available for others to own or because event processors are just
* starting up and gradually claiming partitions to own or new partitions were added to Event Hub.
* Find any partition that is not actively owned and claim it.
* OR
* Find a partition to steal from another event processor. Pick the event processor that has owns the
* highest number of partitions.
String partitionToClaim = partitionIds.parallelStream()
.filter(partitionId -> !activePartitionOwnershipMap.containsKey(partitionId))
.orElseGet(() -> {"No unclaimed partitions, stealing from another event processor");
return findPartitionToSteal(ownerPartitionMap);
claimOwnership(partitionOwnershipMap, ownerPartitionMap, partitionToClaim);
* Closes the client used by load balancer to get the partitions.
private void closeClient() {
try {
// this is an idempotent operation, calling close on an already closed client is just a no-op.
} catch (Exception ex) {
logger.warning("Failed to close the client", ex);
* This method renews the ownership of currently owned partitions
private void renewOwnership(Map<String, PartitionOwnership> partitionOwnershipMap) {
// renew ownership of already owned partitions
partitionId -> partitionOwnershipMap.containsKey(partitionId) && partitionOwnershipMap.get(partitionId)
.map(partitionId -> createPartitionOwnershipRequest(partitionOwnershipMap, partitionId))
ex -> {
logger.error("Error renewing partition ownership", ex);
() -> isLoadBalancerRunning.set(false));
private String format(Map<String, List<PartitionOwnership>> ownerPartitionMap) {
return ownerPartitionMap.entrySet()
.map(entry -> {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(entry.getValue().stream().map(po -> po.getPartitionId()).collect(Collectors.joining(",")));
return sb.toString();
* Check if partition ownership data is valid before proceeding with load balancing.
private boolean isValid(final Map<String, PartitionOwnership> partitionOwnershipMap) {
return partitionOwnershipMap.values()
.noneMatch(partitionOwnership -> {
return partitionOwnership.getEventHubName() == null
|| !partitionOwnership.getEventHubName().equals(this.eventHubName)
|| partitionOwnership.getConsumerGroup() == null
|| !partitionOwnership.getConsumerGroup().equals(this.consumerGroupName)
|| partitionOwnership.getPartitionId() == null
|| partitionOwnership.getLastModifiedTime() == null
|| partitionOwnership.getETag() == null;
* Find the event processor that owns the maximum number of partitions and steal a random partition
* from it.
private String findPartitionToSteal(final Map<String, List<PartitionOwnership>> ownerPartitionMap) {
Map.Entry<String, List<PartitionOwnership>> ownerWithMaxPartitions = ownerPartitionMap.entrySet()
.max(Comparator.comparingInt(entry -> entry.getValue().size()))
int numberOfPartitions = ownerWithMaxPartitions.getValue().size();
.addKeyValue(OWNER_ID_KEY, ownerWithMaxPartitions.getKey())
.log("Owner owns {} partitions, stealing a partition from it.", numberOfPartitions);
return ownerWithMaxPartitions.getValue().get(RANDOM.nextInt(numberOfPartitions)).getPartitionId();
* When the load is balanced, all active event processors own at least {@code minPartitionsPerEventProcessor}
* and only {@code numberOfEventProcessorsWithAdditionalPartition} event processors will own 1 additional
* partition.
private boolean isLoadBalanced(final int minPartitionsPerEventProcessor,
final int numberOfEventProcessorsWithAdditionalPartition,
final Map<String, List<PartitionOwnership>> ownerPartitionMap) {
int count = 0;
for (List<PartitionOwnership> partitionOwnership : ownerPartitionMap.values()) {
int numberOfPartitions = partitionOwnership.size();
if (numberOfPartitions < minPartitionsPerEventProcessor
|| numberOfPartitions > minPartitionsPerEventProcessor + 1) {
return false;
if (numberOfPartitions == minPartitionsPerEventProcessor + 1) {
return count == numberOfEventProcessorsWithAdditionalPartition;
* This method is called after determining that the load is not balanced. This method will evaluate
* if the current event processor should own more partitions. Specifically, this method returns true if the
* current event processor owns less than the minimum number of partitions or if it owns the minimum number
* and no other event processor owns lesser number of partitions than this event processor.
private boolean shouldOwnMorePartitions(final int minPartitionsPerEventProcessor,
final Map<String, List<PartitionOwnership>> ownerPartitionMap) {
int numberOfPartitionsOwned = ownerPartitionMap.get(this.ownerId).size();
int leastPartitionsOwnedByAnyEventProcessor =
return numberOfPartitionsOwned < minPartitionsPerEventProcessor
|| numberOfPartitionsOwned == leastPartitionsOwnedByAnyEventProcessor;
* This method will create a new map of partition id and PartitionOwnership containing only those partitions
* that are actively owned. All entries in the original map returned by CheckpointStore that haven't been
* modified for a duration of time greater than the allowed inactivity time limit are assumed to be owned by
* dead event processors. These will not be included in the map returned by this method.
private Map<String, PartitionOwnership> removeInactivePartitionOwnerships(
final Map<String, PartitionOwnership> partitionOwnershipMap) {
return partitionOwnershipMap
.filter(entry -> {
return (System.currentTimeMillis() - entry.getValue().getLastModifiedTime() < TimeUnit.SECONDS
&& !CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(entry.getValue().getOwnerId());
}).collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, Entry::getValue));
private void claimOwnership(final Map<String, PartitionOwnership> partitionOwnershipMap, Map<String,
List<PartitionOwnership>> ownerPartitionsMap, final String partitionIdToClaim) {
.addKeyValue(PARTITION_ID_KEY, partitionIdToClaim)
.log("Attempting to claim ownership of partition.");
PartitionOwnership ownershipRequest = createPartitionOwnershipRequest(partitionOwnershipMap,
List<PartitionOwnership> partitionsToClaim = new ArrayList<>();
partitionId -> partitionOwnershipMap.containsKey(partitionId) && partitionOwnershipMap.get(partitionId)
.map(partitionId -> createPartitionOwnershipRequest(partitionOwnershipMap, partitionId))
.doOnNext(partitionOwnership -> logger.atInfo()
.addKeyValue(PARTITION_ID_KEY, partitionOwnership.getPartitionId())
.log("Successfully claimed ownership."))
.doOnError(ex -> logger
.addKeyValue(PARTITION_ID_KEY, ownershipRequest.getPartitionId())
.zipWhen(ownershipList -> checkpointStore.listCheckpoints(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName,
.collectMap(checkpoint -> checkpoint.getPartitionId(), Function.identity()))
.subscribe(ownedPartitionCheckpointsTuple -> {
.forEach(po -> partitionPumpManager.startPartitionPump(po,
ex -> {
logger.warning("Error while listing checkpoints", ex);
ErrorContext errorContext = new ErrorContext(partitionAgnosticContext, ex);
if (loadBalancingStrategy == LoadBalancingStrategy.BALANCED) {
throw logger.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalStateException("Error while listing checkpoints", ex));
() -> {
if (loadBalancingStrategy == LoadBalancingStrategy.BALANCED) {
private PartitionOwnership createPartitionOwnershipRequest(
final Map<String, PartitionOwnership> partitionOwnershipMap,
final String partitionIdToClaim) {
PartitionOwnership previousPartitionOwnership = partitionOwnershipMap.get(partitionIdToClaim);
PartitionOwnership partitionOwnershipRequest = new PartitionOwnership()
.setETag(previousPartitionOwnership == null ? null : previousPartitionOwnership.getETag());
return partitionOwnershipRequest;