// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
package com.azure.messaging.eventhubs;
import com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryOptions;
import com.azure.core.amqp.AmqpRetryPolicy;
import com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpErrorCondition;
import com.azure.core.amqp.exception.AmqpException;
import com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.AmqpConstants;
import com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.AmqpSendLink;
import com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.ErrorContextProvider;
import com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.MessageSerializer;
import com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.TracerProvider;
import com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType;
import com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClient;
import com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceMethod;
import com.azure.core.util.Context;
import com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils;
import com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger;
import com.azure.core.util.tracing.ProcessKind;
import com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.implementation.ClientConstants;
import com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.implementation.EventHubConnectionProcessor;
import com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.implementation.EventHubManagementNode;
import com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.models.CreateBatchOptions;
import com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.models.SendOptions;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.MessageAnnotations;
import org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import static com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.RetryUtil.getRetryPolicy;
import static com.azure.core.amqp.implementation.RetryUtil.withRetry;
import static com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil.monoError;
import static com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer.AZ_TRACING_NAMESPACE_KEY;
import static com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer.ENTITY_PATH_KEY;
import static com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer.HOST_NAME_KEY;
import static com.azure.core.util.tracing.Tracer.SPAN_CONTEXT_KEY;
import static com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.implementation.ClientConstants.AZ_NAMESPACE_VALUE;
import static com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.implementation.ClientConstants.AZ_TRACING_SERVICE_NAME;
import static com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.implementation.ClientConstants.MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH_BYTES;
import static com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.implementation.ClientConstants.PARTITION_ID_KEY;
import static com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.implementation.ClientConstants.PARTITION_KEY_KEY;
* An <b>asynchronous</b> producer responsible for transmitting {@link EventData} to a specific Event Hub, grouped
* together in batches. Depending on the {@link CreateBatchOptions options} specified when creating an {@link
* EventDataBatch}, the events may be automatically routed to an available partition or specific to a partition.
* <p>
* Allowing automatic routing of partitions is recommended when:
* <ul>
* <li>The sending of events needs to be highly available.</li>
* <li>The event data should be evenly distributed among all available partitions.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* If no partition id is specified, the following rules are used for automatically selecting one:
* <ol>
* <li>Distribute the events equally amongst all available partitions using a round-robin approach.</li>
* <li>If a partition becomes unavailable, the Event Hubs service will automatically detect it and forward the
* message to another available partition.</li>
* </ol>
* <p><strong>Create a producer and publish events to any partition</strong></p>
* <!-- src_embed com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.createBatch -->
* <pre>
* // The required parameter is a way to authenticate with Event Hubs using credentials.
* // The connectionString provides a way to authenticate with Event Hub.
* EventHubProducerAsyncClient producer = new EventHubClientBuilder()
* .connectionString(
* "Endpoint={fully-qualified-namespace};SharedAccessKeyName={policy-name};SharedAccessKey={key}",
* "event-hub-name")
* .buildAsyncProducerClient();
* // Creating a batch without options set, will allow for automatic routing of events to any partition.
* producer.createBatch().flatMap(batch -> {
* batch.tryAdd(new EventData("test-event-1"));
* batch.tryAdd(new EventData("test-event-2"));
* return producer.send(batch);
* }).subscribe(unused -> { },
* error -> System.err.println("Error occurred while sending batch:" + error),
* () -> System.out.println("Send complete."));
* </pre>
* <!-- end com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.createBatch -->
* <p><strong>Publish events to partition "foo"</strong></p>
* <!-- src_embed com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.createBatch#CreateBatchOptions-partitionId -->
* <pre>
* // Creating a batch with partitionId set will route all events in that batch to partition `foo`.
* CreateBatchOptions options = new CreateBatchOptions().setPartitionId("foo");
* producer.createBatch(options).flatMap(batch -> {
* batch.tryAdd(new EventData("test-event-1"));
* batch.tryAdd(new EventData("test-event-2"));
* return producer.send(batch);
* }).subscribe(unused -> { },
* error -> System.err.println("Error occurred while sending batch:" + error),
* () -> System.out.println("Send complete."));
* </pre>
* <!-- end com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.createBatch#CreateBatchOptions-partitionId -->
* <p><strong>Publish events to the same partition, grouped together using partition key</strong></p>
* <!-- src_embed com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.createBatch#CreateBatchOptions-partitionKey -->
* <pre>
* // Creating a batch with partitionKey set will tell the service to hash the partitionKey and decide which
* // partition to send the events to. Events with the same partitionKey are always routed to the same partition.
* CreateBatchOptions options = new CreateBatchOptions().setPartitionKey("bread");
* producer.createBatch(options).flatMap(batch -> {
* batch.tryAdd(new EventData("sourdough"));
* batch.tryAdd(new EventData("rye"));
* return producer.send(batch);
* }).subscribe(unused -> { },
* error -> System.err.println("Error occurred while sending batch:" + error),
* () -> System.out.println("Send complete."));
* </pre>
* <!-- end com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.createBatch#CreateBatchOptions-partitionKey -->
* <p><strong>Publish events using a size-limited {@link EventDataBatch}</strong></p>
* <!-- src_embed com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.createBatch#CreateBatchOptions-int -->
* <pre>
* Flux<EventData> telemetryEvents = Flux.just(firstEvent, secondEvent);
* // Setting `setMaximumSizeInBytes` when creating a batch, limits the size of that batch.
* // In this case, all the batches created with these options are limited to 256 bytes.
* CreateBatchOptions options = new CreateBatchOptions().setMaximumSizeInBytes(256);
* AtomicReference<EventDataBatch> currentBatch = new AtomicReference<>(
* producer.createBatch(options).block());
* // The sample Flux contains two events, but it could be an infinite stream of telemetry events.
* telemetryEvents.flatMap(event -> {
* final EventDataBatch batch = currentBatch.get();
* if (batch.tryAdd(event)) {
* return Mono.empty();
* }
* return Mono.when(
* producer.send(batch),
* producer.createBatch(options).map(newBatch -> {
* currentBatch.set(newBatch);
* // Add the event that did not fit in the previous batch.
* if (!newBatch.tryAdd(event)) {
* throw Exceptions.propagate(new IllegalArgumentException(
* "Event was too large to fit in an empty batch. Max size: " + newBatch.getMaxSizeInBytes()));
* }
* return newBatch;
* }));
* }).then()
* .doFinally(signal -> {
* final EventDataBatch batch = currentBatch.getAndSet(null);
* if (batch != null && batch.getCount() > 0) {
* producer.send(batch).block();
* }
* });
* </pre>
* <!-- end com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.createBatch#CreateBatchOptions-int -->
* @see EventHubClientBuilder#buildAsyncProducerClient()
* @see EventHubProducerClient To synchronously generate events to an Event Hub, see EventHubProducerClient.
@ServiceClient(builder = EventHubClientBuilder.class, isAsync = true)
public class EventHubProducerAsyncClient implements Closeable {
private static final int MAX_PARTITION_KEY_LENGTH = 128;
private static final String SENDER_ENTITY_PATH_FORMAT = "%s/Partitions/%s";
private static final SendOptions DEFAULT_SEND_OPTIONS = new SendOptions();
private static final CreateBatchOptions DEFAULT_BATCH_OPTIONS = new CreateBatchOptions();
private final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(EventHubProducerAsyncClient.class);
private final AtomicBoolean isDisposed = new AtomicBoolean();
private final String fullyQualifiedNamespace;
private final String eventHubName;
private final EventHubConnectionProcessor connectionProcessor;
private final AmqpRetryOptions retryOptions;
private final AmqpRetryPolicy retryPolicy;
private final TracerProvider tracerProvider;
private final MessageSerializer messageSerializer;
private final Scheduler scheduler;
private final boolean isSharedConnection;
private final Runnable onClientClose;
* Creates a new instance of this {@link EventHubProducerAsyncClient} that can send messages to a single partition
* when {@link CreateBatchOptions#getPartitionId()} is not null or an empty string. Otherwise, allows the service to
* load balance the messages amongst available partitions.
EventHubProducerAsyncClient(String fullyQualifiedNamespace, String eventHubName,
EventHubConnectionProcessor connectionProcessor, AmqpRetryOptions retryOptions, TracerProvider tracerProvider,
MessageSerializer messageSerializer, Scheduler scheduler, boolean isSharedConnection, Runnable onClientClose) {
this.fullyQualifiedNamespace = Objects.requireNonNull(fullyQualifiedNamespace,
"'fullyQualifiedNamespace' cannot be null.");
this.eventHubName = Objects.requireNonNull(eventHubName, "'eventHubName' cannot be null.");
this.connectionProcessor = Objects.requireNonNull(connectionProcessor,
"'connectionProcessor' cannot be null.");
this.retryOptions = Objects.requireNonNull(retryOptions, "'retryOptions' cannot be null.");
this.tracerProvider = Objects.requireNonNull(tracerProvider, "'tracerProvider' cannot be null.");
this.messageSerializer = Objects.requireNonNull(messageSerializer, "'messageSerializer' cannot be null.");
this.onClientClose = Objects.requireNonNull(onClientClose, "'onClientClose' cannot be null.");
this.retryPolicy = getRetryPolicy(retryOptions);
this.scheduler = scheduler;
this.isSharedConnection = isSharedConnection;
* Gets the fully qualified Event Hubs namespace that the connection is associated with. This is likely similar to
* {@code {yournamespace}.servicebus.windows.net}.
* @return The fully qualified Event Hubs namespace that the connection is associated with.
public String getFullyQualifiedNamespace() {
return fullyQualifiedNamespace;
* Gets the Event Hub name this client interacts with.
* @return The Event Hub name this client interacts with.
public String getEventHubName() {
return eventHubName;
* Retrieves information about an Event Hub, including the number of partitions present and their identifiers.
* @return The set of information for the Event Hub that this client is associated with.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<EventHubProperties> getEventHubProperties() {
return connectionProcessor.flatMap(connection -> connection.getManagementNode())
* Retrieves the identifiers for the partitions of an Event Hub.
* @return A Flux of identifiers for the partitions of an Event Hub.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public Flux<String> getPartitionIds() {
return getEventHubProperties().flatMapMany(properties -> Flux.fromIterable(properties.getPartitionIds()));
* Retrieves information about a specific partition for an Event Hub, including elements that describe the available
* events in the partition event stream.
* @param partitionId The unique identifier of a partition associated with the Event Hub.
* @return The set of information for the requested partition under the Event Hub this client is associated with.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code partitionId} is null.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PartitionProperties> getPartitionProperties(String partitionId) {
return connectionProcessor.flatMap(connection -> connection.getManagementNode())
.flatMap(node -> node.getPartitionProperties(partitionId));
* Creates an {@link EventDataBatch} that can fit as many events as the transport allows.
* @return A new {@link EventDataBatch} that can fit as many events as the transport allows.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<EventDataBatch> createBatch() {
return createBatch(DEFAULT_BATCH_OPTIONS);
* Creates an {@link EventDataBatch} configured with the options specified.
* @param options A set of options used to configure the {@link EventDataBatch}.
* @return A new {@link EventDataBatch} that can fit as many events as the transport allows.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code options} is null.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<EventDataBatch> createBatch(CreateBatchOptions options) {
if (options == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'options' cannot be null."));
final String partitionKey = options.getPartitionKey();
final String partitionId = options.getPartitionId();
final int batchMaxSize = options.getMaximumSizeInBytes();
if (!CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionKey)
&& !CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionId)) {
return monoError(logger, new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.US,
"CreateBatchOptions.getPartitionKey() and CreateBatchOptions.getPartitionId() are both set. "
+ "Only one or the other can be used. partitionKey: '%s'. partitionId: '%s'",
partitionKey, partitionId)));
} else if (!CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionKey)
&& partitionKey.length() > MAX_PARTITION_KEY_LENGTH) {
return monoError(logger, new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.US,
"Partition key '%s' exceeds the maximum allowed length: '%s'.", partitionKey,
return getSendLink(partitionId)
.flatMap(link -> link.getLinkSize()
.flatMap(size -> {
final int maximumLinkSize = size > 0
? size
if (batchMaxSize > maximumLinkSize) {
return monoError(logger,
new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.US,
"BatchOptions.maximumSizeInBytes (%s bytes) is larger than the link size (%s bytes).",
batchMaxSize, maximumLinkSize)));
final int batchSize = batchMaxSize > 0
? batchMaxSize
: maximumLinkSize;
return Mono.just(new EventDataBatch(batchSize, partitionId, partitionKey, link::getErrorContext,
tracerProvider, link.getEntityPath(), link.getHostname()));
* Sends a single event to the associated Event Hub. If the size of the single event exceeds the maximum size
* allowed, an exception will be triggered and the send will fail.
* <p>
* For more information regarding the maximum event size allowed, see
* <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-quotas">Azure Event Hubs Quotas and
* Limits</a>.
* </p>
* @param event Event to send to the service.
* @return A {@link Mono} that completes when the event is pushed to the service.
Mono<Void> send(EventData event) {
if (event == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'event' cannot be null."));
return send(Flux.just(event));
* Sends a single event to the associated Event Hub with the send options. If the size of the single event exceeds
* the maximum size allowed, an exception will be triggered and the send will fail.
* <p>
* For more information regarding the maximum event size allowed, see
* <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-quotas">Azure Event Hubs Quotas and
* Limits</a>.
* </p>
* @param event Event to send to the service.
* @param options The set of options to consider when sending this event.
* @return A {@link Mono} that completes when the event is pushed to the service.
Mono<Void> send(EventData event, SendOptions options) {
if (event == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'event' cannot be null."));
} else if (options == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'options' cannot be null."));
return send(Flux.just(event), options);
* Sends a set of events to the associated Event Hub using a batched approach. If the size of events exceed the
* maximum size of a single batch, an exception will be triggered and the send will fail. By default, the message
* size is the max amount allowed on the link.
* <!-- src_embed com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.send#Iterable -->
* <pre>
* List<EventData> events = Arrays.asList(new EventData("maple"), new EventData("aspen"),
* new EventData("oak"));
* producer
* .send(events)
* .subscribe(unused -> { },
* error -> System.err.println("Error occurred while sending events:" + error),
* () -> System.out.println("Send complete."));
* </pre>
* <!-- end com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.send#Iterable -->
* <p>
* For more information regarding the maximum event size allowed, see
* <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-quotas">Azure Event Hubs Quotas and
* Limits</a>.
* </p>
* @param events Events to send to the service.
* @return A {@link Mono} that completes when all events are pushed to the service.
* @throws AmqpException if the size of {@code events} exceed the maximum size of a single batch.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> send(Iterable<EventData> events) {
if (events == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'events' cannot be null."));
return send(Flux.fromIterable(events));
* Sends a set of events to the associated Event Hub using a batched approach. If the size of events exceed the
* maximum size of a single batch, an exception will be triggered and the send will fail. By default, the message
* size is the max amount allowed on the link.
* <!-- src_embed com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.send#Iterable-SendOptions -->
* <pre>
* List<EventData> events = Arrays.asList(new EventData("Melbourne"), new EventData("London"),
* new EventData("New York"));
* SendOptions sendOptions = new SendOptions().setPartitionKey("cities");
* producer
* .send(events, sendOptions)
* .subscribe(unused -> { },
* error -> System.err.println("Error occurred while sending events:" + error),
* () -> System.out.println("Send complete."));
* </pre>
* <!-- end com.azure.messaging.eventhubs.eventhubasyncproducerclient.send#Iterable-SendOptions -->
* <p>
* For more information regarding the maximum event size allowed, see
* <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-quotas">Azure Event Hubs Quotas and
* Limits</a>.
* </p>
* @param events Events to send to the service.
* @param options The set of options to consider when sending this batch.
* @return A {@link Mono} that completes when all events are pushed to the service.
* @throws AmqpException if the size of {@code events} exceed the maximum size of a single batch.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> send(Iterable<EventData> events, SendOptions options) {
if (events == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'events' cannot be null."));
} else if (options == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'options' cannot be null."));
return send(Flux.fromIterable(events), options);
* Sends a set of events to the associated Event Hub using a batched approach. If the size of events exceed the
* maximum size of a single batch, an exception will be triggered and the send will fail. By default, the message
* size is the max amount allowed on the link.
* @param events Events to send to the service.
* @return A {@link Mono} that completes when all events are pushed to the service.
Mono<Void> send(Flux<EventData> events) {
if (events == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'events' cannot be null."));
return send(events, DEFAULT_SEND_OPTIONS);
* Sends a set of events to the associated Event Hub using a batched approach. If the size of events exceed the
* maximum size of a single batch, an exception will be triggered and the send will fail. By default, the message
* size is the max amount allowed on the link.
* @param events Events to send to the service.
* @param options The set of options to consider when sending this batch.
* @return A {@link Mono} that completes when all events are pushed to the service.
Mono<Void> send(Flux<EventData> events, SendOptions options) {
if (events == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'events' cannot be null."));
} else if (options == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'options' cannot be null."));
return sendInternal(events, options).publishOn(scheduler);
* Sends the batch to the associated Event Hub.
* @param batch The batch to send to the service.
* @return A {@link Mono} that completes when the batch is pushed to the service.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code batch} is {@code null}.
* @see EventHubProducerAsyncClient#createBatch()
* @see EventHubProducerAsyncClient#createBatch(CreateBatchOptions)
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> send(EventDataBatch batch) {
if (batch == null) {
return monoError(logger, new NullPointerException("'batch' cannot be null."));
} else if (batch.getEvents().isEmpty()) {
return Mono.empty();
if (!CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(batch.getPartitionId())) {
.addKeyValue("size", batch.getCount())
.addKeyValue(PARTITION_ID_KEY, batch.getPartitionId())
.log("Sending batch.");
} else if (!CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(batch.getPartitionKey())) {
.addKeyValue("size", batch.getCount())
.addKeyValue(PARTITION_KEY_KEY, batch.getPartitionKey())
.log("Sending batch.");
} else {
.addKeyValue("size", batch.getCount())
.log("Sending batch to be distributed round-robin in service.");
final String partitionKey = batch.getPartitionKey();
final boolean isTracingEnabled = tracerProvider.isEnabled();
final AtomicReference<Context> parentContext = isTracingEnabled
? new AtomicReference<>(Context.NONE)
: null;
Context sharedContext = null;
final List<Message> messages = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < batch.getEvents().size(); i++) {
final EventData event = batch.getEvents().get(i);
if (isTracingEnabled) {
if (i == 0) {
sharedContext = tracerProvider.getSharedSpanBuilder(ClientConstants.AZ_TRACING_SERVICE_NAME,
tracerProvider.addSpanLinks(sharedContext.addData(SPAN_CONTEXT_KEY, event.getContext()));
final Message message = messageSerializer.serialize(event);
if (!CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionKey)) {
final MessageAnnotations messageAnnotations = message.getMessageAnnotations() == null
? new MessageAnnotations(new HashMap<>())
: message.getMessageAnnotations();
messageAnnotations.getValue().put(AmqpConstants.PARTITION_KEY, partitionKey);
if (isTracingEnabled) {
final Context finalSharedContext = sharedContext == null
? Context.NONE
: sharedContext
.addData(ENTITY_PATH_KEY, eventHubName)
.addData(HOST_NAME_KEY, fullyQualifiedNamespace)
// Start send span and store updated context
parentContext.set(tracerProvider.startSpan(AZ_TRACING_SERVICE_NAME, finalSharedContext, ProcessKind.SEND));
final Mono<Void> sendMessage = getSendLink(batch.getPartitionId())
.flatMap(link -> messages.size() == 1
? link.send(messages.get(0))
: link.send(messages));
return withRetry(sendMessage, retryOptions,
String.format("partitionId[%s]: Sending messages timed out.", batch.getPartitionId()))
.doOnEach(signal -> {
if (isTracingEnabled) {
tracerProvider.endSpan(parentContext.get(), signal);
private Mono<Void> sendInternal(Flux<EventData> events, SendOptions options) {
final String partitionKey = options.getPartitionKey();
final String partitionId = options.getPartitionId();
if (!CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionKey)
&& !CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionId)) {
return monoError(logger, new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.US,
"SendOptions.getPartitionKey() and SendOptions.getPartitionId() are both set. Only one or the"
+ " other can be used. partitionKey: '%s'. partitionId: '%s'",
partitionKey, partitionId)));
return getSendLink(options.getPartitionId())
.flatMap(link -> link.getLinkSize()
.flatMap(size -> {
final int batchSize = size > 0 ? size : MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH_BYTES;
final CreateBatchOptions batchOptions = new CreateBatchOptions()
return events.collect(new EventDataCollector(batchOptions, 1, link::getErrorContext,
tracerProvider, link.getEntityPath(), link.getHostname()));
.flatMap(list -> sendInternal(Flux.fromIterable(list))));
private Mono<Void> sendInternal(Flux<EventDataBatch> eventBatches) {
return eventBatches
.doOnError(error -> {
logger.error(Messages.ERROR_SENDING_BATCH, error);
private String getEntityPath(String partitionId) {
return CoreUtils.isNullOrEmpty(partitionId)
? eventHubName
: String.format(Locale.US, SENDER_ENTITY_PATH_FORMAT, eventHubName, partitionId);
private Mono<AmqpSendLink> getSendLink(String partitionId) {
final String entityPath = getEntityPath(partitionId);
final String linkName = getEntityPath(partitionId);
return connectionProcessor
.flatMap(connection -> connection.createSendLink(linkName, entityPath, retryOptions));
* Disposes of the {@link EventHubProducerAsyncClient}. If the client had a dedicated connection, the underlying
* connection is also closed.
public void close() {
if (isDisposed.getAndSet(true)) {
if (isSharedConnection) {
} else {
* Collects EventData into EventDataBatch to send to Event Hubs. If {@code maxNumberOfBatches} is {@code null} then
* it'll collect as many batches as possible. Otherwise, if there are more events than can fit into {@code
* maxNumberOfBatches}, then the collector throws a {@link AmqpException} with {@link
private static class EventDataCollector implements Collector<EventData, List<EventDataBatch>,
List<EventDataBatch>> {
private final String partitionKey;
private final String partitionId;
private final int maxMessageSize;
private final Integer maxNumberOfBatches;
private final ErrorContextProvider contextProvider;
private final TracerProvider tracerProvider;
private final String entityPath;
private final String hostname;
private volatile EventDataBatch currentBatch;
EventDataCollector(CreateBatchOptions options, Integer maxNumberOfBatches, ErrorContextProvider contextProvider,
TracerProvider tracerProvider, String entityPath, String hostname) {
this.maxNumberOfBatches = maxNumberOfBatches;
this.maxMessageSize = options.getMaximumSizeInBytes() > 0
? options.getMaximumSizeInBytes()
this.partitionKey = options.getPartitionKey();
this.partitionId = options.getPartitionId();
this.contextProvider = contextProvider;
this.tracerProvider = tracerProvider;
this.entityPath = entityPath;
this.hostname = hostname;
currentBatch = new EventDataBatch(maxMessageSize, partitionId, partitionKey, contextProvider,
tracerProvider, entityPath, hostname);
public Supplier<List<EventDataBatch>> supplier() {
return ArrayList::new;
public BiConsumer<List<EventDataBatch>, EventData> accumulator() {
return (list, event) -> {
EventDataBatch batch = currentBatch;
if (batch.tryAdd(event)) {
if (maxNumberOfBatches != null && list.size() == maxNumberOfBatches) {
final String message = String.format(Locale.US,
Messages.EVENT_DATA_DOES_NOT_FIT, maxNumberOfBatches);
throw new AmqpException(false, AmqpErrorCondition.LINK_PAYLOAD_SIZE_EXCEEDED, message,
currentBatch = new EventDataBatch(maxMessageSize, partitionId, partitionKey, contextProvider,
tracerProvider, entityPath, hostname);
public BinaryOperator<List<EventDataBatch>> combiner() {
return (existing, another) -> {
return existing;
public Function<List<EventDataBatch>, List<EventDataBatch>> finisher() {
return list -> {
EventDataBatch batch = currentBatch;
currentBatch = null;
if (batch != null) {
return list;
public Set<Characteristics> characteristics() {
return Collections.emptySet();