// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.



import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

 * Synchronous client that supports calling server operations.
 * <p><strong>Instantiating a synchronous Calling Server Client</strong></p>
 * <!-- src_embed -->
 * <pre>
 * HttpPipeline pipeline = new HttpPipelineBuilder&#40;&#41;
 *     .policies&#40;&#47;* add policies *&#47;&#41;
 *     .build&#40;&#41;;
 * CallingServerClient callingServerClient = new CallingServerClientBuilder&#40;&#41;
 *     .pipeline&#40;pipeline&#41;
 *     .connectionString&#40;connectionString&#41;
 *     .buildClient&#40;&#41;;
 * </pre>
 * <!-- end -->
 * <p>View {@link CallingServerClientBuilder this} for additional ways to construct the client.</p>
 * @see CallingServerClientBuilder
@ServiceClient(builder = CallingServerClientBuilder.class)
public final class CallingServerClient {
    private final CallingServerAsyncClient callingServerAsyncClient;

    CallingServerClient(CallingServerAsyncClient callingServerAsyncClient) {
        this.callingServerAsyncClient = callingServerAsyncClient;

     * Create a call connection request from source identity to targets identity.
     * @param source The source of the call.
     * @param targets The targets of the call.
     * @param createCallOptions The call Options.
     * @throws CallingServerErrorException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
     * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
     * @return Response for a successful CreateCallConnection request.
     * <!-- src_embed -->
     * <pre>
     * List&lt;CommunicationIdentifier&gt; targets = Arrays.asList&#40;firstCallee, secondCallee&#41;;
     * List&lt;MediaType&gt; requestedMediaTypes = Arrays.asList&#40;MediaType.AUDIO, MediaType.VIDEO&#41;;
     * List&lt;EventSubscriptionType&gt; requestedCallEvents = Arrays.asList&#40;
     *     EventSubscriptionType.DTMF_RECEIVED,
     *     EventSubscriptionType.PARTICIPANTS_UPDATED&#41;;
     * CreateCallOptions createCallOptions = new CreateCallOptions&#40;
     *     callbackUri,
     *     requestedMediaTypes,
     *     requestedCallEvents&#41;;
     * CallConnection callConnection = callingServerClient.createCallConnection&#40;source, targets, createCallOptions&#41;;
     * </pre>
     * <!-- end -->
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public CallConnection createCallConnection(
        CommunicationIdentifier source,
        List<CommunicationIdentifier> targets,
        CreateCallOptions createCallOptions) {
        return callingServerAsyncClient.createCallConnectionInternal(source, targets, createCallOptions).block();

     * Create a Call Connection Request from source identity to targets identity.
     * @param source The source of the call.
     * @param targets The targets of the call.
     * @param createCallOptions The call Options.
     * @param context A {@link Context} representing the request context.
     * @throws CallingServerErrorException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
     * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
     * @return Response for a successful CreateCallConnection request.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Response<CallConnection> createCallConnectionWithResponse(
        CommunicationIdentifier source,
        List<CommunicationIdentifier> targets,
        CreateCallOptions createCallOptions,
        final Context context) {
        return callingServerAsyncClient
            .createCallConnectionWithResponseInternal(source, targets, createCallOptions, context).block();

     * Join a call
     * @param serverCallId The server call id.
     * @param source of Join Call request.
     * @param joinCallOptions to Join Call.
     * @throws CallingServerErrorException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
     * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
     * @return CallConnection for a successful join request.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public CallConnection joinCall(
        String serverCallId,
        CommunicationIdentifier source,
        JoinCallOptions joinCallOptions) {
        return callingServerAsyncClient.joinInternal(serverCallId, source, joinCallOptions).block();

     * Join a call
     * @param serverCallId The server call id.
     * @param source of Join Call request.
     * @param joinCallOptions to Join Call.
     * @throws CallingServerErrorException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
     * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
     * @param context A {@link Context} representing the request context.
     * @return Response for a successful join request.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Response<CallConnection> joinCallWithResponse(
        String serverCallId,
        CommunicationIdentifier source,
        JoinCallOptions joinCallOptions,
        final Context context) {
        return callingServerAsyncClient.joinWithResponseInternal(serverCallId, source, joinCallOptions, context).block();

     * Get CallConnection object
     * @param callConnectionId The call connection id.
     * @return CallConnection.
    public CallConnection getCallConnection(String callConnectionId) {
        return callingServerAsyncClient.getCallConnectionInternal(callConnectionId);

     * Get ServerCall object
     * @param serverCallId Server call id.
     * @return ServerCall
    public ServerCall initializeServerCall(String serverCallId) {
        return callingServerAsyncClient.initializeServerCallInternal(serverCallId);

     * Download the recording content, e.g. Recording's metadata, Recording video, etc., from
     * {@code endpoint} and write it into the {@link OutputStream} passed as parameter.
     * @param sourceEndpoint - ACS URL where the content is located.
     * @param destinationStream - A stream where to write the downloaded content.
     * @param httpRange - An optional {@link HttpRange} value containing the range of bytes to download. If missing,
     *                  the whole content will be downloaded.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public void downloadTo(String sourceEndpoint, OutputStream destinationStream, HttpRange httpRange) {
        downloadToWithResponse(sourceEndpoint, destinationStream, httpRange, null);

     * Download the recording content, e.g. Recording's metadata, Recording video, etc., from
     * {@code endpoint} and write it in the {@link OutputStream} passed as parameter.
     * @param sourceEndpoint - ACS URL where the content is located.
     * @param destinationStream - A stream where to write the downloaded content.
     * @param httpRange - An optional {@link HttpRange} value containing the range of bytes to download. If missing,
     *                  the whole content will be downloaded.
     * @param context A {@link Context} representing the request context.
     * @return Response containing the http response information from the download.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Response<Void> downloadToWithResponse(String sourceEndpoint,
                                                 OutputStream destinationStream,
                                                 HttpRange httpRange,
                                                 final Context context) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(sourceEndpoint, "'sourceEndpoint' cannot be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(destinationStream, "'destinationStream' cannot be null");
        return callingServerAsyncClient
            .downloadToWithResponse(sourceEndpoint, destinationStream, httpRange, context)

     * Download the content located in {@code endpoint} into a file marked by {@code path}.
     * This download will be done using parallel workers.
     * @param sourceEndpoint - ACS URL where the content is located.
     * @param destinationPath - File location.
     * @param parallelDownloadOptions - an optional {@link ParallelDownloadOptions} object to modify how the parallel
     *                               download will work.
     * @param overwrite - True to overwrite the file if it exists.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public void downloadTo(String sourceEndpoint,
                           Path destinationPath,
                           ParallelDownloadOptions parallelDownloadOptions,
                           boolean overwrite) {
        downloadToWithResponse(sourceEndpoint, destinationPath, parallelDownloadOptions, overwrite, null);

     * Download the content located in {@code endpoint} into a file marked by {@code path}.
     * This download will be done using parallel workers.
     * @param sourceEndpoint - ACS URL where the content is located.
     * @param destinationPath - File location.
     * @param parallelDownloadOptions - an optional {@link ParallelDownloadOptions} object to modify how the parallel
     *                               download will work.
     * @param overwrite - True to overwrite the file if it exists.
     * @param context A {@link Context} representing the request context.
     * @return Response containing the http response information from the download.
    @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
    public Response<Void> downloadToWithResponse(String sourceEndpoint,
                                                 Path destinationPath,
                                                 ParallelDownloadOptions parallelDownloadOptions,
                                                 boolean overwrite,
                                                 final Context context) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(sourceEndpoint, "'sourceEndpoint' cannot be null");
        Objects.requireNonNull(destinationPath, "'destinationPath' cannot be null");
        return callingServerAsyncClient.downloadToWithResponse(sourceEndpoint, destinationPath,
            parallelDownloadOptions, overwrite, context).block();