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 * The {@link DocumentSentiment} model that contains sentiment label of a document, confidence score of the
 * sentiment label, and a list of {@link SentenceSentiment}.
public final class DocumentSentiment {
    private final TextSentiment sentiment;
    private final SentimentConfidenceScores confidenceScores;
    private final IterableStream<SentenceSentiment> sentences;
    private final IterableStream<TextAnalyticsWarning> warnings;

     * Creates a {@link DocumentSentiment} model that describes the sentiment of the document.
     * @param sentiment The sentiment label of the document.
     * @param confidenceScores The sentiment confidence score (Softmax score) between 0 and 1, for each sentiment label.
     *   Higher values signify higher confidence.
     * @param sentences An {@link IterableStream} of sentence sentiments.
     * @param warnings An {@link IterableStream} of {@link TextAnalyticsWarning}.
    public DocumentSentiment(TextSentiment sentiment, SentimentConfidenceScores confidenceScores,
        IterableStream<SentenceSentiment> sentences, IterableStream<TextAnalyticsWarning> warnings) {
        this.sentiment = sentiment;
        this.confidenceScores = confidenceScores;
        this.sentences = sentences;
        this.warnings = warnings;

     * Gets the text sentiment label: POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, NEUTRAL, or MIXED.
     * @return The {@link TextSentiment}.
    public TextSentiment getSentiment() {
        return sentiment;

     * Gets the sentiment confidence score (Softmax score) between 0 and 1, for each sentiment label.
     * Higher values signify higher confidence.
     * @return The {@link SentimentConfidenceScores}.
    public SentimentConfidenceScores getConfidenceScores() {
        return confidenceScores;

     * Gets a list of sentence sentiments.
     * @return A list of sentence sentiments.
    public IterableStream<SentenceSentiment> getSentences() {
        return sentences;

     * Gets the {@link IterableStream} of {@link TextAnalyticsWarning Text Analytics warnings}.
     * @return An {@link IterableStream} of {@link TextAnalyticsWarning}.
    public IterableStream<TextAnalyticsWarning> getWarnings() {
        return this.warnings;