Uses of Class

Packages that use IterableStream
Package containing classes for TextAnalyticsClient.
Package containing Azure Text Analytics collection types that contain the results for batch operations.
Package containing classes related to AMQP models classes.
Package containing REST-related APIs.
Package containing core utility classes.
Package containing paging abstraction.
This package provides rest contracts for interacting with Azure Cosmos DB SQL APIs.
This package provides utilities such as CosmosPagedFlux and CosmosPagedIterable for interacting with Azure Cosmos DB SQL APIs.
Package containing classes for creating EventHubProducerAsyncClient, EventHubProducerClient, EventHubConsumerAsyncClient, EventHubConsumerClient, or EventProcessorClient to perform operations on Azure Event Hubs.
Package containing classes for creating ServiceBusSenderAsyncClient, ServiceBusProcessorClient, and ServiceBusReceiverAsyncClient to perform operations on Azure Service Bus.
Package containing Azure Cognitive Search paged response classes.
Blob changefeed base package.