// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
package com.azure.analytics.synapse.artifacts.models;
import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
import com.azure.core.annotation.JsonFlatten;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeName;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
/** HDInsight Spark activity. */
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type")
public class HDInsightSparkActivity extends ExecutionActivity {
* The root path in 'sparkJobLinkedService' for all the job’s files. Type:
* string (or Expression with resultType string).
@JsonProperty(value = "typeProperties.rootPath", required = true)
private Object rootPath;
* The relative path to the root folder of the code/package to be executed.
* Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
@JsonProperty(value = "typeProperties.entryFilePath", required = true)
private Object entryFilePath;
* The user-specified arguments to HDInsightSparkActivity.
@JsonProperty(value = "typeProperties.arguments")
private List<Object> arguments;
* Debug info option.
@JsonProperty(value = "typeProperties.getDebugInfo")
private HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption getDebugInfo;
* The storage linked service for uploading the entry file and
* dependencies, and for receiving logs.
@JsonProperty(value = "typeProperties.sparkJobLinkedService")
private LinkedServiceReference sparkJobLinkedService;
* The application's Java/Spark main class.
@JsonProperty(value = "typeProperties.className")
private String className;
* The user to impersonate that will execute the job. Type: string (or
* Expression with resultType string).
@JsonProperty(value = "typeProperties.proxyUser")
private Object proxyUser;
* Spark configuration property.
@JsonProperty(value = "typeProperties.sparkConfig")
private Map<String, Object> sparkConfig;
* Get the rootPath property: The root path in 'sparkJobLinkedService' for all the job’s files. Type: string (or
* Expression with resultType string).
* @return the rootPath value.
public Object getRootPath() {
return this.rootPath;
* Set the rootPath property: The root path in 'sparkJobLinkedService' for all the job’s files. Type: string (or
* Expression with resultType string).
* @param rootPath the rootPath value to set.
* @return the HDInsightSparkActivity object itself.
public HDInsightSparkActivity setRootPath(Object rootPath) {
this.rootPath = rootPath;
return this;
* Get the entryFilePath property: The relative path to the root folder of the code/package to be executed. Type:
* string (or Expression with resultType string).
* @return the entryFilePath value.
public Object getEntryFilePath() {
return this.entryFilePath;
* Set the entryFilePath property: The relative path to the root folder of the code/package to be executed. Type:
* string (or Expression with resultType string).
* @param entryFilePath the entryFilePath value to set.
* @return the HDInsightSparkActivity object itself.
public HDInsightSparkActivity setEntryFilePath(Object entryFilePath) {
this.entryFilePath = entryFilePath;
return this;
* Get the arguments property: The user-specified arguments to HDInsightSparkActivity.
* @return the arguments value.
public List<Object> getArguments() {
return this.arguments;
* Set the arguments property: The user-specified arguments to HDInsightSparkActivity.
* @param arguments the arguments value to set.
* @return the HDInsightSparkActivity object itself.
public HDInsightSparkActivity setArguments(List<Object> arguments) {
this.arguments = arguments;
return this;
* Get the getDebugInfo property: Debug info option.
* @return the getDebugInfo value.
public HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption getGetDebugInfo() {
return this.getDebugInfo;
* Set the getDebugInfo property: Debug info option.
* @param getDebugInfo the getDebugInfo value to set.
* @return the HDInsightSparkActivity object itself.
public HDInsightSparkActivity setGetDebugInfo(HDInsightActivityDebugInfoOption getDebugInfo) {
this.getDebugInfo = getDebugInfo;
return this;
* Get the sparkJobLinkedService property: The storage linked service for uploading the entry file and dependencies,
* and for receiving logs.
* @return the sparkJobLinkedService value.
public LinkedServiceReference getSparkJobLinkedService() {
return this.sparkJobLinkedService;
* Set the sparkJobLinkedService property: The storage linked service for uploading the entry file and dependencies,
* and for receiving logs.
* @param sparkJobLinkedService the sparkJobLinkedService value to set.
* @return the HDInsightSparkActivity object itself.
public HDInsightSparkActivity setSparkJobLinkedService(LinkedServiceReference sparkJobLinkedService) {
this.sparkJobLinkedService = sparkJobLinkedService;
return this;
* Get the className property: The application's Java/Spark main class.
* @return the className value.
public String getClassName() {
return this.className;
* Set the className property: The application's Java/Spark main class.
* @param className the className value to set.
* @return the HDInsightSparkActivity object itself.
public HDInsightSparkActivity setClassName(String className) {
this.className = className;
return this;
* Get the proxyUser property: The user to impersonate that will execute the job. Type: string (or Expression with
* resultType string).
* @return the proxyUser value.
public Object getProxyUser() {
return this.proxyUser;
* Set the proxyUser property: The user to impersonate that will execute the job. Type: string (or Expression with
* resultType string).
* @param proxyUser the proxyUser value to set.
* @return the HDInsightSparkActivity object itself.
public HDInsightSparkActivity setProxyUser(Object proxyUser) {
this.proxyUser = proxyUser;
return this;
* Get the sparkConfig property: Spark configuration property.
* @return the sparkConfig value.
public Map<String, Object> getSparkConfig() {
return this.sparkConfig;
* Set the sparkConfig property: Spark configuration property.
* @param sparkConfig the sparkConfig value to set.
* @return the HDInsightSparkActivity object itself.
public HDInsightSparkActivity setSparkConfig(Map<String, Object> sparkConfig) {
this.sparkConfig = sparkConfig;
return this;