// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import java.time.Duration;
import static;
import static;
* Provides a synchronous service client for accessing the Azure Tables service.
* <p>The client encapsulates the URL for the Tables service endpoint and the credentials for accessing the storage or
* CosmosDB table API account. It provides methods to create, delete, and list tables within the account. These methods
* invoke REST API operations to make the requests and obtain the results that are returned.</p>
* <p>Instances of this client are obtained by calling the {@link TableServiceClientBuilder#buildClient()} method on a
* {@link TableServiceClientBuilder} object.</p>
* <p><strong>Samples to construct a sync client</strong></p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* TableServiceClient tableServiceClient = new TableServiceClientBuilder()
* .endpoint("")
* .credential(new AzureNamedKeyCredential("name", "key"))
* .buildClient();
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @see TableServiceClientBuilder
@ServiceClient(builder = TableServiceClientBuilder.class)
public final class TableServiceClient {
private final TableServiceAsyncClient client;
TableServiceClient(TableServiceAsyncClient client) {
this.client = client;
* Gets the name of the account containing the table.
* @return The name of the account containing the table.
public String getAccountName() {
return client.getAccountName();
* Gets the endpoint for the Tables service.
* @return The endpoint for the Tables service.
public String getServiceEndpoint() {
return client.getServiceEndpoint();
* Gets the REST API version used by this client.
* @return The REST API version used by this client.
public TableServiceVersion getServiceVersion() {
return client.getServiceVersion();
* Gets the {@link HttpPipeline} powering this client.
* @return This client's {@link HttpPipeline}.
HttpPipeline getHttpPipeline() {
return client.getHttpPipeline();
* Generates an account SAS for the Azure Storage account using the specified
* {@link TableAccountSasSignatureValues}.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The client must be authenticated via {@link AzureNamedKeyCredential}.</p>
* <p>See {@link TableAccountSasSignatureValues} for more information on how to construct an account SAS.</p>
* @param tableAccountSasSignatureValues {@link TableAccountSasSignatureValues}.
* @return A {@code String} representing the SAS query parameters.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this {@link TableClient} is not authenticated with an
* {@link AzureNamedKeyCredential}.
public String generateAccountSas(TableAccountSasSignatureValues tableAccountSasSignatureValues) {
return client.generateAccountSas(tableAccountSasSignatureValues);
* Gets a {@link TableClient} instance for the table in the account with the provided {@code tableName}.
* @param tableName The name of the table.
* @return A {@link TableClient} instance for the table in the account with the provided {@code tableName}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code tableName} is {@code null} or empty.
public TableClient getTableClient(String tableName) {
return new TableClient(client.getTableClient(tableName));
* Creates a table within the Tables service.
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Creates a table. Prints out the details of the created table.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* TableClient tableClient = tableServiceClient.createTable("myTable");
* System.out.printf("Table with name '%s' was created.", tableClient.getTableName());
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param tableName The name of the table to create.
* @return A {@link TableClient} for the created table.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code tableName} is {@code null} or empty.
* @throws TableServiceException If a table with the same name already exists within the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public TableClient createTable(String tableName) {
return createTableWithResponse(tableName, null, null).getValue();
* Creates a table within the Tables service.
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Creates a table. Prints out the details of the {@link Response HTTP response} and the created table.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* Response<TableClient> response = tableServiceClient.createTableWithResponse("myTable", Duration.ofSeconds(5),
* new Context("key1", "value1"));
* System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Table with name '%s' was created.",
* response.getStatusCode(), response.getValue().getTableName());
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param tableName The name of the table to create.
* @param timeout An optional timeout value beyond which a {@link RuntimeException} will be raised.
* @param context Additional {@link Context} that is passed through the {@link HttpPipeline HTTP pipeline} during
* the service call.
* @return The {@link Response HTTP response} containing a {@link TableClient} for the created table.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code tableName} is {@code null} or empty.
* @throws TableServiceException If a table with the same name already exists within the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Response<TableClient> createTableWithResponse(String tableName, Duration timeout, Context context) {
return blockWithOptionalTimeout(createTableWithResponse(tableName, context), timeout);
Mono<Response<TableClient>> createTableWithResponse(String tableName, Context context) {
context = context == null ? Context.NONE : context;
final TableProperties properties = new TableProperties().setTableName(tableName);
try {
return client.getImplementation().getTables().createWithResponseAsync(properties, null,
ResponseFormat.RETURN_NO_CONTENT, null, context)
.map(response -> new SimpleResponse<>(response, getTableClient(tableName)));
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
return monoError(client.getLogger(), ex);
* Creates a table within the Tables service if the table does not already exist.
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Creates a table if it does not already exist. Prints out the details of the created table.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* TableClient tableClient = tableServiceClient.createTableIfNotExists("myTable");
* System.out.printf("Table with name '%s' was created.", tableClient.getTableName());
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param tableName The name of the table to create.
* @return A {@link TableClient} for the created table.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code tableName} is {@code null} or empty.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public TableClient createTableIfNotExists(String tableName) {
return createTableIfNotExistsWithResponse(tableName, null, null).getValue();
* Creates a table within the Tables service if the table does not already exist.
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Creates a table if it does not already exist. Prints out the details of the {@link Response HTTP response}
* and the created table.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* Response<TableClient> response =
* tableServiceClient.createTableIfNotExistsWithResponse("myTable", Duration.ofSeconds(5),
* new Context("key1", "value1"));
* System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Table with name '%s' was created.",
* response.getStatusCode(), response.getValue().getTableName());
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param tableName The name of the table to create.
* @param timeout An optional timeout value beyond which a {@link RuntimeException} will be raised.
* @param context Additional {@link Context} that is passed through the {@link HttpPipeline HTTP pipeline} during
* the service call.
* @return The {@link Response HTTP response} containing a {@link TableClient} for the created table.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code tableName} is {@code null} or empty.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Response<TableClient> createTableIfNotExistsWithResponse(String tableName, Duration timeout,
Context context) {
return blockWithOptionalTimeout(createTableIfNotExistsWithResponse(tableName, context), timeout);
Mono<Response<TableClient>> createTableIfNotExistsWithResponse(String tableName, Context context) {
return createTableWithResponse(tableName, context).onErrorResume(e -> e instanceof TableServiceException
&& ((TableServiceException) e).getResponse() != null
&& ((TableServiceException) e).getResponse().getStatusCode() == 409,
e -> {
HttpResponse response = ((TableServiceException) e).getResponse();
return Mono.just(new SimpleResponse<>(response.getRequest(), response.getStatusCode(),
response.getHeaders(), null));
* Deletes a table within the Tables service.
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Deletes a table.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* String tableName = "myTable";
* tableServiceClient.deleteTable(tableName);
* System.out.printf("Table with name '%s' was deleted.", tableName);
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param tableName The name of the table to delete.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code tableName} is {@code null} or empty.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public void deleteTable(String tableName) {
* Deletes a table within the Tables service.
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Deletes a table. Prints out the details of the {@link Response HTTP response}.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* String myTableName = "myTable";
* Response<Void> response = tableServiceClient.deleteTableWithResponse(myTableName, Duration.ofSeconds(5),
* new Context("key1", "value1"));
* System.out.printf("Response successful with status code: %d. Table with name '%s' was deleted.",
* response.getStatusCode(), myTableName);
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param tableName The name of the table to delete.
* @param timeout An optional timeout value beyond which a {@link RuntimeException} will be raised.
* @param context Additional {@link Context} that is passed through the {@link HttpPipeline HTTP pipeline} during
* the service call.
* @return The {@link Response HTTP response}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If {@code tableName} is {@code null} or empty.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Response<Void> deleteTableWithResponse(String tableName, Duration timeout, Context context) {
return blockWithOptionalTimeout(client.deleteTableWithResponse(tableName, context), timeout);
* Lists all tables within the account.
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Lists all tables. Prints out the details of the retrieved tables.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* PagedIterable<TableItem> tableItems = tableServiceClient.listTables();
* tableItems.forEach(tableItem ->
* System.out.printf("Retrieved table with name '%s'.%n", tableItem.getName()));
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @return A {@link PagedIterable} containing all tables within the account.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public PagedIterable<TableItem> listTables() {
return new PagedIterable<>(client.listTables());
* If the {@code filter} parameter in the options is set, only tables matching the filter will be returned. If the
* {@code top} parameter is set, the maximum number of returned tables per page will be limited to that value.
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Lists all tables that match the filter. Prints out the details of the retrieved tables.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* ListTablesOptions options = new ListTablesOptions().setFilter("TableName eq 'myTable'");
* PagedIterable<TableItem> retrievedTableItems = tableServiceClient.listTables(options, Duration.ofSeconds(5),
* new Context("key1", "value1"));
* retrievedTableItems.forEach(tableItem ->
* System.out.printf("Retrieved table with name '%s'.%n", tableItem.getName()));
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param options The {@code filter} and {@code top} OData query options to apply to this operation.
* @param timeout An optional timeout value beyond which a {@link RuntimeException} will be raised.
* @param context Additional {@link Context} that is passed through the {@link HttpPipeline HTTP pipeline} during
* the service call.
* @return A {@link PagedIterable} containing matching tables within the account.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If one or more of the OData query options in {@code options} is malformed.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public PagedIterable<TableItem> listTables(ListTablesOptions options, Duration timeout, Context context) {
return new PagedIterable<>(client.listTables(options, context, timeout));
* Gets the properties of the account's Table service, including properties for Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin
* Resource Sharing) rules.
* <p>This operation is only supported on Azure Storage endpoints.</p>
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Gets the properties of the account's Table service.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* TableServiceProperties properties = tableServiceClient.getProperties();
* System.out.print("Retrieved service properties successfully.");
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @return The {@link TableServiceProperties properties} of the account's Table service.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public TableServiceProperties getProperties() {
return client.getProperties().block();
* Gets the properties of the account's Table service, including properties for Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin
* Resource Sharing) rules.
* <p>This operation is only supported on Azure Storage endpoints.</p>
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Gets the properties of the account's Table service. Prints out the details of the
* {@link Response HTTP response}.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* Response<TableServiceProperties> response =
* tableServiceClient.getPropertiesWithResponse(Duration.ofSeconds(5), new Context("key1", "value1"));
* System.out.printf("Retrieved service properties successfully with status code: %d.", response.getStatusCode());
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param timeout An optional timeout value beyond which a {@link RuntimeException} will be raised.
* @param context Additional {@link Context} that is passed through the {@link HttpPipeline HTTP pipeline} during
* the service call.
* @return The {@link Response HTTP response} and the {@link TableServiceProperties properties} of the account's
* Table service.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Response<TableServiceProperties> getPropertiesWithResponse(Duration timeout, Context context) {
return blockWithOptionalTimeout(client.getPropertiesWithResponse(context), timeout);
* Sets the properties of the account's Table service, including properties for Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin
* Resource Sharing) rules.
* <p>This operation is only supported on Azure Storage endpoints.</p>
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Sets the properties of the account's Table service.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* TableServiceProperties properties = new TableServiceProperties()
* .setHourMetrics(new TableServiceMetrics()
* .setVersion("1.0")
* .setEnabled(true))
* .setLogging(new TableServiceLogging()
* .setAnalyticsVersion("1.0")
* .setReadLogged(true)
* .setRetentionPolicy(new TableServiceRetentionPolicy()
* .setEnabled(true)
* .setDaysToRetain(5)));
* tableServiceClient.setProperties(properties);
* System.out.print("Set service properties successfully.");
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param tableServiceProperties The {@link TableServiceProperties} to set.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public void setProperties(TableServiceProperties tableServiceProperties) {
* Sets the properties of an account's Table service, including properties for Analytics and CORS (Cross-Origin
* Resource Sharing) rules.
* <p>This operation is only supported on Azure Storage endpoints.</p>
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Sets the properties of the account's Table service. Prints out the details of the
* {@link Response HTTP response}.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* TableServiceProperties myProperties = new TableServiceProperties()
* .setHourMetrics(new TableServiceMetrics()
* .setVersion("1.0")
* .setEnabled(true))
* .setLogging(new TableServiceLogging()
* .setAnalyticsVersion("1.0")
* .setReadLogged(true)
* .setRetentionPolicy(new TableServiceRetentionPolicy()
* .setEnabled(true)
* .setDaysToRetain(5)));
* Response<Void> response = tableServiceClient.setPropertiesWithResponse(myProperties, Duration.ofSeconds(5),
* new Context("key1", "value1"));
* System.out.printf("Retrieved service properties successfully with status code: %d.", response.getStatusCode());
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param tableServiceProperties The {@link TableServiceProperties} to set.
* @param timeout An optional timeout value beyond which a {@link RuntimeException} will be raised.
* @param context Additional {@link Context} that is passed through the {@link HttpPipeline HTTP pipeline} during
* the service call.
* @return The {@link Response HTTP response}.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Response<Void> setPropertiesWithResponse(TableServiceProperties tableServiceProperties, Duration timeout,
Context context) {
return blockWithOptionalTimeout(client.setPropertiesWithResponse(tableServiceProperties, context), timeout);
* Retrieves statistics related to replication for the account's Table service. It is only available on the
* secondary location endpoint when read-access geo-redundant replication is enabled for the account.
* <p>This operation is only supported on Azure Storage endpoints.</p>
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Gets the replication statistics of the account's Table service.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* TableServiceStatistics statistics = tableServiceClient.getStatistics();
* System.out.print("Retrieved service statistics successfully.");
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @return {@link TableServiceStatistics Statistics} for the account's Table service.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public TableServiceStatistics getStatistics() {
return client.getStatistics().block();
* Retrieves statistics related to replication for the account's Table service. It is only available on the
* secondary location endpoint when read-access geo-redundant replication is enabled for the account.
* <p>This operation is only supported on Azure Storage endpoints.</p>
* <p><strong>Code Samples</strong></p>
* <p>Gets the replication statistics of the account's Table service. Prints out the details of the
* {@link Response HTTP response}.</p>
* <!-- src_embed -->
* <pre>
* Response<TableServiceStatistics> response = tableServiceClient.getStatisticsWithResponse(Duration.ofSeconds(5),
* new Context("key1", "value1"));
* System.out.printf("Retrieved service statistics successfully with status code: %d.",
* response.getStatusCode());
* </pre>
* <!-- end -->
* @param timeout An optional timeout value beyond which a {@link RuntimeException} will be raised.
* @param context Additional {@link Context} that is passed through the {@link HttpPipeline HTTP pipeline} during
* the service call.
* @return An {@link Response HTTP response} containing {@link TableServiceStatistics statistics} for the
* account's Table service.
* @throws TableServiceException If the request is rejected by the service.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Response<TableServiceStatistics> getStatisticsWithResponse(Duration timeout, Context context) {
return blockWithOptionalTimeout(client.getStatisticsWithResponse(context), timeout);