// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
package com.azure.messaging.eventgrid;
import com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceClientBuilder;
import com.azure.core.credential.AzureKeyCredential;
import com.azure.core.credential.AzureSasCredential;
import com.azure.core.credential.TokenCredential;
import com.azure.core.http.HttpClient;
import com.azure.core.http.HttpHeader;
import com.azure.core.http.HttpHeaders;
import com.azure.core.http.HttpPipeline;
import com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelineBuilder;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.AddDatePolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.AddHeadersPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.AzureKeyCredentialPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLoggingPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPipelinePolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPolicyProviders;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.RequestIdPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy;
import com.azure.core.models.CloudEvent;
import com.azure.core.util.BinaryData;
import com.azure.core.util.ClientOptions;
import com.azure.core.util.Configuration;
import com.azure.core.util.CoreUtils;
import com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger;
import com.azure.core.util.tracing.TracerProxy;
import com.azure.messaging.eventgrid.implementation.CloudEventTracingPipelinePolicy;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
* A Builder class to create service clients that can publish events to EventGrid.
* @see EventGridPublisherAsyncClient
* @see EventGridEvent
* @see CloudEvent
@ServiceClientBuilder(serviceClients = {EventGridPublisherClient.class, EventGridPublisherAsyncClient.class})
public final class EventGridPublisherClientBuilder {
private static final String AEG_SAS_KEY = "aeg-sas-key";
private static final String AEG_SAS_TOKEN = "aeg-sas-token";
private static final String EVENTGRID_PROPERTIES = "azure-messaging-eventgrid.properties";
private static final String NAME = "name";
private static final String VERSION = "version";
private static final String DEFAULT_EVENTGRID_SCOPE = "https://eventgrid.azure.net/.default";
private final String clientName;
private final String clientVersion;
private final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(EventGridPublisherClientBuilder.class);
private final List<HttpPipelinePolicy> policies = new ArrayList<>();
private ClientOptions clientOptions;
private Configuration configuration;
private AzureKeyCredential keyCredential;
private AzureSasCredential sasToken;
private TokenCredential tokenCredential;
private EventGridServiceVersion serviceVersion;
private String endpoint;
private HttpClient httpClient;
private HttpLogOptions httpLogOptions;
private HttpPipeline httpPipeline;
private RetryPolicy retryPolicy;
* Construct a new instance with default building settings. The endpoint and one credential method must be set
* in order for the client to be built.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder() {
this.httpLogOptions = new HttpLogOptions();
Map<String, String> properties = CoreUtils.getProperties(EVENTGRID_PROPERTIES);
clientName = properties.getOrDefault(NAME, "UnknownName");
clientVersion = properties.getOrDefault(VERSION, "UnknownVersion");
* Build a publisher client with asynchronous publishing methods and the current settings. An endpoint must be set,
* and either a pipeline with correct authentication must be set, or a credential must be set in the form of
* an {@link AzureSasCredential} or a {@link AzureKeyCredential} at the respective methods.
* All other settings have defaults and are optional.
* @return a publisher client with asynchronous publishing methods.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code endpoint} is null.
private <T> EventGridPublisherAsyncClient<T> buildAsyncClient(Class<T> eventClass) {
Objects.requireNonNull(endpoint, "'endpoint' is required and can not be null.");
EventGridServiceVersion buildServiceVersion = serviceVersion == null
? EventGridServiceVersion.getLatest()
: serviceVersion;
if (httpPipeline != null) {
return new EventGridPublisherAsyncClient<T>(httpPipeline, endpoint, buildServiceVersion, eventClass);
Configuration buildConfiguration = (configuration == null)
? Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration()
: configuration;
// Closest to API goes first, closest to wire goes last.
final List<HttpPipelinePolicy> httpPipelinePolicies = new ArrayList<>();
String applicationId =
clientOptions == null ? httpLogOptions.getApplicationId() : clientOptions.getApplicationId();
httpPipelinePolicies.add(new UserAgentPolicy(applicationId, clientName, clientVersion,
httpPipelinePolicies.add(new RequestIdPolicy());
httpPipelinePolicies.add(retryPolicy == null ? new RetryPolicy() : retryPolicy);
httpPipelinePolicies.add(new AddDatePolicy());
final int credentialCount = (sasToken != null ? 1 : 0) + (keyCredential != null ? 1 : 0)
+ (tokenCredential != null ? 1 : 0);
if (credentialCount > 1) {
throw logger.logExceptionAsError(
new IllegalStateException("More than 1 credentials are set while building a client. "
+ "You should set one and only one credential of type 'TokenCredential', 'AzureSasCredential', "
+ "or 'AzureKeyCredential'."));
} else if (credentialCount == 0) {
throw logger.logExceptionAsError(
new IllegalStateException("Missing credential information while building a client."
+ "You should set one and only one credential of type 'TokenCredential', 'AzureSasCredential', "
+ "or 'AzureKeyCredential'."));
if (sasToken != null) {
httpPipelinePolicies.add((context, next) -> {
context.getHttpRequest().getHeaders().set(AEG_SAS_TOKEN, sasToken.getSignature());
return next.process();
} else if (keyCredential != null) {
httpPipelinePolicies.add(new AzureKeyCredentialPolicy(AEG_SAS_KEY, keyCredential));
} else {
httpPipelinePolicies.add(new BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy(this.tokenCredential,
if (clientOptions != null) {
List<HttpHeader> httpHeaderList = new ArrayList<>();
clientOptions.getHeaders().forEach(header ->
httpHeaderList.add(new HttpHeader(header.getName(), header.getValue())));
policies.add(new AddHeadersPolicy(new HttpHeaders(httpHeaderList)));
if (TracerProxy.isTracingEnabled()) {
httpPipelinePolicies.add(new CloudEventTracingPipelinePolicy());
httpPipelinePolicies.add(new HttpLoggingPolicy(httpLogOptions));
HttpPipeline buildPipeline = new HttpPipelineBuilder()
.policies(httpPipelinePolicies.toArray(new HttpPipelinePolicy[0]))
return new EventGridPublisherAsyncClient<T>(buildPipeline, endpoint, buildServiceVersion, eventClass);
* Build a publisher client with synchronous publishing methods and the current settings. Endpoint and a credential
* must be set (either keyCredential or sharedAccessSignatureCredential), all other settings have defaults and/or are optional.
* Note that currently the asynchronous client created by the method above is the recommended version for higher
* performance, as the synchronous client simply blocks on the same asynchronous calls.
* @return a publisher client with synchronous publishing methods.
private <T> EventGridPublisherClient<T> buildClient(Class<T> eventClass) {
return new EventGridPublisherClient<T>(buildAsyncClient(eventClass));
* Add a policy to the current pipeline.
* @param httpPipelinePolicy the policy to add.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder addPolicy(HttpPipelinePolicy httpPipelinePolicy) {
return this;
* Add a custom retry policy to the pipeline. The default is {@link RetryPolicy#RetryPolicy()}
* @param retryPolicy the retry policy to add.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder retryPolicy(RetryPolicy retryPolicy) {
this.retryPolicy = retryPolicy;
return this;
* Sets the {@link ClientOptions} which enables various options to be set on the client. For example setting an
* {@code applicationId} using {@link ClientOptions#setApplicationId(String)} to configure
* the {@link UserAgentPolicy} for telemetry/monitoring purposes.
* <p>More About <a href="https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/general_azurecore.html#telemetry-policy">Azure Core: Telemetry policy</a>
* @param clientOptions the {@link ClientOptions} to be set on the client.
* @return The updated EventGridPublisherClientBuilder object.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder clientOptions(ClientOptions clientOptions) {
this.clientOptions = clientOptions;
return this;
* Set the configuration of HTTP and Azure values. A default is already set.
* @param configuration the configuration to use.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder configuration(Configuration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
return this;
* Set the domain or topic authentication using a key obtained from Azure CLI, Azure portal, or the ARM SDKs.
* @param credential the key credential to use to authorize the publisher client.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder credential(AzureKeyCredential credential) {
this.keyCredential = credential;
return this;
* Set the domain or topic authentication using an already obtained Shared Access Signature token.
* @param credential the sas credential to use.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder credential(AzureSasCredential credential) {
this.sasToken = credential;
return this;
* Set the domain or topic authentication using Azure Activity Directory authentication.
* Refer to <a href="https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/tree/main/sdk/identity/azure-identity">azure-identity</a>
* @param credential the token credential to use.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder credential(TokenCredential credential) {
this.tokenCredential = credential;
return this;
* Set the domain or topic endpoint. This is the address to publish events to.
* It must be the full url of the endpoint instead of just the hostname.
* @param endpoint the endpoint as a url.
* @return the builder itself.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code endpoint} is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code endpoint} cannot be parsed into a valid URL.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder endpoint(String endpoint) {
try {
new URL(Objects.requireNonNull(endpoint, "'endpoint' cannot be null."));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw logger.logExceptionAsWarning(new IllegalArgumentException("'endpoint' must be a valid URL", ex));
this.endpoint = endpoint;
return this;
* Set the HTTP Client that sends requests. Will use default if not set.
* @param httpClient the HTTP Client to use.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder httpClient(HttpClient httpClient) {
if (this.httpClient != null && httpClient == null) {
logger.info("Http client is set to null when it was not previously null");
this.httpClient = httpClient;
return this;
* Configure the logging of the HTTP requests and pipeline.
* @param httpLogOptions the log options to use.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder httpLogOptions(HttpLogOptions httpLogOptions) {
this.httpLogOptions = httpLogOptions;
return this;
* Set the HTTP pipeline to use when sending calls to the service.
* @param httpPipeline the pipeline to use.
* @return the builder itself.
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder pipeline(HttpPipeline httpPipeline) {
if (this.httpPipeline != null && httpPipeline == null) {
logger.info("Http client is set to null when it was not previously null");
this.httpPipeline = httpPipeline;
return this;
* Set the service version to use for requests to the event grid service. See {@link EventGridServiceVersion} for
* more information about possible service versions.
* @param serviceVersion the service version to set. By default this will use the latest available version.
* @return the builder itself
public EventGridPublisherClientBuilder serviceVersion(EventGridServiceVersion serviceVersion) {
this.serviceVersion = serviceVersion;
return this;
* Build a {@link CloudEvent} publisher client with asynchronous publishing methods and the current settings. An endpoint must be set,
* and either a pipeline with correct authentication must be set, or a credential must be set in the form of
* an {@link AzureSasCredential} or a {@link AzureKeyCredential} at the respective methods.
* All other settings have defaults and are optional.
* @return a publisher client with asynchronous publishing methods.
public EventGridPublisherAsyncClient<CloudEvent> buildCloudEventPublisherAsyncClient() {
return this.buildAsyncClient(CloudEvent.class);
* Build an {@link EventGridEvent} publisher client with asynchronous publishing methods and the current settings. An endpoint must be set,
* and either a pipeline with correct authentication must be set, or a credential must be set in the form of
* an {@link AzureSasCredential} or a {@link AzureKeyCredential} at the respective methods.
* All other settings have defaults and are optional.
* @return a publisher client with asynchronous publishing methods.
public EventGridPublisherAsyncClient<EventGridEvent> buildEventGridEventPublisherAsyncClient() {
return this.buildAsyncClient(EventGridEvent.class);
* Build a custom event publisher client with asynchronous publishing methods and the current settings. An endpoint must be set,
* and either a pipeline with correct authentication must be set, or a credential must be set in the form of
* an {@link AzureSasCredential} or a {@link AzureKeyCredential} at the respective methods.
* All other settings have defaults and are optional.
* @return a publisher client with asynchronous publishing methods.
public EventGridPublisherAsyncClient<BinaryData> buildCustomEventPublisherAsyncClient() {
return this.buildAsyncClient(BinaryData.class);
* Build a {@link CloudEvent} publisher client with synchronous publishing methods and the current settings. Endpoint and a credential
* must be set (either keyCredential or sharedAccessSignatureCredential), all other settings have defaults and/or are optional.
* @return a publisher client with synchronous publishing methods.
public EventGridPublisherClient<CloudEvent> buildCloudEventPublisherClient() {
return this.buildClient(CloudEvent.class);
* Build an {@link EventGridEvent} publisher client with synchronous publishing methods and the current settings. Endpoint and a credential
* must be set (either keyCredential or sharedAccessSignatureCredential), all other settings have defaults and/or are optional.
* @return a publisher client with synchronous publishing methods.
public EventGridPublisherClient<EventGridEvent> buildEventGridEventPublisherClient() {
return this.buildClient(EventGridEvent.class);
* Build a custom event publisher client with synchronous publishing methods and the current settings. Endpoint and a credential
* must be set (either keyCredential or sharedAccessSignatureCredential), all other settings have defaults and/or are optional.
* @return a publisher client with synchronous publishing methods.
public EventGridPublisherClient<BinaryData> buildCustomEventPublisherClient() {
return this.buildClient(BinaryData.class);