// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
/** An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in PhoneNumbers. */
public final class PhoneNumbersImpl {
/** The proxy service used to perform REST calls. */
private final PhoneNumbersService service;
/** The service client containing this operation class. */
private final PhoneNumberAdminClientImpl client;
* Initializes an instance of PhoneNumbersImpl.
* @param client the instance of the service client containing this operation class.
PhoneNumbersImpl(PhoneNumberAdminClientImpl client) {
this.service =
RestProxy.create(PhoneNumbersService.class, client.getHttpPipeline(), client.getSerializerAdapter());
this.client = client;
* The interface defining all the services for PhoneNumberAdminClientPhoneNumbers to be used by the proxy service to
* perform REST calls.
@ServiceInterface(name = "PhoneNumberAdminClie")
private interface PhoneNumbersService {
Mono<PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse> searchAvailablePhoneNumbers(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@PathParam("countryCode") String countryCode,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
@BodyParam("application/json") PhoneNumberSearchRequest body,
Context context);
Mono<Response<PhoneNumberSearchResult>> getSearchResult(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@PathParam("searchId") String searchId,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
Context context);
Mono<PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersResponse> purchasePhoneNumbers(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
@BodyParam("application/json") PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest body,
Context context);
Mono<PhoneNumbersGetOperationResponse> getOperation(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@PathParam("operationId") String operationId,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
Context context);
Mono<Response<Void>> cancelOperation(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@PathParam("operationId") String operationId,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
Context context);
Mono<PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesResponse> updateCapabilities(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@PathParam("phoneNumber") String phoneNumber,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
@BodyParam("application/merge-patch+json") PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest body,
Context context);
Mono<Response<PurchasedPhoneNumber>> getByNumber(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@PathParam("phoneNumber") String phoneNumber,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
Context context);
Mono<PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberResponse> releasePhoneNumber(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@PathParam("phoneNumber") String phoneNumber,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
Context context);
Mono<Response<PurchasedPhoneNumbers>> listPhoneNumbers(
@HostParam("endpoint") String endpoint,
@QueryParam("skip") Integer skip,
@QueryParam("top") Integer top,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
Context context);
Mono<Response<PurchasedPhoneNumbers>> listPhoneNumbersNext(
@PathParam(value = "nextLink", encoded = true) String nextLink, Context context);
* Search for available phone numbers to purchase.
* @param countryCode The ISO 3166-2 country code, e.g. US.
* @param body Represents a phone number search request to find phone numbers. Found phone numbers are temporarily
* held for a following purchase.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the result of a phone number search operation.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse> searchAvailablePhoneNumbersWithResponseAsync(
String countryCode, PhoneNumberSearchRequest body) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), countryCode, this.client.getApiVersion(), body, context));
* Search for available phone numbers to purchase.
* @param countryCode The ISO 3166-2 country code, e.g. US.
* @param body Represents a phone number search request to find phone numbers. Found phone numbers are temporarily
* held for a following purchase.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the result of a phone number search operation.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse> searchAvailablePhoneNumbersWithResponseAsync(
String countryCode, PhoneNumberSearchRequest body, Context context) {
return service.searchAvailablePhoneNumbers(
this.client.getEndpoint(), countryCode, this.client.getApiVersion(), body, context);
* Search for available phone numbers to purchase.
* @param countryCode The ISO 3166-2 country code, e.g. US.
* @param body Represents a phone number search request to find phone numbers. Found phone numbers are temporarily
* held for a following purchase.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the result of a phone number search operation.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumberSearchResult> searchAvailablePhoneNumbersAsync(
String countryCode, PhoneNumberSearchRequest body) {
return searchAvailablePhoneNumbersWithResponseAsync(countryCode, body)
(PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Search for available phone numbers to purchase.
* @param countryCode The ISO 3166-2 country code, e.g. US.
* @param body Represents a phone number search request to find phone numbers. Found phone numbers are temporarily
* held for a following purchase.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the result of a phone number search operation.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumberSearchResult> searchAvailablePhoneNumbersAsync(
String countryCode, PhoneNumberSearchRequest body, Context context) {
return searchAvailablePhoneNumbersWithResponseAsync(countryCode, body, context)
(PhoneNumbersSearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResponse res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Search for available phone numbers to purchase.
* @param countryCode The ISO 3166-2 country code, e.g. US.
* @param body Represents a phone number search request to find phone numbers. Found phone numbers are temporarily
* held for a following purchase.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the result of a phone number search operation.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PhoneNumberSearchResult searchAvailablePhoneNumbers(String countryCode, PhoneNumberSearchRequest body) {
return searchAvailablePhoneNumbersAsync(countryCode, body).block();
* Search for available phone numbers to purchase.
* @param countryCode The ISO 3166-2 country code, e.g. US.
* @param body Represents a phone number search request to find phone numbers. Found phone numbers are temporarily
* held for a following purchase.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the result of a phone number search operation.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PhoneNumberSearchResult searchAvailablePhoneNumbers(
String countryCode, PhoneNumberSearchRequest body, Context context) {
return searchAvailablePhoneNumbersAsync(countryCode, body, context).block();
* Gets a phone number search result by search id.
* @param searchId The search Id.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return a phone number search result by search id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Response<PhoneNumberSearchResult>> getSearchResultWithResponseAsync(String searchId) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), searchId, this.client.getApiVersion(), context));
* Gets a phone number search result by search id.
* @param searchId The search Id.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return a phone number search result by search id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Response<PhoneNumberSearchResult>> getSearchResultWithResponseAsync(String searchId, Context context) {
return service.getSearchResult(this.client.getEndpoint(), searchId, this.client.getApiVersion(), context);
* Gets a phone number search result by search id.
* @param searchId The search Id.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return a phone number search result by search id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumberSearchResult> getSearchResultAsync(String searchId) {
return getSearchResultWithResponseAsync(searchId)
(Response<PhoneNumberSearchResult> res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Gets a phone number search result by search id.
* @param searchId The search Id.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return a phone number search result by search id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumberSearchResult> getSearchResultAsync(String searchId, Context context) {
return getSearchResultWithResponseAsync(searchId, context)
(Response<PhoneNumberSearchResult> res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Gets a phone number search result by search id.
* @param searchId The search Id.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return a phone number search result by search id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PhoneNumberSearchResult getSearchResult(String searchId) {
return getSearchResultAsync(searchId).block();
* Gets a phone number search result by search id.
* @param searchId The search Id.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return a phone number search result by search id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PhoneNumberSearchResult getSearchResult(String searchId, Context context) {
return getSearchResultAsync(searchId, context).block();
* Purchases phone numbers.
* @param body The phone number search purchase request.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersResponse> purchasePhoneNumbersWithResponseAsync(
PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest body) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(), body, context));
* Purchases phone numbers.
* @param body The phone number search purchase request.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersResponse> purchasePhoneNumbersWithResponseAsync(
PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest body, Context context) {
return service.purchasePhoneNumbers(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(), body, context);
* Purchases phone numbers.
* @param body The phone number search purchase request.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> purchasePhoneNumbersAsync(PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest body) {
return purchasePhoneNumbersWithResponseAsync(body)
.flatMap((PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersResponse res) -> Mono.empty());
* Purchases phone numbers.
* @param body The phone number search purchase request.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> purchasePhoneNumbersAsync(PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest body, Context context) {
return purchasePhoneNumbersWithResponseAsync(body, context)
.flatMap((PhoneNumbersPurchasePhoneNumbersResponse res) -> Mono.empty());
* Purchases phone numbers.
* @param body The phone number search purchase request.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public void purchasePhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest body) {
* Purchases phone numbers.
* @param body The phone number search purchase request.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public void purchasePhoneNumbers(PhoneNumberPurchaseRequest body, Context context) {
purchasePhoneNumbersAsync(body, context).block();
* Gets an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return an operation by its id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersGetOperationResponse> getOperationWithResponseAsync(String operationId) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), operationId, this.client.getApiVersion(), context));
* Gets an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return an operation by its id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersGetOperationResponse> getOperationWithResponseAsync(String operationId, Context context) {
return service.getOperation(this.client.getEndpoint(), operationId, this.client.getApiVersion(), context);
* Gets an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return an operation by its id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumberRawOperation> getOperationAsync(String operationId) {
return getOperationWithResponseAsync(operationId)
(PhoneNumbersGetOperationResponse res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Gets an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return an operation by its id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumberRawOperation> getOperationAsync(String operationId, Context context) {
return getOperationWithResponseAsync(operationId, context)
(PhoneNumbersGetOperationResponse res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Gets an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return an operation by its id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PhoneNumberRawOperation getOperation(String operationId) {
return getOperationAsync(operationId).block();
* Gets an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return an operation by its id.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PhoneNumberRawOperation getOperation(String operationId, Context context) {
return getOperationAsync(operationId, context).block();
* Cancels an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Response<Void>> cancelOperationWithResponseAsync(String operationId) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), operationId, this.client.getApiVersion(), context));
* Cancels an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Response<Void>> cancelOperationWithResponseAsync(String operationId, Context context) {
return service.cancelOperation(this.client.getEndpoint(), operationId, this.client.getApiVersion(), context);
* Cancels an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> cancelOperationAsync(String operationId) {
return cancelOperationWithResponseAsync(operationId).flatMap((Response<Void> res) -> Mono.empty());
* Cancels an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> cancelOperationAsync(String operationId, Context context) {
return cancelOperationWithResponseAsync(operationId, context).flatMap((Response<Void> res) -> Mono.empty());
* Cancels an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public void cancelOperation(String operationId) {
* Cancels an operation by its id.
* @param operationId The id of the operation.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public void cancelOperation(String operationId, Context context) {
cancelOperationAsync(operationId, context).block();
* Updates the capabilities of a phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B, e.g.
* +11234567890.
* @param body Capabilities of a phone number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return represents a purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesResponse> updateCapabilitiesWithResponseAsync(
String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest body) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), phoneNumber, this.client.getApiVersion(), body, context));
* Updates the capabilities of a phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B, e.g.
* +11234567890.
* @param body Capabilities of a phone number.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return represents a purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesResponse> updateCapabilitiesWithResponseAsync(
String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest body, Context context) {
return service.updateCapabilities(
this.client.getEndpoint(), phoneNumber, this.client.getApiVersion(), body, context);
* Updates the capabilities of a phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B, e.g.
* +11234567890.
* @param body Capabilities of a phone number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return represents a purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PurchasedPhoneNumber> updateCapabilitiesAsync(String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest body) {
return updateCapabilitiesWithResponseAsync(phoneNumber, body)
(PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesResponse res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Updates the capabilities of a phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B, e.g.
* +11234567890.
* @param body Capabilities of a phone number.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return represents a purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PurchasedPhoneNumber> updateCapabilitiesAsync(
String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest body, Context context) {
return updateCapabilitiesWithResponseAsync(phoneNumber, body, context)
(PhoneNumbersUpdateCapabilitiesResponse res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Updates the capabilities of a phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B, e.g.
* +11234567890.
* @param body Capabilities of a phone number.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return represents a purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PurchasedPhoneNumber updateCapabilities(String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest body) {
return updateCapabilitiesAsync(phoneNumber, body).block();
* Updates the capabilities of a phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The phone number id in E.164 format. The leading plus can be either + or encoded as %2B, e.g.
* +11234567890.
* @param body Capabilities of a phone number.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return represents a purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PurchasedPhoneNumber updateCapabilities(
String phoneNumber, PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest body, Context context) {
return updateCapabilitiesAsync(phoneNumber, body, context).block();
* Gets the details of the given purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The purchased phone number whose details are to be fetched in E.164 format, e.g. +11234567890.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the details of the given purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Response<PurchasedPhoneNumber>> getByNumberWithResponseAsync(String phoneNumber) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), phoneNumber, this.client.getApiVersion(), context));
* Gets the details of the given purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The purchased phone number whose details are to be fetched in E.164 format, e.g. +11234567890.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the details of the given purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Response<PurchasedPhoneNumber>> getByNumberWithResponseAsync(String phoneNumber, Context context) {
return service.getByNumber(this.client.getEndpoint(), phoneNumber, this.client.getApiVersion(), context);
* Gets the details of the given purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The purchased phone number whose details are to be fetched in E.164 format, e.g. +11234567890.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the details of the given purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PurchasedPhoneNumber> getByNumberAsync(String phoneNumber) {
return getByNumberWithResponseAsync(phoneNumber)
(Response<PurchasedPhoneNumber> res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Gets the details of the given purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The purchased phone number whose details are to be fetched in E.164 format, e.g. +11234567890.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the details of the given purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PurchasedPhoneNumber> getByNumberAsync(String phoneNumber, Context context) {
return getByNumberWithResponseAsync(phoneNumber, context)
(Response<PurchasedPhoneNumber> res) -> {
if (res.getValue() != null) {
return Mono.just(res.getValue());
} else {
return Mono.empty();
* Gets the details of the given purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The purchased phone number whose details are to be fetched in E.164 format, e.g. +11234567890.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the details of the given purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PurchasedPhoneNumber getByNumber(String phoneNumber) {
return getByNumberAsync(phoneNumber).block();
* Gets the details of the given purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber The purchased phone number whose details are to be fetched in E.164 format, e.g. +11234567890.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the details of the given purchased phone number.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public PurchasedPhoneNumber getByNumber(String phoneNumber, Context context) {
return getByNumberAsync(phoneNumber, context).block();
* Releases a purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber Phone number to be released, e.g. +11234567890.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberResponse> releasePhoneNumberWithResponseAsync(String phoneNumber) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), phoneNumber, this.client.getApiVersion(), context));
* Releases a purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber Phone number to be released, e.g. +11234567890.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberResponse> releasePhoneNumberWithResponseAsync(
String phoneNumber, Context context) {
return service.releasePhoneNumber(this.client.getEndpoint(), phoneNumber, this.client.getApiVersion(), context);
* Releases a purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber Phone number to be released, e.g. +11234567890.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> releasePhoneNumberAsync(String phoneNumber) {
return releasePhoneNumberWithResponseAsync(phoneNumber)
.flatMap((PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberResponse res) -> Mono.empty());
* Releases a purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber Phone number to be released, e.g. +11234567890.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the completion.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<Void> releasePhoneNumberAsync(String phoneNumber, Context context) {
return releasePhoneNumberWithResponseAsync(phoneNumber, context)
.flatMap((PhoneNumbersReleasePhoneNumberResponse res) -> Mono.empty());
* Releases a purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber Phone number to be released, e.g. +11234567890.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public void releasePhoneNumber(String phoneNumber) {
* Releases a purchased phone number.
* @param phoneNumber Phone number to be released, e.g. +11234567890.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public void releasePhoneNumber(String phoneNumber, Context context) {
releasePhoneNumberAsync(phoneNumber, context).block();
* Gets the list of all purchased phone numbers.
* @param skip An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0.
* @param top An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is
* 100.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the list of all purchased phone numbers.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PagedResponse<PurchasedPhoneNumber>> listPhoneNumbersSinglePageAsync(Integer skip, Integer top) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(
context ->
this.client.getEndpoint(), skip, top, this.client.getApiVersion(), context))
res ->
new PagedResponseBase<>(
* Gets the list of all purchased phone numbers.
* @param skip An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0.
* @param top An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is
* 100.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the list of all purchased phone numbers.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PagedResponse<PurchasedPhoneNumber>> listPhoneNumbersSinglePageAsync(
Integer skip, Integer top, Context context) {
return service.listPhoneNumbers(this.client.getEndpoint(), skip, top, this.client.getApiVersion(), context)
res ->
new PagedResponseBase<>(
* Gets the list of all purchased phone numbers.
* @param skip An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0.
* @param top An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is
* 100.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the list of all purchased phone numbers.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public PagedFlux<PurchasedPhoneNumber> listPhoneNumbersAsync(Integer skip, Integer top) {
return new PagedFlux<>(
() -> listPhoneNumbersSinglePageAsync(skip, top),
nextLink -> listPhoneNumbersNextSinglePageAsync(nextLink));
* Gets the list of all purchased phone numbers.
* @param skip An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0.
* @param top An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is
* 100.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the list of all purchased phone numbers.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public PagedFlux<PurchasedPhoneNumber> listPhoneNumbersAsync(Integer skip, Integer top, Context context) {
return new PagedFlux<>(
() -> listPhoneNumbersSinglePageAsync(skip, top, context),
nextLink -> listPhoneNumbersNextSinglePageAsync(nextLink, context));
* Gets the list of all purchased phone numbers.
* @param skip An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0.
* @param top An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is
* 100.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the list of all purchased phone numbers.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public PagedIterable<PurchasedPhoneNumber> listPhoneNumbers(Integer skip, Integer top) {
return new PagedIterable<>(listPhoneNumbersAsync(skip, top));
* Gets the list of all purchased phone numbers.
* @param skip An optional parameter for how many entries to skip, for pagination purposes. The default value is 0.
* @param top An optional parameter for how many entries to return, for pagination purposes. The default value is
* 100.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the list of all purchased phone numbers.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public PagedIterable<PurchasedPhoneNumber> listPhoneNumbers(Integer skip, Integer top, Context context) {
return new PagedIterable<>(listPhoneNumbersAsync(skip, top, context));
* Get the next page of items.
* @param nextLink The nextLink parameter.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the list of purchased phone numbers.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PagedResponse<PurchasedPhoneNumber>> listPhoneNumbersNextSinglePageAsync(String nextLink) {
return FluxUtil.withContext(context -> service.listPhoneNumbersNext(nextLink, context))
res ->
new PagedResponseBase<>(
* Get the next page of items.
* @param nextLink The nextLink parameter.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws CommunicationErrorResponseException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
* @return the list of purchased phone numbers.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public Mono<PagedResponse<PurchasedPhoneNumber>> listPhoneNumbersNextSinglePageAsync(
String nextLink, Context context) {
return service.listPhoneNumbersNext(nextLink, context)
res ->
new PagedResponseBase<>(