Uses of Class

Packages that use HttpResponse
Package containing the data models for AnomalyDetectorClient.
Package containing classes for AzureCognitiveServiceMetricsAdvisorRestAPIOpenAPIV2.
Package containing the data models for AccessControlClient.
Package containing the data models for ArtifactsClient.
Package containing classes for AzureCommunicationCallingServerService.
Package containing classes for AzureCommunicationChatService.
Package containing classes for CommunicationIdentityClient.
Package containing classes for PhoneNumberAdminClient.
Package containing core exception classes.
Package containing the classes for sending HTTP requests and receiving HTTP responses for a low level client.
Package containing HTTP abstractions between the AnnotationParser, RestProxy, and HTTP client.
Package containing HttpPipelinePolicy interface and its implementations.
Package containing REST-related APIs.
Package containing the error types for Azure ARM client.
Package containing the implementations of HttpPipelinePolicy interface.
Package containing common test classes for Azure client libraries.
An OpenTelemetry implementation of the tracing APIs required by azure-core to enable users to effectively trace their calls and have this information submitted to an OpenTelemetry backend.
Package containing the classes for Tables Clients.
Package containing the implementations and inner classes for AzureTable.
Package containing classes managing resources in Azure Service Bus.
Package containing classes for creating clients to perform operations on the Azure Web Pub Sub Service.
Package containing the OpenTelemetry Exporter for Azure Monitor.
Package containing the data models for QuantumClient.
Package containing classes used by KeyVaultAccessControlAsyncClient and KeyVaultAccessControlClient to perform access control operations on Azure Key Vault resources, as well as classes used by KeyVaultBackupAsyncClient and KeyVaultBackupClient to perform backup and restore operations on on Azure Key Vault keys.
Package containing classes for AzureBlobStorage.
Package containing the classes for performing client-side encryption of blob contents.
Package containing policies used by Azure Storage services.
Package containing classes for AzureDataLakeStorageRestAPI.
Package containing classes for AzureFileStorage.
Package containing classes for AzureQueueStorage.