Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceVersion
Package containing classes for creating a DocumentAnalysisAsyncClient and DocumentAnalysisClient to perform document analysis operations on Azure Form Recognizer service.
Package containing classes for creating a MetricsAdvisorAsyncClient and MetricsAdvisorClient to perform operations on Azure Metrics Advisor service.
Package containing the classes for TextAnalyticsClient.
Package containing the classes for PurviewAccountClient.
Package containing the classes for PurviewCatalogClient.
Package containing the classes for PurviewScanningClient.
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationCallingServer.
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationChatService.
Package containing the classes for Azure Communication Email Service.
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationIdentity.
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationNetworkTraversal.
Package containing the classes for AzureCommunicationPhoneNumbers.
This package contains the classes for AzureCommunicationSMSService.
Package containing the classes for ContainerRegistry.
Package containing HttpPipelinePolicy interface and its implementations.
Package containing classes for creating a ConfigurationAsyncClient to perform operations on Azure App Configuration service.
Package containing clients for Azure Schema Registry service.
Package containing the classes for Tables Clients.
Package containing the classes for AzureDigitalTwinsAPI.
Package containing the classes for DeviceUpdateClient.
Package containing the classes for ModelsRepositoryAPI.
Package containing the classes for EventGridClient.
Package containing classes for creating ServiceBusSenderAsyncClient, ServiceBusProcessorClient, and ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient to perform operations on Azure Service Bus.
Package containing classes for creating clients to perform operations on the Azure Web Pub Sub Service.
Package containing classes used for retrieving access tokens from the Mixed Reality STS service.
This package contains classes for the Remote Rendering project.
Package containing client classes for uploading logs to Azure Monitor.
Package containing the OpenTelemetry Exporter for Azure Monitor.
Package containing clients for querying logs and metrics from Azure Monitor.
Package containing classes for creating SearchClient or SearchAsyncClient used to perform document management, autocomplete, search, or suggestion operations using an Azure Cognitive Search service index.
Package containing the classes for AttestationClient.
Package containing the classes for ConfidentialLedgerClient.
Package containing the classes for ConfidentialLedgerCertificateClient.
Package containing classes for creating clients KeyVaultAccessControlAsyncClient and KeyVaultAccessControlClient that perform access control operations on Azure Key Vault resources, as well as clients KeyVaultBackupAsyncClient and KeyVaultBackupClient that perform backup and restore operations on Azure Key Vault keys.
Package containing classes for creating CertificateAsyncClient and CertificateClient to perform operations on Azure Key Vault.
Package containing classes for creating KeyAsyncClient and KeyClient to perform operations on Azure Key Vault.
Package containing classes for creating CryptographyAsyncClient and CryptographyClient to perform cryptography operations.
Package containing classes for creating SecretAsyncClient and SecretClient to perform operations on Azure Key Vault.
Package containing the classes for BlobServiceClient.
Package containing SAS (shared access signature) classes used by Azure Storage Blobs.
Package containing the class required for DataLakeStorageClient.
This package contains the classes to perform actions on Azure Storage File.
This package contains the classes to perform actions on Azure Storage Queue.