// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// TODO: DANOBLE: Use a TransportException derivative wherever CorruptFrameException is thrown in RntbdTransportClient
// * Continue to throw IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, and NullPointerException.
// * Continue to complete all pending requests with a GoneException.
// Customers should then expect to see these causes for GoneException errors originating in RntbdTransportClient:
// - TransportException
// - ReadTimeoutException
// - WriteTimeoutException
// These causes for GoneException errors will be logged as issues because they indicate a problem in the
// RntbdTransportClient code:
// - IllegalArgumentException
// - IllegalStateException
// - NullPointerException
// Any other exceptions caught by the RntbdTransportClient code will also be logged as issues because they
// indicate something unexpected happened.
// We throw a derivative in one place: RntbdContextException in RntbdContext.decode. This is a special case
// that is handled by RntbdRequestManager.userEventTriggered.
// * The Exceptional Performance of Lil' Exception
public class TransportException extends RuntimeException {
public TransportException(String message, Throwable cause) {
super(message, cause, /* enableSuppression */ true, /* writableStackTrace */ false);