About azure-sdk-all

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Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Microsoft Azure client library for Anomaly Detector This package contains Microsoft Azure Anomaly Detector client library.
Microsoft Azure client library for App Configuration This package contains the Microsoft Azure App Configuration client library.
Microsoft Azure SDK for Attestation This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for the Microsoft Azure Attestation service.
Microsoft Azure client library for chat application This package contains a Java SDK for Chat Azure Communication Service. For this release, see notes - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/communication/azure-communication-chat/README.md and https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/communication/azure-communication-chat/CHANGELOG.md. Microsoft Azure Communication Chat quickstart - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/communication-services/quickstarts/chat/get-started?pivots=programming-language-java
Microsoft Azure common library for communication service client This package contains data structures commonly used for communicating with Microsoft Azure Communication Services. For this release, see notes - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/communication/azure-communication-common/README.md and https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/communication/azure-communication-common/CHANGELOG.md.
Microsoft Azure identity client library for communication This package contains APIs for application identity in Microsoft Azure Communication Services. For this release, see notes - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/communication/azure-communication-identity/README.md and https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/communication/azure-communication-identity/CHANGELOG.md. Microsoft Azure Communication Identity quickstart - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/communication-services/quickstarts/access-tokens?pivots=programming-language-java
Microsoft Azure client phone numbers library for communication This package contains APIs for managing phone numbers in Microsoft Azure Communication Services. For this release, see notes - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/communication/azure-communication-phonenumbers/README.md and https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/communication/azure-communication-phonenumbers/CHANGELOG.md. Microsoft Azure Communication Phone Numbers quickstart - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/communication-services/quickstarts/access-tokens?pivots=programming-language-java
Microsoft Azure library for sending SMS messages This package contains clients and data structures used to send SMS messages with Azure Communication SMS Service. For this release, see notes - https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/communication/azure-communication-sms/README.md and https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/master/sdk/communication/azure-communication-sms/CHANGELOG.md. Microsoft Azure Communication SMS quickstart - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/communication-services/quickstarts/telephony-sms/send?pivots=programming-language-java
Microsoft Azure client library for Confidential Ledger This package contains Microsoft Azure Confidential Ledger client library.
Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Registry This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for Container Registry.
Microsoft Azure Java Core Library This package contains core types for Azure Java clients.
Microsoft Azure Java Core AMQP Library This package contains core types for Azure Java AMQP clients.
Microsoft Azure Java Core AMQP Experimental Library This package contains experimental AMQP core types for Azure Java clients.
Microsoft Azure Java Core Experimental Library This package contains experimental core types for Azure Java clients.
Microsoft Azure Netty HTTP Client Library This package contains the Netty HTTP client plugin for azure-core.
Microsoft Azure OkHttp HTTP Client Library This package contains the OkHttp HTTP client plugin for azure-core.
Microsoft Azure Apache Avro Serializer Library This package contains the Apache Avro serializer client plugin for azure-core.
Microsoft Azure Gson JSON Serializer Library This package contains the Gson JSON serializer client plugin for azure-core.
Microsoft Azure Jackson JSON Serializer Library This package contains the Jackson JSON serializer client plugin for azure-core.
Microsoft Azure Java Core Test Library This package contains core test types for Azure Java clients.
Microsoft Azure OpenTelemetry tracing plugin This package contains the OpenTelemetry tracing plugin for Azure client libraries.
Microsoft Azure SDK for SQL API of Azure Cosmos DB Service This Package contains Microsoft Azure Cosmos SDK (with Reactive Extension Reactor support) for Azure Cosmos DB SQL API
Microsoft Device Update for IoT Hub client library for Java This package contains Microsoft Device Update for IoT Hub client library.
Microsoft Azure client library for Digital Twins This package contains the Microsoft Azure DigitalTwins client library.
Microsoft Azure SDK for eventgrid This package contains Microsoft Azure EventGrid SDK.
Microsoft Azure client library for Event Hubs Libraries built on Microsoft Azure Event Hubs
Microsoft Azure client library for storing checkpoints in Storage Blobs Library for using storing checkpoints in Storage Blobs
Microsoft Azure client library for Form Recognizer This package contains the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Form Recognizer SDK.
Microsoft Azure client library for Identity This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure Identity.
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Administration This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure KeyVault Administration.
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Certificates This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure KeyVault Certificates.
JCA Provider for Azure Key Vault The Java Crypto Architecture (JCA) Provider for Azure Key Vault
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Keys This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure KeyVault Keys.
Microsoft Azure client library for KeyVault Secrets This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure KeyVault Secrets.
Microsoft Azure client library for Metrics Advisor This package contains the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Metrics Advisor SDK.
Microsoft Azure SDK for Mixed Reality Authentication This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for Mixed Reality Authentication.
Microsoft Azure client library for Models Repository This package contains the Microsoft Azure IoT ModelsRepository client library.
Microsoft Azure SDK for OpenTelemetry Azure Monitor Exporter This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for OpenTelemetry Azure Monitor Exporter.
Microsoft Azure SDK for Azure Monitor Logs and Metrics Query This package contains the Microsoft Azure SDK for Azure Monitor Logs and Metrics Query.
Microsoft Azure client library for Purview Catalog This package contains Microsoft Azure Purview Catalog client library.
Microsoft Azure client library for Purview Scanning This package contains Microsoft Azure Purview Scanning client library.
Microsoft Azure client library for Azure Quantum service This package contains the Microsoft Azure Quantum SDK.
Microsoft Azure SDK for Remote Rendering This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for Remote Rendering.
Microsoft Azure Schema Registry - Common Client/SerDe Package for client library Common SerDe Package containing client and base serialization/deserialization implementation for Azure Schema Registry client library
Microsoft Azure Schema Registry - Avro-specific package for client library Avro-specific package for Azure Schema Registry client library
Microsoft Azure Cognitive Search client for Java This package contains client functionality for Microsoft Azure Cognitive Search
Microsoft Azure client library for Service Bus Libraries built on Microsoft Azure Service Bus
Microsoft Azure client library for Blob Storage This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
Microsoft Azure client library for Blob Storage batching This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage batching.
Microsoft Azure client library for Blob Storage changefeed This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage changefeed.
Microsoft Azure client library for Blob Storage cryptography This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage cryptography.
Microsoft Azure implementation of NIO on top of Azure Blob Storage This module contains an implementation of Java's NIO interface on top of Azure Blob Storage.
Microsoft Azure common module for Storage This module contains common code based for all Microsoft Azure Storage client libraries.
Microsoft Azure client library for File Storage Data Lake This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure File Storage Data Lake.
Microsoft Azure client library for File Share Storage This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure File Share Storage.
Microsoft Azure internal Avro module for Storage This module contains internal use only avro parser code based for Microsoft Azure Storage client libraries.
Microsoft Azure client library for Queue Storage This module contains client library for Microsoft Azure Queue Storage.
Microsoft Azure client library for Synapse Access Control This package contains the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Access Control SDK.
Microsoft Azure client library for Synapse artifacts service This package contains the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics artifacts related features.
Microsoft Azure client library for Synapse Managed Private Endpoints This package contains the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Managed Private Endpoints SDK.
Microsoft Azure client library for Synapse Monitoring This package contains the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Monitoring SDK.
Microsoft Azure client library for Synapse Spark service This package contains the Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics Spark SDK.
Microsoft Azure client library for Azure Tables This package contains the client library for Microsoft Azure Tables.
Microsoft Azure client library for Text Analytics This package contains the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Text Analytics SDK.
Microsoft Azure client library for Document Translation This package contains Microsoft Azure Document Translation client library.
Microsoft Azure client library for Azure Web Pub Sub Service This package contains the Microsoft Azure Web Pub Sub library.