// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* Fluent credential builder for instantiating a {@link DeviceCodeCredential}.
* @see DeviceCodeCredential
public class DeviceCodeCredentialBuilder extends AadCredentialBuilderBase<DeviceCodeCredentialBuilder> {
private Consumer<DeviceCodeInfo> challengeConsumer =
deviceCodeInfo -> System.out.println(deviceCodeInfo.getMessage());
private boolean automaticAuthentication = true;
* Sets the consumer to meet the device code challenge. If not specified a default consumer is used which prints
* the device code info message to stdout.
* @param challengeConsumer A method allowing the user to meet the device code challenge.
* @return the InteractiveBrowserCredentialBuilder itself
public DeviceCodeCredentialBuilder challengeConsumer(
Consumer<DeviceCodeInfo> challengeConsumer) {
this.challengeConsumer = challengeConsumer;
return this;
* Configures the persistent shared token cache options and enables the persistent token cache which is disabled
* by default. If configured, the credential will store tokens in a cache persisted to the machine, protected to
* the current user, which can be shared by other credentials and processes.
* @param tokenCachePersistenceOptions the token cache configuration options
* @return An updated instance of this builder with the token cache options configured.
public DeviceCodeCredentialBuilder tokenCachePersistenceOptions(TokenCachePersistenceOptions
tokenCachePersistenceOptions) {
return this;
* Sets the {@link AuthenticationRecord} captured from a previous authentication.
* @param authenticationRecord the authentication record to be configured.
* @return An updated instance of this builder with the configured authentication record.
public DeviceCodeCredentialBuilder authenticationRecord(AuthenticationRecord authenticationRecord) {
return this;
* Disables the automatic authentication and prevents the {@link DeviceCodeCredential} from automatically
* prompting the user. If automatic authentication is disabled a {@link AuthenticationRequiredException}
* will be thrown from {@link DeviceCodeCredential#getToken(TokenRequestContext)} in the case that
* user interaction is necessary. The application is responsible for handling this exception, and
* calling {@link DeviceCodeCredential#authenticate()} or
* {@link DeviceCodeCredential#authenticate(TokenRequestContext)} to authenticate the user interactively.
* @return An updated instance of this builder with automatic authentication disabled.
public DeviceCodeCredentialBuilder disableAutomaticAuthentication() {
this.automaticAuthentication = false;
return this;
* Creates a new {@link DeviceCodeCredential} with the current configurations.
* @return a {@link DeviceCodeCredential} with the current configurations.
public DeviceCodeCredential build() {
String clientId = this.clientId != null ? this.clientId : IdentityConstants.DEVELOPER_SINGLE_SIGN_ON_ID;
return new DeviceCodeCredential(clientId, tenantId, challengeConsumer, automaticAuthentication,