// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
package com.azure.analytics.synapse.artifacts.models;
import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName;
/** The data stored in JSON format. */
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
public final class JsonFormat extends DatasetStorageFormat {
* File pattern of JSON. To be more specific, the way of separating a
* collection of JSON objects. The default value is 'setOfObjects'. It is
* case-sensitive.
@JsonProperty(value = "filePattern")
private Object filePattern;
* The character used to separate nesting levels. Default value is '.'
* (dot). Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
@JsonProperty(value = "nestingSeparator")
private Object nestingSeparator;
* The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not provided, the
* default value is 'utf-8', unless the byte order mark (BOM) denotes
* another Unicode encoding. The full list of supported values can be found
* in the 'Name' column of the table of encodings in the following
* reference: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=861078. Type: string
* (or Expression with resultType string).
@JsonProperty(value = "encodingName")
private Object encodingName;
* The JSONPath of the JSON array element to be flattened. Example:
* "$.ArrayPath". Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
@JsonProperty(value = "jsonNodeReference")
private Object jsonNodeReference;
* The JSONPath definition for each column mapping with a customized column
* name to extract data from JSON file. For fields under root object, start
* with "$"; for fields inside the array chosen by jsonNodeReference
* property, start from the array element. Example: {"Column1":
* "$.Column1Path", "Column2": "Column2PathInArray"}. Type: object (or
* Expression with resultType object).
@JsonProperty(value = "jsonPathDefinition")
private Object jsonPathDefinition;
* Get the filePattern property: File pattern of JSON. To be more specific, the way of separating a collection of
* JSON objects. The default value is 'setOfObjects'. It is case-sensitive.
* @return the filePattern value.
public Object getFilePattern() {
return this.filePattern;
* Set the filePattern property: File pattern of JSON. To be more specific, the way of separating a collection of
* JSON objects. The default value is 'setOfObjects'. It is case-sensitive.
* @param filePattern the filePattern value to set.
* @return the JsonFormat object itself.
public JsonFormat setFilePattern(Object filePattern) {
this.filePattern = filePattern;
return this;
* Get the nestingSeparator property: The character used to separate nesting levels. Default value is '.' (dot).
* Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
* @return the nestingSeparator value.
public Object getNestingSeparator() {
return this.nestingSeparator;
* Set the nestingSeparator property: The character used to separate nesting levels. Default value is '.' (dot).
* Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
* @param nestingSeparator the nestingSeparator value to set.
* @return the JsonFormat object itself.
public JsonFormat setNestingSeparator(Object nestingSeparator) {
this.nestingSeparator = nestingSeparator;
return this;
* Get the encodingName property: The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not provided, the default value
* is 'utf-8', unless the byte order mark (BOM) denotes another Unicode encoding. The full list of supported values
* can be found in the 'Name' column of the table of encodings in the following reference:
* https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=861078. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
* @return the encodingName value.
public Object getEncodingName() {
return this.encodingName;
* Set the encodingName property: The code page name of the preferred encoding. If not provided, the default value
* is 'utf-8', unless the byte order mark (BOM) denotes another Unicode encoding. The full list of supported values
* can be found in the 'Name' column of the table of encodings in the following reference:
* https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=861078. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
* @param encodingName the encodingName value to set.
* @return the JsonFormat object itself.
public JsonFormat setEncodingName(Object encodingName) {
this.encodingName = encodingName;
return this;
* Get the jsonNodeReference property: The JSONPath of the JSON array element to be flattened. Example:
* "$.ArrayPath". Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
* @return the jsonNodeReference value.
public Object getJsonNodeReference() {
return this.jsonNodeReference;
* Set the jsonNodeReference property: The JSONPath of the JSON array element to be flattened. Example:
* "$.ArrayPath". Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
* @param jsonNodeReference the jsonNodeReference value to set.
* @return the JsonFormat object itself.
public JsonFormat setJsonNodeReference(Object jsonNodeReference) {
this.jsonNodeReference = jsonNodeReference;
return this;
* Get the jsonPathDefinition property: The JSONPath definition for each column mapping with a customized column
* name to extract data from JSON file. For fields under root object, start with "$"; for fields inside the array
* chosen by jsonNodeReference property, start from the array element. Example: {"Column1": "$.Column1Path",
* "Column2": "Column2PathInArray"}. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).
* @return the jsonPathDefinition value.
public Object getJsonPathDefinition() {
return this.jsonPathDefinition;
* Set the jsonPathDefinition property: The JSONPath definition for each column mapping with a customized column
* name to extract data from JSON file. For fields under root object, start with "$"; for fields inside the array
* chosen by jsonNodeReference property, start from the array element. Example: {"Column1": "$.Column1Path",
* "Column2": "Column2PathInArray"}. Type: object (or Expression with resultType object).
* @param jsonPathDefinition the jsonPathDefinition value to set.
* @return the JsonFormat object itself.
public JsonFormat setJsonPathDefinition(Object jsonPathDefinition) {
this.jsonPathDefinition = jsonPathDefinition;
return this;